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Are You Worthy?

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 25, 2011

Wow what a response to the last post on changing your story. And I must confess, I did what the psychologists call projection. Because for me, 95 percent of the battle is recognizing when a belief doesn’t serve me, then I change it almost instantaneously. But obviously for some people this is a much more drawn out process.

Now there were some great comments dealing how others make this work, so I won’t repeat them. I want to go in a very different direction…

One of the things I learned from Harry Brown is that if they can get you to ask the wrong question – the answer doesn’t matter.  So it seems simple enough to say, “I have noticed I have a belief that doesn’t serve me, but it’s hard to change it.” Really?

How often is that really the case? Because for most people, that is the hardest part of the process, the actual awareness of this. If you doubt me, get involved with group therapy some time! You might be simply shocked at how people (including yourself) have to be dragged kicking and screaming to awareness.

The thing that makes group therapy works is that you almost always see things in others first, and only after intervention from the group do you recognize that the reason you feel so strong about it is because it’s an issue for you. Now let’s explore that other issue:

You become aware of something, and don’t change it. You realize you attract abusive partners, but still get in another abusive relationship. You know you’re an alcoholic, but still keep drinking. Or you notice that every time you start to break through, you sabotage your success, and still continue the pattern.

The real question to ask is why you would repeat negative, destructive or harmful behavior. And I believe that takes us back to the mother of all prosperity issues: WORTHINESS.

Drugs, alcohol, and smoking at their best are escapist behavior, and at their worst are death wish behaviors. And both escapist and death wish behavior comes from worthiness issues. People repeat dysfunctional relationships because at a subconscious level they don’t believe they deserve healthy ones.

If you know you’re overweight and a heart attack waiting to happen, and you still buy a gallon of chunky monkey to watch Survivor with, that’s got worthiness issues written all over it.

If you have business failure after business failure like I did, you can blame it on the economy, crooked partners, the IRS, the highway construction changing traffic patterns (like I did) or you can understand that one of two issues (or both) are at play here: You are sabotaging your own success because either you think rich people are evil and you don’t want to become one, or you think you’re not worthy of being rich.

After almost 20 years of teaching prosperity, I can tell you this worthiness issue is the culprit more than anything else. Doesn’t matter is the symptoms are illness, poverty, dysfunctional relationships, unhappiness or other manifestations of lack. It almost always goes back to the worthiness issue. (Which come about because of the core foundation beliefs that I mentioned yesterday.)

You know by now, I believe you are worthy. You are supposed to be healthy, happy and rich. Really. And if you’re not, you really can change the story. If you haven’t registered for my new virtual prosperity seminar series, please do it NOW. The first one is Thursday at 11 am. (And don’t worry if you’re working or can’t make it at that time live. That's just more sabotage issues for you.   It will be archived and you can watch it or re watch it any time.)  The first session is Slum Dog or Millionaire: How You Manifest Prosperity over Lack.  And we’ll be exploring exactly these issues in depth…

You’ll discover the outside factors that can cause you to lower your perceived self-worth. More importantly you’ll learn how YOU lower your perceived self-worth. And I’ll give you a checklist of things to restore your confidence and belief and six action steps to take. This is really the most advanced work I’ve ever done on the issue, and I’m really excited about what it can mean for you.

Please. Let go of lack and limitation. Step out and do something great. Something bold, daring and adventurous. Be the you - you are meant to become. Sign up here:

And get ready for Thursday, because it’s going to rock! I promise you.


61 comments on “Are You Worthy?”

  1. I deal with worthiness issues with my practice members almost daily. Disease is a self-label that you perpetuate with thoughts. Once you give yourself the description, the diagnosis, you've taken the first step to losing the battle. The idea is to recognize the oneness of humanity, look to share and connect ideas with common man. We are all connected with the frequency of thought, all of the wealth you will ever be capable of is with your right at this moment, within the infinite creative potential of genes, and the infinite creative potential of the universe. To deny worthiness is to deny the essence of being human.

  2. Thanks for the reminder, I was in a spot where I could use it this morning. It's a shocking realization, when you go about rewiring years of training and finally figure out your self-worth is the real issue. Like Plato said, "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself."

    I am certain I'll fight myself a less today because of this -- and your "light bulb" may even help me turn the corner and win the war. May even write "WORTHY" on in a prominent place so I can remember it.

  3. How do you keep hitting me right between the eyes my friend?

    Worthiness - ah worthiness. You are so right on - it's at the core of every single shift toward freedom.

    Having been taught I was worthless and only deserved pain and torture as a very young child - my worthiness stuff ran so deeply into my cellular memory and subconscious I didn't even know it was there. Unworthiness was simple an ingrained part of my belief system. BEFORE I recovered all the memories of my abusive childhood.

    I found my unworthiness stuff in therapy long before I remembered my truth. And I still gave it power. For decades. I argued for my limitations, explained why I couldn't move beyond it because of this excuse then that excuse - all 'viable' reasons but all so much BS.

    Even after I found the root cause of it all - the childhood horrors I'd buried below my memory - I still argued for my unworthiness.

    I was broken, I was a victim of horrible things, I needed time to heal, to release the pain.

    Amazing how we'll shuck and jive to hang onto our limitations.

    What I needed was to release the idea that I was unworthy. That God had judged me to be less than perfect and therefore determined I wasn't allowed to have a joyous abundant life.

    What a crock. But I believed it for decades. Convinced myself that it was my truth.

    And then with the help of some pretty amazing mentors and healers, I opened my heart, found my own personal truth and then God shared some life changing truths about my life and my path. God wants me to have a bountiful life - I was given my power as a co-creator to do just that. God isn't here to judge - God is here to love. We aren't here to prove our worthiness - we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity.

    For years I told myself it took time to heal from the horrors I'd experienced. NO MORE. I can heal in an instant -and I am worthy before God. In God's eyes - I am perfect and I am beloved.

