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Why Bad Things Happen to You

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 18, 2009

Ok so last post, I said that I believe I had a hand in manifesting everything that happened in my life.  Including getting shot in a robbery, having my business seized by the tax authorities, many other failed business ventures and negative, dysfunctional relationships.   

Now as I said before, there was a time when I saw myself as an innocent victim of circumstance, and couldn’t figure out how these bad things kept happening to me.  The breakthrough was when I asked myself one very simple, but very profound question…

Was there one person always at the scene of the crime?

Naturally I didn’t like the answer I came up with, but that was the answer that set me free.  Because I began to take responsibility and see myself as a co-creator with God.

Of course this was a real soul-searching process to get to that point.  Because who honestly would believe that you would willingly put yourself into all the bad situations I had put myself in?

Like for real, who in the hell would want to get shot?  But in my book. Why You’re DUMB, SICK, & BROKE & How To Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH! I reveal exactly how I manifested it.  Here’s the shortened, “blog” version…

I was unknowingly following a pattern of victim-hood that had been programmed into my subconscious mind since childhood.  I was a helpless pawn, blindly being manipulated by forces greater than I.

Just as you probably have unknowingly manifested challenges for yourself, subconsciously attracted adversity, and even sabotaged your own success.

Now why would I do this?  And why would you?

For me, it all started in my childhood.  I wasn’t happy as a kid, and never fit in.  I didn’t seem to belong in my family, relate with the other kids in school, or any place else.  I spent hours upon hours, alone in my room reading books.

I spent most of that time fantasizing about escaping my miserable existence and living my own hero’s journey.  I think most kids do this, but depressed kids just do it a lot more.  Books, movies, and television were my escape.

As formulaic and predictable as these things are, one premise played out time and again.  The hero would get shot.  He would suffer, gut it out, and ultimately live.   (It was usually a shot that just grazed their arm.  So they got all of the attention, bandaged up and looking cool, without having to worry about the irritating stuff like dying.)

Every time John Wayne got shot, I imagined the sympathy people would be feeling for me when I got shot.  I lived out that fantasy a million times in my youth.  Then I grew up and lived it out as a reality.

So I really believe that I manifested getting shot in that robbery.  Just like I have a hand in co-creating almost everything that happens to me.

Now it’s not as simplistic as some of the nonsense you see in “The Secret.”  Which is where we’ll pick up next post…


P.S. Speaking of co-creating, hook a brother up would ya?  If you get value from this blog, please tweet it, DIGG it, email it to your mother or something.  And be sure and participate in the comments and share your thoughts with the rest of the community.

33 comments on “Why Bad Things Happen to You”

  1. Amazingly powerful post. I too had a period of my life that it seemed everything bad just seemed to hunt me down and make sure it happened to me. It was frustrating and depressing to the point of having to see someone to help me through my depression.

    Once I realized that it was in fact myself that was the problem, everything in my life changed dramatically. Now, instead of bad things happening to me, great things are coming my way from what feels like no where sometimes. It is a great feeling to know that I control my destiny in life and no one or thing can stop me now.

  2. Now this is right on the money Randy, we all (well most of us) are conditions to believe that life happens, that we have no say in the matter at all. Nothing could be further from the truth!

    We are the co-creators of our lives, nothing forms until it is dreamed or though of first and when we add an emotion to that thought that is all that is needed to bring it into our lives.

    How many times have we worried that something would happen, and it does - it seems to prove we were right to worry. Really it proves that thoughts become things - most especially when emotion is added the higher the emotional charge the more likely it will come into our lives - I wonder what would happen if we charged our positive thoughts with that amount of happy expectancy?

    Now that's one way of getting the life you have always dreamed of - LOL

    Annie Infinite

  3. Albert Einstein said "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions". This is true...good or bad. I am often guilty of dwelling on negative outcomes or things.

    I can definitely see this that it is a conscious effort to push through the deafening noise of negativity and maintain control of my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I can "see" why one (me) latches onto negative people sometimes...because as it has been revealed here, in this blog, the herd is calling - they need constituents to continue their mindless march!!!!!

