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Where the Breakthroughs Live

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 27, 2012

It’s been such a great ride writing and now getting ready to start promoting Risky Is the New Safe soon.  One of the most rewarding elements is getting the endorsements streaming in every day.  I’ve received some that have practically floored me.  And humbled me. 

More than forty thought leaders have sent in quotes thus far.  A few in particular, from Larry Winget, Bob Burg, Brian Tracy, Alan Weiss, Joe Calloway, Dave Carpenter, Robert Ringer, Randy Pennington and Lisa Jimenez are completely off the chain.  They’re comparing the book and me to everyone from Ayn Rand to Warren Buffet, George Orwell, John Naisbitt, Tom Peters, Tony Robbins, Seth Godin and Springsteen.

Carpenter told me it was one of the best books he ever read.  Weiss said he couldn't take his eyes off it.  Calloway said he got so engrossed he missed a meeting with his accountant.  I was shocked how many people asked permission if they could show the galley to their spouse or children.  People said it kept them up all night, or it’s the book they wish they had written.  (Remember this is my ninth book.  I never got this kind of reaction before!)  But warm and fuzzy as that makes me feel, why am I telling you all this?

Because of the most important lesson for you…

One of the main points in the book is about how you develop critical thinking skills.  How you harness your ego, expose yourself to stimulating information, and think in new and different ways.  So obviously I’m honored to get such a response for so many thought leaders.  But here’s the key thing:

I bet none of them agreed with everything in the book.  (Or at least I hope not!)  And that provides a very important clue.  Brilliant people expose themselves to ideas, opinions and concepts they aren’t familiar with, sometimes don't like, and sometimes may even violently oppose.

So you can imagine my surprise when I received an email from someone who told me they couldn’t endorse the book because it had something in it they disagreed with.  They loved everything else, and offered to do a quote if I would remove an offending paragraph from the final version.  Which of course I would never do.

I was surprised that someone I thought was a critical thinker would feel it necessary that he or she should agree with everything in a book before they would provide a quote on it.  I’m reading a galley for Scott Stratten’s new book right now, and I can tell you I will provide a raving endorsement.  Even though I don't agree with everything in the book.  That’s why I like it.  It makes me think.

Now that reaction I received would not be surprising coming from an average person. But that’s why so many average people are broke, unhealthy, and unhappy.  Because they only expose themselves to people and ideas they agree with.

The reason thought leaders are called thought leaders is because they lead thought. 

That doesn't mean they are always right.  In fact, they’re frequently wrong.  But they think about things in different ways.  Ways that challenge their beliefs.  And that is why they cause us to think about things in different ways.

The Aurora, Colorado shooting has raised the debate on gun control again.  Actor and director Jason Alexander wrote an interesting and intelligent post about it.  So I tweeted it out and said it was a thought-provoking piece.  Right away, at least 10 people wanted to argue points in the piece with me.   And here’s the funny thing…

Some of those points they disagreed with Jason I couldn’t debate with them – because in fact I disagreed with Jason and agreed with the other side.  But that didn't stop me from reading and sharing Jason’s opinion.

I saw yesterday Mark Sanborn (Who also gave me an amazing quote on my book.) posted something on Facebook about the ways the mayors in two cities were overstepping their roles.  He was talking about Mayor Bloomberg in New York on gun control and the mayor of Boston on the Chick-fil-A dustup.  Poor Mark was exasperated because someone took issue with him, posted a negative reply and then unfriended him, so he couldn’t respond to him.  (Get used to it Mark, it happens to me every day!)

Sean Hannity and most of the evening opinion shows on FOX News channel are ridiculous propaganda of Karl Rove’s talking points of the day, designed to manipulate people.  But I still watch sometimes, because it makes me think.

Reverend Al Sharpton and most of the evening shows on MSNBC are just as much manipulation and demagoguery, simply from the opposing point of view.  But I watch sometimes, because it makes me think.

Let me share with you a short excerpt from the new book on this subject of critical thinking:

The many years I have been studying the principles of prosperity have brought me to a fascinating realization: 

Healthy people think differently than sick people; happy people think differently than depressed people; and wealthy people think differently than broke people. 

Healthy people have more energy and find it easier to exercise.  They’re eating a healthier diet so they face less physiological cravings for bad stuff.  People who enjoy good health have a totally different view about things like diet, exercise, and addictions than people who are sick. 

Happy people face challenges just like depressed people do.  But nothing has any meaning, except what we choose to give it.  Depressed people might see a challenge as an insurmountable obstacle, while happy people see it as a wake up call from the universe to make a course correction. 

Take the same opportunity and offer it to a broke person and wealthy person, and I guarantee you they will see it differently. 

When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn't be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. 

For those many years I was struggling financially, I was a cynic.  And nothing kills innovation, creativity and ambition faster than cynicism.  It’s poverty consciousness. 

Wealthy people have a healthful skepticism.  That causes them to evaluate things objectively and make good decisions, based on solid assumptions.    Skepticism is healthy, cynicism never is.  Here’s why:

If you ask the wrong question – the answer doesn’t matter. 

For all those years when I was mired in poverty consciousness, the questions I asked were always looking for evidence to demonstrate why success wouldn’t work for me.  When I began to develop prosperity consciousness, the questions began to change to ones of possibilities. 

Think about that last part again:  If you ask the wrong question – the answer doesn't matter.  So how do you ask the right question?

Expose yourself to people and ideas that make you think.  People and ideas that make you think differently than you do now.  People and ideas that make you question your core foundational beliefs.

Because that’s where the breakthroughs live!


106 comments on “Where the Breakthroughs Live”

  1. Randy. I have struggled with this for a long time. I always said I "couldn't afford that" or would do that "someday"...well, someday is here! I have always had radical ideas, and while most people made fun of me, a few of them took my ideas and ran with them. Why didn't *I* take it and run with it? Because I lacked confidence. Not anymore. Thanks, great blog post. 