    More importantly - in God's eyes I am a powerful Co-Creator, destined to have it all. If I believe.

    Still working on that believing part but closer every day my friend. Thanks for the inspiration.

    luv n light


      1. That's why Im here my friend - to share my experiences and perhaps shine light for others to find the path to not just survive, but to thrive on this magical journey we call life!


    1. 'We aren’t here to prove our worthiness – we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity' beautifully put rebel! thanks for sharing Rebel and Randy!

    2. "We aren’t here to prove our worthiness – we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity."

      Absolutely ... Deserves to be printed and framed on desks everywhere! 😉



  4. our worthiness was never under questioning.. only the ego has worthiness issues but the ego just is psychological energy that got you here and now, and here and now you can start to track down to find from where your ego comes from(ego is not bad or good it just is.. is all the collection of identifications that you borrowed temporarily from the environment you choose to arrive in) and when you discover that the ego is just though arising in you, you realize you're not the ego.. and then you just are and curiously start to explore yourself.

  5. I have been working on this stuff for 40 years and feel like I am just gettng it!! and loving every moment.

    An art student in one of my classes continually says "IT's so hard" at everything I tell him. I told him how that was all in his mind and he had the power to change it.

    I then asked students in other classes if they had similar thoughts in their minds and the response was informative and uplifted the energy of all the classes.

    Yesterday the boy completed an difficult exercise with out any negative thought and finished with a huge grin saying "I got it"!!

  6. Thanks Randy & Rebel, the part that really hit me was the group therapy thing, that has been the refiner's fire for me for the last 6 months, not going to group therapy, rather anything that bugs me about someone else is an issue I have within, a part of me that needs to be looked at. I have similar childhood horror stories as rebel without elaborating, my problem was when all the people in my life told me I would never amount to anything, that is what drove me. Then my wife and I have achieved moderate success being entrepreneurs. This is where it gets tricky. I proved all my childhood nay sayers wrong, now what? Now comes the biggest part of my journey,becoming a true master of life. Having a cause of living free and powerful, the proving my doubters wrong was so so empty, but the path I'm on now is vast and exciting. Thanks for putting a map of the trail out there Randy. I am glad to have found you and this amazing group of like minded people. Starting inside each one of us we can change the world.

  7. Randy, I love your "reprogramming" mission - It is interesting because I was so loved as a kid and told I was wonderful & could do anything so I have very healthy 'self esteem' - however financially things were a disaster, always getting evicted, stealing neighbors water - crazy stuff - and so I think I have a belief that no matter how "good" I am - money is hard to make and easy to lose. So sign me up for the class!! 😉

  8. Thanks everyone who has been sharing this around in the social media world. I think it's a very important message and I appreciate you all helping spread the word.


  9. Randy,

    Thank you.

    This post truly brings so much full circle for me and validates not only so much of the work I have been doing on myself, but the business I am currently creating to help others see the truth of what they really deserve. I have more than enough passion and inspiration of my own for this mission, but reading it here from someone who's insight and wisdom I greatly respect really knocks it all home for me.

    Worthiness is SUCH an important issue ... it is THE issue - and nothing we ever do for one another as human beings could be more valuable, powerful and emancipating than affirming someone's inherent worthiness when they have forgotten it for themselves and then supporting them lovingly while they embrace it on their own.

    I love you for the work you do, and I too am beginning to experience so much joy as I am starting to get this message out to others on my own. I have so missed being of personal service and helping people with their own transformation process since I left my Hypnotherapy practice. But I know now that the experiences I have had in my personal life and my own journey over the past years were necessary to position me to be able to authentically share from a place of 'been there, done (and still doing) that.'

    I am all warm and fuzzy over stepping back out into service and fulfilling my purpose with a richer, more seasoned perspective!



  10. I really think I am over worthiness issues however I look forward to the class. I feel and I can see that I am doing all of the right things I guess but I have not received the outcome I am seeking. Therefore, I look forward to your clear cut teaching and I will stick to it until....

  11. Randy, thank you for the post. I think we really agree. Knowing what to change and when to change is not always an easy task. Knowing what to change is figuring out the parts of us that hold us back, that we don't take responsibility for.

    Worthiness issues are about feeling loveable and capable. Those are the things we need to feel to be productive and successful in all areas of our life. Simply said, not simply done always.

    Lots of emotions swirl around these issues that hold us back. Fear, Anger, Jelousy, Humiliation, these are the feelings I think we have trouble with experiencing. I believe that is why even though a person might know that they need to change it does't always happen quickly, or the person changes but has setbacks.

    However, after saying all that, change is possible. The light of grace one receives for making those changes is well worth the effort. Also, those nasty emotions can't kill us, and once we master dealing with them we can experience all the grand ones, like ecstasy, love, and joy. And yes, even before we get there, I think with each step we take wether it is a giant one or a baby one, we get a taste of what those really feel like.

    It also helps to have people on the journey with us that let us share the nasty emotions, but love us anyway. 🙂

  12. Something to add from my own experience and lessons, in worthiness, even when found through the process that Randy is teaching, it must still be continually developed. I look at it like, taking a shower, working out, brushing my teeth. It's only good for a day. I made many mistakes thinking that once I did all the work that it was smooth sailing. Little did I know that it needs to be conditioned by repetition daily. We live in a world that sadly exposes us to repeated negative stimuli and experiences that we must evaluate and overcome. I like to reflect on the Lords prayer, " Give us this day our daily bread". I think even God knew that we were not capable of handling more than one day at a time and ask's us to do so. Another realization for me was that worthiness is tied first to our values, then our beliefs. We may not have money worthiness issues, but we may have relationship worthy issues, and depending on our highest value's, this greatly impacts how strongly we hold on to that belief. For example, if your highest value is money and your next is relationships, then when the decision to stay and work late, or get home to the family, the work is going to win because of the value we place on it. This was a big snag for me in eliminating beliefs. My highest value is love. So when faced with the decision to stay and work 3 more hours, or get home to my children, itcreated huge conflicts for me. Hope I'm making sense with all of this.