  4. I have been reading your blog for a few months now Randy and I just want to say that I appreciate your honest and raw style of sharing your insights. You have given me much to think on!

    Please keep that good stuff coming...

    Happy Holidays!

  5. Great post, RG. Like the Frenchman in the Matrix said, "Causality is ze most powerful principle..." or something like that (now look what you've done - I gotta go watch that movie again, for the 87th time :o).

    The only thing I would add to your post is this: not every "effect" is a direct cause from "yourself". For example, natural disasters like tsunamis. Yes, humans are messing with nature and global warming, etc but it is not necessarily caused by the humans in the affected areas.

    So, my point is, without shirking personal responsibility, not everything that happens to you is directly caused by YOU. Make any sense?

  6. Randy, your hero's journey concept is genius. When I read your book I realized that I've been on one huge hero's journey the past 9 (!!) years. That was about 6 months ago, and I just this week realized that I still have some of that vibe going. I have a new mantra now:

    I expect things to be easy!

  7. Randy,
    Thank you for sharing your life with us so that we too can become free of the negative and co-create the rich, happy, vibrant life that we were created for.
    All my life, I experienced abandonment of one sort or another. I grew up to fear it/focus on it. Father, husband, mother, it just kept playing out, over and over. Today, I focus on bringing in new, exciting, fulfilling relationships almost daily and know that I am "safe" in my relationship with God and that that is the only truly "permanent" relationship anyway. The rest will be attracted and want to stay in the glow from that relationship which can't help but over flow to those around me. As I open my heart to God's purpose for my life, follow inspiration and believe/live what I see in my mind's eye, I will co-create with Him a brilliant life, drawing all that I need... when I need it.
    You are such a blessing. K

  8. Right on the money as always. What comes out of the mouth has the power to destroy. I can't remember who said/asked " What weighs 5 llbs and can destroy the world? The tongue!
    I won't say Happy Holidays . Have a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Jesus is the reason for the season. See you at Go Diamond

  9. What you write is very elementary. But that's the crux of life. Nothing complicated.
    Most time all of us miss out the common sensical signboards on the road to prosperity or livelihood.
    Nevertheless, a brilliant exposition.
    Thanks, Randy

  10. Yes, recognizing and acknowledging our role in the events of our lives is definitely one of the key steps in being able to start creating things we really want to experience. Without this revelation you can't get past the luck factor, denial and victimhood...but people are so often afraid to face up to this fact and they are afraid of the depth of their own power and their influence on things, so they rather not even hear about it.

    As incomplete as the Secret is, - it must have been softened up for public broadcasting - the base concept of our attraction based universe has been discussed by many other enlightened minds like C.F. Haanel, Esther Hicks, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer to name really just a few.

    They pretty much come to the same conclusion: if you focus on it, empower it with emotion, believe it can happen to you and expect it, it will happen. You can use this cycle to your advantage and create deliberately, or let it work on its own based on thoughts that run rampant in your mind about stuff you don't want, don't like, and fear for example.

    It takes an openness to accept that you are more than the body you see in the a microwave oven ...metal box with invisible power :o)

  11. When I started to be aware of myself I chose the whole deluxe package of misery for me because that was the only reasonable choice in the environment I was born in. I made bad things happen regularly - on a daily basis. I was so miserable that I overlooked all the good things that have been happening to me - strictly focused on the negative experiences. I got my masters degree but I still thought I was a nobody. I got a dull job where I was as miserable as such a person should be and got a real pro in disfunctional relationships. I decided to suffer in a disfunctional marriage... it goes with the package!
    Then, one day, when the 30th person wished I finally had a baby after being married for six months!, I exploded and sent all my co-workers to hell. Hormones initiated the process (I was already pregnant at the time, but I didn't know it) and from that moment i started turning into an alien. I'm happy now and I create a much different life for myself and the people that accompany me with a lot of support from the people who made the path for the rest of, like yourself, Randy. Thank you!
    When I read your lines, I know, my decision was reasonable and that I should only stay on this track.

    Love, Natasa

  12. Randy:
    This is so powerful. I got your book about broke,fat people too. Now, I can apply the concepts you wrote in it because I have a new frame of mind
    It is very hard for me to take anyone who says something for granted. I was taught since 4th grade to question everything and arrive at my own conclusions.
    Sharing your personal struggles is like having the right combination to open up my mind.

