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The Test

Posted By: Randy GageApril 4, 2012

People often ask how they can tell if they are sabotaging their own success.  There are some deceptively simple, yet profound questions that will reveal this to you. 

The first thing to look at is this:  Analyze your basic, core view on success.

Do you believe that it rests upon a moral foundation or an immoral one?

Most people if they are truthful with themselves, actually belief that foundation is immoral.  Subconsciously they believe that to reach the pinnacle of success in most things requires to lie, cheat, steal or exploit other people.  And if you believe that – you will almost always self-sabotage.

Because no one likes to think of themselves as a bad person.  So your subconscious mind will steer you on the path of a prevalent mind virus:  “I may not be rich, but at least I’m honest.”  And that is a recipe to stay broke and unfulfilled your whole life.

So how do you score?   What is your core belief about the morality of success?

- RG

64 comments on “The Test”

  1. I wondered if you would ever bring that up.  Yes, I am sure I have believed that all my life.  It is interesting to think about.  I hate it when your right, okay I'll just have to agree.
    But, sometimes it is true isn't it?  I mean that is the tragedy, though you make an astounding observation that is absolutely true, it comes with some exceptions as well.  We have lots of examples of wealthy people doing evil things for money.  So, that is true too.  Like the oil companies, and politicians.  I mean let's face it the exploiters are out there.  It is just not the entire truth, poor people can be exploiters and rich people can be exploiters.  So, I guess it depends on your morality in general.  Whether or not we have little money or we make lots of it, our morality shouldn't be defined by stereotypes.
    That is a horrible thing to think, believing it is immoral to be successful or wealthy.  I know I have thought for forever.  I was an actress when I was younger, and I believed to be successful would mean people would think I slept my way to the top or did something unethical.  I thought actors were unethical in general, and the whole business.  I didn't want to be bad.  I thought the only way I could be loveable is if I helped others.Yeah, that's twisted, but please don't go analyzing me and think I am deranged and evil.  I got enough of that reading "Atlas Shrugged".
    I finished that novel by the way, all 1167 pages of it.   That will be my birthday present to you, that you can know you got one more person in the world to read Ayn Rand.  🙂  So, one day I hope you do another post about Ayn Rand, so I can give my now educated opinion of her and her most famous work of art.
    Oh, about the question you put forth in your post.  Now that I think of it,  success, true success, not just position and money, requires moral behavior.  Success may also come with lots of money or a moderate amount, I guess what I am trying to say is success is based on our morality and how we feel about ourselves.  IF you have tons of money, but earned it immorally, I don't believe you feel very successful.   
    However, I know I have believed that negative idea that all success is immoral.  You know what is weird though, I don't think I thought it of others always, just if I became successful it would be immoral.  I think that's weird.   I am not saying that I didn't see some successful people as immoral, but mostly I put that on myself.  Okay, I am finished, I know this really isn't supposed to be psychoanalysis, but it was a very interesting post.
    Okay, I think I felt that moral people who were successful were just smarter or better than me, and all the rest were immoral.  Okay, now I am really finished.  Okay, I'm not finished, I knew successful people, and they were not immoral, so I just had to believe they were smarter or more mature.  But, that actually might be true.  I think.  The maturity thing definitely anyway.    I have been depending on the kindness of strangers longer than Blanche Dubois.  I think beliefs like it is immoral to be successful are just excuses I have made so I don't have to take responsibility for myself, for my success or lack there of .  I hope this resonates with someone out there.  Ya know what I mean?

  2. I used to be in the camp of the dark side, but a few years of study and re-programming, much of it through this blog, your books, as well as others (As A Man Thinketh for sure!), changed all that! And not a moment too soon! I figure 40 years of silliness and lack thinking is just about enough. Lol.


      1.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

      2.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

  3. I used to be in the camp of the dark side, but a few years of study and re-programming, much of it through this blog, your books, as well as others (As A Man Thinketh for sure!), changed all that! And not a moment too soon! I figure 40 years of silliness and lack thinking is just about enough. Lol.


  4. I am learning that it's all about our mindset, Randy. We must first know that we're indeed worthy to have success. I'd say on a scale of 1 - 100; I'm getting around to about a 90. I still have my days of doubt, but when they show up; I eliminate them as quickly as possible. Some of those thoughts have been so ingrained for so long, that they tend to slip through from time to time. However, that's not happening nearly as much as it used too. For that, I'm grateful. I do not, however, feel I have to lay down my values or my character to obtain success. I actually believe that when we hold dearly to them, we're more likely to get there quicker. Our blessings tend to flow when we hold on to doing right by ourselves and others. 

  5. I am learning that it's all about our mindset, Randy. We must first know that we're indeed worthy to have success. I'd say on a scale of 1 - 100; I'm getting around to about a 90. I still have my days of doubt, but when they show up; I eliminate them as quickly as possible. Some of those thoughts have been so ingrained for so long, that they tend to slip through from time to time. However, that's not happening nearly as much as it used too. For that, I'm grateful. I do not, however, feel I have to lay down my values or my character to obtain success. I actually believe that when we hold dearly to them, we're more likely to get there quicker. Our blessings tend to flow when we hold on to doing right by ourselves and others. 

