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Making Your Life a Masterpiece

Posted By: Randy GageJune 28, 2011

Beware when God lets loose a thinker on this planet.

Those words from Emerson, who of course was one of those thinkers, reinforce the message in yesterday’s post about mastering your life, by mastering your thoughts.

This only happens when you think about what you think about…

Because every moment you spend in quiet stillness and critical thinking brings you closer to your true potential self.  Each day you become more responsible for your life.  You accept every experience as a path to growth and development.

Instead of blaming your environment or upbringing, you accept full responsibility for all your beliefs, and question any which hinder your enfoldment.  It is only by this taking responsibility for your thoughts do you mold and shape your results.

I mentioned As a Man Thinketh yesterday.  It’s a tiny book that should really be sold for $50,000, because if it was, people would read it with the reverence it deserves.

Some people have trouble with it, simply because it was written in the language of the day.  If that’s been an issue for you, you may want to check out, Make Your Life a Masterpiece by Ian Percy.  Ian’s a brilliant critical thinker and a frequent visitor in the community here.  This e-book by Ian is a modern language adaptation of the James Allen classic.  It’s beautifully illustrated and he has a nice interpretation of the timeless principles.  You can download a copy for only five buck on his site:

Please check in below on how you’re doing with all this.  Are you the thinker of the thought?  Do you think about what you think about?  And how do you get back on course when your thinking is taking you down the wrong path?


19 comments on “Making Your Life a Masterpiece”

  1. Just love reading your stuff. You have a gift for making you point with very few words.
    Just got off a call about meditation (Abraham Hicks guided Meditation~awesome!)and we were saying this exact thing. In committing to daily meditation, we're finding a deeper, clearer connection to Source. A stronger knowing, a calmer demeanor, more patience and tolerance. In essence, more awareness of the power of our thoughts. Incentive and motivation to take ownership of our thinking. Calmness of mind is a beautiful thing.

  2. Thanks Randy. Great book reference. I firmly believe like some of the greats have said, that "we become what we think about"
    therefore, when a negative thought creeps in I try to replace it immediately with a positive one. It works.
    Positive thoughts lead to Positive change and Positive results. Thanks again.


  3. I certainly think about what I'm thinking, every day, every time, and I try to do it well, But I must admit: has not been easy all the time. Sometimes, on a few occasions I don't feel optimistic, my thoughts stray from the path, and is in those moments when I have to self-motivate, using my statements, they are a powerful tool I use to refocus my thoughts. I have a lot of these and that's what best works for me.


  4. I have become the thinker of the thought, it took work on my part, some days not too pleasant I had to revisit the past to understand how my now was being created, but I would say all worth while.

    What I learned is that any goal worth achieving takes commitment, and persistence just because you try one day to stay in positive mode does not mean you've arrived, it's a process, one I'm sure many have already realized.

    In Gratitude
    for the light you share.

  5. I have become pretty good at catching negative statements and thoughts now. I immediately get rid of it and replace it with positive statements or thoughts. This has made it possible for me to master fear, and again to develop ideas and even manifest those ideas in the physical univers! And that is so exciting. I can see how personal development has to be every day. Sometimes that point goes out for me, especially when it's going really good. And that's also the time the negative thoughts sneaks up on me. So actually I made a program to follow, afterall it's me in charge, not the other way around. Thank's for your invaluable help 🙂

  6. RG,
    I have to stop myself when I start gong in that direction. There are so many health consequences with negative angry thinking.
    I stop and connect with the inner spirit and then focus on something positive. I deny the feeling as an appearance and make a positive affirmation.

  7. Like sailing the open ocean, we must continually make course corrections. The same applies to thoughts.

    I find that when I think or write thoughts that are inconsistent with my purpose and prosperity thinking, I stop and ask, "Is this Who I say I really am or aspire to be?". And on occasion, the thoughts are not those I know I would do best to think, so they are corrected.

    I have been finding when writing as well that I will read what I have written and realize I may be complaining or showing dissatisfaction and immediately delete the thought and words. This is crucial since we cannot be grateful if we are dissatisfied nor can we grow if we compare ourselves to others or have competitive thoughts. The creative mind is the only mind that can manifest true Prosperity.

