Want to sell more, market more, or recruit more? Want to lead a movement? Want to change the world? (more…)...
Want to sell more, market more, or recruit more? Want to lead a movement? Want to change the world? (more…)...
Back in the 90’s I was conducting a Central European Business Congress in with Nicolas Hayek, the rumbustious founder of The Swatch Group. At the time, Nicolas was probably in his mid seventies, w...
You really can predict the future with an uncanny degree of accuracy. And no, you don't have to be a mystic, have “insider” information, or use a crystal ball. There are some variables you c...
It’s been such a great ride writing and now getting ready to start promoting Risky Is the New Safe soon. One of the most rewarding elements is getting the endorsements streaming in every day. I...
I often shock people when I recommend an Ayn Rand book titled, “The Virtue of Selfishness.” They have so often received coaching that the way to success is to serve everyone else first. I thin...
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