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Choose Joy

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 17, 2010

The second you realize the degree to which most of your challenges are self-created, is the second you start to get free.  But here’s the catch…

As we’ve discussed only the last two posts, if you use this as a chance to beat yourself up and lower your perceived self worth, you just create more challenges.  But if you choose the other road, that’s when you can leave self sabotage behind forever.  You can choose the path to joy.

The key to that last paragraph was the word “perceived.”  Because that is what self worth is all about.  It is not a thing.  It is simply a perception you create yourself.

Babies have no self worth issues.  Neither do toddlers.  They just are.  It is only as we develop our awareness and start buying into all the judging of ourselves that the problems arise.

Like we discussed, all people have slips of integrity, petty thoughts, and do stupid things sometimes.  Those don’t mean you’re a bad human.  They mean you are a human, not a Cylon.  They are part of the human path of growth and development, not unforgivable sins that make you unworthy of health, happiness and prosperity.

Here’s my take on this…

Life is tough.  Really.  It has lots of challenges.  You don’t need to make it any tougher by adding a bunch of self created challenges and punishment.

When you discover your true self worth – the being you are designed to be, you can stop the self flagellation and choose joy.

Now do we sometimes do bad things that we have to stop?  Absolutely.  Do we sometimes need to make amends?  Yes.  That’s where we’ll pick up tomorrow.  Until then, please share your thoughts.

And thanks for the tremendous response to yesterday’s post. Almost 100 tweets, 400 likes, and 100 comments.  I appreciate your willingness to share and participate in the discussion.


29 comments on “Choose Joy”

  1. Thanks Randy. As always you do a great job of saying things how they are and not trying to sugar coat things and making things very simple.

  2. "First I reach for Joy, and all else Follows" ... It can be a challenge and take consistent awareness, as you say Randy, when we start those judgments, those comparisons, it gets harder and harder to listen for what brings us joy. But is it worth it to reach for Joy ... you betcha! Thanks for the reminder Randy.

  3. Great post ... reminds me of my favorite quote:
    "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, It can achieve."
    ~~Napolean Hill

    Joy ... Joy ... Joy ... ...♥´¯)¸♫´¯)

  4. Here is something I email to everyone on my email list to start the New Year. And now I share it with you.Please note that this was witen in 1513 !!!

    New Year Greeting

    There is nothing I can give you that you do not already have.
    But there is much that, while I cannot give it, you can take.

    No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today.
    Take heaven!

    No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
    Take peace!

    The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
    Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.

    There is radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see.
    And to see, we have only to look.

    And so, at this time, I greet you.
    Not quite as the world sends greetings but with profound esteem.

    Fra Giovanni, 1513

  5. Great posts Randy!!... I wrote down, how much abundance can I stand today and vow to repeat it first thing each morning...

  6. I do believe self-condemnation is one of our "perceived" enemies. It is an illusion and we make it up.

    The great news is that we certainly do not have to live there because we have the POWER to choose JOY! Just change your mind, and little by little or by leaps and bounds we can definitely design the life we are meant to live.

    Randy, VG POST!

  7. I don't like the "how much abundance can I stand today". I interpret this as a disempowering statement. It's a presupposition. Words are very powerful as well as our connection to their meaning. Many people relate negativity to this combination of wording, like, How much more agrivation can I stand today? How about, I open myself to unlimited abundance today.
    Choosing joy is not an option. It is a part of our natural being. We were born with it so we can't remanifest it. As Randy said, a baby is joyful. I have found the only way to truly get back to my joyful state is with connection to God or whatever you choose to call him.
    If we look at joy as a challenge,or something we can find outside of ourselves and put it in a bucket, we will never find it.It is intangeable. It can't be gotten by faking it till you make it. It's something we were given at birth and it has to be reestablished. I hope I am making sense to someone. I apologize for any poor spelling. Not trying to impress anyone, just make a point of view.

  8. `you rock Randy. Your comments and wisdom make my day. You are inspiring and really helping me to make good decisions and accepting the human me and learning and using the knowledge. Accepting joy (she is one of my friends) and humour and laughter. We do not need to berate ourselves, and I have definately stopped that. Better health, better way of being. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  9. Like everyone else, you have forgotten your origin. And thus, you have forgotten and neglected your ever-present spiritual connection to God-Mind.

    Once you make the commitment to deprogram your mind from all the rubbish collected over many of your lifelines – you are on your way to spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being of the highest order.

    Check out the free 48 minute podcast released today at

    It is down to Earth yet with expanded information. New to many people, but then again, looking at the world today, I’d say it’s about time people try something different.

    Expand Your Life

  10. Randy,

    I agree that we are definitely too hard on ourselves. I learned something very valuable from Jack Canfield.

