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Why Being Realistic is Usually a Horrible Idea

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 17, 2019

In the last post I challenged you to expand your prosperity consciousness – the window through which you see the world.  When you do this, you develop bigger dreams for yourself, then set bigger goals for yourself, then create a better reality for yourself.

Tom raised an outstanding question in the comments.  He asked, “I also find myself getting depressed if I can’t always get the ocean view room because it’s just too expensive. How do you deal with wanting the best vs. being realistic?”

This question offers a lot of extremely productive avenues for exploration.  First, it immediately makes me want to write five books on the subject. (Oh wait, I already did that.)  The next thing that jumps to mind is the almost visceral, adverse reaction I have when hearing the word “realistic” used in contexts like this.

Because so often – like in approximately 98.458 percent of the time – “be realistic” is a code phrase for don’t take risks, don’t dare it, or to validate other limiting beliefs.  

Starting Disney Studios wasn’t realistic.  Neither was running a sub-four-minute mile, landing on the moon, or creating the Harry Potter series.  So let’s eliminate the realistic vernacular from the debate.  It’s a bad premise.

A better word to use when considering something that might be considered expensive, extravagant, or not realistic is prudent.  We can question whether it is prudent to upgrade to that ocean front room or not.  That’s a better frame of reference and one we’ll explore on the next post.  Until then, love to see your thoughts below.


5 comments on “Why Being Realistic is Usually a Horrible Idea”

  1. Hi Randy, yes, the word "prudent" is really appropriate for the prosperity students vocabulary. This word "prudent" is a mind-set saver. It enables us to keep a positive or an "affirmative reference point".

    1. It's always irritated me that Realistic is part of the 'SMART' goal formula. Nah!!!! I've rewritten it as Specific, Measurable, ALIGNED, Realistic PLUS SOME, Time-bound.
      Who needs Achievable Realistic goals? Ick.
      I like Prudent. Also Wise. Wise allows for stretch but not stupidity.

  2. Thanks for the follow up as you promised RG. I like “prudent” vs. “realistic” as I believe prudent is much less vague and more personal. I find when I step it up and take a chance, it usually works out for the better and everyone wins. And the ocean views aren’t too bad either. Looking forward to the next post.

  3. Being real vs being Prue.
    Agree about being independent before being interdependent. Getting into a relationship before you have been independent for a while would put you back into codependency.
    Is it possible to not be codependent in a country that isn't equal?

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  • 5 comments on “Why Being Realistic is Usually a Horrible Idea”

    1. Hi Randy, yes, the word "prudent" is really appropriate for the prosperity students vocabulary. This word "prudent" is a mind-set saver. It enables us to keep a positive or an "affirmative reference point".

      1. It's always irritated me that Realistic is part of the 'SMART' goal formula. Nah!!!! I've rewritten it as Specific, Measurable, ALIGNED, Realistic PLUS SOME, Time-bound.
        Who needs Achievable Realistic goals? Ick.
        I like Prudent. Also Wise. Wise allows for stretch but not stupidity.

    2. Thanks for the follow up as you promised RG. I like “prudent” vs. “realistic” as I believe prudent is much less vague and more personal. I find when I step it up and take a chance, it usually works out for the better and everyone wins. And the ocean views aren’t too bad either. Looking forward to the next post.

    3. Being real vs being Prue.
      Agree about being independent before being interdependent. Getting into a relationship before you have been independent for a while would put you back into codependency.
      Is it possible to not be codependent in a country that isn't equal?

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