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Fighting Against Circumstances

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 8, 2009

You often hear people complaining about the circumstances they are fighting.  But they don’t do any critical thinking about what they are doing to create those circumstances.  They are fighting symptoms and ignoring the cause.  

What’s the point of fighting an effect, all the while you are nourishing and preserving the cause that is in your heart?  Now that cause could be a conscious vice like alcohol, other drugs or a gambling addiction.  Or an unconscious belief like thinking you are not worthy, money is bad, it is spiritual to be poor, you have to sell your soul for money, etc.  But unless and until you deal with the cause, the effect is going to keep coming back.

So what’s the real lesson here for you?


21 comments on “Fighting Against Circumstances”

  1. I found the term FIGHT interesting in your blog post today. Think about the energy a FIGHT causes. Wouldn't be better to accept one's current circumstances, and use the energy originally used to FIGHT the circumstances to NURTURE and GROW new circumstances?

  2. Hi, dear Randy! It is exactly my believe that for a spiritual man less money is enough, and with the first Your book I read ( 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity) started my work inside my mind. I read it in Russian translation and now with great pleasure and thanks I am reading Your words here. I am not rich yet but now I want to be like You

    With Love,
    Alena, Russia

  3. Randy,

    I could not agree with you more. The sad part is that people who blame circumstances for the ill effects in their lives do not realize they are the reason totally behind that effect. Take responsibility for your actions, look inside first and then see what you need to change before the effect will change, that is my belief and what I live by.


  4. Good morning Randy. I hope you are well.

    I like what Dr. Phil says..."You can't change what you don't acknowledge."

    That is so true. To find that subconcious stuff, you really need to dig down, and most of the time you are not going to like what you find. It is often very painful. A lot of people just don't want to go there.
    So the cycle will continue. Even though they say they want peace and prosperity in their lives. They will never have it.

    I have a friend from High School who is like that. Her life is always full of drama. Recently she had two car accidents inside of one week! Totaled the second vehicle she was in and got seriously hurt. She is going to be ok, thank God, but she refuses to take any kind of responsibility for her actions. It is always someone else's fault.

    Since she is a long time friend, I can't just cut her off, but I do limit my time around her.

    I am moving on baby! I have too many positive things going on in my life to allow someone like her to influence me. I work really hard to get the crap out of my mind. I sure don't want it finding it's way back!

    Ok, I'm off my soapbox!! L.O.L.

    Have a great weekend Randy.

  5. As a Chiropractor, I see it everyday in many of my patients. They come to our office with the mindset of dealing with the symptom or effect. It's part of our mission to help them realize that the cause is the situation that has to be improve and/or corrected. We begin with their health, them help them realize that the same principle manifest in their lives.

  6. I have been a christian for most of my adult life and so many christians today tend to be caught up in this "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom, than it is to go through the eye of a needle". As christians we can always blame our circumstances on, "Well it is just God's Will that I be poor, or God's will that I lose everything". I don't think it is god's will for anyone to have poor health or be financially desitute. God wants us all to prosper. As Ghandi says, "You cannot speak to a man about god when he hungers for food."

  7. Yes I always find it interesting that in my journey in Network Marketing some people have often seemed almost relieved when I've had setbacks.

    My declaring that I am going to do something amazing and not in the normal 9-5 box has unsettled a friend or 2 along the way.

    Funny isn't it?

    I guess they feel better about their own lack of development in that area.

  8. It's a symptomatic world RG. From medicine to the environment to culture... "fix" the symptom (problem)... Focus on "What's wrong?" and solve it (for now).

    Uncle Albert said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

    As long as we are focused on what's wrong, we may alleviate the symptom (Hot damn, my negativity is in remission!), but it WILL return. Promise.

    All problems occur because we are out of alignment with our Values & Life Purpose. That's their message & their gift.

    So, go and get your wheels aligned. Steering feels better & tires last longer. Safer, too.

    I appreciate you.

  9. I think the challenge is in finding out what the cause is; I think if you ask anyone struggling with ANYTHING, they simply don't know what the cause is.

    It's easy to say to an alcoholic "The cause of your slip-up is Alcohol", but that's not necessarily true. It might be the something before that too- whatever causes the alcoholism perhaps. Maybe not.

    I think FINDING the cause is always the challenge, and anyone who gives you a "cure all" answer should be avoided at all costs.