  6.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

  7. I'm going to say no to people and situations that don't serve me.I don't have to do everything other people want and be around people who are OK with thinking small, and belittle doing something worthwhile and empowering.Tired of the "hard work" and suffering mindset far too many people have. I doubt Randy or Bill Gates or Lady Gaga worked millions of times harder or suffering more than someone who works at Wal-mart. I also doubt that any of those people are a million times smarter or more talented.Yes, there are brilliant people at levels, but I am more inclined to think that most of the population is capable of a lot more than poverty or middle class status.People just believe the crap they're fed.Sorry, I don't take the advice of unhealthy broke people very well any more. I am estranged from friends and family who worship what they see on TV or what someone else tells them.It's hard, but I know I'll find good people one day.A lot of people are either circling the drain, or barely breaking even. The New Economy is one of creativity, connection and entrepreneurship. The old, work until you die, or sell to the neighbors economy is long gone, never to return.If you're only making a middle class salary or a less a year, fat, addicted to something (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, fast food, and hate your life, I'm going to ignore you.Everyone who is here obviously has or is moving away from that. I am grateful. 

  8. I'm going to say no to people and situations that don't serve me.I don't have to do everything other people want and be around people who are OK with thinking small, and belittle doing something worthwhile and empowering.Tired of the "hard work" and suffering mindset far too many people have. I doubt Randy or Bill Gates or Lady Gaga worked millions of times harder or suffering more than someone who works at Wal-mart. I also doubt that any of those people are a million times smarter or more talented.Yes, there are brilliant people at levels, but I am more inclined to think that most of the population is capable of a lot more than poverty or middle class status.People just believe the crap they're fed.Sorry, I don't take the advice of unhealthy broke people very well any more. I am estranged from friends and family who worship what they see on TV or what someone else tells them.It's hard, but I know I'll find good people one day.A lot of people are either circling the drain, or barely breaking even. The New Economy is one of creativity, connection and entrepreneurship. The old, work until you die, or sell to the neighbors economy is long gone, never to return.If you're only making a middle class salary or a less a year, fat, addicted to something (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, fast food, and hate your life, I'm going to ignore you.Everyone who is here obviously has or is moving away from that. I am grateful. 

  9. What i dont understand, is how i can change this "theory".. or mind virus in my subconscious mind? What are the suggestions, or so -called "exercises" for leave all them behind?
    Because beleive me, i have realized all, i made opposite statements, i have played a drama -pedagogy play.. and it is still there.
    I would be glad to read any suggestions, from anybody please.
    Thank you,

  10. What i dont understand, is how i can change this "theory".. or mind virus in my subconscious mind? What are the suggestions, or so -called "exercises" for leave all them behind?
    Because beleive me, i have realized all, i made opposite statements, i have played a drama -pedagogy play.. and it is still there.
    I would be glad to read any suggestions, from anybody please.
    Thank you,

  11. If I am not healthy, successful, and happy, how can I possibly help other people?How can I do good for the world, my friends, and my family?Question: Has anyone serialized a novel on Nook or Kindle before or know of any case studies?I'm working on rewriting a novel in chunks and will have a track or two to go with each chapter/chunk related to the plot, characters, events, and location. I know that I can do a lot on my own, but there are lot of people who read Randy's blog who have had difference experiences and backgrounds.Your perspective and any assistance you may provide would be appreciated greatly. 

  12. If I am not healthy, successful, and happy, how can I possibly help other people?How can I do good for the world, my friends, and my family?Question: Has anyone serialized a novel on Nook or Kindle before or know of any case studies?I'm working on rewriting a novel in chunks and will have a track or two to go with each chapter/chunk related to the plot, characters, events, and location. I know that I can do a lot on my own, but there are lot of people who read Randy's blog who have had difference experiences and backgrounds.Your perspective and any assistance you may provide would be appreciated greatly. 

  13. as John Assaraf  says:  there is a simple way to know what are your deepest beliefs about success: chek  your bank account balance!

  14. as John Assaraf  says:  there is a simple way to know what are your deepest beliefs about success: chek  your bank account balance!

  15. Wow! Thank you Randy. I guess that is where I need to start. I'm curious about what other questions are on the test? 

  16. Wow! Thank you Randy. I guess that is where I need to start. I'm curious about what other questions are on the test? 

  17. Thanks Randy!
    The truth uttered is a lie - he said Lao-Tzu
    Tell me - and I'll forget, show me - and I remember, let me act - and I understand. Ancient Chinese wisdom
    For the big success is a great idea. Inviting to the great success we can not guarantee anything. We must believe in yourself and know what price you're willing to pay for success, to be honest, even if the truth is bitter. Treat failure as experience.

  18. Thanks Randy!
    The truth uttered is a lie - he said Lao-Tzu
    Tell me - and I'll forget, show me - and I remember, let me act - and I understand. Ancient Chinese wisdom
    For the big success is a great idea. Inviting to the great success we can not guarantee anything. We must believe in yourself and know what price you're willing to pay for success, to be honest, even if the truth is bitter. Treat failure as experience.

  19. It is very hard for people to be honest with themselves or look hard enough to find their weakness's. That's called normal. I'm not normal. I'm actually kind of wierd and I think most successful people are since you break away from normal beliefs to get there. If you are not willing to look at yourself, take inventory and be honest about where you are and how you think, you will not break through to success.  There are always going to be people who tell you, " you can't do this, if this were true everyone would do it, it's just another scam. That's how the majority thinks and that's why they are where they are, trying to avoid losing instead of achieve success. If your foundation sucks, your building will too. Give yourself a attaboy!!! for following Randy or anyone who doesn't follow the herd. Then look at yourself and decide, Do I want to keep doing what I am doing and getting what I am getting? or do  I want more.  Once you start indentifying what is holding you back, you can fix it. Or you can decide to be like most people and stick your head in the sand, get yourself busy with texting, emailing, running here and there and getting no where. Nothing will change until you decide to change. I pray you do. Life sucks when you are broke and broken. You know how that feels so choose to change, one baby step at a time and hang with people like Randy and others who can help you to get up the next step till you get to the top.