    1. Yeah Mary-Ellen it makes sense. Thanks for sharing. I love that love is your highest value, and I am assuming most of the time being with your family wins out.:) However, love is also about loving ourselves and sometimes that means asking others to make some sacrafices for us.

      I have a hard time with that. Asking others to make sacrafices for me. But, I am getting better at it.

      I bet and I am only guessing, that you and I both are use to putting other people's needs before our own. So it gets confusing trying to figure out what the most loving thing to do is. Give to others or take care of ourselves? I guess it just varies from situation to situation, and we just have to try and listen to that instinctive voice to figure it out.

      If I interpreted wrong, sorry! I liked your post though, for me it was thought provoking.


      1. If I had to choose, I would err on the side of more selfless than selfish. It's a very fine line. The world needs more caring people along with the character qualities of self worth and empathy. It's easy to love people who we are like or who like us and always agree with our point of view, it's a whole different test of faith when you can care for others who may not have the same perspective or point of view and possess the qualities to look outside ourselves and love and not judge the "taxcollectors", as Jesus did. I am not someone who finds it fun, as Randy commented above, to take pleasure and fun in proving doubters wrong. This shows lack of faith. People with true faith, see the good in everyone and don't look for validation. Randy lost points with me on that one.

        1. I love what you said here, Mary-Ellen...

          "The world needs more caring people along with the character qualities of self worth and empathy."

          Agree and I think the word "AND" is the key here, because it seems many have one or the other, but not both. 🙂

          Finding a healthy alternative to either 'selfless' or 'selfish', I think might be what I've decided to label 'self-ful'- Abundantly meeting the needs of the self so that we are able to recognize, love and serve others from a place of plenty. That is what I'm striving for (having recently returned from a long stay in the unhealthy realm of self-sacrifice.)

          And to your final point - I truly think that any time we are doing anything with our intention being about making someone else feel smaller or less than, we have strayed off track and we all lose. Everyone is worthy ... everyone. Even those we would call our 'enemies'. And our own journey toward becoming our biggest self is ALL about us - not about the other guy(s).

          Hope it's okay that I jumped in with you ladies for a bit. Love your big hearts!


          1. Hi Kimbralee,
            I love your name. My oldest daughters name is JenniLee. Sorry for deviating. I'm flying and I don't even know what time zone I'm in. Can't sleep on the plane. I think the big secret to life is to love and serve and getting as close to god as can. Everything else comes from that place. There's a big corrilation between serving and deserving.

  13. Randy thanks again for the post right on the money again.

    Worthiness has been holding me back for years every time I get a great idea I have held back out of fear I wasn't worthy.

    Not anymore.

    I've decided on a catchphrase for this year "The best way to contribute to someones life is to live in my power and inspire them"

    I was put on this earth to contribute to the world we all have a part to play we all have value to give we are all worthy.

    Thanks for the contribution and the inspiration.


  14. Thanks for the great post Randy and the follow up from yesterday. Very insightful and makes you dig deeper. Also, looking forward to your online seminar.

  15. Great post again Randy. I believe alot of my OWN past negative issues and my past inability to move up and forward, really do stem from worthiness issues for sure! I'd blame it on such rediculous circumstance that are laughable now. Deep down I absolutely strongly believe I deserve everything Im working hard toward. Especially at this stage of my life and business life. Its strongly focussed with integrity, vision and value driven. Mindset is everything and I always consider, "what will serve me best" in whatever I say and do. Awesome blog!

  16. There's the awareness, dealing with it, but then actually living with it. And perhaps the delay in reaction from other people to the new you.

    "Some of us can walk out into the world and see it in living color on any given day, and some of us see only what "they" are projecting upon the human mind with their magical arts of concealment and illusion.

    Awakening comes with risk. You can’t un-know certain things. You can’t get your virginity back once your ignorance has been violated by the lingam of revelation. This is why people hide so desperately from exposure to the truth. The truth is like acid. It will eat away all the foundations upon which people have built their false lives."

  17. Who is Harry Brown?

    You know, I have been thinking, and I have this to say. I am not sure if I am laboring under erroneous beliefs or if I am dreaming things up, but I think you are avoiding something.

    I have never really written on a blog before until this one, so maybe I don't get all the rules. But, I am pissed. At you. RANDY!!! And I am personalizing this statement.

    I can't take it anymore! I am trying hard to be nice, when really I would love to throw something really hard at you. And, I dream it hurts you a lot. Yeah, you heard me. So does everyone else. So Good!!!!!!!!!

    And I may or may not hit the submit button with my most evolved self. You are not off the hook. What you did was mean. If it was a joke, I didn't get it. I was hurt, and I left even though I knew I could write other ways. What do you want from me? Why did you do it?

    Oh, I don't care, but I am telling you how I feel.

    You know I apologized to you when I was wrong. Maybe it's your turn?

      1. I was talking about my submit button. It seemed to be missing for a few days. At first I thought it might be a techinical error, then I thought it was a joke, and then I thought you were just trying to get rid of me for good. What happened? Do you know? Anyway, I did take that personally, and I felt angry and hurt. Was it all just a misunderstanding? Really, I don't care anymore, I just wanted to let you know what I thought and felt about it.

        I did really want to know who Harry Brown was, although I never thought it was me. I have to laugh, because I can't honestly think of you even in code saying you learned something from me. Although, I bet you have.:) And, yes I have learned plenty from you. Take care Big Guy, and have a nice time in Spain.