  8. I do not think about what I think, but about how I think. It seems to me to control and delete any negativity what I am able to realize. To be able to control- what to think, I need to know perfectly clear purpose. And to be clear for smaller steps that lead to this goal. I know my purpose, but really are not clear turn-steps that lead to it. I trust to process where my inner voice guide me. Therefore,I control how I think.

  9. Hi Randy and company.

    It's on a humor site, but man, the negative comments by most people.

    "This must be said:

    Each and every person must take personal responsibility for their results, and put themselves first, as long as it does not harm other people.

    There is no right time, and you're never going to have the exact amount of _____ (money, education, connections, time, etc.)

    I have known some people with the best advantages in the world, (wealthy parents, great education, good looks) and they have done very little other than party and do drugs, and will spend most of their adult lives in rehab, or die young.

    Then there are other people who have faced far greater adversity than most of you can fathom, and they did just fine, and some even changed (will, or are) art, business, and technology.

    The "crazy ones".

    You yourself would do quite well to support them or even become like them if you want to improve the world, because waiting for someone else to, is not going to happen.

    Obviously the 19th century way of education and business is not working. Will you wait until people realize this?

    Each and every single person in America is responsible for shaping the future of this country, not just the "evil" corporate types, God, your parents, or your school(s).

    What YOU do based on what happens to you matters far more than what other people do. None of us have direct control over our circ*mstances or other people, but we can choose to stay in our comfort zone, or face the fear and do it anyway.

    Even today, in the world "there's no way you can succeed because of the rules", people are.

    Some people are even rewriting them, in spite of what you say or believe to be true.

    If everyone played by the rules and waited for approval from someone else, you wouldn't have your iPhone, Twitter, or be able to fly to Mexico for vacation, and I daresay, most of the music you love would never be heard.

    You vote with how you spend your time, energy, and money.

    Your choices are the best power that you have, and when you give it up foolishly, you can end up with poor results.

    We still have time to Move the World toward something better, but it begins with you, and you alone.

    Choose wisely.

    Quite whining about how horrible and unfair everything is, and do something. Doing something and failing is better than waiting for the planets to magically align.

    Write that book.
    Or even a page of it, it's something.

    Post your song on Youtube, or write a measure of it.

    Work on your business or product idea, even if it's just sketching the way it will look.

    Talk to that guy or girl you've had your eye on. They might say no, but they also might end up being your future spouse or even a good friend.

    You won't know unless you do it.

    You will upset other people when you take a risk, but the question I will ask each and everyone of you is:

    Do I want to be 65 and regret the things I chose not to do because I didn't have any balls?

    I respect someone who fails, and lives to tell the tale, but I do not respect people who do not even try and blame everyone else.

    (Read Ayn Rand, Gary Vaynerchuck, Pam Slim, and Seth Godin. You don't have to agree with them, but give them a whirl.)

    Read more: A Successful Career Path: Then Vs. Now [Chart] |"

  10. Thanks Randy for sharing such wisdom with us. I will continue on the path of self-knowledge in order to become what I want to be. I want to make myself a masterpiece. Thank you very much.

  11. Hi Randy,
    Another awesome post:)
    I heard about this concept for a couple of time and truly believe in it.Once you say:Ok I'm fully responsable for what I am,do and have, "the masterpiece operation" begins.Your tools?Simple:thoughts,words and actions.
    This is a permanent work but it's great to work on yourself rather than be a slave of your thoughts or feelings.
    Obviously,sometimes negative thoughts come intomy mind and I'm catching myself in these patterns.What I do? I stop,breathe and ask some questions:is this real,does my thought serve me ?
    Usually I manage to change the thought from there.If not,I use to listen something soft or read inspirational things(your blog for example) .
    Appreciate all that you do,

    1. I don't think we have complete control over what we think, but as long as we are aware of how we are acting (or even worse, not acting), and how we think and approach people/situations, then we can stay where we are, regress, or move forward.

