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Posted By: Randy GageMarch 22, 2012

You’ve seen me reference James Allen and As a Man Thinketh about a million times in this space.  I’ve probably given away 25 copies of that book to people.  Unfortunately I had to stop…

Because it’s a tiny book, and sells so inexpensively, most people don’t take it seriously.  I almost wish it sold for $50,000, because if it did, people would read it with the reverence it deserves.  For today’s lesson, let’s just look at one small paragraph from the book, and see the wisdom it provides:

A man only begins to be a man when he ceases to whine and revile, and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life.  And as he adapts his mind to that regulating factor, he ceases to accuse others as the cause for his condition, and builds himself up in strong and noble thoughts; ceases to kick against circumstances, but begins to use them as aids to his more rapid progress, and as a means of discovering the hidden powers and possibilities within himself.

So what does that really mean?

Life is not an accident and you’re not the random victim of circumstances.  There is a universal order to things and it is good.  Yes bad things still happen, but in the overall context of balance, your life is meant to be healthy, happy and prosperous.

When symptoms manifest that are not harmonious, instead of fighting against them, look for the lesson in them.  They are a signal to make a course correction.  Once you learn how to use this “universal GPS,” you can unleash all the majesty and greatness you were born with.


- RG

63 comments on “BOOM!”

  1. I love James Allen.  I just bought Mind is the Master...his completely treasury.  WOW, what a book.  I read from him yesterday about can someone else ruin you.  His answer was no.  No one can ruin you except you and he challenged us to think about what life would be like if anyone had the power to destroy who we are.  He is so amazing!

  2. I love James Allen.  I just bought Mind is the Master...his completely treasury.  WOW, what a book.  I read from him yesterday about can someone else ruin you.  His answer was no.  No one can ruin you except you and he challenged us to think about what life would be like if anyone had the power to destroy who we are.  He is so amazing!

  3. Interestingly enough James Allen was a poor WHITE MAN.  I also think it is silly you keep saying people don't value "As a Man Thinketh" because you can read it cheaply.  Hey, check your premise. 🙂 
    I agree with him though, whining will get you know where.  However, his circumstances were quite a bit different than a black person, or woman, or a native American.  Yet, I am so glad he shared his wisdom with us, I love that book too.

  4. Interestingly enough James Allen was a poor WHITE MAN.  I also think it is silly you keep saying people don't value "As a Man Thinketh" because you can read it cheaply.  Hey, check your premise. 🙂 
    I agree with him though, whining will get you know where.  However, his circumstances were quite a bit different than a black person, or woman, or a native American.  Yet, I am so glad he shared his wisdom with us, I love that book too.

  5. Thanks for bringing to the table another great book. It is so easy to blame others and situations for our current personal condition. As we do so, we remain where we are.

  6. Thanks for bringing to the table another great book. It is so easy to blame others and situations for our current personal condition. As we do so, we remain where we are.

  7. Hey Randy Gage! Don't ever stop posting about this book! The last time you did I ended up in a side dialog on FB with a gal who challenged whether or not you believed in God. I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to miss the whole point of your blog even when you quoted Proverbs 23:7! I printed it and kept it to remind me that people including myself, always choose. Some of us are responsible for our choices and others are not. For those who missed the boat on your gift of such an awesome book, well, they chose to miss the boat. I hope they are good swimmers! BOOM BABY!

  8. Hey Randy Gage! Don't ever stop posting about this book! The last time you did I ended up in a side dialog on FB with a gal who challenged whether or not you believed in God. I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to miss the whole point of your blog even when you quoted Proverbs 23:7! I printed it and kept it to remind me that people including myself, always choose. Some of us are responsible for our choices and others are not. For those who missed the boat on your gift of such an awesome book, well, they chose to miss the boat. I hope they are good swimmers! BOOM BABY!

