You’ve seen me reference James Allen and As a Man Thinketh about a million times in this space. I’ve probably given away 25 copies of that book to people. Unfortunately I had to stop… (more&...
So it’s 11 am on Monday and my in-box is empty! Cardio is done, self-development is done and I’ve had a healthy breakfast of fresh fruit. Any bets that I’m going to have an amazing week? (mo...
To stand face to face with truth; to arrive, after innumerable wanderings and pains, at wisdom and bliss; not to be finally defeated and cast out, but ultimately to triumph over every inward foe—suc...
Let’s talk about one of my favorite subjects: sex. Or more importantly, sexual energy… (more…)...
Beware when God lets loose a thinker on this planet. (more…)...
If you’ve been a reader of this blog for a while, you know I often quote or reference James Allen. That’s because I keep a copy of, As a Man Thinketh next to my bed, and read it every night and ...
In all kinds of hatred there is a separation by which each misjudges the other. In all kinds of love there is a mystic union by which each knows the other. (more…)...
It’s wonderful to be back in Bangkok. The last time I was here, the Red General had been assassinated, the city centre was burning, and I was going through Army checkpoints to get the last flight ...
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