  20. It is very hard for people to be honest with themselves or look hard enough to find their weakness's. That's called normal. I'm not normal. I'm actually kind of wierd and I think most successful people are since you break away from normal beliefs to get there. If you are not willing to look at yourself, take inventory and be honest about where you are and how you think, you will not break through to success.  There are always going to be people who tell you, " you can't do this, if this were true everyone would do it, it's just another scam. That's how the majority thinks and that's why they are where they are, trying to avoid losing instead of achieve success. If your foundation sucks, your building will too. Give yourself a attaboy!!! for following Randy or anyone who doesn't follow the herd. Then look at yourself and decide, Do I want to keep doing what I am doing and getting what I am getting? or do  I want more.  Once you start indentifying what is holding you back, you can fix it. Or you can decide to be like most people and stick your head in the sand, get yourself busy with texting, emailing, running here and there and getting no where. Nothing will change until you decide to change. I pray you do. Life sucks when you are broke and broken. You know how that feels so choose to change, one baby step at a time and hang with people like Randy and others who can help you to get up the next step till you get to the top.

  21. Chillaxing - browsing the farmer's market on Saturday, lunch at La Cigalle.......... and if the weather holds, possibly out to Muriwai too.

  22. Chillaxing - browsing the farmer's market on Saturday, lunch at La Cigalle.......... and if the weather holds, possibly out to Muriwai too.

  23. I struggle with this concept within regards to my weight. I come from a family where my mom and siblings are obese. At 5'9" and weighing 160 lbs may seem fine for some. However, I work out daily, love eating fresh fruits and veggies, run half marathons-yet every time my weight thinks of hitting below the 160 mark i sabotage myself. It seems like some inner part of me is screaming, "Nooooo, if you get any thinner you will be a slut and sinner!" You would think with my intelligence, I would know better (I’m a psychologist!)  but this belief is so deeply ingrained in me that it does seem to dictate my behavior. For today, out comes the rubber band. When I think negative thoughts around my body, I will give a little snap and say, "I am doing God’s will by surrendering access weight”.

    1. Melissa, your rubber band ritual intrigues me.  I've only used the rubber band trick to "snap the c--p"  that is, to snap the negative things.  It seems like snapping it (ouch!) and deliberately thinking a positive thought  would connect the positive and the pain.  What I do is deliberately think the Negative Thought (snap) over (snap) and over (snap) again. 
      The only place where I'd connect a snap & a positive is when it is a false positive, eg., "I love buttery toast" (snap) "with plenty of jam" snap....thus associating the foods that are evil temptors with the pain.  "Haagan Das?" snap that.....

  24. I struggle with this concept within regards to my weight. I come from a family where my mom and siblings are obese. At 5'9" and weighing 160 lbs may seem fine for some. However, I work out daily, love eating fresh fruits and veggies, run half marathons-yet every time my weight thinks of hitting below the 160 mark i sabotage myself. It seems like some inner part of me is screaming, "Nooooo, if you get any thinner you will be a slut and sinner!" You would think with my intelligence, I would know better (I’m a psychologist!)  but this belief is so deeply ingrained in me that it does seem to dictate my behavior. For today, out comes the rubber band. When I think negative thoughts around my body, I will give a little snap and say, "I am doing God’s will by surrendering access weight”.

  25. That´s a very good post - for me - to get to the point that I do self-sabotage myself, but rather - indirectly.
    As a natural logic thinking person who goes with Black or White, Yes or No, 0 or 1: I tend to set-up an "opposite" of what I want to reach.
    To me it never bothered me but I do realize NOW that it does sabotage my energy & strong will.
    It´s like, I" want to reach this" (and I really DO want to go for it)
    -- but when I sat up the opposite, which automatically pops up in my mind, which could be: "..... and if you don´t get there in 5 or 8 years - you rather die. Just leave". 
    There we go: White & Black. as if I need a stop, a negative reward.
    I offer mysefl no grey-zone. I never did.
    I reached a lot but now I get out of energy, a bit.... any other logic person here who does the "same"??

  26. That´s a very good post - for me - to get to the point that I do self-sabotage myself, but rather - indirectly.
    As a natural logic thinking person who goes with Black or White, Yes or No, 0 or 1: I tend to set-up an "opposite" of what I want to reach.
    To me it never bothered me but I do realize NOW that it does sabotage my energy & strong will.
    It´s like, I" want to reach this" (and I really DO want to go for it)
    -- but when I sat up the opposite, which automatically pops up in my mind, which could be: "..... and if you don´t get there in 5 or 8 years - you rather die. Just leave". 
    There we go: White & Black. as if I need a stop, a negative reward.
    I offer mysefl no grey-zone. I never did.
    I reached a lot but now I get out of energy, a bit.... any other logic person here who does the "same"??

  27. Melissa, your rubber band ritual intrigues me.  I've only used the rubber band trick to "snap the c--p"  that is, to snap the negative things.  It seems like snapping it (ouch!) and deliberately thinking a positive thought  would connect the positive and the pain.  What I do is deliberately think the Negative Thought (snap) over (snap) and over (snap) again. 
    The only place where I'd connect a snap & a positive is when it is a false positive, eg., "I love buttery toast" (snap) "with plenty of jam" snap....thus associating the foods that are evil temptors with the pain.  "Haagan Das?" snap that.....