  2. Randy. I have struggled with this for a long time. I always said I "couldn't afford that" or would do that "someday"...well, someday is here! I have always had radical ideas, and while most people made fun of me, a few of them took my ideas and ran with them. Why didn't *I* take it and run with it? Because I lacked confidence. Not anymore. Thanks, great blog post. 

  3. Great post, Randy. I think agreement is highly overrated. And the minor dust-up didn't bother me because the guy disagreed (vaguely as he never really clarified precisely why) but because of the assumptions and refusal to dialogue. Not much to be gained in name calling and saying "I disagree and disappearing. That's monologue and basic b.s.  Sloppy thinking bothers me as much than anything. My belief: know what you believe and why. If you only know what you believe, your beliefs don't go very deep. You and I take different approaches with different audiences but I'm pretty confident we're trying to do the same thing: get people to think. I enjoyed this post--lots of really great points. Carry on, my friend.

    1.  @MarkSanborn There aren't too many thinkers that I respect more than Mark and Randy. There are lots of people literally terrified about thinking, especially thinking differently. Even graduate schools get nervous about thinking differently - which may be why, as Randy says in this book, so many great thinkers drop out. As Mark notes, even the Scriptures admonish believers to challenge and think through what they believe. God loves everyone, but especially great and courageous thinkers who constantly look for new and higher possibilities!   

  4. Great post, Randy. I think agreement is highly overrated. And the minor dust-up didn't bother me because the guy disagreed (vaguely as he never really clarified precisely why) but because of the assumptions and refusal to dialogue. Not much to be gained in name calling and saying "I disagree and disappearing. That's monologue and basic b.s.  Sloppy thinking bothers me as much than anything. My belief: know what you believe and why. If you only know what you believe, your beliefs don't go very deep. You and I take different approaches with different audiences but I'm pretty confident we're trying to do the same thing: get people to think. I enjoyed this post--lots of really great points. Carry on, my friend.

  5.  @MarkSanborn There aren't too many thinkers that I respect more than Mark and Randy. There are lots of people literally terrified about thinking, especially thinking differently. Even graduate schools get nervous about thinking differently - which may be why, as Randy says in this book, so many great thinkers drop out. As Mark notes, even the Scriptures admonish believers to challenge and think through what they believe. God loves everyone, but especially great and courageous thinkers who constantly look for new and higher possibilities!   

  6. This is a very good post Randy. As you know I have personal experience with a writer endorsing my book even though he disagreed with aspects of it. Being in the company of free thinkers gives you the confidence to give your own ideas a platform. Someone once said the best disinfectant is sunlight, meaning you have to put your ideas out there in the light and let them weather debate. It's how we get to the truth. Ideas can't flourish if they stay in your brain. And if I may make a suggestion, @badredheadmedia is an excellent source for branding and book promotion. Thanks. Joe Hefferon

  7. This is a very good post Randy. As you know I have personal experience with a writer endorsing my book even though he disagreed with aspects of it. Being in the company of free thinkers gives you the confidence to give your own ideas a platform. Someone once said the best disinfectant is sunlight, meaning you have to put your ideas out there in the light and let them weather debate. It's how we get to the truth. Ideas can't flourish if they stay in your brain. And if I may make a suggestion, @badredheadmedia is an excellent source for branding and book promotion. Thanks. Joe Hefferon

  8. You've taught me something...Politically, I'm an independent, so any time I turn on Fox or MSNBC or even CNN, it's only a matter of minutes before I move into the "You've got to be kidding me" mindset.  Often I will just change channels out of exasperation.  I'm going to make it a point to listen for a few minutes, try to understand the commentators thinking before I change channels....probably out of exasperation...but maybe I will learn something in the process and think differently.

    1. Good point Mace. I love to read the messages of the founders, such as this by James Madison, "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." Go Indies!!

  9. You've taught me something...Politically, I'm an independent, so any time I turn on Fox or MSNBC or even CNN, it's only a matter of minutes before I move into the "You've got to be kidding me" mindset.  Often I will just change channels out of exasperation.  I'm going to make it a point to listen for a few minutes, try to understand the commentators thinking before I change channels....probably out of exasperation...but maybe I will learn something in the process and think differently.

  10. Great post Randy.  I like the idea of stretching your mind.  Many times we fall in the trap of looking to validate our own belief system instead of simply looking at the facts.  Great reminder to simply see things as they are.  Thanks!

  11. Great post Randy.  I like the idea of stretching your mind.  Many times we fall in the trap of looking to validate our own belief system instead of simply looking at the facts.  Great reminder to simply see things as they are.  Thanks!

  12. Oh Mr. Randy, I am so excited for you about your new book!  And for sure I can't wait to read it. 
    Okay, you must watch "Ancient Aliens", and here is why....  The show takes you through the evidence that ancient astronaut theorists have, as to why the believe humankind has been helped and sometimes harmed for millions of years by extraterrestrials.  It is so fascinating, because it is a whole new perspective on God, religion, and how society was built.  Anyways, I think you will like it.  And, no I don't believe everything, the show purports and at times they even have conflicting theories.

      1.  @WDavidCz  @Annieb  I know, it's great right!?  3 full days, that had to be fun.  If that was the only show on TV, I would still be okay.

  13. Oh Mr. Randy, I am so excited for you about your new book!  And for sure I can't wait to read it. 
    Okay, you must watch "Ancient Aliens", and here is why....  The show takes you through the evidence that ancient astronaut theorists have, as to why the believe humankind has been helped and sometimes harmed for millions of years by extraterrestrials.  It is so fascinating, because it is a whole new perspective on God, religion, and how society was built.  Anyways, I think you will like it.  And, no I don't believe everything, the show purports and at times they even have conflicting theories.