      While it's geared mostly towards creatives types, I suggest "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield.

      The main message of the book is overcoming your own internal resistance to what you must do, be it write a novel, travel the world, or start that new risky business.

  12. Be in the flow.I think...when the real life happens,you have to be able to be absorbed.That means,you are going to show how much your life is a masterpiece.And at home in the stillness,you think,and even there you forget yourself and get absorbed by the thinking Over the thoughts.It is magic.And it is difficult.And it is going to cure everyone from illness.Here lies the truth of life.

  13. Sometimes I wonder why I am thinking what I think. But I think with plenty of PD, you are able to catch yourself and get yourself back on track.
    You are the master of your own thoughts, so control them, as they determine your actions.

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  • 19 comments on “Making Your Life a Masterpiece”

    1. Just love reading your stuff. You have a gift for making you point with very few words.
      Just got off a call about meditation (Abraham Hicks guided Meditation~awesome!)and we were saying this exact thing. In committing to daily meditation, we're finding a deeper, clearer connection to Source. A stronger knowing, a calmer demeanor, more patience and tolerance. In essence, more awareness of the power of our thoughts. Incentive and motivation to take ownership of our thinking. Calmness of mind is a beautiful thing.

    2. Thanks Randy. Great book reference. I firmly believe like some of the greats have said, that "we become what we think about"
      therefore, when a negative thought creeps in I try to replace it immediately with a positive one. It works.
      Positive thoughts lead to Positive change and Positive results. Thanks again.


    3. I certainly think about what I'm thinking, every day, every time, and I try to do it well, But I must admit: has not been easy all the time. Sometimes, on a few occasions I don't feel optimistic, my thoughts stray from the path, and is in those moments when I have to self-motivate, using my statements, they are a powerful tool I use to refocus my thoughts. I have a lot of these and that's what best works for me.


    4. I have become the thinker of the thought, it took work on my part, some days not too pleasant I had to revisit the past to understand how my now was being created, but I would say all worth while.

      What I learned is that any goal worth achieving takes commitment, and persistence just because you try one day to stay in positive mode does not mean you've arrived, it's a process, one I'm sure many have already realized.

      In Gratitude
      for the light you share.

    5. I have become pretty good at catching negative statements and thoughts now. I immediately get rid of it and replace it with positive statements or thoughts. This has made it possible for me to master fear, and again to develop ideas and even manifest those ideas in the physical univers! And that is so exciting. I can see how personal development has to be every day. Sometimes that point goes out for me, especially when it's going really good. And that's also the time the negative thoughts sneaks up on me. So actually I made a program to follow, afterall it's me in charge, not the other way around. Thank's for your invaluable help 🙂

    6. RG,
      I have to stop myself when I start gong in that direction. There are so many health consequences with negative angry thinking.
      I stop and connect with the inner spirit and then focus on something positive. I deny the feeling as an appearance and make a positive affirmation.

    7. Like sailing the open ocean, we must continually make course corrections. The same applies to thoughts.

      I find that when I think or write thoughts that are inconsistent with my purpose and prosperity thinking, I stop and ask, "Is this Who I say I really am or aspire to be?". And on occasion, the thoughts are not those I know I would do best to think, so they are corrected.

      I have been finding when writing as well that I will read what I have written and realize I may be complaining or showing dissatisfaction and immediately delete the thought and words. This is crucial since we cannot be grateful if we are dissatisfied nor can we grow if we compare ourselves to others or have competitive thoughts. The creative mind is the only mind that can manifest true Prosperity.

    8. I do not think about what I think, but about how I think. It seems to me to control and delete any negativity what I am able to realize. To be able to control- what to think, I need to know perfectly clear purpose. And to be clear for smaller steps that lead to this goal. I know my purpose, but really are not clear turn-steps that lead to it. I trust to process where my inner voice guide me. Therefore,I control how I think.

    9. Hi Randy and company.

      It's on a humor site, but man, the negative comments by most people.

      "This must be said:

      Each and every person must take personal responsibility for their results, and put themselves first, as long as it does not harm other people.

