An interesting thing happened when I did my last “Sacred Secrets” workshop in Atlanta. There was a big crowd, and quite a few people there came from fundamentalist religions. So when I started...
An interesting thing happened when I did my last “Sacred Secrets” workshop in Atlanta. There was a big crowd, and quite a few people there came from fundamentalist religions. So when I started...
A few more thoughts on people who fight circumstances. They want to improve their lives they say. But they only look at the circumstances, ignoring the thoughts they give precedence to and the act...
You often hear people complaining about the circumstances they are fighting. But they don’t do any critical thinking about what they are doing to create those circumstances. They are fighting sy...
In Monday’s post I told you I wouldn’t obsess about studying some market or economic factor that could affect my prosperity. Here is why: (more…)...
I was doing some analytics and the reach of this blog is getting stronger and stronger. We’ve moved from in the top 5 tenths of one percent in the world to the top three tenths of all blogs. And...
Back when I was doing my coaching program I got an interesting question from one of the participants. He said, “My father (who means well) keeps on emailing and mentioning to me that I should be r...
It took me a long time to learn it, but I have proven that you can’t out give the universe. I had spent so many years as a victim, I had a difficult time believing that if I gave something away, I w...
We’ve talked a lot about how your outer world is created by your inner thoughts. This seems to be the hardest thing for the herd to understand. But it is still the truth. (more…)...
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