  9. Randy, this is a tremendous post! As a Man Thinketh is an exceptional book and I agree with you - it's value far exceeds its selling monetary price. Thank you for sharing your insight and enlightenment with all of us. We are all individualizations of God and here to create the life that we desire!

  10. Randy, this is a tremendous post! As a Man Thinketh is an exceptional book and I agree with you - it's value far exceeds its selling monetary price. Thank you for sharing your insight and enlightenment with all of us. We are all individualizations of God and here to create the life that we desire!

  11. I have the book in ebook format which I did not buy. I WILL now buy a print copy. I always found it a bit hard to navigate through because of Old English style of writing but I am sure it simply means I gotta spend more time deciphering.

  12. I have the book in ebook format which I did not buy. I WILL now buy a print copy. I always found it a bit hard to navigate through because of Old English style of writing but I am sure it simply means I gotta spend more time deciphering.

  13. I LOVE James Allen, Randy! Man, you just got even more cool points on that one, buddy! I've actually used plenty of his quotes throughout my content, and even have a favorite one on my About page. It says, “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” It says exactly how I feel about the growth I've undertook since starting this journey of self-discovery. Of course, it's also from the pages of  "As a Man Thinketh"; one of the greatest books ever! 😉 I've read it several times... and I think you may have inspired me to crack it open one more time! 😀 Loved the message this morning, bro! BOOM!!! Awesome stuff! ;-D

  14. I LOVE James Allen, Randy! Man, you just got even more cool points on that one, buddy! I've actually used plenty of his quotes throughout my content, and even have a favorite one on my About page. It says, “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” It says exactly how I feel about the growth I've undertook since starting this journey of self-discovery. Of course, it's also from the pages of  "As a Man Thinketh"; one of the greatest books ever! 😉 I've read it several times... and I think you may have inspired me to crack it open one more time! 😀 Loved the message this morning, bro! BOOM!!! Awesome stuff! ;-D

  15. I am Listening to positive self-talk CDs by Shad Helmstetter to change my daily repetitive negative thoughts/ self talk. Maybe I didn't know how to think positive... So positive self talk is in conflict with how I learned to think/talk to myself. I am also not watching tv. I realized I needed to make major changes in my life when symptoms like poor health etc were at a crisis point... I need to focus on me and changing myself... Love myself... So I can love my neighbor/others as myself.

    1. I started with weight loss self talk... It includes some self esteem and "taking control of my life" self-talk... Staying with this for now as I lose weight/ build self esteem.

    2. @Bernice Congratulations Bernice! I don't watch TV or listen to the radio or read the paper. Audiobooks play in my car all the time. I am so much more positive as a result! Joy, DJ

  16. I am Listening to positive self-talk CDs by Shad Helmstetter to change my daily repetitive negative thoughts/ self talk. Maybe I didn't know how to think positive... So positive self talk is in conflict with how I learned to think/talk to myself. I am also not watching tv. I realized I needed to make major changes in my life when symptoms like poor health etc were at a crisis point... I need to focus on me and changing myself... Love myself... So I can love my neighbor/others as myself.

  17. Boom indeed! I love that book. BTW I agree with others here in the comments on how you should never stop suggesting this book. Before I came across your stuff I'd heard of the title and it was one of those books "on my radar" but I kept hearing you talk about it so I finally picked it up and was very glad I did. Sometimes we need to hear a title a few times.
    I'm real big on taking responsibility for my life, all of it. I like to take responsibility for every aspect of my life experience because I understand that if I don't then I'm not taking control of my life either.
    If I blame something on something outside of myself, the winds that blow as Jim Rohn has said, that would suppose that I can't do anything about it and I give my power away.
    But if I take responsibility for it (whatever "it" is) then I'm in control... I have the ability to respond.  I like being in control. I like having ability.
    Taking responsibility may not always feel "fun" [at first] but it's always empowering.