  14. You know Randy, as always this is very timely.
    As you know, the visionary understands that mimicking doesn't change things while stepping out of what's familiar does. This is the pure creative process called innovation. And today, we see so much innovation, it's amazing and also representative of how much abundance there is in the Universe.
    As a visionary myself, it's my goal to develop the media project we're doing now in a way that similar projects have never been done, including a title that may not immediately give away the story. In doing so, I am coming up against resistance from seasoned film people who are comfortable with the status quo. And the whole story line is about visionaries who also stepped out of the familiar and created a community that became legendary. So of course, in producing the media it makes sense to innovate and as I continue to collaborate with the team, they will see how important the statement, "Life begins at the EDGE of your comfort zone", is and how it's connected to innovation. 
    The critical thinking element is very important here and trust me, I do a lot of it. And right now I'm inside the inquiry called 'how do I produce something like this in a way that's never been done?'.. As I await the inspiration, I stay focused and grateful. I'm looking forward to the new book since it's in alignment with taking risks, which is something I've been doing all my life! Thanks so much. 

  15. You know Randy, as always this is very timely.
    As you know, the visionary understands that mimicking doesn't change things while stepping out of what's familiar does. This is the pure creative process called innovation. And today, we see so much innovation, it's amazing and also representative of how much abundance there is in the Universe.
    As a visionary myself, it's my goal to develop the media project we're doing now in a way that similar projects have never been done, including a title that may not immediately give away the story. In doing so, I am coming up against resistance from seasoned film people who are comfortable with the status quo. And the whole story line is about visionaries who also stepped out of the familiar and created a community that became legendary. So of course, in producing the media it makes sense to innovate and as I continue to collaborate with the team, they will see how important the statement, "Life begins at the EDGE of your comfort zone", is and how it's connected to innovation. 
    The critical thinking element is very important here and trust me, I do a lot of it. And right now I'm inside the inquiry called 'how do I produce something like this in a way that's never been done?'.. As I await the inspiration, I stay focused and grateful. I'm looking forward to the new book since it's in alignment with taking risks, which is something I've been doing all my life! Thanks so much. 

  16. Great post Randy!  Finally someone that shares great information and isn't afraid to shake it up a bit.  I haven't read a book yet where I believed 100% of what was in it...except for The Bible perhaps.  Continued success to you on the launch and I look forward to reading it and learning from you my friend!

  17. Great post Randy!  Finally someone that shares great information and isn't afraid to shake it up a bit.  I haven't read a book yet where I believed 100% of what was in it...except for The Bible perhaps.  Continued success to you on the launch and I look forward to reading it and learning from you my friend!

  18. Good point Mace. I love to read the messages of the founders, such as this by James Madison, "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." Go Indies!!

  19. there´s the nest! ;))
    Yes, the point of view from different minded people on the same topic or situation as you described well in your article above, reminds me of the text from the song: "The Way of the World" by genesis (1992) and my "passive mentor" Phil Collins. (WE CAN´T DANCE album, song N° 10) 
    That was during a long time when I had never heard of Randy Gage over here in Europe and needed a criticial thinker around. I and many others learned a lot from their songs which is why they´re so famous and Randy, this is meant as a compliment for you!
    Can´t wait to read our new book, in English of course.... soon?

  20. there´s the nest! ;))
    Yes, the point of view from different minded people on the same topic or situation as you described well in your article above, reminds me of the text from the song: "The Way of the World" by genesis (1992) and my "passive mentor" Phil Collins. (WE CAN´T DANCE album, song N° 10) 
    That was during a long time when I had never heard of Randy Gage over here in Europe and needed a criticial thinker around. I and many others learned a lot from their songs which is why they´re so famous and Randy, this is meant as a compliment for you!
    Can´t wait to read our new book, in English of course.... soon?

  21. Full disclosure...although I absolutely believe Randy's latest is one of the best and most important books I have EVER read, I do not agree with every point in the book. Sorry, Randy.:)
    But then again, I read books to stretch my thinking. How could I hope to learn from a book, if all it is a mirror of what I already know?  That being said, I can appreciate that some are more comfortable getting their views corroborated through their reading. To each his, or her, own.
    Randy, here are three personal predictions for you. (1) This book is going to be a very big seller. (2) This book is going to have enormous impact, around the world.  And, (3) you - my friend - are going to learn TONS about your friends. All of which is really good stuff.
    Honored to have been asked to review this powerful book, and proud to so heartily endorse it even though I dont agree with every point in it.

  22. Full disclosure...although I absolutely believe Randy's latest is one of the best and most important books I have EVER read, I do not agree with every point in the book. Sorry, Randy.:)
    But then again, I read books to stretch my thinking. How could I hope to learn from a book, if all it is a mirror of what I already know?  That being said, I can appreciate that some are more comfortable getting their views corroborated through their reading. To each his, or her, own.
    Randy, here are three personal predictions for you. (1) This book is going to be a very big seller. (2) This book is going to have enormous impact, around the world.  And, (3) you - my friend - are going to learn TONS about your friends. All of which is really good stuff.
    Honored to have been asked to review this powerful book, and proud to so heartily endorse it even though I dont agree with every point in it.

  23. Super post Randy.  I look forward to reading the book.  Adjusting my point of view and reaching understanding, often requires mental gymnastics that can leave me weary but stretched.  Frequently the definition of words, like value, profit, faith, freedom or liberty are where the disagreement resides.  We seldom agree to a set of definitions beforehand but if you take the time to agree on the terms amazing communication takes place.  English has concepts that do not fit any other language and the same is true in Spanish and German, the only others I am barely a child. The liberal/conservative points of view are actually ONE point on a three point triangle. The other two points keep the masses blissfully attached to the left/right dualistic magic act while what is really happening continues along at the same petty pace.  Playing it safe is always based on a point of view you currently know and 'understand.'  I bet you offer a way to get out of the box offered by the current media and our culture.