  18. Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you.
    Thank you, Randy ... Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen of the 'comment box' 😉

    My story is similar to that of Rebel's and I could have grown up in the same household. My family was not abusive but definitely 'limited believers' (and maybe that IS abuse in it's finest form). In my younger days I was a 'rebel' but the spirits of my ancestors succeeded in reeling me back in to live in their little boxes of limitations. Humility, unworthy servant of God, a woman's 'place' in life, just 'who' do you think you are ... yadda yadda yadda. A year ago my spirit said, ENOUGH. I started life over from 'Ground Zero' and the teachers began appearing. The road ahead is still a long one and I am still surrounded by 'limited believers' and 'reality' believers. Now, with the help of Randy, all you wonderful 'commenters' and a few other amazing sources, I now am tuning up my 'vibration' to be stronger than theirs. 'They' say you can't teach an old dog new tricks ... I say you can ... it just takes a little longer 🙂

    I now begin every morning with this reading:

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
    ~~Marianne Williamson

    The part that I think is the most powerful is, "shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you" ... Randy ... maybe THAT could be a topic for you to explore. Why on earth so many of us do that.

    Although I would LOVE to be part of the virtual prosperity seminar series, I'm still in that 'limited financial' zone (not for long, though). Randy ... will we be able to jump into the seminar series down the road?

    Again, thanks to all.

    1. Randy - Is there a way I can sponsor Venetta for the January seminar tomorrow? I would LOVE to make sure she can join. Please let me know how I can pay for her spot.



    2. Venetta -

      The Marianne Williamson quote you share above is my all time favorite quote! I believe it sums up the journey that the majority of us are on ... embracing our own brilliance so we can contribute to the whole in a big way.

      It sounds like you are having many breakthroughs and making great strides - as many of us here are! So inspiring to read!

      I was given some unexpected money yesterday and I would love to make sure you don't miss January's seminar if you would allow me to share it with you? It would bring me great joy. Let me know if that's alright with you.



      1. Oh my goodness ... I don't know what to say. I am not easy to tears and am sitting here blubbering like a 2-year old. I'm at a total loss for words. You are so sweet to offer. I will accept your offer only because I know that what you give comes back to you 100fold and I want you to have your blessings. I know it is against the rules to put personal info here, so, I hope Randy will figure out a way to 'connect' us (if that's OK with you) so I can thank you properly outside of the 'comment box.' Today, KimbraLee YOU are my angel 🙂
        Still blubbering ... Venetta

        1. Venetta,

          I want you to know that every time you post a comment to this blog, I am always touched in some way and I get so much from what you contribute here! I love your courage and your determination. You have such a rich and beautiful soul. 🙂

          I am thrilled that you will be part of the seminar tomorrow, too. You DESERVE it!

          I left a message for Lornette. I will take care of everything and leave contact information when she gets back to me. 🙂

          Many Blessings to You! And Thanks to you too, for making my day!

          KimbraLee ♥

        2. Okay - did not want to miss the deadline to get you on board and haven't been able to connect with Lornette yet! I found you on Facebook and sent you a private message. Get back to me with the info I need and I will get it squared away. 🙂

  19. My question relates to this post and the one before it about changing your story. I am well aware of the concept of changing beliefs that don't serve you, but my sticking point has always been: if you can change any of your beliefs any time you want, how do you know what is really true?

    I mean if you believe people are bad, but you can change your belief to people are good, how do you know which one is correct? Of course, this is a black and white example (people are not either good or bad), but I just meant to use this concrete example as a way of saying that people use their beliefs to guide them in life. If you can change your guide at any moment, how can you figure out what your direction is?

    Your beliefs are supposed to be the most weighted thing in your life. If you can manipulate them so easily, then they really don't have much weight at all.

      1. Well Randy, what if your belief is that you are a talented musician or artist who is going to be the next big thing? You've been painting or writing songs for years, getting old and grey in the process and not knowing half the time where your next meal is going to come from.

        The reality might be that you just don't have the talent to become the next big thing. Your friends see it, your parents see it, and the people who view your paintings or listen to your music see it. But you can't see it because you want to have the belief that serves you.

        Is the belief that you're going to become the next big thing really serving you properly then? Or is it time to pack up the paintbrushes and admit its time to get a desk job so you can eat.

          1. Dan, great question. It got me thinking.

            I wonder if it is possible to recognise a belief that does not serve you, then change it to another, that still does not serve you but if you persevere, (reading, testing out ideas and beliefs, talking to honest friends etc) eventually come up with a belief that does serve you. And even that belief could change over time to one that serves you even better. For example, due to some bad life experiences someone believes "all people are bad." The come to a point where they recognize the negative impact of this belief and change their belief to “all people are good.” After more time they realise that this belief isn’t true or helpful either (eg after placing too much trust in people who are supposedly “good” but then go and abuse that trust) the belief is changed to “people are inherently good but sometimes do bad things.”

            I wonder if your fictional artist person believes “I am a talented musician/artist who is going to become the next big thing,” and that belief is not serving them because it is always based in the future, which never comes, and they need to change the belief to “I am a good musician/artist and people love my work.” Perhaps with a belief like that they will realise that getting feedback from others and acting on it is important which could lead to continuing in the same direction, making constant improvements...or finding an altogether different and more helpful belief, if that is required!

            A belief being true, and a belief serving you, can be two entirely different things. Is the earth flat? If both Mozart and Columbus believed this to be true, it would have been a limiting belief to Columbus but not to Mozart (they both lived at a time when it was known the earth was spherical, but that’s not the point).

            I think the more important thing is to be questioning your beliefs and taking the time to work out what beliefs serve YOU. What are YOUR truths.

  20. Hello Randy, This is a lot to take in. I've read this three times. This topic of worthiness is intense. I'm going to get this post out to everyone I can. Starting with the people I care about the most. I believe that this post has the power to start people on a worthiness journey. It's time for everyone to move forward. I'm looking forward to more posts on the topic of worthiness.