  28. My initial response to "does success rest on a moral foundation or an immoral one?" was to scratch my noggin and say, 'neither'.   Success and morality don't seem to me to be connected at all.  Hmmm, I must be missing something here.  Will have to mull on this one.

    1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Depends on how you define success, I think.  Truly, if you are going by semantics alone you are quite right Mrs. H&P, the definition of success is attainment of desired goals.  That could be anything from robbing a bank to starting an orphanage in Africa, to fitting into last years dress.
      I believe Randy is writing about financial success.  Success in career?  Although, unfortunately for Randy I am afraid he equates monetary achievement as the pinnacle of Human Achievement or success.  So, maybe it would be better if he defined his terms.
      I believe he is trying to get to the point that most of us have a subconscious belief that to make ourselves a financial success we must do something immoral or we are immoral.  Maybe because of religious education.  Christianity has been taught in such it way, that it leads us to believe being wealthy is in itself a sin.  Although, I don't believe that, and I don't think Christ did either to be honest.  I do however think there are definite moral pitfalls that a person seeking wealth and a person who achieves wealth must be cautious of.  I am a Christian and I do believe if you exploit people for financial gain you are committing an act of violence toward your fellow humans.
      I am not sure how many here would want to go into some of the immoral aspects of attaining wealth or having it.  Randy was brave enough to bring some of those up on one of his posts.  He talked about how he abused drugs.....and so forth....
      I think this is a fascinating topic and one that deserves a lengthy discussion.  I appreciate your insight.  Made me think too. 

      1. Hi Annieb ~ I agree, fascinating topic!  I've  been mulling on it, and appreciate your adding to the discussion.  I asked myself some questions:
        Can immoral people be successful?  No, not by my definition of success (which is the only one that matters).  My definition of Success includes the financial aspect, but there are other aspects as well: health (a biggee!), peace of mind, loveableness...
        Can moral people be successful?  Yes.  I know a lot of very wealthy people (being v. wealthy is part of my def. of success) who are healthy, peaceful, and eminently loveable - they exhibit every aspect of Successfullness that I can imagine.
        Are all moral people successful?  No.  I know a lot of good folk who are outside the umbrella of what I call success. One can be moral and UNsuccessful.
        Am I moral?  yes.
        Am I successful?   Hmmmm.....   Although I don't command wealth like Randy, I'm still HUGELY more wealthy than the majority of folks on the planet; I'm healthy, peaceful, and there are people who love me (as well as God, but of course God loves everybody - go figger!)   Since my definition is the only one that matters, I will have to say - yup, I am Successful.  Isn't that a happy thought!  I LIKE feeling successful!!
        Incidentally, Annieb, not all Christians have been taught that getting wealthy equates with immorality.  Don't mistake the ideas you were given as being true of all Christians.  So many divergent beliefs are collected under the "Christianity" umbrella! some of them astonishingly loopy.

  29. My initial response to "does success rest on a moral foundation or an immoral one?" was to scratch my noggin and say, 'neither'.   Success and morality don't seem to me to be connected at all.  Hmmm, I must be missing something here.  Will have to mull on this one.

  30.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Depends on how you define success, I think.  Truly, if you are going by semantics alone you are quite right Mrs. H&P, the definition of success is attainment of desired goals.  That could be anything from robbing a bank to starting an orphanage in Africa, to fitting into last years dress.
    I believe Randy is writing about financial success.  Success in career?  Although, unfortunately for Randy I am afraid he equates monetary achievement as the pinnacle of Human Achievement or success.  So, maybe it would be better if he defined his terms.
    I believe he is trying to get to the point that most of us have a subconscious belief that to make ourselves a financial success we must do something immoral or we are immoral.  Maybe because of religious education.  Christianity has been taught in such it way, that it leads us to believe being wealthy is in itself a sin.  Although, I don't believe that, and I don't think Christ did either to be honest.  I do however think there are definite moral pitfalls that a person seeking wealth and a person who achieves wealth must be cautious of.  I am a Christian and I do believe if you exploit people for financial gain you are committing an act of violence toward your fellow humans.
    I am not sure how many here would want to go into some of the immoral aspects of attaining wealth or having it.  Randy was brave enough to bring some of those up on one of his posts.  He talked about how he abused drugs.....and so forth....
    I think this is a fascinating topic and one that deserves a lengthy discussion.  I appreciate your insight.  Made me think too. 

  31. Hi Annieb ~ I agree, fascinating topic!  I've  been mulling on it, and appreciate your adding to the discussion.  I asked myself some questions:
    Can immoral people be successful?  No, not by my definition of success (which is the only one that matters).  My definition of Success includes the financial aspect, but there are other aspects as well: health (a biggee!), peace of mind, loveableness...
    Can moral people be successful?  Yes.  I know a lot of very wealthy people (being v. wealthy is part of my def. of success) who are healthy, peaceful, and eminently loveable - they exhibit every aspect of Successfullness that I can imagine.
    Are all moral people successful?  No.  I know a lot of good folk who are outside the umbrella of what I call success. One can be moral and UNsuccessful.
    Am I moral?  yes.
    Am I successful?   Hmmmm.....   Although I don't command wealth like Randy, I'm still HUGELY more wealthy than the majority of folks on the planet; I'm healthy, peaceful, and there are people who love me (as well as God, but of course God loves everybody - go figger!)   Since my definition is the only one that matters, I will have to say - yup, I am Successful.  Isn't that a happy thought!  I LIKE feeling successful!!
    Incidentally, Annieb, not all Christians have been taught that getting wealthy equates with immorality.  Don't mistake the ideas you were given as being true of all Christians.  So many divergent beliefs are collected under the "Christianity" umbrella! some of them astonishingly loopy.