  24. Super post Randy.  I look forward to reading the book.  Adjusting my point of view and reaching understanding, often requires mental gymnastics that can leave me weary but stretched.  Frequently the definition of words, like value, profit, faith, freedom or liberty are where the disagreement resides.  We seldom agree to a set of definitions beforehand but if you take the time to agree on the terms amazing communication takes place.  English has concepts that do not fit any other language and the same is true in Spanish and German, the only others I am barely a child. The liberal/conservative points of view are actually ONE point on a three point triangle. The other two points keep the masses blissfully attached to the left/right dualistic magic act while what is really happening continues along at the same petty pace.  Playing it safe is always based on a point of view you currently know and 'understand.'  I bet you offer a way to get out of the box offered by the current media and our culture.

  25. Great post Randy--I think you are still equating making money with critical thinking
    "Wealthy people have a healthful skepticism."  my best teacher was my history teacher in 4th grade--He told us,"  I am going to teach you history but you need to question and look deeper than I am teaching you."  As I studied history for the past 30 years,I can see what is written is usually done by a point of view of the majority.

  26. Great post Randy--I think you are still equating making money with critical thinking
    "Wealthy people have a healthful skepticism."  my best teacher was my history teacher in 4th grade--He told us,"  I am going to teach you history but you need to question and look deeper than I am teaching you."  As I studied history for the past 30 years,I can see what is written is usually done by a point of view of the majority.

  27. Randy, a fascinating topic and one that is of great value.
    First, we can 'agree to disagree,' maturely. It is a healthy attitude to own.   One can then see the world full of possibilities, and potentials that resonate or serves us better when we allow ourselves to be open. 
     Like Terrell Owens once stated,  "Instead of me having a breakdown, I'm focusing on me having a breakthrough."  Ultimately,  I desire the breakthrough experiences, and unfamiliar ideas that come my way so I can then pull one from my bag of goodies when I need it.
    Thinking differently,

  28. Randy, a fascinating topic and one that is of great value.
    First, we can 'agree to disagree,' maturely. It is a healthy attitude to own.   One can then see the world full of possibilities, and potentials that resonate or serves us better when we allow ourselves to be open. 
     Like Terrell Owens once stated,  "Instead of me having a breakdown, I'm focusing on me having a breakthrough."  Ultimately,  I desire the breakthrough experiences, and unfamiliar ideas that come my way so I can then pull one from my bag of goodies when I need it.
    Thinking differently,

  29. Randy, great always and shared, btw, the G+ booklet isn't supported any longer, I tried, lol. Already did Twitter and FB :). Hugs, Melissa

  30. Randy, great always and shared, btw, the G+ booklet isn't supported any longer, I tried, lol. Already did Twitter and FB :). Hugs, Melissa

  31. Randy, to say that I read yournew  book is an understatement. I devoured it. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If

  32. Randy, to say that I read your new  book is an understatement. I devoured it in a single read. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If you are reading this and haven't pre-ordered your book, what are you waiting for?

  33. Randy, to say that I read your new  book is an understatement. I devoured it in a single read. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If you are reading this and haven't pre-ordered your book, what are you waiting for?

  34. Wow, awesome words of wisdom Randy! However I'm a newbie critical thinker, can you provide a sample of a "bad question" where the answer doesn't matter...This would mean lots to me since I'm a victim of mind virus..

  35. Wow, awesome words of wisdom Randy! However I'm a newbie critical thinker, can you provide a sample of a "bad question" where the answer doesn't matter...This would mean lots to me since I'm a victim of mind virus..

  36.  @WDavidCz  @Annieb  I know, it's great right!?  3 full days, that had to be fun.  If that was the only show on TV, I would still be okay.

  37. Hey Randy,
    Healthy and wealthy people see the world through rose-colored,optimistic glasses,and they smiles to the world.
    Loser,undedogs,sees the world through dark glasses andthey are pessimistics,worrywart.
    Smile to the world ,then the world will smiles to you/

  38. Hey Randy,
    Healthy and wealthy people see the world through rose-colored,optimistic glasses,and they smiles to the world.
    Loser,undedogs,sees the world through dark glasses andthey are pessimistics,worrywart.
    Smile to the world ,then the world will smiles to you/

  39. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
    I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
    LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
    Dani Hamad 

  40. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
    I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
    LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
    Dani Hamad 

  41. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
    I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
    LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
    Dani Hamad 

  42. I always love your critical thinking and wish I do this same way. I love you, man! Keep doing all this!

  43. I always love your critical thinking and wish I do this same way. I love you, man! Keep doing all this!

  44. so here are some different ideas:
    Are you a muggle or a wizard?
    I think we forget we are wizards... or we never learn we are wizards.
    I am a Harry Potter fan... one thing I disagree with is the food in the books & movies...
    Can wizards really eat a high sugar diet and reach their full potential?
    "Harry's mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had never seen so many things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs...
    ...A moment later the deserts appeared. Blocks of ice cream in every flavor you could think of, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate eclairs and jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, Jell-O, rice pudding..."
    from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling
    Where are the Greens?
    What are we teaching our children... to be muggles? to be sick?
    In "Sugar Babies: How to Stop the Genocide of Our Children", Dr. Mark Hyman says:
    "Never before in human history have we seen “adult onset” or type 2 diabetes in children. 
    There has been an over 1,000% increase in type 2 diabetes in children over the last two decades(1). Fifteen years ago 3% of new cases of diabetes in children were type 2 diabetes. 
    Now it is 50%(2).  
    Forty percent of children are now overweight and
    2 million are morbidly obese, exceeding the 99th percentile for weight(3).
    ...Do we really think we can medicate our way out of a bad diet? Can we really overcome the 54 gallons of soda consumed every year by the average American, or the 34 teaspoons of sugar consumed DAILY by the average child in America with a medication(6), or some handouts on eating better? "

    What can you do?
    Start adding in more RAW food & herbs to your diet (and your family)... start reducing the processed foods & high sugar foods.
    Add low glycemic foods... switching for high sugar to high fruit is still high sugar... Eat more vegetables and some lower sugar fruits. I am currently eating 1 grapefruit/day and Pure Camu Powder. (Fruit Juices are usually high in sugar.)
    It takes commitment & discipline to eat healthier and to avoid the foods we have become addicted to... the foods that are killing us.
    Choose Life. You can do it 🙂

  45. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational postsYou own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

  46. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational posts.  You own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

  47. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational posts.  You own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

  48. Ayn Rand makes me angry. And that makes me think. Like you Randy!!!!  Thanks t for being politically incorrect.. Big huges.