    He said to make a collage of all the accomplishments you have made in your life and to look at it every night. That way you think of what you have done right and don't focus on what you might think are your shortcomings.

    I think we all must start by loving ourselves and then we can expand this to the world. The mirror exercise is something I practice and hope many other people do as well.

    Thank you for great insights.



  11. I agree with everything you said but one thing "life is tough" that a perception also.. Life just is. You are. Consciousness expands.. devour every particle of your expanding consciousness and when you think things get though it just means you don't have the most allowing perspective and just start appreciating ALL that you have evolved into in all the billions of years of consciousness perceived into form.. when you appreciate self appreciate ALL there is and that will be because all that is YOU.. but shhtt... don't tell anybody..

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  • 29 comments on “Choose Joy”

    1. Thanks Randy. As always you do a great job of saying things how they are and not trying to sugar coat things and making things very simple.

    2. "First I reach for Joy, and all else Follows" ... It can be a challenge and take consistent awareness, as you say Randy, when we start those judgments, those comparisons, it gets harder and harder to listen for what brings us joy. But is it worth it to reach for Joy ... you betcha! Thanks for the reminder Randy.

    3. Great post ... reminds me of my favorite quote:
      "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, It can achieve."
      ~~Napolean Hill

      Joy ... Joy ... Joy ... ...♥´¯)¸♫´¯)

    4. Here is something I email to everyone on my email list to start the New Year. And now I share it with you.Please note that this was witen in 1513 !!!

      New Year Greeting

      There is nothing I can give you that you do not already have.
      But there is much that, while I cannot give it, you can take.

      No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today.
      Take heaven!

      No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present instant.
      Take peace!

      The gloom of the world is but a shadow.
      Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy.

      There is radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see.
      And to see, we have only to look.

      And so, at this time, I greet you.
      Not quite as the world sends greetings but with profound esteem.

      Fra Giovanni, 1513

    5. Great posts Randy!!... I wrote down, how much abundance can I stand today and vow to repeat it first thing each morning...

    6. I do believe self-condemnation is one of our "perceived" enemies. It is an illusion and we make it up.

      The great news is that we certainly do not have to live there because we have the POWER to choose JOY! Just change your mind, and little by little or by leaps and bounds we can definitely design the life we are meant to live.

      Randy, VG POST!

    7. I don't like the "how much abundance can I stand today". I interpret this as a disempowering statement. It's a presupposition. Words are very powerful as well as our connection to their meaning. Many people relate negativity to this combination of wording, like, How much more agrivation can I stand today? How about, I open myself to unlimited abundance today.
      Choosing joy is not an option. It is a part of our natural being. We were born with it so we can't remanifest it. As Randy said, a baby is joyful. I have found the only way to truly get back to my joyful state is with connection to God or whatever you choose to call him.
      If we look at joy as a challenge,or something we can find outside of ourselves and put it in a bucket, we will never find it.It is intangeable. It can't be gotten by faking it till you make it. It's something we were given at birth and it has to be reestablished. I hope I am making sense to someone. I apologize for any poor spelling. Not trying to impress anyone, just make a point of view.

    8. `you rock Randy. Your comments and wisdom make my day. You are inspiring and really helping me to make good decisions and accepting the human me and learning and using the knowledge. Accepting joy (she is one of my friends) and humour and laughter. We do not need to berate ourselves, and I have definately stopped that. Better health, better way of being. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    9. Like everyone else, you have forgotten your origin. And thus, you have forgotten and neglected your ever-present spiritual connection to God-Mind.

      Once you make the commitment to deprogram your mind from all the rubbish collected over many of your lifelines – you are on your way to spiritual, mental, emotional and physical well-being of the highest order.

      Check out the free 48 minute podcast released today at

      It is down to Earth yet with expanded information. New to many people, but then again, looking at the world today, I’d say it’s about time people try something different.

      Expand Your Life

    10. Randy,

      I agree that we are definitely too hard on ourselves. I learned something very valuable from Jack Canfield.

      He said to make a collage of all the accomplishments you have made in your life and to look at it every night. That way you think of what you have done right and don't focus on what you might think are your shortcomings.

      I think we all must start by loving ourselves and then we can expand this to the world. The mirror exercise is something I practice and hope many other people do as well.

      Thank you for great insights.



    11. I agree with everything you said but one thing "life is tough" that a perception also.. Life just is. You are. Consciousness expands.. devour every particle of your expanding consciousness and when you think things get though it just means you don't have the most allowing perspective and just start appreciating ALL that you have evolved into in all the billions of years of consciousness perceived into form.. when you appreciate self appreciate ALL there is and that will be because all that is YOU.. but shhtt... don't tell anybody..

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