  18. Boom indeed! I love that book. BTW I agree with others here in the comments on how you should never stop suggesting this book. Before I came across your stuff I'd heard of the title and it was one of those books "on my radar" but I kept hearing you talk about it so I finally picked it up and was very glad I did. Sometimes we need to hear a title a few times.
    I'm real big on taking responsibility for my life, all of it. I like to take responsibility for every aspect of my life experience because I understand that if I don't then I'm not taking control of my life either.
    If I blame something on something outside of myself, the winds that blow as Jim Rohn has said, that would suppose that I can't do anything about it and I give my power away.
    But if I take responsibility for it (whatever "it" is) then I'm in control... I have the ability to respond.  I like being in control. I like having ability.
    Taking responsibility may not always feel "fun" [at first] but it's always empowering.

  19. I started with weight loss self talk... It includes some self esteem and "taking control of my life" self-talk... Staying with this for now as I lose weight/ build self esteem.

  20. @Bernice Congratulations Bernice! I don't watch TV or listen to the radio or read the paper. Audiobooks play in my car all the time. I am so much more positive as a result! Joy, DJ

  21. I believe our thoughts or self talk or vision is our prayers.... Positive or negative... God hears... Ask and it is given.

    So if we are thinking or talking about how fat we are, how sick we are, how broke we are... Those are our prayers.... We have to first be aware of problems to change them... The thinking that got you into the situation isn't going to solve it.... Like yo-yo dieting, etc.

    1. Worry is negative. "To torment oneself with or suffer disturbing thoughts". .. Worry is not love... It is self-hate...

      From bible...
      Worry weighs a person down... Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. ( positive prayer)...

    2. I was formerly Catholic and still keep my rosary beads because I think they teach a concept of repeating our prayers... So I am repeating my positive self talk.

      1. And at confession we were given a penance of repeating prayers... So to change negative thoughts I am repeating positive thoughts... I am Happy, healthy and prosperous 🙂

    3. From 1Thessalonians:...

      Don't run roughshod over the concerns of your brothers and sisters. Their concerns are God's concerns, and HE will take care of them.... If you disregard this advice, you're not offending your neighbors; you're rejecting God, who is making you a gift of his Holy Spirit. ...stay calm ; MIND your own business; do your own job."... Life is our business... Mind our own lives... Mind our thoughts... Luke 13: "Put your mind on your life with God."

  22. I believe our thoughts or self talk or vision is our prayers.... Positive or negative... God hears... Ask and it is given.

    So if we are thinking or talking about how fat we are, how sick we are, how broke we are... Those are our prayers.... We have to first be aware of problems to change them... The thinking that got you into the situation isn't going to solve it.... Like yo-yo dieting, etc.

  23. Worry is negative. "To torment oneself with or suffer disturbing thoughts". .. Worry is not love... It is self-hate...

    From bible...
    Worry weighs a person down... Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. ( positive prayer)...

  24. I was formerly Catholic and still keep my rosary beads because I think they teach a concept of repeating our prayers... So I am repeating my positive self talk.

  25. And at confession we were given a penance of repeating prayers... So to change negative thoughts I am repeating positive thoughts... I am Happy, healthy and prosperous 🙂

  26. From 1Thessalonians:...

    Don't run roughshod over the concerns of your brothers and sisters. Their concerns are God's concerns, and HE will take care of them.... If you disregard this advice, you're not offending your neighbors; you're rejecting God, who is making you a gift of his Holy Spirit. ...stay calm ; MIND your own business; do your own job."... Life is our business... Mind our own lives... Mind our thoughts... Luke 13: "Put your mind on your life with God."

  27. BOOM! This is POWERFUL, Randy & Randy Gage Fan Club! As soon as we let go of excuses, we become unstoppable!

  28. Great post!
    And I have to sigh at once ´cuz to figure out HOW my universal GPS functions - well, that took quite some time. It didn´t really came with a BOOM --> so it maybe ends with it  😉
    (some must be already deaf by now with all their BOOMs in life....)