      There is no right time, and you're never going to have the exact amount of _____ (money, education, connections, time, etc.)

      I have known some people with the best advantages in the world, (wealthy parents, great education, good looks) and they have done very little other than party and do drugs, and will spend most of their adult lives in rehab, or die young.

      Then there are other people who have faced far greater adversity than most of you can fathom, and they did just fine, and some even changed (will, or are) art, business, and technology.

      The "crazy ones".

      You yourself would do quite well to support them or even become like them if you want to improve the world, because waiting for someone else to, is not going to happen.

      Obviously the 19th century way of education and business is not working. Will you wait until people realize this?

      Each and every single person in America is responsible for shaping the future of this country, not just the "evil" corporate types, God, your parents, or your school(s).

      What YOU do based on what happens to you matters far more than what other people do. None of us have direct control over our circ*mstances or other people, but we can choose to stay in our comfort zone, or face the fear and do it anyway.

      Even today, in the world "there's no way you can succeed because of the rules", people are.

      Some people are even rewriting them, in spite of what you say or believe to be true.

      If everyone played by the rules and waited for approval from someone else, you wouldn't have your iPhone, Twitter, or be able to fly to Mexico for vacation, and I daresay, most of the music you love would never be heard.

      You vote with how you spend your time, energy, and money.

      Your choices are the best power that you have, and when you give it up foolishly, you can end up with poor results.

      We still have time to Move the World toward something better, but it begins with you, and you alone.

      Choose wisely.

      Quite whining about how horrible and unfair everything is, and do something. Doing something and failing is better than waiting for the planets to magically align.

      Write that book.
      Or even a page of it, it's something.

      Post your song on Youtube, or write a measure of it.

      Work on your business or product idea, even if it's just sketching the way it will look.

      Talk to that guy or girl you've had your eye on. They might say no, but they also might end up being your future spouse or even a good friend.

      You won't know unless you do it.

      You will upset other people when you take a risk, but the question I will ask each and everyone of you is:

      Do I want to be 65 and regret the things I chose not to do because I didn't have any balls?

      I respect someone who fails, and lives to tell the tale, but I do not respect people who do not even try and blame everyone else.

      (Read Ayn Rand, Gary Vaynerchuck, Pam Slim, and Seth Godin. You don't have to agree with them, but give them a whirl.)

      Read more: A Successful Career Path: Then Vs. Now [Chart] |"

    10. Thanks Randy for sharing such wisdom with us. I will continue on the path of self-knowledge in order to become what I want to be. I want to make myself a masterpiece. Thank you very much.

    11. Hi Randy,
      Another awesome post:)
      I heard about this concept for a couple of time and truly believe in it.Once you say:Ok I'm fully responsable for what I am,do and have, "the masterpiece operation" begins.Your tools?Simple:thoughts,words and actions.
      This is a permanent work but it's great to work on yourself rather than be a slave of your thoughts or feelings.
      Obviously,sometimes negative thoughts come intomy mind and I'm catching myself in these patterns.What I do? I stop,breathe and ask some questions:is this real,does my thought serve me ?
      Usually I manage to change the thought from there.If not,I use to listen something soft or read inspirational things(your blog for example) .
      Appreciate all that you do,

      1. I don't think we have complete control over what we think, but as long as we are aware of how we are acting (or even worse, not acting), and how we think and approach people/situations, then we can stay where we are, regress, or move forward.

        While it's geared mostly towards creatives types, I suggest "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield.

        The main message of the book is overcoming your own internal resistance to what you must do, be it write a novel, travel the world, or start that new risky business.

    12. Be in the flow.I think...when the real life happens,you have to be able to be absorbed.That means,you are going to show how much your life is a masterpiece.And at home in the stillness,you think,and even there you forget yourself and get absorbed by the thinking Over the thoughts.It is magic.And it is difficult.And it is going to cure everyone from illness.Here lies the truth of life.

    13. Sometimes I wonder why I am thinking what I think. But I think with plenty of PD, you are able to catch yourself and get yourself back on track.
      You are the master of your own thoughts, so control them, as they determine your actions.

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