  13. Things from your childhood do program your subconscious.
    I have done a real soul-searching process to get to the point where I see myself as a co-creator with God and take responsibility.

    I did unknowingly manifested challenges for myself and even sabotaged my own success in some areas of my life.
    In trying to repair a relationship, I did a lot of work to try to figure out the problems and resolve them. Realizing failure, I did a lot of soul searching because there are 2 people in a relationship and I was part of the problem. I went deeper to figure out why the problems existed, not just how to fix the problems.

    I wanted to become more aware when problems come up.
    I didn't realize there were conditions in a failed relationship at the beginning of the relationship so I needed to be more aware.
    Now I spend time investing in me & giving myself unconditional love so that I can give more...

    "Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

    It has always been easier for me to give than to receive so that is another area I work on. Be open to receiving knowing there is no expectation by the giver. Just as you give without expecting anything in return. Unconditional.

    Still is a life long process...

  14. Wow, I never thought about it that way Randy. I don't know how many times growing up as a kid that I would think of things similarly. I too never really fit in anywhere and was somewhat of a loner. Thanks for the goodness!

  15. I think this topic has been one of the most stirring blogs for me, and that is because Randy, many of the things that you did, I did as well. I sabotaged everything that I set my hands to, and blamed it on the devil. This is how I was raised, if something goes wrong in your life, its not because you did it alone, but because evil forces took part as well! I seemed to start a project and then think to myself, what are you doing? You're not qualified or worthy. So for me Randy, I feel that those two elements play a part in my co-creating nightmare. Randy, i've read this concept from others, but it struck me differently for some reason in your blog. I feel its easy for most people to abdicate responsibilty in creating their own mess and blame it on unseen malevolent forces. I guess in order to come to grips with the responsibility of what we create in our lives, we need to take an eval of our thinking and where we focus most of our thoughts. I will try to be more aware of the ideas that I allow to grow in my mind! Thanks Randy!

  16. Great post Randy. I'd like to post a quote from Charles Dickens that speaks to this very topic. "Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many.. not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some"

  17. Randy as I look back over my 20+ years in the business world and see my failures, I have finally asked myself who was always at the scene. Yes it has always been me and now I am drilling deep inside me to get to the root of the problem and finally I am getting help from a seasoned life coach. Thansk so much for revealing the problem, ME!

  18. As I come out of my fog, I have recently witnessed my victim thought in action.

    And I have surrounded myself with people who enable that victim thinking, to a certain degree.

    Interestingly enough, I was angry at my ex the other day. Why? Because he didn't feed into my victimhood. I told him a sob story, and he said, 'oh.' and walked away.

    At first I thought, what an uncompassionate SOB. Now, I'm thinking, 'hey, without HIM knowing it, I think he just did me a huge favor.'

    I'm SEEING my victim mentality in action. And now, very recently, when I am witness to it, I feel the energy drain when I go into that mode, and the 'hit' I get when people react to it.

    Talk about an addiction. Woah.


  19. I have experienced this-victimhood so many times.The formula is this: Look what they did to me and I have overcome it?.I am successfull.Or I saw it coming.In each new phase I have a setback, than I brush myself off and start all over again. The sadest part is that ,When I look back,in each phase I have seen people in the same situation just move forward.No drama.

  20. Randy, I noticed the same thing in me...but mine was a variation of the "heroes journey". Mine was always about the underdog who didn't believe in himself, but had infinite potential inside him. I guess I got that from Karate kid and other movies like that.
    I believe this got me to the extent that I was always looking for validation outside myself, and always doubting my ability...and then, at times I'd pull off something heroic.
    You can guess what other crap I manifested...
    I was shocked when I learned about this, when I found this inside me, and I have released this...and I am moving to the next level.
    I also spent a lot of time on my own, reading books and living in my own fantasy world...I hope there aint more of those things lurking beneath 🙂
    I hope this helps someone....

  21. Great comments. Although I enjoyed your "blogasized" (okay, so that's not a real word, but you get the idea) version, it simply cannot compare to the book version. EVERYONE should read your book: "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy, and Rich."