  29. Great post!
    And I have to sigh at once ´cuz to figure out HOW my universal GPS functions - well, that took quite some time. It didn´t really came with a BOOM --> so it maybe ends with it  😉
    (some must be already deaf by now with all their BOOMs in life....)

  30. Hello Randy,
    I haven't been commenting for a while. Due to some technological problems on my side. But all is great. I want to say that  James Allen was so convinced of the beauty inside each one of us that he couldn't make his book long. Because the journey to majesty and divinity is not done on long distances, but within the only person you know best. Others may come in, may help or obstruct. But they really do not matters. It's all up to the one man who have the dream

  31. Hello Randy,
    I haven't been commenting for a while. Due to some technological problems on my side. But all is great. I want to say that  James Allen was so convinced of the beauty inside each one of us that he couldn't make his book long. Because the journey to majesty and divinity is not done on long distances, but within the only person you know best. Others may come in, may help or obstruct. But they really do not matters. It's all up to the one man who have the dream

  32. Randy, when life throws me a curved ball,  I clutch it and know there is a  hidden treasure of possibilities to grow, but it wasn't always that simple.  It has a purpose and the lesson,  and so I appreciate the curved balls.   I believe this is how one becomes a Master of one's Life.

  33. Randy, when life throws me a curved ball,  I clutch it and know there is a  hidden treasure of possibilities to grow, but it wasn't always that simple.  It has a purpose and the lesson,  and so I appreciate the curved balls.   I believe this is how one becomes a Master of one's Life.

  34. "BOOM" indeed. There is a wonderful water slide in the UK that raises you up high over the park... and then drops you into the water below. There's a huge splash, and it's all very exciting... and yet you're left wondering "is that it?" And then the rest of the water hits you in the back of the neck, and THEN you realise what the ride is really all about. And that's how it felt reading this - as I go off to reexamine some of the things in my life and learn the lesson....

  35. "BOOM" indeed. There is a wonderful water slide in the UK that raises you up high over the park... and then drops you into the water below. There's a huge splash, and it's all very exciting... and yet you're left wondering "is that it?" And then the rest of the water hits you in the back of the neck, and THEN you realise what the ride is really all about. And that's how it felt reading this - as I go off to reexamine some of the things in my life and learn the lesson....

  36. If we don't see bad things as bad things, but as lessons in life, then everything is perfect. In retrospect, I realize that without those "Bad" things, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Where I am right now is where I want to be.

  37. If we don't see bad things as bad things, but as lessons in life, then everything is perfect. In retrospect, I realize that without those "Bad" things, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Where I am right now is where I want to be.

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  • 63 comments on “BOOM!”

    1. I love James Allen.  I just bought Mind is the Master...his completely treasury.  WOW, what a book.  I read from him yesterday about can someone else ruin you.  His answer was no.  No one can ruin you except you and he challenged us to think about what life would be like if anyone had the power to destroy who we are.  He is so amazing!

    2. I love James Allen.  I just bought Mind is the Master...his completely treasury.  WOW, what a book.  I read from him yesterday about can someone else ruin you.  His answer was no.  No one can ruin you except you and he challenged us to think about what life would be like if anyone had the power to destroy who we are.  He is so amazing!

    3. Interestingly enough James Allen was a poor WHITE MAN.  I also think it is silly you keep saying people don't value "As a Man Thinketh" because you can read it cheaply.  Hey, check your premise. 🙂 
      I agree with him though, whining will get you know where.  However, his circumstances were quite a bit different than a black person, or woman, or a native American.  Yet, I am so glad he shared his wisdom with us, I love that book too.

    4. Interestingly enough James Allen was a poor WHITE MAN.  I also think it is silly you keep saying people don't value "As a Man Thinketh" because you can read it cheaply.  Hey, check your premise. 🙂 
      I agree with him though, whining will get you know where.  However, his circumstances were quite a bit different than a black person, or woman, or a native American.  Yet, I am so glad he shared his wisdom with us, I love that book too.