  21. Okay, I have read your post and realise I have many issues with worthiness that come from my upbringing, my limiting beliefs etc., but I am working on them daily.
    I do believe in prosperity and I am not at all afraid of it. In fact, I have failed so many times, not because I can't do it, but because I am destined to succeed! It's only a matter of time. Jump in with both feet, a net will appear!
    My question is about living with someone who has issues with worthiness. He is very positively minded, successful financially, an incredible writer (watch for his book, out this year) and is very highly regarded in his company, but he is morbidly obese. He has struggled with weight his entire life, but food still gets the better of him. He has a gastric band. It hasn't helped because that is not the issue. The issue is being a food addict. Food rules his life. How can I help him? How can I help him understand that he is worthy of having a healthy body?
    Would love to hear your comments as he is very important to me. I couldn't imagine life without him as he is my best friend and partner for life. If I can't help with his weight, that's okay too because I am in for the long haul, for better or for worse!

  22. Randy,

    Thanks again.

    I think the main reason a lot of creative people don't succeed is worthiness issues.

    I'm no longer willing to settle for a broken, unhappy life of grinding it out and climbing the ladder, or constantly doing things just because "it's honest" or there is no way of succeeding unless you be like someone else.

    I work my ass off every night now practicing and learning more about how to make better electronic music, and connecting with those that make it, and people who appreciate it.

    I do it most because it matters, and that I am not willing to leave this planet having done nothing.

    At 29, I'm probably too old for some people to be doing this, but I can't deny who I am for the rest of my life and be unhappy.

    It's already caused enough pain and suffering, and I refuse to allow it to continue, even if it does upset some people or is too grandiose for them.

    Nothing else makes me push myself more and causes me to stay awake until 3 AM.

    If being happy and working on something big because you know it is the right thing and could lead to something is crazy and grandiose, then I am happy to be nuts.

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  • 61 comments on “Are You Worthy?”

    1. I deal with worthiness issues with my practice members almost daily. Disease is a self-label that you perpetuate with thoughts. Once you give yourself the description, the diagnosis, you've taken the first step to losing the battle. The idea is to recognize the oneness of humanity, look to share and connect ideas with common man. We are all connected with the frequency of thought, all of the wealth you will ever be capable of is with your right at this moment, within the infinite creative potential of genes, and the infinite creative potential of the universe. To deny worthiness is to deny the essence of being human.

    2. Thanks for the reminder, I was in a spot where I could use it this morning. It's a shocking realization, when you go about rewiring years of training and finally figure out your self-worth is the real issue. Like Plato said, "The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself."

      I am certain I'll fight myself a less today because of this -- and your "light bulb" may even help me turn the corner and win the war. May even write "WORTHY" on in a prominent place so I can remember it.

    3. How do you keep hitting me right between the eyes my friend?

      Worthiness - ah worthiness. You are so right on - it's at the core of every single shift toward freedom.

      Having been taught I was worthless and only deserved pain and torture as a very young child - my worthiness stuff ran so deeply into my cellular memory and subconscious I didn't even know it was there. Unworthiness was simple an ingrained part of my belief system. BEFORE I recovered all the memories of my abusive childhood.

      I found my unworthiness stuff in therapy long before I remembered my truth. And I still gave it power. For decades. I argued for my limitations, explained why I couldn't move beyond it because of this excuse then that excuse - all 'viable' reasons but all so much BS.

      Even after I found the root cause of it all - the childhood horrors I'd buried below my memory - I still argued for my unworthiness.

      I was broken, I was a victim of horrible things, I needed time to heal, to release the pain.

      Amazing how we'll shuck and jive to hang onto our limitations.

      What I needed was to release the idea that I was unworthy. That God had judged me to be less than perfect and therefore determined I wasn't allowed to have a joyous abundant life.

      What a crock. But I believed it for decades. Convinced myself that it was my truth.

      And then with the help of some pretty amazing mentors and healers, I opened my heart, found my own personal truth and then God shared some life changing truths about my life and my path. God wants me to have a bountiful life - I was given my power as a co-creator to do just that. God isn't here to judge - God is here to love. We aren't here to prove our worthiness - we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity.

      For years I told myself it took time to heal from the horrors I'd experienced. NO MORE. I can heal in an instant -and I am worthy before God. In God's eyes - I am perfect and I am beloved.

      More importantly - in God's eyes I am a powerful Co-Creator, destined to have it all. If I believe.

      Still working on that believing part but closer every day my friend. Thanks for the inspiration.

      luv n light


        1. That's why Im here my friend - to share my experiences and perhaps shine light for others to find the path to not just survive, but to thrive on this magical journey we call life!


      1. 'We aren’t here to prove our worthiness – we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity' beautifully put rebel! thanks for sharing Rebel and Randy!

      2. "We aren’t here to prove our worthiness – we are here to live in power, passion and prosperity."

        Absolutely ... Deserves to be printed and framed on desks everywhere! 😉



    4. our worthiness was never under questioning.. only the ego has worthiness issues but the ego just is psychological energy that got you here and now, and here and now you can start to track down to find from where your ego comes from(ego is not bad or good it just is.. is all the collection of identifications that you borrowed temporarily from the environment you choose to arrive in) and when you discover that the ego is just though arising in you, you realize you're not the ego.. and then you just are and curiously start to explore yourself.

    5. I have been working on this stuff for 40 years and feel like I am just gettng it!! and loving every moment.

      An art student in one of my classes continually says "IT's so hard" at everything I tell him. I told him how that was all in his mind and he had the power to change it.

      I then asked students in other classes if they had similar thoughts in their minds and the response was informative and uplifted the energy of all the classes.

      Yesterday the boy completed an difficult exercise with out any negative thought and finished with a huge grin saying "I got it"!!