  49. Ayn Rand makes me angry. And that makes me think. Like you Randy!!!!  Thanks t for being politically incorrect.. Big huges.

  50. I demand my autographed copy the next time i see you! And I'll pay my weight in gold for it too! XOXOXXOXOXO Congrats rocksta! Can't wait to read it! 🙂

  51. I demand my autographed copy the next time i see you! And I'll pay my weight in gold for it too! XOXOXXOXOXO Congrats rocksta! Can't wait to read it! 🙂

  52. Hi Randy,
    Nice post and a brilliant way to make us hungry and to promote your new book 🙂
    Thanks for the lesson

  53. Hi Randy,
    Nice post and a brilliant way to make us hungry and to promote your new book 🙂
    Thanks for the lesson

  54. Randy, we are a nation of people who have lost the art of critical thinking.  If we were critical thinkers, our nation wouldn't be in the messes we find ourselves in.  I;m going to add your book to my library.

  55. Randy, we are a nation of people who have lost the art of critical thinking.  If we were critical thinkers, our nation wouldn't be in the messes we find ourselves in.  I;m going to add your book to my library.

  56. Hello Brother Randy! I purchased  Risky is the new safe book. Question. Will you be creating CD's/DVD's Based on your book in the future? Thank you. Have a great day! Karim

  57. Hello Brother Randy! I purchased  Risky is the new safe book. Question. Will you be creating CD's/DVD's Based on your book in the future? Thank you. Have a great day! Karim

  58. No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the
    beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know
    people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15
    reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence
    why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were
    simply doing it. "  ..

  59. No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the
    beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know
    people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15
    reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence
    why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were
    simply doing it.

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  • 106 comments on “Where the Breakthroughs Live”

    1. Randy. I have struggled with this for a long time. I always said I "couldn't afford that" or would do that "someday"...well, someday is here! I have always had radical ideas, and while most people made fun of me, a few of them took my ideas and ran with them. Why didn't *I* take it and run with it? Because I lacked confidence. Not anymore. Thanks, great blog post. 

    2. Randy. I have struggled with this for a long time. I always said I "couldn't afford that" or would do that "someday"...well, someday is here! I have always had radical ideas, and while most people made fun of me, a few of them took my ideas and ran with them. Why didn't *I* take it and run with it? Because I lacked confidence. Not anymore. Thanks, great blog post. 

    3. Great post, Randy. I think agreement is highly overrated. And the minor dust-up didn't bother me because the guy disagreed (vaguely as he never really clarified precisely why) but because of the assumptions and refusal to dialogue. Not much to be gained in name calling and saying "I disagree and disappearing. That's monologue and basic b.s.  Sloppy thinking bothers me as much than anything. My belief: know what you believe and why. If you only know what you believe, your beliefs don't go very deep. You and I take different approaches with different audiences but I'm pretty confident we're trying to do the same thing: get people to think. I enjoyed this post--lots of really great points. Carry on, my friend.

      1.  @MarkSanborn There aren't too many thinkers that I respect more than Mark and Randy. There are lots of people literally terrified about thinking, especially thinking differently. Even graduate schools get nervous about thinking differently - which may be why, as Randy says in this book, so many great thinkers drop out. As Mark notes, even the Scriptures admonish believers to challenge and think through what they believe. God loves everyone, but especially great and courageous thinkers who constantly look for new and higher possibilities!   

    4. Great post, Randy. I think agreement is highly overrated. And the minor dust-up didn't bother me because the guy disagreed (vaguely as he never really clarified precisely why) but because of the assumptions and refusal to dialogue. Not much to be gained in name calling and saying "I disagree and disappearing. That's monologue and basic b.s.  Sloppy thinking bothers me as much than anything. My belief: know what you believe and why. If you only know what you believe, your beliefs don't go very deep. You and I take different approaches with different audiences but I'm pretty confident we're trying to do the same thing: get people to think. I enjoyed this post--lots of really great points. Carry on, my friend.

    5.  @MarkSanborn There aren't too many thinkers that I respect more than Mark and Randy. There are lots of people literally terrified about thinking, especially thinking differently. Even graduate schools get nervous about thinking differently - which may be why, as Randy says in this book, so many great thinkers drop out. As Mark notes, even the Scriptures admonish believers to challenge and think through what they believe. God loves everyone, but especially great and courageous thinkers who constantly look for new and higher possibilities!   

    6. This is a very good post Randy. As you know I have personal experience with a writer endorsing my book even though he disagreed with aspects of it. Being in the company of free thinkers gives you the confidence to give your own ideas a platform. Someone once said the best disinfectant is sunlight, meaning you have to put your ideas out there in the light and let them weather debate. It's how we get to the truth. Ideas can't flourish if they stay in your brain. And if I may make a suggestion, @badredheadmedia is an excellent source for branding and book promotion. Thanks. Joe Hefferon

    7. This is a very good post Randy. As you know I have personal experience with a writer endorsing my book even though he disagreed with aspects of it. Being in the company of free thinkers gives you the confidence to give your own ideas a platform. Someone once said the best disinfectant is sunlight, meaning you have to put your ideas out there in the light and let them weather debate. It's how we get to the truth. Ideas can't flourish if they stay in your brain. And if I may make a suggestion, @badredheadmedia is an excellent source for branding and book promotion. Thanks. Joe Hefferon

    8. You've taught me something...Politically, I'm an independent, so any time I turn on Fox or MSNBC or even CNN, it's only a matter of minutes before I move into the "You've got to be kidding me" mindset.  Often I will just change channels out of exasperation.  I'm going to make it a point to listen for a few minutes, try to understand the commentators thinking before I change channels....probably out of exasperation...but maybe I will learn something in the process and think differently.

