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Where the Breakthroughs Are

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 9, 2009

A few more thoughts on people who fight circumstances.  They want to improve their lives they say.  But they only look at the circumstances, ignoring the thoughts they give precedence to and the actions they take on a daily basis that cause most of those circumstances.    

Until you look in the mirror, and acknowledge that YOU create almost all the circumstances in your life, then nothing will change.

Once you make that step, then you can look at what has to happen to change it.  And that’s where the real breakthroughs are.


14 comments on “Where the Breakthroughs Are”

  1. Randy,

    I found it interesting that you used the word "almost" in your following sentence:

    "Until you look in the mirror, and acknowledge that YOU create almost all the circumstances in your life, then nothing will change."

    Does this mean you're coming around and acknowledging that the "law of attraction" isn't actually 100% true and that there ARE things that happen to us which we don't "attract" or "manifest"? If so, I think this is a great and important acknowledgement.

    Keep up the thought-provoking posts!

  2. This is so true! This reminds me of when we were looking for our new home. I wasn't sure we would find the right place and for the right price.

    So before we went to sleep that night my husband said to say out loud what type of house that I wanted. It is so much more powerful to speak it than to just think it. So I did. That weekend we found exactly what we wanted. Speaking and thinking about what you want is very powerful.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. DUDE! I jumped up in my seat- DOUBLE CHECKED that you used "almost", and went right to post, when I saw this thread!!

    Hey- At least I'm consistent!! LOL!!!

    See my thoughts lower...

  4. Ok, so Randy used "Almost" all our circumstances! Well, THAT'S new! I definitely think that we create a great deal of them, and that for most of us, we get in our own way. As I said yesterday, it's that identifying what thoughts and/or actions are that's the trick.

    Now, that being said, I was reading some Joe Vitale and the ho' oponopo (sp?) stuff, and Dr. Lew suggests that indeed EVERYTHING is your life- so when i someone stubs their toe- it's YOUR doing. When a flower blooms, when kids kill each other, when Bush lies, when Obama can't get healthcare passed- it's ALL YOUR LIFE.

    So EVERYTHING can be healed or changed as it changes in YOUR life. As you heal your OWN thoughts and spirit about these things, they get healed.

    Now THAT'S responsibility!

  5. Thanks Randy -- another addition to my vision board:

    "Until you look in the mirror, and acknowledge that YOU create almost all the circumstances in your life, then nothing will change."


  6. I agree with the 'almost'... :)...not because LOA is not real...

    However, the flooding going on here right now is certainly not the creation of anything other than Ma Nature...

    ...and am sure the families that had to evacuate their homes due to current local flooding here in the Ozarks would agree.

    So am sure 'almost' applies to every force outside us that can indeed affect our lives and even many choices.

    As always, never miss a word you write've been a real mentor for me for years now, even tho we've never met in person.

    Keep shinin',


  7. I would be overjoyed if my husband accepted that statement with "almost" in it!
    He says, "I don't believe in that stuff" - and attracts problems into his life (and consequently mine) constantly, by stressing about what could go wrong!
    I keep telling him, "Do you have to believe in gravity for it to work? The Law of Attraction is just another law of our Universe."
    I love him very much, don't want to fight, (besides, whatever you resist, persists), so I will keep my positive attitude as separate from his as possible. It works "almost" 100% of the time. 🙂
    Thank you for this blog, RG, it has become part of my morning inspiration every day!


  8. almost? I come to believe that it is true that outside circumstances happened in my life because I allow them to be real through me..and it is almost all circumstances..It really hurt for others if they think that..because they have nothing to do and many excuses. and sometimes my subconsious tell me "stop listening because it is not true" and I said to my self " I listen because I want to be prospered in any area of my life..thanks randy for reminding me this,,

  9. You took the words right out of my mouth. Most people feel insulted when you tell them. However, its obvious to me…..

    When people begin to get to grips with the Law of attraction, then they will learn how to create whatever they want without hurting anyone else in the process

  10. There is only the karmic momentum from your previous life, your un-fufill desires. You don't have total control over you health. You might take best natural products,best food and exercise every day and still get sick.
    You don't have control if the airplane malfuctions and blows up and you bought a First Class ticket. You dont' have control is someone runs the yellow line on the highway and hits you head on.
    You don't have control if you were born into an abusive family. The only thing we have control is how we react or don't react to what is happening.