    6. Thanks Randy & Rebel, the part that really hit me was the group therapy thing, that has been the refiner's fire for me for the last 6 months, not going to group therapy, rather anything that bugs me about someone else is an issue I have within, a part of me that needs to be looked at. I have similar childhood horror stories as rebel without elaborating, my problem was when all the people in my life told me I would never amount to anything, that is what drove me. Then my wife and I have achieved moderate success being entrepreneurs. This is where it gets tricky. I proved all my childhood nay sayers wrong, now what? Now comes the biggest part of my journey,becoming a true master of life. Having a cause of living free and powerful, the proving my doubters wrong was so so empty, but the path I'm on now is vast and exciting. Thanks for putting a map of the trail out there Randy. I am glad to have found you and this amazing group of like minded people. Starting inside each one of us we can change the world.

    7. Randy, I love your "reprogramming" mission - It is interesting because I was so loved as a kid and told I was wonderful & could do anything so I have very healthy 'self esteem' - however financially things were a disaster, always getting evicted, stealing neighbors water - crazy stuff - and so I think I have a belief that no matter how "good" I am - money is hard to make and easy to lose. So sign me up for the class!! 😉

    8. Thanks everyone who has been sharing this around in the social media world. I think it's a very important message and I appreciate you all helping spread the word.


    9. Randy,

      Thank you.

      This post truly brings so much full circle for me and validates not only so much of the work I have been doing on myself, but the business I am currently creating to help others see the truth of what they really deserve. I have more than enough passion and inspiration of my own for this mission, but reading it here from someone who's insight and wisdom I greatly respect really knocks it all home for me.

      Worthiness is SUCH an important issue ... it is THE issue - and nothing we ever do for one another as human beings could be more valuable, powerful and emancipating than affirming someone's inherent worthiness when they have forgotten it for themselves and then supporting them lovingly while they embrace it on their own.

      I love you for the work you do, and I too am beginning to experience so much joy as I am starting to get this message out to others on my own. I have so missed being of personal service and helping people with their own transformation process since I left my Hypnotherapy practice. But I know now that the experiences I have had in my personal life and my own journey over the past years were necessary to position me to be able to authentically share from a place of 'been there, done (and still doing) that.'

      I am all warm and fuzzy over stepping back out into service and fulfilling my purpose with a richer, more seasoned perspective!



    10. I really think I am over worthiness issues however I look forward to the class. I feel and I can see that I am doing all of the right things I guess but I have not received the outcome I am seeking. Therefore, I look forward to your clear cut teaching and I will stick to it until....

    11. Randy, thank you for the post. I think we really agree. Knowing what to change and when to change is not always an easy task. Knowing what to change is figuring out the parts of us that hold us back, that we don't take responsibility for.

      Worthiness issues are about feeling loveable and capable. Those are the things we need to feel to be productive and successful in all areas of our life. Simply said, not simply done always.

      Lots of emotions swirl around these issues that hold us back. Fear, Anger, Jelousy, Humiliation, these are the feelings I think we have trouble with experiencing. I believe that is why even though a person might know that they need to change it does't always happen quickly, or the person changes but has setbacks.

      However, after saying all that, change is possible. The light of grace one receives for making those changes is well worth the effort. Also, those nasty emotions can't kill us, and once we master dealing with them we can experience all the grand ones, like ecstasy, love, and joy. And yes, even before we get there, I think with each step we take wether it is a giant one or a baby one, we get a taste of what those really feel like.

      It also helps to have people on the journey with us that let us share the nasty emotions, but love us anyway. 🙂

    12. Something to add from my own experience and lessons, in worthiness, even when found through the process that Randy is teaching, it must still be continually developed. I look at it like, taking a shower, working out, brushing my teeth. It's only good for a day. I made many mistakes thinking that once I did all the work that it was smooth sailing. Little did I know that it needs to be conditioned by repetition daily. We live in a world that sadly exposes us to repeated negative stimuli and experiences that we must evaluate and overcome. I like to reflect on the Lords prayer, " Give us this day our daily bread". I think even God knew that we were not capable of handling more than one day at a time and ask's us to do so. Another realization for me was that worthiness is tied first to our values, then our beliefs. We may not have money worthiness issues, but we may have relationship worthy issues, and depending on our highest value's, this greatly impacts how strongly we hold on to that belief. For example, if your highest value is money and your next is relationships, then when the decision to stay and work late, or get home to the family, the work is going to win because of the value we place on it. This was a big snag for me in eliminating beliefs. My highest value is love. So when faced with the decision to stay and work 3 more hours, or get home to my children, itcreated huge conflicts for me. Hope I'm making sense with all of this.

      1. Yeah Mary-Ellen it makes sense. Thanks for sharing. I love that love is your highest value, and I am assuming most of the time being with your family wins out.:) However, love is also about loving ourselves and sometimes that means asking others to make some sacrafices for us.

        I have a hard time with that. Asking others to make sacrafices for me. But, I am getting better at it.

        I bet and I am only guessing, that you and I both are use to putting other people's needs before our own. So it gets confusing trying to figure out what the most loving thing to do is. Give to others or take care of ourselves? I guess it just varies from situation to situation, and we just have to try and listen to that instinctive voice to figure it out.

        If I interpreted wrong, sorry! I liked your post though, for me it was thought provoking.


        1. If I had to choose, I would err on the side of more selfless than selfish. It's a very fine line. The world needs more caring people along with the character qualities of self worth and empathy. It's easy to love people who we are like or who like us and always agree with our point of view, it's a whole different test of faith when you can care for others who may not have the same perspective or point of view and possess the qualities to look outside ourselves and love and not judge the "taxcollectors", as Jesus did. I am not someone who finds it fun, as Randy commented above, to take pleasure and fun in proving doubters wrong. This shows lack of faith. People with true faith, see the good in everyone and don't look for validation. Randy lost points with me on that one.

          1. I love what you said here, Mary-Ellen...

            "The world needs more caring people along with the character qualities of self worth and empathy."