      1. Good point Mace. I love to read the messages of the founders, such as this by James Madison, "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." Go Indies!!

    9. You've taught me something...Politically, I'm an independent, so any time I turn on Fox or MSNBC or even CNN, it's only a matter of minutes before I move into the "You've got to be kidding me" mindset.  Often I will just change channels out of exasperation.  I'm going to make it a point to listen for a few minutes, try to understand the commentators thinking before I change channels....probably out of exasperation...but maybe I will learn something in the process and think differently.

    10. Great post Randy.  I like the idea of stretching your mind.  Many times we fall in the trap of looking to validate our own belief system instead of simply looking at the facts.  Great reminder to simply see things as they are.  Thanks!

    11. Great post Randy.  I like the idea of stretching your mind.  Many times we fall in the trap of looking to validate our own belief system instead of simply looking at the facts.  Great reminder to simply see things as they are.  Thanks!

    12. Oh Mr. Randy, I am so excited for you about your new book!  And for sure I can't wait to read it. 
      Okay, you must watch "Ancient Aliens", and here is why....  The show takes you through the evidence that ancient astronaut theorists have, as to why the believe humankind has been helped and sometimes harmed for millions of years by extraterrestrials.  It is so fascinating, because it is a whole new perspective on God, religion, and how society was built.  Anyways, I think you will like it.  And, no I don't believe everything, the show purports and at times they even have conflicting theories.

        1.  @WDavidCz  @Annieb  I know, it's great right!?  3 full days, that had to be fun.  If that was the only show on TV, I would still be okay.

    13. Oh Mr. Randy, I am so excited for you about your new book!  And for sure I can't wait to read it. 
      Okay, you must watch "Ancient Aliens", and here is why....  The show takes you through the evidence that ancient astronaut theorists have, as to why the believe humankind has been helped and sometimes harmed for millions of years by extraterrestrials.  It is so fascinating, because it is a whole new perspective on God, religion, and how society was built.  Anyways, I think you will like it.  And, no I don't believe everything, the show purports and at times they even have conflicting theories.

    14. You know Randy, as always this is very timely.
      As you know, the visionary understands that mimicking doesn't change things while stepping out of what's familiar does. This is the pure creative process called innovation. And today, we see so much innovation, it's amazing and also representative of how much abundance there is in the Universe.
      As a visionary myself, it's my goal to develop the media project we're doing now in a way that similar projects have never been done, including a title that may not immediately give away the story. In doing so, I am coming up against resistance from seasoned film people who are comfortable with the status quo. And the whole story line is about visionaries who also stepped out of the familiar and created a community that became legendary. So of course, in producing the media it makes sense to innovate and as I continue to collaborate with the team, they will see how important the statement, "Life begins at the EDGE of your comfort zone", is and how it's connected to innovation. 
      The critical thinking element is very important here and trust me, I do a lot of it. And right now I'm inside the inquiry called 'how do I produce something like this in a way that's never been done?'.. As I await the inspiration, I stay focused and grateful. I'm looking forward to the new book since it's in alignment with taking risks, which is something I've been doing all my life! Thanks so much. 

    15. You know Randy, as always this is very timely.
      As you know, the visionary understands that mimicking doesn't change things while stepping out of what's familiar does. This is the pure creative process called innovation. And today, we see so much innovation, it's amazing and also representative of how much abundance there is in the Universe.
      As a visionary myself, it's my goal to develop the media project we're doing now in a way that similar projects have never been done, including a title that may not immediately give away the story. In doing so, I am coming up against resistance from seasoned film people who are comfortable with the status quo. And the whole story line is about visionaries who also stepped out of the familiar and created a community that became legendary. So of course, in producing the media it makes sense to innovate and as I continue to collaborate with the team, they will see how important the statement, "Life begins at the EDGE of your comfort zone", is and how it's connected to innovation. 
      The critical thinking element is very important here and trust me, I do a lot of it. And right now I'm inside the inquiry called 'how do I produce something like this in a way that's never been done?'.. As I await the inspiration, I stay focused and grateful. I'm looking forward to the new book since it's in alignment with taking risks, which is something I've been doing all my life! Thanks so much. 

    16. Great post Randy!  Finally someone that shares great information and isn't afraid to shake it up a bit.  I haven't read a book yet where I believed 100% of what was in it...except for The Bible perhaps.  Continued success to you on the launch and I look forward to reading it and learning from you my friend!

    17. Great post Randy!  Finally someone that shares great information and isn't afraid to shake it up a bit.  I haven't read a book yet where I believed 100% of what was in it...except for The Bible perhaps.  Continued success to you on the launch and I look forward to reading it and learning from you my friend!

    18. Good point Mace. I love to read the messages of the founders, such as this by James Madison, "The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted." Go Indies!!

    19. there´s the nest! ;))
      Yes, the point of view from different minded people on the same topic or situation as you described well in your article above, reminds me of the text from the song: "The Way of the World" by genesis (1992) and my "passive mentor" Phil Collins. (WE CAN´T DANCE album, song N° 10) 
      That was during a long time when I had never heard of Randy Gage over here in Europe and needed a criticial thinker around. I and many others learned a lot from their songs which is why they´re so famous and Randy, this is meant as a compliment for you!
      Can´t wait to read our new book, in English of course.... soon?

