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Don’t Insult the Force that Created You

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 4, 2022

(Friday Filosophy 8/5/22)

Happy Freakin’ Friday!

It’s that time again, when I share something on my mind that you may want to think about as well.  And this week that topic is personal transformation.

Last night I was doing a call with a brilliant CEO who is one of my strategic advisory clients.  I asked where he was at in reading a particular book that I had suggested for him.  He confessed that he’s been so busy putting out fires, he hasn’t been able to get to the book. And then he said something very insightful:

“There’s really no excuse except negligence.  It's just negligence”

Using the word negligence, not once but twice, reveals both why he's so successful, and the true importance of personal growth and self-development.  He understands that for someone at his level – running an international company with hundreds of millions of dollars in sales and a huge number of employees – he is literally being negligent in his duties if he’s not blocking off regular time for sharpening his saw.

And that’s something you and I have to be vigilant about…

If I’ve learned anything about myself, it’s that once I set down my favorite mug of herbal tea and sit my lovely butt down in front of my computer monitor, I’m going to remain there for the rest of the workday. (Minus breaking away for my gym workout.)  There will be cool creative projects to work on, emails begging for replies, urgent text messages, distracting social media posts, language lessons, and whatever urgent problems pop up.  If I don’t do my cardio and self-development routine before I get in front of the monitor, it ain’t happening.  (Which is why I’m writing you about this. Actually, just reminding myself.)

What we’re really talking about here is becoming the highest possible version of yourself.  Because a failure to do that is a crime against humanity and an insult to the force that created you.  Your self-development time, and the time you dedicate to honing your craft have to be sacred.  The more frantic, busy, and urgent your life and work are, the more you have to protect this sacred time.  How you doing on that?

Value Yourself! (Just posted on the pod)





Other Platforms:

Thought for the day: Only argue for the limitations you want to keep...


- RG

P.S. If you’re looking for more content to fuel your personal growth and if you’re an artist, entrepreneur or other creator, my BFF Steve Pressfield has a new book out.  It’s titled, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be.  And as usual, he was shooting lightning bolts through his fingertips.  Snatch a copy here.  You’ll thank me later.

Previous post: The Little-Known Secrets to Business Success...

6 comments on “Don’t Insult the Force that Created You”

  1. Thanks Randy, this was a combo affirmation and kick in the butt post for me. I am juggling a lot of deliverables and tussling with a commitment to workout six days a week and spend time with my wife, adult kids, and world's greatest Corgi dog. Negligence is indeed a wise insight. Woof. So, I decided I should get the book you recommended. Away we go!

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  • 6 comments on “Don’t Insult the Force that Created You”

    1. Thanks Randy, this was a combo affirmation and kick in the butt post for me. I am juggling a lot of deliverables and tussling with a commitment to workout six days a week and spend time with my wife, adult kids, and world's greatest Corgi dog. Negligence is indeed a wise insight. Woof. So, I decided I should get the book you recommended. Away we go!

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