  11. There are a lot of opinions on whether LOA actually works or not and I've had quite a bit of experience with putting it to the test.

    The latest post on my blog is actually about this and "The Secret".


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  • 14 comments on “Where the Breakthroughs Are”

    1. Randy,

      I found it interesting that you used the word "almost" in your following sentence:

      "Until you look in the mirror, and acknowledge that YOU create almost all the circumstances in your life, then nothing will change."

      Does this mean you're coming around and acknowledging that the "law of attraction" isn't actually 100% true and that there ARE things that happen to us which we don't "attract" or "manifest"? If so, I think this is a great and important acknowledgement.

      Keep up the thought-provoking posts!

    2. This is so true! This reminds me of when we were looking for our new home. I wasn't sure we would find the right place and for the right price.

      So before we went to sleep that night my husband said to say out loud what type of house that I wanted. It is so much more powerful to speak it than to just think it. So I did. That weekend we found exactly what we wanted. Speaking and thinking about what you want is very powerful.

      Have a blessed weekend!

    3. DUDE! I jumped up in my seat- DOUBLE CHECKED that you used "almost", and went right to post, when I saw this thread!!

      Hey- At least I'm consistent!! LOL!!!

      See my thoughts lower...

    4. Ok, so Randy used "Almost" all our circumstances! Well, THAT'S new! I definitely think that we create a great deal of them, and that for most of us, we get in our own way. As I said yesterday, it's that identifying what thoughts and/or actions are that's the trick.

      Now, that being said, I was reading some Joe Vitale and the ho' oponopo (sp?) stuff, and Dr. Lew suggests that indeed EVERYTHING is your life- so when i someone stubs their toe- it's YOUR doing. When a flower blooms, when kids kill each other, when Bush lies, when Obama can't get healthcare passed- it's ALL YOUR LIFE.

      So EVERYTHING can be healed or changed as it changes in YOUR life. As you heal your OWN thoughts and spirit about these things, they get healed.

      Now THAT'S responsibility!

    5. Thanks Randy -- another addition to my vision board:

      "Until you look in the mirror, and acknowledge that YOU create almost all the circumstances in your life, then nothing will change."


    6. I agree with the 'almost'... :)...not because LOA is not real...

      However, the flooding going on here right now is certainly not the creation of anything other than Ma Nature...

      ...and am sure the families that had to evacuate their homes due to current local flooding here in the Ozarks would agree.

      So am sure 'almost' applies to every force outside us that can indeed affect our lives and even many choices.

      As always, never miss a word you write've been a real mentor for me for years now, even tho we've never met in person.

      Keep shinin',


    7. I would be overjoyed if my husband accepted that statement with "almost" in it!
      He says, "I don't believe in that stuff" - and attracts problems into his life (and consequently mine) constantly, by stressing about what could go wrong!
      I keep telling him, "Do you have to believe in gravity for it to work? The Law of Attraction is just another law of our Universe."
      I love him very much, don't want to fight, (besides, whatever you resist, persists), so I will keep my positive attitude as separate from his as possible. It works "almost" 100% of the time. 🙂
      Thank you for this blog, RG, it has become part of my morning inspiration every day!


    8. almost? I come to believe that it is true that outside circumstances happened in my life because I allow them to be real through me..and it is almost all circumstances..It really hurt for others if they think that..because they have nothing to do and many excuses. and sometimes my subconsious tell me "stop listening because it is not true" and I said to my self " I listen because I want to be prospered in any area of my life..thanks randy for reminding me this,,

    9. You took the words right out of my mouth. Most people feel insulted when you tell them. However, its obvious to me…..

      When people begin to get to grips with the Law of attraction, then they will learn how to create whatever they want without hurting anyone else in the process

    10. There is only the karmic momentum from your previous life, your un-fufill desires. You don't have total control over you health. You might take best natural products,best food and exercise every day and still get sick.
      You don't have control if the airplane malfuctions and blows up and you bought a First Class ticket. You dont' have control is someone runs the yellow line on the highway and hits you head on.
      You don't have control if you were born into an abusive family. The only thing we have control is how we react or don't react to what is happening.

    11. There are a lot of opinions on whether LOA actually works or not and I've had quite a bit of experience with putting it to the test.

      The latest post on my blog is actually about this and "The Secret".


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