    20. there´s the nest! ;))
      Yes, the point of view from different minded people on the same topic or situation as you described well in your article above, reminds me of the text from the song: "The Way of the World" by genesis (1992) and my "passive mentor" Phil Collins. (WE CAN´T DANCE album, song N° 10) 
      That was during a long time when I had never heard of Randy Gage over here in Europe and needed a criticial thinker around. I and many others learned a lot from their songs which is why they´re so famous and Randy, this is meant as a compliment for you!
      Can´t wait to read our new book, in English of course.... soon?

    21. Full disclosure...although I absolutely believe Randy's latest is one of the best and most important books I have EVER read, I do not agree with every point in the book. Sorry, Randy.:)
      But then again, I read books to stretch my thinking. How could I hope to learn from a book, if all it is a mirror of what I already know?  That being said, I can appreciate that some are more comfortable getting their views corroborated through their reading. To each his, or her, own.
      Randy, here are three personal predictions for you. (1) This book is going to be a very big seller. (2) This book is going to have enormous impact, around the world.  And, (3) you - my friend - are going to learn TONS about your friends. All of which is really good stuff.
      Honored to have been asked to review this powerful book, and proud to so heartily endorse it even though I dont agree with every point in it.

    22. Full disclosure...although I absolutely believe Randy's latest is one of the best and most important books I have EVER read, I do not agree with every point in the book. Sorry, Randy.:)
      But then again, I read books to stretch my thinking. How could I hope to learn from a book, if all it is a mirror of what I already know?  That being said, I can appreciate that some are more comfortable getting their views corroborated through their reading. To each his, or her, own.
      Randy, here are three personal predictions for you. (1) This book is going to be a very big seller. (2) This book is going to have enormous impact, around the world.  And, (3) you - my friend - are going to learn TONS about your friends. All of which is really good stuff.
      Honored to have been asked to review this powerful book, and proud to so heartily endorse it even though I dont agree with every point in it.

    23. Super post Randy.  I look forward to reading the book.  Adjusting my point of view and reaching understanding, often requires mental gymnastics that can leave me weary but stretched.  Frequently the definition of words, like value, profit, faith, freedom or liberty are where the disagreement resides.  We seldom agree to a set of definitions beforehand but if you take the time to agree on the terms amazing communication takes place.  English has concepts that do not fit any other language and the same is true in Spanish and German, the only others I am barely a child. The liberal/conservative points of view are actually ONE point on a three point triangle. The other two points keep the masses blissfully attached to the left/right dualistic magic act while what is really happening continues along at the same petty pace.  Playing it safe is always based on a point of view you currently know and 'understand.'  I bet you offer a way to get out of the box offered by the current media and our culture.

    24. Super post Randy.  I look forward to reading the book.  Adjusting my point of view and reaching understanding, often requires mental gymnastics that can leave me weary but stretched.  Frequently the definition of words, like value, profit, faith, freedom or liberty are where the disagreement resides.  We seldom agree to a set of definitions beforehand but if you take the time to agree on the terms amazing communication takes place.  English has concepts that do not fit any other language and the same is true in Spanish and German, the only others I am barely a child. The liberal/conservative points of view are actually ONE point on a three point triangle. The other two points keep the masses blissfully attached to the left/right dualistic magic act while what is really happening continues along at the same petty pace.  Playing it safe is always based on a point of view you currently know and 'understand.'  I bet you offer a way to get out of the box offered by the current media and our culture.

    25. Great post Randy--I think you are still equating making money with critical thinking
      "Wealthy people have a healthful skepticism."  my best teacher was my history teacher in 4th grade--He told us,"  I am going to teach you history but you need to question and look deeper than I am teaching you."  As I studied history for the past 30 years,I can see what is written is usually done by a point of view of the majority.

    26. Great post Randy--I think you are still equating making money with critical thinking
      "Wealthy people have a healthful skepticism."  my best teacher was my history teacher in 4th grade--He told us,"  I am going to teach you history but you need to question and look deeper than I am teaching you."  As I studied history for the past 30 years,I can see what is written is usually done by a point of view of the majority.

    27. Randy, a fascinating topic and one that is of great value.
      First, we can 'agree to disagree,' maturely. It is a healthy attitude to own.   One can then see the world full of possibilities, and potentials that resonate or serves us better when we allow ourselves to be open. 
       Like Terrell Owens once stated,  "Instead of me having a breakdown, I'm focusing on me having a breakthrough."  Ultimately,  I desire the breakthrough experiences, and unfamiliar ideas that come my way so I can then pull one from my bag of goodies when I need it.
      Thinking differently,

    28. Randy, a fascinating topic and one that is of great value.
      First, we can 'agree to disagree,' maturely. It is a healthy attitude to own.   One can then see the world full of possibilities, and potentials that resonate or serves us better when we allow ourselves to be open. 
       Like Terrell Owens once stated,  "Instead of me having a breakdown, I'm focusing on me having a breakthrough."  Ultimately,  I desire the breakthrough experiences, and unfamiliar ideas that come my way so I can then pull one from my bag of goodies when I need it.
      Thinking differently,

    29. Randy, great always and shared, btw, the G+ booklet isn't supported any longer, I tried, lol. Already did Twitter and FB :). Hugs, Melissa

    30. Randy, great always and shared, btw, the G+ booklet isn't supported any longer, I tried, lol. Already did Twitter and FB :). Hugs, Melissa

    31. Randy, to say that I read yournew  book is an understatement. I devoured it. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If

    32. Randy, to say that I read your new  book is an understatement. I devoured it in a single read. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If you are reading this and haven't pre-ordered your book, what are you waiting for?

    33. Randy, to say that I read your new  book is an understatement. I devoured it in a single read. There were a few times that I was ready to call you out on the implementation of an idea, but never once on the premise of the idea. The quality of the answers we receive in life are in direct proportion to the quality of the questions we ask. Your book - like this blog post - forced me to ask better quesitons about my beliefs, values, talent, and focus. If you are reading this and haven't pre-ordered your book, what are you waiting for?