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  • 64 comments on “The Test”

    1. I wondered if you would ever bring that up.  Yes, I am sure I have believed that all my life.  It is interesting to think about.  I hate it when your right, okay I'll just have to agree.
      But, sometimes it is true isn't it?  I mean that is the tragedy, though you make an astounding observation that is absolutely true, it comes with some exceptions as well.  We have lots of examples of wealthy people doing evil things for money.  So, that is true too.  Like the oil companies, and politicians.  I mean let's face it the exploiters are out there.  It is just not the entire truth, poor people can be exploiters and rich people can be exploiters.  So, I guess it depends on your morality in general.  Whether or not we have little money or we make lots of it, our morality shouldn't be defined by stereotypes.
      That is a horrible thing to think, believing it is immoral to be successful or wealthy.  I know I have thought for forever.  I was an actress when I was younger, and I believed to be successful would mean people would think I slept my way to the top or did something unethical.  I thought actors were unethical in general, and the whole business.  I didn't want to be bad.  I thought the only way I could be loveable is if I helped others.Yeah, that's twisted, but please don't go analyzing me and think I am deranged and evil.  I got enough of that reading "Atlas Shrugged".
      I finished that novel by the way, all 1167 pages of it.   That will be my birthday present to you, that you can know you got one more person in the world to read Ayn Rand.  🙂  So, one day I hope you do another post about Ayn Rand, so I can give my now educated opinion of her and her most famous work of art.
      Oh, about the question you put forth in your post.  Now that I think of it,  success, true success, not just position and money, requires moral behavior.  Success may also come with lots of money or a moderate amount, I guess what I am trying to say is success is based on our morality and how we feel about ourselves.  IF you have tons of money, but earned it immorally, I don't believe you feel very successful.   
      However, I know I have believed that negative idea that all success is immoral.  You know what is weird though, I don't think I thought it of others always, just if I became successful it would be immoral.  I think that's weird.   I am not saying that I didn't see some successful people as immoral, but mostly I put that on myself.  Okay, I am finished, I know this really isn't supposed to be psychoanalysis, but it was a very interesting post.
      Okay, I think I felt that moral people who were successful were just smarter or better than me, and all the rest were immoral.  Okay, now I am really finished.  Okay, I'm not finished, I knew successful people, and they were not immoral, so I just had to believe they were smarter or more mature.  But, that actually might be true.  I think.  The maturity thing definitely anyway.    I have been depending on the kindness of strangers longer than Blanche Dubois.  I think beliefs like it is immoral to be successful are just excuses I have made so I don't have to take responsibility for myself, for my success or lack there of .  I hope this resonates with someone out there.  Ya know what I mean?

    2. I used to be in the camp of the dark side, but a few years of study and re-programming, much of it through this blog, your books, as well as others (As A Man Thinketh for sure!), changed all that! And not a moment too soon! I figure 40 years of silliness and lack thinking is just about enough. Lol.


        1.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

        2.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

    3. I used to be in the camp of the dark side, but a few years of study and re-programming, much of it through this blog, your books, as well as others (As A Man Thinketh for sure!), changed all that! And not a moment too soon! I figure 40 years of silliness and lack thinking is just about enough. Lol.


    4. I am learning that it's all about our mindset, Randy. We must first know that we're indeed worthy to have success. I'd say on a scale of 1 - 100; I'm getting around to about a 90. I still have my days of doubt, but when they show up; I eliminate them as quickly as possible. Some of those thoughts have been so ingrained for so long, that they tend to slip through from time to time. However, that's not happening nearly as much as it used too. For that, I'm grateful. I do not, however, feel I have to lay down my values or my character to obtain success. I actually believe that when we hold dearly to them, we're more likely to get there quicker. Our blessings tend to flow when we hold on to doing right by ourselves and others. 

    5. I am learning that it's all about our mindset, Randy. We must first know that we're indeed worthy to have success. I'd say on a scale of 1 - 100; I'm getting around to about a 90. I still have my days of doubt, but when they show up; I eliminate them as quickly as possible. Some of those thoughts have been so ingrained for so long, that they tend to slip through from time to time. However, that's not happening nearly as much as it used too. For that, I'm grateful. I do not, however, feel I have to lay down my values or my character to obtain success. I actually believe that when we hold dearly to them, we're more likely to get there quicker. Our blessings tend to flow when we hold on to doing right by ourselves and others. 

    6.  @Deeone Higgs Just got the Kindle version. I was going to take a nap, now I'm going to read that instead.

    7. I'm going to say no to people and situations that don't serve me.I don't have to do everything other people want and be around people who are OK with thinking small, and belittle doing something worthwhile and empowering.Tired of the "hard work" and suffering mindset far too many people have. I doubt Randy or Bill Gates or Lady Gaga worked millions of times harder or suffering more than someone who works at Wal-mart. I also doubt that any of those people are a million times smarter or more talented.Yes, there are brilliant people at levels, but I am more inclined to think that most of the population is capable of a lot more than poverty or middle class status.People just believe the crap they're fed.Sorry, I don't take the advice of unhealthy broke people very well any more. I am estranged from friends and family who worship what they see on TV or what someone else tells them.It's hard, but I know I'll find good people one day.A lot of people are either circling the drain, or barely breaking even. The New Economy is one of creativity, connection and entrepreneurship. The old, work until you die, or sell to the neighbors economy is long gone, never to return.If you're only making a middle class salary or a less a year, fat, addicted to something (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, fast food, and hate your life, I'm going to ignore you.Everyone who is here obviously has or is moving away from that. I am grateful. 