    5. Thanks for bringing to the table another great book. It is so easy to blame others and situations for our current personal condition. As we do so, we remain where we are.

    6. Thanks for bringing to the table another great book. It is so easy to blame others and situations for our current personal condition. As we do so, we remain where we are.

    7. Hey Randy Gage! Don't ever stop posting about this book! The last time you did I ended up in a side dialog on FB with a gal who challenged whether or not you believed in God. I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to miss the whole point of your blog even when you quoted Proverbs 23:7! I printed it and kept it to remind me that people including myself, always choose. Some of us are responsible for our choices and others are not. For those who missed the boat on your gift of such an awesome book, well, they chose to miss the boat. I hope they are good swimmers! BOOM BABY!

    8. Hey Randy Gage! Don't ever stop posting about this book! The last time you did I ended up in a side dialog on FB with a gal who challenged whether or not you believed in God. I couldn't believe how easy it was for her to miss the whole point of your blog even when you quoted Proverbs 23:7! I printed it and kept it to remind me that people including myself, always choose. Some of us are responsible for our choices and others are not. For those who missed the boat on your gift of such an awesome book, well, they chose to miss the boat. I hope they are good swimmers! BOOM BABY!

    9. Randy, this is a tremendous post! As a Man Thinketh is an exceptional book and I agree with you - it's value far exceeds its selling monetary price. Thank you for sharing your insight and enlightenment with all of us. We are all individualizations of God and here to create the life that we desire!

    10. Randy, this is a tremendous post! As a Man Thinketh is an exceptional book and I agree with you - it's value far exceeds its selling monetary price. Thank you for sharing your insight and enlightenment with all of us. We are all individualizations of God and here to create the life that we desire!

    11. I have the book in ebook format which I did not buy. I WILL now buy a print copy. I always found it a bit hard to navigate through because of Old English style of writing but I am sure it simply means I gotta spend more time deciphering.

    12. I have the book in ebook format which I did not buy. I WILL now buy a print copy. I always found it a bit hard to navigate through because of Old English style of writing but I am sure it simply means I gotta spend more time deciphering.

    13. I LOVE James Allen, Randy! Man, you just got even more cool points on that one, buddy! I've actually used plenty of his quotes throughout my content, and even have a favorite one on my About page. It says, “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” It says exactly how I feel about the growth I've undertook since starting this journey of self-discovery. Of course, it's also from the pages of  "As a Man Thinketh"; one of the greatest books ever! 😉 I've read it several times... and I think you may have inspired me to crack it open one more time! 😀 Loved the message this morning, bro! BOOM!!! Awesome stuff! ;-D

    14. I LOVE James Allen, Randy! Man, you just got even more cool points on that one, buddy! I've actually used plenty of his quotes throughout my content, and even have a favorite one on my About page. It says, “A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life.” It says exactly how I feel about the growth I've undertook since starting this journey of self-discovery. Of course, it's also from the pages of  "As a Man Thinketh"; one of the greatest books ever! 😉 I've read it several times... and I think you may have inspired me to crack it open one more time! 😀 Loved the message this morning, bro! BOOM!!! Awesome stuff! ;-D

    15. I am Listening to positive self-talk CDs by Shad Helmstetter to change my daily repetitive negative thoughts/ self talk. Maybe I didn't know how to think positive... So positive self talk is in conflict with how I learned to think/talk to myself. I am also not watching tv. I realized I needed to make major changes in my life when symptoms like poor health etc were at a crisis point... I need to focus on me and changing myself... Love myself... So I can love my neighbor/others as myself.

      1. I started with weight loss self talk... It includes some self esteem and "taking control of my life" self-talk... Staying with this for now as I lose weight/ build self esteem.