    34. Wow, awesome words of wisdom Randy! However I'm a newbie critical thinker, can you provide a sample of a "bad question" where the answer doesn't matter...This would mean lots to me since I'm a victim of mind virus..

    35. Wow, awesome words of wisdom Randy! However I'm a newbie critical thinker, can you provide a sample of a "bad question" where the answer doesn't matter...This would mean lots to me since I'm a victim of mind virus..

    36.  @WDavidCz  @Annieb  I know, it's great right!?  3 full days, that had to be fun.  If that was the only show on TV, I would still be okay.

    37. Hey Randy,
      Healthy and wealthy people see the world through rose-colored,optimistic glasses,and they smiles to the world.
      Loser,undedogs,sees the world through dark glasses andthey are pessimistics,worrywart.
      Smile to the world ,then the world will smiles to you/

    38. Hey Randy,
      Healthy and wealthy people see the world through rose-colored,optimistic glasses,and they smiles to the world.
      Loser,undedogs,sees the world through dark glasses andthey are pessimistics,worrywart.
      Smile to the world ,then the world will smiles to you/

    39. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
      I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
      LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
      Dani Hamad 

    40. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
      I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
      LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
      Dani Hamad 

    41. "When I was poor, I looked at everything through the lens of the mind viruses I was infected with.  No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15 reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were simply doing it. "  .. 
      I just love it, Very true and just in the right time. hope the book will be available soon in the middle east. 
      LIVE RICH !!!! 😀 
      Dani Hamad 

    42. I always love your critical thinking and wish I do this same way. I love you, man! Keep doing all this!

    43. I always love your critical thinking and wish I do this same way. I love you, man! Keep doing all this!

    44. so here are some different ideas:
      Are you a muggle or a wizard?
      I think we forget we are wizards... or we never learn we are wizards.
      I am a Harry Potter fan... one thing I disagree with is the food in the books & movies...
      Can wizards really eat a high sugar diet and reach their full potential?
      "Harry's mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had never seen so many things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup, and for some strange reason, peppermint humbugs...
      ...A moment later the deserts appeared. Blocks of ice cream in every flavor you could think of, apple pies, treacle tarts, chocolate eclairs and jam doughnuts, trifle, strawberries, Jell-O, rice pudding..."
      from "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling
      Where are the Greens?
      What are we teaching our children... to be muggles? to be sick?
      In "Sugar Babies: How to Stop the Genocide of Our Children", Dr. Mark Hyman says:
      "Never before in human history have we seen “adult onset” or type 2 diabetes in children. 
      There has been an over 1,000% increase in type 2 diabetes in children over the last two decades(1). Fifteen years ago 3% of new cases of diabetes in children were type 2 diabetes. 
      Now it is 50%(2).  
      Forty percent of children are now overweight and
      2 million are morbidly obese, exceeding the 99th percentile for weight(3).
      ...Do we really think we can medicate our way out of a bad diet? Can we really overcome the 54 gallons of soda consumed every year by the average American, or the 34 teaspoons of sugar consumed DAILY by the average child in America with a medication(6), or some handouts on eating better? "
      What can you do?
      Start adding in more RAW food & herbs to your diet (and your family)... start reducing the processed foods & high sugar foods.
      Add low glycemic foods... switching for high sugar to high fruit is still high sugar... Eat more vegetables and some lower sugar fruits. I am currently eating 1 grapefruit/day and Pure Camu Powder. (Fruit Juices are usually high in sugar.)
      It takes commitment & discipline to eat healthier and to avoid the foods we have become addicted to... the foods that are killing us.
      Choose Life. You can do it 🙂

    45. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational postsYou own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

    46. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational posts.  You own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

    47. ~ sounds like a great read ... looking forward to getting my copy.  Thank you for your wholesome, and stimulating motivational posts.  You own some of my favorite cars ... great vision board material ...(smile)

    48. Ayn Rand makes me angry. And that makes me think. Like you Randy!!!!  Thanks t for being politically incorrect.. Big huges.

    49. Ayn Rand makes me angry. And that makes me think. Like you Randy!!!!  Thanks t for being politically incorrect.. Big huges.

    50. I demand my autographed copy the next time i see you! And I'll pay my weight in gold for it too! XOXOXXOXOXO Congrats rocksta! Can't wait to read it! 🙂

    51. I demand my autographed copy the next time i see you! And I'll pay my weight in gold for it too! XOXOXXOXOXO Congrats rocksta! Can't wait to read it! 🙂

    52. Hi Randy,
      Nice post and a brilliant way to make us hungry and to promote your new book 🙂
      Thanks for the lesson

    53. Hi Randy,
      Nice post and a brilliant way to make us hungry and to promote your new book 🙂
      Thanks for the lesson

    54. Randy, we are a nation of people who have lost the art of critical thinking.  If we were critical thinkers, our nation wouldn't be in the messes we find ourselves in.  I;m going to add your book to my library.

    55. Randy, we are a nation of people who have lost the art of critical thinking.  If we were critical thinkers, our nation wouldn't be in the messes we find ourselves in.  I;m going to add your book to my library.

    56. Hello Brother Randy! I purchased  Risky is the new safe book. Question. Will you be creating CD's/DVD's Based on your book in the future? Thank you. Have a great day! Karim

    57. Hello Brother Randy! I purchased  Risky is the new safe book. Question. Will you be creating CD's/DVD's Based on your book in the future? Thank you. Have a great day! Karim

    58. No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the
      beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know
      people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15
      reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence
      why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were
      simply doing it. "  ..

    59. No matter what business venture I was exposed to, I approached with the
      beliefs you need money to make money, need an education, have to know
      people, etc.  I could look at anything and immediately give you 15
      reasons why it wouldn’t work.  While I was accumulating all the evidence
      why it couldn’t be done, people with prosperity consciousness were
      simply doing it.

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