    8. I'm going to say no to people and situations that don't serve me.I don't have to do everything other people want and be around people who are OK with thinking small, and belittle doing something worthwhile and empowering.Tired of the "hard work" and suffering mindset far too many people have. I doubt Randy or Bill Gates or Lady Gaga worked millions of times harder or suffering more than someone who works at Wal-mart. I also doubt that any of those people are a million times smarter or more talented.Yes, there are brilliant people at levels, but I am more inclined to think that most of the population is capable of a lot more than poverty or middle class status.People just believe the crap they're fed.Sorry, I don't take the advice of unhealthy broke people very well any more. I am estranged from friends and family who worship what they see on TV or what someone else tells them.It's hard, but I know I'll find good people one day.A lot of people are either circling the drain, or barely breaking even. The New Economy is one of creativity, connection and entrepreneurship. The old, work until you die, or sell to the neighbors economy is long gone, never to return.If you're only making a middle class salary or a less a year, fat, addicted to something (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, fast food, and hate your life, I'm going to ignore you.Everyone who is here obviously has or is moving away from that. I am grateful. 

    9. What i dont understand, is how i can change this "theory".. or mind virus in my subconscious mind? What are the suggestions, or so -called "exercises" for leave all them behind?
      Because beleive me, i have realized all, i made opposite statements, i have played a drama -pedagogy play.. and it is still there.
      I would be glad to read any suggestions, from anybody please.
      Thank you,

    10. What i dont understand, is how i can change this "theory".. or mind virus in my subconscious mind? What are the suggestions, or so -called "exercises" for leave all them behind?
      Because beleive me, i have realized all, i made opposite statements, i have played a drama -pedagogy play.. and it is still there.
      I would be glad to read any suggestions, from anybody please.
      Thank you,

    11. If I am not healthy, successful, and happy, how can I possibly help other people?How can I do good for the world, my friends, and my family?Question: Has anyone serialized a novel on Nook or Kindle before or know of any case studies?I'm working on rewriting a novel in chunks and will have a track or two to go with each chapter/chunk related to the plot, characters, events, and location. I know that I can do a lot on my own, but there are lot of people who read Randy's blog who have had difference experiences and backgrounds.Your perspective and any assistance you may provide would be appreciated greatly. 

    12. If I am not healthy, successful, and happy, how can I possibly help other people?How can I do good for the world, my friends, and my family?Question: Has anyone serialized a novel on Nook or Kindle before or know of any case studies?I'm working on rewriting a novel in chunks and will have a track or two to go with each chapter/chunk related to the plot, characters, events, and location. I know that I can do a lot on my own, but there are lot of people who read Randy's blog who have had difference experiences and backgrounds.Your perspective and any assistance you may provide would be appreciated greatly. 

    13. as John Assaraf  says:  there is a simple way to know what are your deepest beliefs about success: chek  your bank account balance!

    14. as John Assaraf  says:  there is a simple way to know what are your deepest beliefs about success: chek  your bank account balance!

    15. Wow! Thank you Randy. I guess that is where I need to start. I'm curious about what other questions are on the test? 

    16. Wow! Thank you Randy. I guess that is where I need to start. I'm curious about what other questions are on the test? 

    17. Thanks Randy!
      The truth uttered is a lie - he said Lao-Tzu
      Tell me - and I'll forget, show me - and I remember, let me act - and I understand. Ancient Chinese wisdom
      For the big success is a great idea. Inviting to the great success we can not guarantee anything. We must believe in yourself and know what price you're willing to pay for success, to be honest, even if the truth is bitter. Treat failure as experience.

    18. Thanks Randy!
      The truth uttered is a lie - he said Lao-Tzu
      Tell me - and I'll forget, show me - and I remember, let me act - and I understand. Ancient Chinese wisdom
      For the big success is a great idea. Inviting to the great success we can not guarantee anything. We must believe in yourself and know what price you're willing to pay for success, to be honest, even if the truth is bitter. Treat failure as experience.

    19. It is very hard for people to be honest with themselves or look hard enough to find their weakness's. That's called normal. I'm not normal. I'm actually kind of wierd and I think most successful people are since you break away from normal beliefs to get there. If you are not willing to look at yourself, take inventory and be honest about where you are and how you think, you will not break through to success.  There are always going to be people who tell you, " you can't do this, if this were true everyone would do it, it's just another scam. That's how the majority thinks and that's why they are where they are, trying to avoid losing instead of achieve success. If your foundation sucks, your building will too. Give yourself a attaboy!!! for following Randy or anyone who doesn't follow the herd. Then look at yourself and decide, Do I want to keep doing what I am doing and getting what I am getting? or do  I want more.  Once you start indentifying what is holding you back, you can fix it. Or you can decide to be like most people and stick your head in the sand, get yourself busy with texting, emailing, running here and there and getting no where. Nothing will change until you decide to change. I pray you do. Life sucks when you are broke and broken. You know how that feels so choose to change, one baby step at a time and hang with people like Randy and others who can help you to get up the next step till you get to the top.