      2. @Bernice Congratulations Bernice! I don't watch TV or listen to the radio or read the paper. Audiobooks play in my car all the time. I am so much more positive as a result! Joy, DJ

    16. I am Listening to positive self-talk CDs by Shad Helmstetter to change my daily repetitive negative thoughts/ self talk. Maybe I didn't know how to think positive... So positive self talk is in conflict with how I learned to think/talk to myself. I am also not watching tv. I realized I needed to make major changes in my life when symptoms like poor health etc were at a crisis point... I need to focus on me and changing myself... Love myself... So I can love my neighbor/others as myself.

    17. Boom indeed! I love that book. BTW I agree with others here in the comments on how you should never stop suggesting this book. Before I came across your stuff I'd heard of the title and it was one of those books "on my radar" but I kept hearing you talk about it so I finally picked it up and was very glad I did. Sometimes we need to hear a title a few times.
      I'm real big on taking responsibility for my life, all of it. I like to take responsibility for every aspect of my life experience because I understand that if I don't then I'm not taking control of my life either.
      If I blame something on something outside of myself, the winds that blow as Jim Rohn has said, that would suppose that I can't do anything about it and I give my power away.
      But if I take responsibility for it (whatever "it" is) then I'm in control... I have the ability to respond.  I like being in control. I like having ability.
      Taking responsibility may not always feel "fun" [at first] but it's always empowering.

    18. Boom indeed! I love that book. BTW I agree with others here in the comments on how you should never stop suggesting this book. Before I came across your stuff I'd heard of the title and it was one of those books "on my radar" but I kept hearing you talk about it so I finally picked it up and was very glad I did. Sometimes we need to hear a title a few times.
      I'm real big on taking responsibility for my life, all of it. I like to take responsibility for every aspect of my life experience because I understand that if I don't then I'm not taking control of my life either.
      If I blame something on something outside of myself, the winds that blow as Jim Rohn has said, that would suppose that I can't do anything about it and I give my power away.
      But if I take responsibility for it (whatever "it" is) then I'm in control... I have the ability to respond.  I like being in control. I like having ability.
      Taking responsibility may not always feel "fun" [at first] but it's always empowering.

    19. I started with weight loss self talk... It includes some self esteem and "taking control of my life" self-talk... Staying with this for now as I lose weight/ build self esteem.

    20. @Bernice Congratulations Bernice! I don't watch TV or listen to the radio or read the paper. Audiobooks play in my car all the time. I am so much more positive as a result! Joy, DJ

    21. I believe our thoughts or self talk or vision is our prayers.... Positive or negative... God hears... Ask and it is given.

      So if we are thinking or talking about how fat we are, how sick we are, how broke we are... Those are our prayers.... We have to first be aware of problems to change them... The thinking that got you into the situation isn't going to solve it.... Like yo-yo dieting, etc.

      1. Worry is negative. "To torment oneself with or suffer disturbing thoughts". .. Worry is not love... It is self-hate...

        From bible...
        Worry weighs a person down... Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. ( positive prayer)...

      2. I was formerly Catholic and still keep my rosary beads because I think they teach a concept of repeating our prayers... So I am repeating my positive self talk.

        1. And at confession we were given a penance of repeating prayers... So to change negative thoughts I am repeating positive thoughts... I am Happy, healthy and prosperous 🙂

      3. From 1Thessalonians:...

        Don't run roughshod over the concerns of your brothers and sisters. Their concerns are God's concerns, and HE will take care of them.... If you disregard this advice, you're not offending your neighbors; you're rejecting God, who is making you a gift of his Holy Spirit. ...stay calm ; MIND your own business; do your own job."... Life is our business... Mind our own lives... Mind our thoughts... Luke 13: "Put your mind on your life with God."

    22. I believe our thoughts or self talk or vision is our prayers.... Positive or negative... God hears... Ask and it is given.

      So if we are thinking or talking about how fat we are, how sick we are, how broke we are... Those are our prayers.... We have to first be aware of problems to change them... The thinking that got you into the situation isn't going to solve it.... Like yo-yo dieting, etc.