            Agree and I think the word "AND" is the key here, because it seems many have one or the other, but not both. 🙂

            Finding a healthy alternative to either 'selfless' or 'selfish', I think might be what I've decided to label 'self-ful'- Abundantly meeting the needs of the self so that we are able to recognize, love and serve others from a place of plenty. That is what I'm striving for (having recently returned from a long stay in the unhealthy realm of self-sacrifice.)

            And to your final point - I truly think that any time we are doing anything with our intention being about making someone else feel smaller or less than, we have strayed off track and we all lose. Everyone is worthy ... everyone. Even those we would call our 'enemies'. And our own journey toward becoming our biggest self is ALL about us - not about the other guy(s).

            Hope it's okay that I jumped in with you ladies for a bit. Love your big hearts!


            1. Hi Kimbralee,
              I love your name. My oldest daughters name is JenniLee. Sorry for deviating. I'm flying and I don't even know what time zone I'm in. Can't sleep on the plane. I think the big secret to life is to love and serve and getting as close to god as can. Everything else comes from that place. There's a big corrilation between serving and deserving.

    13. Randy thanks again for the post right on the money again.

      Worthiness has been holding me back for years every time I get a great idea I have held back out of fear I wasn't worthy.

      Not anymore.

      I've decided on a catchphrase for this year "The best way to contribute to someones life is to live in my power and inspire them"

      I was put on this earth to contribute to the world we all have a part to play we all have value to give we are all worthy.

      Thanks for the contribution and the inspiration.


    14. Thanks for the great post Randy and the follow up from yesterday. Very insightful and makes you dig deeper. Also, looking forward to your online seminar.

    15. Great post again Randy. I believe alot of my OWN past negative issues and my past inability to move up and forward, really do stem from worthiness issues for sure! I'd blame it on such rediculous circumstance that are laughable now. Deep down I absolutely strongly believe I deserve everything Im working hard toward. Especially at this stage of my life and business life. Its strongly focussed with integrity, vision and value driven. Mindset is everything and I always consider, "what will serve me best" in whatever I say and do. Awesome blog!

    16. There's the awareness, dealing with it, but then actually living with it. And perhaps the delay in reaction from other people to the new you.

      "Some of us can walk out into the world and see it in living color on any given day, and some of us see only what "they" are projecting upon the human mind with their magical arts of concealment and illusion.

      Awakening comes with risk. You can’t un-know certain things. You can’t get your virginity back once your ignorance has been violated by the lingam of revelation. This is why people hide so desperately from exposure to the truth. The truth is like acid. It will eat away all the foundations upon which people have built their false lives."

    17. Who is Harry Brown?

      You know, I have been thinking, and I have this to say. I am not sure if I am laboring under erroneous beliefs or if I am dreaming things up, but I think you are avoiding something.

      I have never really written on a blog before until this one, so maybe I don't get all the rules. But, I am pissed. At you. RANDY!!! And I am personalizing this statement.

      I can't take it anymore! I am trying hard to be nice, when really I would love to throw something really hard at you. And, I dream it hurts you a lot. Yeah, you heard me. So does everyone else. So Good!!!!!!!!!

      And I may or may not hit the submit button with my most evolved self. You are not off the hook. What you did was mean. If it was a joke, I didn't get it. I was hurt, and I left even though I knew I could write other ways. What do you want from me? Why did you do it?

      Oh, I don't care, but I am telling you how I feel.

      You know I apologized to you when I was wrong. Maybe it's your turn?

        1. I was talking about my submit button. It seemed to be missing for a few days. At first I thought it might be a techinical error, then I thought it was a joke, and then I thought you were just trying to get rid of me for good. What happened? Do you know? Anyway, I did take that personally, and I felt angry and hurt. Was it all just a misunderstanding? Really, I don't care anymore, I just wanted to let you know what I thought and felt about it.

          I did really want to know who Harry Brown was, although I never thought it was me. I have to laugh, because I can't honestly think of you even in code saying you learned something from me. Although, I bet you have.:) And, yes I have learned plenty from you. Take care Big Guy, and have a nice time in Spain.


    18. Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you.
      Thank you, Randy ... Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen of the 'comment box' 😉

      My story is similar to that of Rebel's and I could have grown up in the same household. My family was not abusive but definitely 'limited believers' (and maybe that IS abuse in it's finest form). In my younger days I was a 'rebel' but the spirits of my ancestors succeeded in reeling me back in to live in their little boxes of limitations. Humility, unworthy servant of God, a woman's 'place' in life, just 'who' do you think you are ... yadda yadda yadda. A year ago my spirit said, ENOUGH. I started life over from 'Ground Zero' and the teachers began appearing. The road ahead is still a long one and I am still surrounded by 'limited believers' and 'reality' believers. Now, with the help of Randy, all you wonderful 'commenters' and a few other amazing sources, I now am tuning up my 'vibration' to be stronger than theirs. 'They' say you can't teach an old dog new tricks ... I say you can ... it just takes a little longer 🙂

      I now begin every morning with this reading:

      "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
      ~~Marianne Williamson

      The part that I think is the most powerful is, "shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you" ... Randy ... maybe THAT could be a topic for you to explore. Why on earth so many of us do that.

      Although I would LOVE to be part of the virtual prosperity seminar series, I'm still in that 'limited financial' zone (not for long, though). Randy ... will we be able to jump into the seminar series down the road?

      Again, thanks to all.

      1. Randy - Is there a way I can sponsor Venetta for the January seminar tomorrow? I would LOVE to make sure she can join. Please let me know how I can pay for her spot.



      2. Venetta -

        The Marianne Williamson quote you share above is my all time favorite quote! I believe it sums up the journey that the majority of us are on ... embracing our own brilliance so we can contribute to the whole in a big way.

        It sounds like you are having many breakthroughs and making great strides - as many of us here are! So inspiring to read!

        I was given some unexpected money yesterday and I would love to make sure you don't miss January's seminar if you would allow me to share it with you? It would bring me great joy. Let me know if that's alright with you.