    20. It is very hard for people to be honest with themselves or look hard enough to find their weakness's. That's called normal. I'm not normal. I'm actually kind of wierd and I think most successful people are since you break away from normal beliefs to get there. If you are not willing to look at yourself, take inventory and be honest about where you are and how you think, you will not break through to success.  There are always going to be people who tell you, " you can't do this, if this were true everyone would do it, it's just another scam. That's how the majority thinks and that's why they are where they are, trying to avoid losing instead of achieve success. If your foundation sucks, your building will too. Give yourself a attaboy!!! for following Randy or anyone who doesn't follow the herd. Then look at yourself and decide, Do I want to keep doing what I am doing and getting what I am getting? or do  I want more.  Once you start indentifying what is holding you back, you can fix it. Or you can decide to be like most people and stick your head in the sand, get yourself busy with texting, emailing, running here and there and getting no where. Nothing will change until you decide to change. I pray you do. Life sucks when you are broke and broken. You know how that feels so choose to change, one baby step at a time and hang with people like Randy and others who can help you to get up the next step till you get to the top.

    21. Chillaxing - browsing the farmer's market on Saturday, lunch at La Cigalle.......... and if the weather holds, possibly out to Muriwai too.

    22. Chillaxing - browsing the farmer's market on Saturday, lunch at La Cigalle.......... and if the weather holds, possibly out to Muriwai too.

    23. I struggle with this concept within regards to my weight. I come from a family where my mom and siblings are obese. At 5'9" and weighing 160 lbs may seem fine for some. However, I work out daily, love eating fresh fruits and veggies, run half marathons-yet every time my weight thinks of hitting below the 160 mark i sabotage myself. It seems like some inner part of me is screaming, "Nooooo, if you get any thinner you will be a slut and sinner!" You would think with my intelligence, I would know better (I’m a psychologist!)  but this belief is so deeply ingrained in me that it does seem to dictate my behavior. For today, out comes the rubber band. When I think negative thoughts around my body, I will give a little snap and say, "I am doing God’s will by surrendering access weight”.

      1. Melissa, your rubber band ritual intrigues me.  I've only used the rubber band trick to "snap the c--p"  that is, to snap the negative things.  It seems like snapping it (ouch!) and deliberately thinking a positive thought  would connect the positive and the pain.  What I do is deliberately think the Negative Thought (snap) over (snap) and over (snap) again. 
        The only place where I'd connect a snap & a positive is when it is a false positive, eg., "I love buttery toast" (snap) "with plenty of jam" snap....thus associating the foods that are evil temptors with the pain.  "Haagan Das?" snap that.....

    24. I struggle with this concept within regards to my weight. I come from a family where my mom and siblings are obese. At 5'9" and weighing 160 lbs may seem fine for some. However, I work out daily, love eating fresh fruits and veggies, run half marathons-yet every time my weight thinks of hitting below the 160 mark i sabotage myself. It seems like some inner part of me is screaming, "Nooooo, if you get any thinner you will be a slut and sinner!" You would think with my intelligence, I would know better (I’m a psychologist!)  but this belief is so deeply ingrained in me that it does seem to dictate my behavior. For today, out comes the rubber band. When I think negative thoughts around my body, I will give a little snap and say, "I am doing God’s will by surrendering access weight”.

    25. That´s a very good post - for me - to get to the point that I do self-sabotage myself, but rather - indirectly.
      As a natural logic thinking person who goes with Black or White, Yes or No, 0 or 1: I tend to set-up an "opposite" of what I want to reach.
      To me it never bothered me but I do realize NOW that it does sabotage my energy & strong will.
      It´s like, I" want to reach this" (and I really DO want to go for it)
      -- but when I sat up the opposite, which automatically pops up in my mind, which could be: "..... and if you don´t get there in 5 or 8 years - you rather die. Just leave". 
      There we go: White & Black. as if I need a stop, a negative reward.
      I offer mysefl no grey-zone. I never did.
      I reached a lot but now I get out of energy, a bit.... any other logic person here who does the "same"??

    26. That´s a very good post - for me - to get to the point that I do self-sabotage myself, but rather - indirectly.
      As a natural logic thinking person who goes with Black or White, Yes or No, 0 or 1: I tend to set-up an "opposite" of what I want to reach.
      To me it never bothered me but I do realize NOW that it does sabotage my energy & strong will.
      It´s like, I" want to reach this" (and I really DO want to go for it)
      -- but when I sat up the opposite, which automatically pops up in my mind, which could be: "..... and if you don´t get there in 5 or 8 years - you rather die. Just leave". 
      There we go: White & Black. as if I need a stop, a negative reward.
      I offer mysefl no grey-zone. I never did.
      I reached a lot but now I get out of energy, a bit.... any other logic person here who does the "same"??

    27. Melissa, your rubber band ritual intrigues me.  I've only used the rubber band trick to "snap the c--p"  that is, to snap the negative things.  It seems like snapping it (ouch!) and deliberately thinking a positive thought  would connect the positive and the pain.  What I do is deliberately think the Negative Thought (snap) over (snap) and over (snap) again. 
      The only place where I'd connect a snap & a positive is when it is a false positive, eg., "I love buttery toast" (snap) "with plenty of jam" snap....thus associating the foods that are evil temptors with the pain.  "Haagan Das?" snap that.....

    28. My initial response to "does success rest on a moral foundation or an immoral one?" was to scratch my noggin and say, 'neither'.   Success and morality don't seem to me to be connected at all.  Hmmm, I must be missing something here.  Will have to mull on this one.