  10. A recent lesson I learned by doing some critical thinking about a relationship is that you need to both give and receive unconditional love. Don't settle for less.

  11. Hello Randy,

    Cannot agree with you more! Working as a psychotherapist and coach, that's precisely what I teach my clients - again and again!

    "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. " -- Epictetus

    Best regards,

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  • 21 comments on “Fighting Against Circumstances”

    1. I found the term FIGHT interesting in your blog post today. Think about the energy a FIGHT causes. Wouldn't be better to accept one's current circumstances, and use the energy originally used to FIGHT the circumstances to NURTURE and GROW new circumstances?

    2. Hi, dear Randy! It is exactly my believe that for a spiritual man less money is enough, and with the first Your book I read ( 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity) started my work inside my mind. I read it in Russian translation and now with great pleasure and thanks I am reading Your words here. I am not rich yet but now I want to be like You

      With Love,
      Alena, Russia

    3. Randy,

      I could not agree with you more. The sad part is that people who blame circumstances for the ill effects in their lives do not realize they are the reason totally behind that effect. Take responsibility for your actions, look inside first and then see what you need to change before the effect will change, that is my belief and what I live by.


    4. Good morning Randy. I hope you are well.

      I like what Dr. Phil says..."You can't change what you don't acknowledge."

      That is so true. To find that subconcious stuff, you really need to dig down, and most of the time you are not going to like what you find. It is often very painful. A lot of people just don't want to go there.
      So the cycle will continue. Even though they say they want peace and prosperity in their lives. They will never have it.

      I have a friend from High School who is like that. Her life is always full of drama. Recently she had two car accidents inside of one week! Totaled the second vehicle she was in and got seriously hurt. She is going to be ok, thank God, but she refuses to take any kind of responsibility for her actions. It is always someone else's fault.

      Since she is a long time friend, I can't just cut her off, but I do limit my time around her.

      I am moving on baby! I have too many positive things going on in my life to allow someone like her to influence me. I work really hard to get the crap out of my mind. I sure don't want it finding it's way back!

      Ok, I'm off my soapbox!! L.O.L.

      Have a great weekend Randy.

    5. As a Chiropractor, I see it everyday in many of my patients. They come to our office with the mindset of dealing with the symptom or effect. It's part of our mission to help them realize that the cause is the situation that has to be improve and/or corrected. We begin with their health, them help them realize that the same principle manifest in their lives.

    6. I have been a christian for most of my adult life and so many christians today tend to be caught up in this "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom, than it is to go through the eye of a needle". As christians we can always blame our circumstances on, "Well it is just God's Will that I be poor, or God's will that I lose everything". I don't think it is god's will for anyone to have poor health or be financially desitute. God wants us all to prosper. As Ghandi says, "You cannot speak to a man about god when he hungers for food."

    7. Yes I always find it interesting that in my journey in Network Marketing some people have often seemed almost relieved when I've had setbacks.

      My declaring that I am going to do something amazing and not in the normal 9-5 box has unsettled a friend or 2 along the way.

      Funny isn't it?

      I guess they feel better about their own lack of development in that area.

    8. It's a symptomatic world RG. From medicine to the environment to culture... "fix" the symptom (problem)... Focus on "What's wrong?" and solve it (for now).

      Uncle Albert said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

      As long as we are focused on what's wrong, we may alleviate the symptom (Hot damn, my negativity is in remission!), but it WILL return. Promise.

      All problems occur because we are out of alignment with our Values & Life Purpose. That's their message & their gift.

      So, go and get your wheels aligned. Steering feels better & tires last longer. Safer, too.

      I appreciate you.

    9. I think the challenge is in finding out what the cause is; I think if you ask anyone struggling with ANYTHING, they simply don't know what the cause is.

      It's easy to say to an alcoholic "The cause of your slip-up is Alcohol", but that's not necessarily true. It might be the something before that too- whatever causes the alcoholism perhaps. Maybe not.

      I think FINDING the cause is always the challenge, and anyone who gives you a "cure all" answer should be avoided at all costs.

    10. A recent lesson I learned by doing some critical thinking about a relationship is that you need to both give and receive unconditional love. Don't settle for less.

    11. Hello Randy,

      Cannot agree with you more! Working as a psychotherapist and coach, that's precisely what I teach my clients - again and again!

      "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. " -- Epictetus

      Best regards,

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