    23. Worry is negative. "To torment oneself with or suffer disturbing thoughts". .. Worry is not love... It is self-hate...

      From bible...
      Worry weighs a person down... Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. ( positive prayer)...

    24. I was formerly Catholic and still keep my rosary beads because I think they teach a concept of repeating our prayers... So I am repeating my positive self talk.

    25. And at confession we were given a penance of repeating prayers... So to change negative thoughts I am repeating positive thoughts... I am Happy, healthy and prosperous 🙂

    26. From 1Thessalonians:...

      Don't run roughshod over the concerns of your brothers and sisters. Their concerns are God's concerns, and HE will take care of them.... If you disregard this advice, you're not offending your neighbors; you're rejecting God, who is making you a gift of his Holy Spirit. ...stay calm ; MIND your own business; do your own job."... Life is our business... Mind our own lives... Mind our thoughts... Luke 13: "Put your mind on your life with God."

    27. BOOM! This is POWERFUL, Randy & Randy Gage Fan Club! As soon as we let go of excuses, we become unstoppable!

    28. Great post!
      And I have to sigh at once ´cuz to figure out HOW my universal GPS functions - well, that took quite some time. It didn´t really came with a BOOM --> so it maybe ends with it  😉
      (some must be already deaf by now with all their BOOMs in life....)

    29. Great post!
      And I have to sigh at once ´cuz to figure out HOW my universal GPS functions - well, that took quite some time. It didn´t really came with a BOOM --> so it maybe ends with it  😉
      (some must be already deaf by now with all their BOOMs in life....)

    30. Hello Randy,
      I haven't been commenting for a while. Due to some technological problems on my side. But all is great. I want to say that  James Allen was so convinced of the beauty inside each one of us that he couldn't make his book long. Because the journey to majesty and divinity is not done on long distances, but within the only person you know best. Others may come in, may help or obstruct. But they really do not matters. It's all up to the one man who have the dream

    31. Hello Randy,
      I haven't been commenting for a while. Due to some technological problems on my side. But all is great. I want to say that  James Allen was so convinced of the beauty inside each one of us that he couldn't make his book long. Because the journey to majesty and divinity is not done on long distances, but within the only person you know best. Others may come in, may help or obstruct. But they really do not matters. It's all up to the one man who have the dream

    32. Randy, when life throws me a curved ball,  I clutch it and know there is a  hidden treasure of possibilities to grow, but it wasn't always that simple.  It has a purpose and the lesson,  and so I appreciate the curved balls.   I believe this is how one becomes a Master of one's Life.

    33. Randy, when life throws me a curved ball,  I clutch it and know there is a  hidden treasure of possibilities to grow, but it wasn't always that simple.  It has a purpose and the lesson,  and so I appreciate the curved balls.   I believe this is how one becomes a Master of one's Life.

    34. "BOOM" indeed. There is a wonderful water slide in the UK that raises you up high over the park... and then drops you into the water below. There's a huge splash, and it's all very exciting... and yet you're left wondering "is that it?" And then the rest of the water hits you in the back of the neck, and THEN you realise what the ride is really all about. And that's how it felt reading this - as I go off to reexamine some of the things in my life and learn the lesson....

    35. "BOOM" indeed. There is a wonderful water slide in the UK that raises you up high over the park... and then drops you into the water below. There's a huge splash, and it's all very exciting... and yet you're left wondering "is that it?" And then the rest of the water hits you in the back of the neck, and THEN you realise what the ride is really all about. And that's how it felt reading this - as I go off to reexamine some of the things in my life and learn the lesson....

    36. If we don't see bad things as bad things, but as lessons in life, then everything is perfect. In retrospect, I realize that without those "Bad" things, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Where I am right now is where I want to be.

    37. If we don't see bad things as bad things, but as lessons in life, then everything is perfect. In retrospect, I realize that without those "Bad" things, I wouldn't be where I am right now. Where I am right now is where I want to be.

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