      1.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Depends on how you define success, I think.  Truly, if you are going by semantics alone you are quite right Mrs. H&P, the definition of success is attainment of desired goals.  That could be anything from robbing a bank to starting an orphanage in Africa, to fitting into last years dress.
        I believe Randy is writing about financial success.  Success in career?  Although, unfortunately for Randy I am afraid he equates monetary achievement as the pinnacle of Human Achievement or success.  So, maybe it would be better if he defined his terms.
        I believe he is trying to get to the point that most of us have a subconscious belief that to make ourselves a financial success we must do something immoral or we are immoral.  Maybe because of religious education.  Christianity has been taught in such it way, that it leads us to believe being wealthy is in itself a sin.  Although, I don't believe that, and I don't think Christ did either to be honest.  I do however think there are definite moral pitfalls that a person seeking wealth and a person who achieves wealth must be cautious of.  I am a Christian and I do believe if you exploit people for financial gain you are committing an act of violence toward your fellow humans.
        I am not sure how many here would want to go into some of the immoral aspects of attaining wealth or having it.  Randy was brave enough to bring some of those up on one of his posts.  He talked about how he abused drugs.....and so forth....
        I think this is a fascinating topic and one that deserves a lengthy discussion.  I appreciate your insight.  Made me think too. 

        1. Hi Annieb ~ I agree, fascinating topic!  I've  been mulling on it, and appreciate your adding to the discussion.  I asked myself some questions:
          Can immoral people be successful?  No, not by my definition of success (which is the only one that matters).  My definition of Success includes the financial aspect, but there are other aspects as well: health (a biggee!), peace of mind, loveableness...
          Can moral people be successful?  Yes.  I know a lot of very wealthy people (being v. wealthy is part of my def. of success) who are healthy, peaceful, and eminently loveable - they exhibit every aspect of Successfullness that I can imagine.
          Are all moral people successful?  No.  I know a lot of good folk who are outside the umbrella of what I call success. One can be moral and UNsuccessful.
          Am I moral?  yes.
          Am I successful?   Hmmmm.....   Although I don't command wealth like Randy, I'm still HUGELY more wealthy than the majority of folks on the planet; I'm healthy, peaceful, and there are people who love me (as well as God, but of course God loves everybody - go figger!)   Since my definition is the only one that matters, I will have to say - yup, I am Successful.  Isn't that a happy thought!  I LIKE feeling successful!!
          Incidentally, Annieb, not all Christians have been taught that getting wealthy equates with immorality.  Don't mistake the ideas you were given as being true of all Christians.  So many divergent beliefs are collected under the "Christianity" umbrella! some of them astonishingly loopy.

    29. My initial response to "does success rest on a moral foundation or an immoral one?" was to scratch my noggin and say, 'neither'.   Success and morality don't seem to me to be connected at all.  Hmmm, I must be missing something here.  Will have to mull on this one.

    30.  @MrsHealthandProsperity Depends on how you define success, I think.  Truly, if you are going by semantics alone you are quite right Mrs. H&P, the definition of success is attainment of desired goals.  That could be anything from robbing a bank to starting an orphanage in Africa, to fitting into last years dress.
      I believe Randy is writing about financial success.  Success in career?  Although, unfortunately for Randy I am afraid he equates monetary achievement as the pinnacle of Human Achievement or success.  So, maybe it would be better if he defined his terms.
      I believe he is trying to get to the point that most of us have a subconscious belief that to make ourselves a financial success we must do something immoral or we are immoral.  Maybe because of religious education.  Christianity has been taught in such it way, that it leads us to believe being wealthy is in itself a sin.  Although, I don't believe that, and I don't think Christ did either to be honest.  I do however think there are definite moral pitfalls that a person seeking wealth and a person who achieves wealth must be cautious of.  I am a Christian and I do believe if you exploit people for financial gain you are committing an act of violence toward your fellow humans.
      I am not sure how many here would want to go into some of the immoral aspects of attaining wealth or having it.  Randy was brave enough to bring some of those up on one of his posts.  He talked about how he abused drugs.....and so forth....
      I think this is a fascinating topic and one that deserves a lengthy discussion.  I appreciate your insight.  Made me think too. 

    31. Hi Annieb ~ I agree, fascinating topic!  I've  been mulling on it, and appreciate your adding to the discussion.  I asked myself some questions:
      Can immoral people be successful?  No, not by my definition of success (which is the only one that matters).  My definition of Success includes the financial aspect, but there are other aspects as well: health (a biggee!), peace of mind, loveableness...
      Can moral people be successful?  Yes.  I know a lot of very wealthy people (being v. wealthy is part of my def. of success) who are healthy, peaceful, and eminently loveable - they exhibit every aspect of Successfullness that I can imagine.
      Are all moral people successful?  No.  I know a lot of good folk who are outside the umbrella of what I call success. One can be moral and UNsuccessful.
      Am I moral?  yes.
      Am I successful?   Hmmmm.....   Although I don't command wealth like Randy, I'm still HUGELY more wealthy than the majority of folks on the planet; I'm healthy, peaceful, and there are people who love me (as well as God, but of course God loves everybody - go figger!)   Since my definition is the only one that matters, I will have to say - yup, I am Successful.  Isn't that a happy thought!  I LIKE feeling successful!!
      Incidentally, Annieb, not all Christians have been taught that getting wealthy equates with immorality.  Don't mistake the ideas you were given as being true of all Christians.  So many divergent beliefs are collected under the "Christianity" umbrella! some of them astonishingly loopy.

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