Who believes in the impossible? Children. Geniuses. Artists. Entrepreneurs. (more…)...
Who believes in the impossible? Children. Geniuses. Artists. Entrepreneurs. (more…)...
Great debate going on the last post about being infected with mind viruses. People still disagree with me, suggesting that God speaks to us. Annie mentioned something M. Scott Peck wrote, that our...
I knew what to expect when I put up yesterday’s post (make sure you read that if you haven’t already, so today’s makes more sense): I figured some people would disagree, thinking that your inn...
No one likes to believe that suffering is the result of their own mental chaos or that they could be sabotaging their own success. It’s a lot easier to believe we are random, innocent victims. ...
I was on the phone with a close friend last night. He was asking about a mutual friend we have. “He’s been exposed to you a lot,” he said. “Why do you think he keeps sabotaging himself?...
Wow what a response to the last post on changing your story. And I must confess, I did what the psychologists call projection. Because for me, 95 percent of the battle is recognizing when a belief do...
The second you realize the degree to which most of your challenges are self-created, is the second you start to get free. But here’s the catch… (more…)...
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