        1. Oh my goodness ... I don't know what to say. I am not easy to tears and am sitting here blubbering like a 2-year old. I'm at a total loss for words. You are so sweet to offer. I will accept your offer only because I know that what you give comes back to you 100fold and I want you to have your blessings. I know it is against the rules to put personal info here, so, I hope Randy will figure out a way to 'connect' us (if that's OK with you) so I can thank you properly outside of the 'comment box.' Today, KimbraLee YOU are my angel 🙂
          Still blubbering ... Venetta

          1. Venetta,

            I want you to know that every time you post a comment to this blog, I am always touched in some way and I get so much from what you contribute here! I love your courage and your determination. You have such a rich and beautiful soul. 🙂

            I am thrilled that you will be part of the seminar tomorrow, too. You DESERVE it!

            I left a message for Lornette. I will take care of everything and leave contact information when she gets back to me. 🙂

            Many Blessings to You! And Thanks to you too, for making my day!

            KimbraLee ♥

          2. Okay - did not want to miss the deadline to get you on board and haven't been able to connect with Lornette yet! I found you on Facebook and sent you a private message. Get back to me with the info I need and I will get it squared away. 🙂

    19. My question relates to this post and the one before it about changing your story. I am well aware of the concept of changing beliefs that don't serve you, but my sticking point has always been: if you can change any of your beliefs any time you want, how do you know what is really true?

      I mean if you believe people are bad, but you can change your belief to people are good, how do you know which one is correct? Of course, this is a black and white example (people are not either good or bad), but I just meant to use this concrete example as a way of saying that people use their beliefs to guide them in life. If you can change your guide at any moment, how can you figure out what your direction is?

      Your beliefs are supposed to be the most weighted thing in your life. If you can manipulate them so easily, then they really don't have much weight at all.

        1. Well Randy, what if your belief is that you are a talented musician or artist who is going to be the next big thing? You've been painting or writing songs for years, getting old and grey in the process and not knowing half the time where your next meal is going to come from.

          The reality might be that you just don't have the talent to become the next big thing. Your friends see it, your parents see it, and the people who view your paintings or listen to your music see it. But you can't see it because you want to have the belief that serves you.

          Is the belief that you're going to become the next big thing really serving you properly then? Or is it time to pack up the paintbrushes and admit its time to get a desk job so you can eat.

            1. Dan, great question. It got me thinking.

              I wonder if it is possible to recognise a belief that does not serve you, then change it to another, that still does not serve you but if you persevere, (reading, testing out ideas and beliefs, talking to honest friends etc) eventually come up with a belief that does serve you. And even that belief could change over time to one that serves you even better. For example, due to some bad life experiences someone believes "all people are bad." The come to a point where they recognize the negative impact of this belief and change their belief to “all people are good.” After more time they realise that this belief isn’t true or helpful either (eg after placing too much trust in people who are supposedly “good” but then go and abuse that trust) the belief is changed to “people are inherently good but sometimes do bad things.”

              I wonder if your fictional artist person believes “I am a talented musician/artist who is going to become the next big thing,” and that belief is not serving them because it is always based in the future, which never comes, and they need to change the belief to “I am a good musician/artist and people love my work.” Perhaps with a belief like that they will realise that getting feedback from others and acting on it is important which could lead to continuing in the same direction, making constant improvements...or finding an altogether different and more helpful belief, if that is required!

              A belief being true, and a belief serving you, can be two entirely different things. Is the earth flat? If both Mozart and Columbus believed this to be true, it would have been a limiting belief to Columbus but not to Mozart (they both lived at a time when it was known the earth was spherical, but that’s not the point).

              I think the more important thing is to be questioning your beliefs and taking the time to work out what beliefs serve YOU. What are YOUR truths.

    20. Hello Randy, This is a lot to take in. I've read this three times. This topic of worthiness is intense. I'm going to get this post out to everyone I can. Starting with the people I care about the most. I believe that this post has the power to start people on a worthiness journey. It's time for everyone to move forward. I'm looking forward to more posts on the topic of worthiness.

    21. Okay, I have read your post and realise I have many issues with worthiness that come from my upbringing, my limiting beliefs etc., but I am working on them daily.
      I do believe in prosperity and I am not at all afraid of it. In fact, I have failed so many times, not because I can't do it, but because I am destined to succeed! It's only a matter of time. Jump in with both feet, a net will appear!
      My question is about living with someone who has issues with worthiness. He is very positively minded, successful financially, an incredible writer (watch for his book, out this year) and is very highly regarded in his company, but he is morbidly obese. He has struggled with weight his entire life, but food still gets the better of him. He has a gastric band. It hasn't helped because that is not the issue. The issue is being a food addict. Food rules his life. How can I help him? How can I help him understand that he is worthy of having a healthy body?
      Would love to hear your comments as he is very important to me. I couldn't imagine life without him as he is my best friend and partner for life. If I can't help with his weight, that's okay too because I am in for the long haul, for better or for worse!

    22. Randy,

      Thanks again.

      I think the main reason a lot of creative people don't succeed is worthiness issues.

      I'm no longer willing to settle for a broken, unhappy life of grinding it out and climbing the ladder, or constantly doing things just because "it's honest" or there is no way of succeeding unless you be like someone else.

      I work my ass off every night now practicing and learning more about how to make better electronic music, and connecting with those that make it, and people who appreciate it.

      I do it most because it matters, and that I am not willing to leave this planet having done nothing.

      At 29, I'm probably too old for some people to be doing this, but I can't deny who I am for the rest of my life and be unhappy.

      It's already caused enough pain and suffering, and I refuse to allow it to continue, even if it does upset some people or is too grandiose for them.

      Nothing else makes me push myself more and causes me to stay awake until 3 AM.

      If being happy and working on something big because you know it is the right thing and could lead to something is crazy and grandiose, then I am happy to be nuts.

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