    Well, everyone, that is, who is serious about taking responsibility for their own lives. 😉

  22. I know I did receive programming when I was younger. There were some movies & tv shows I watched when I was younger that influenced my career. For the curious, I watched Star Wars & Star Trek when I was younger and that influenced my career in working on flight simulators and a dynamic air space management system. I guess that could be a good influence. It may have also influenced my self-reliance & knowledge quest.

    I didn't watch a lot of tv or movies growing up and still don't. Learning/school was my escape to a better future.
    Most of what I am reading is whatever I am interested in at the time...improving health, career, relationships, etc. I don't read a lot of fiction so that is an area that I actually could read a little more in. The things I am reading are to improve the areas I need to work on or that I need to reprogram the bad subconscious programming I received as a child.

    I still haven't read your book, “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy, and Rich.”
    It is not at the bookstore so I'll need to order it.

  23. I regret being so late to read this post Randy. Part of what I teach in my personal development is to change your stinkin' thikin' and the life around you will change.

    It is really a simple age old Biblicle principle.. that which you focus on you get. If we are conditioning our minds to look for only the bad then that is all it will find, when we get the heavy revy and focus our thought on that which is good.. we start to see the good in life.

    Have you ever bought a new vehicle... then realized how many other people have the same type? Same principle, we have become aware of " a red toyota tundra" and now see that "characteristic" in others.

    Thanks for your great posts.

    Merry Christmas!!

  24. Great quoter Dawn!!! and a great challenge for this time of year... I know I will be sitting and counting my blessings of 2009 as I lay my plans and goals for 2010

  25. Great post! I too had a game I played with my sister. She was always the rich one and I was always the poor one. We pretended she would give her hand me down clothing and I was so grateful to have gotten at least her left overs. Guess what!...I was still playing that game 40 years later but am done now. It takes much reprogramming!

  26. I started out with one and can't stop reading. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for crossing MY path in this lifetime.


    Your new fan!

  27. you inspire me to create an affirmation dealing with that issue. It's a biggie for me and I am committed to being the possibility of new, exciting, loving and fullfiling relationships. Thanks for sharing and creating that affirmation for me!

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  • 33 comments on “Why Bad Things Happen to You”

    1. Amazingly powerful post. I too had a period of my life that it seemed everything bad just seemed to hunt me down and make sure it happened to me. It was frustrating and depressing to the point of having to see someone to help me through my depression.

      Once I realized that it was in fact myself that was the problem, everything in my life changed dramatically. Now, instead of bad things happening to me, great things are coming my way from what feels like no where sometimes. It is a great feeling to know that I control my destiny in life and no one or thing can stop me now.

    2. Now this is right on the money Randy, we all (well most of us) are conditions to believe that life happens, that we have no say in the matter at all. Nothing could be further from the truth!

      We are the co-creators of our lives, nothing forms until it is dreamed or though of first and when we add an emotion to that thought that is all that is needed to bring it into our lives.

      How many times have we worried that something would happen, and it does - it seems to prove we were right to worry. Really it proves that thoughts become things - most especially when emotion is added the higher the emotional charge the more likely it will come into our lives - I wonder what would happen if we charged our positive thoughts with that amount of happy expectancy?

      Now that's one way of getting the life you have always dreamed of - LOL

      Annie Infinite

    3. Albert Einstein said "Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions". This is true...good or bad. I am often guilty of dwelling on negative outcomes or things.

      I can definitely see this that it is a conscious effort to push through the deafening noise of negativity and maintain control of my thoughts, feelings and emotions. I can "see" why one (me) latches onto negative people sometimes...because as it has been revealed here, in this blog, the herd is calling - they need constituents to continue their mindless march!!!!!

    4. I have been reading your blog for a few months now Randy and I just want to say that I appreciate your honest and raw style of sharing your insights. You have given me much to think on!

      Please keep that good stuff coming...

      Happy Holidays!

    5. Great post, RG. Like the Frenchman in the Matrix said, "Causality is ze most powerful principle..." or something like that (now look what you've done - I gotta go watch that movie again, for the 87th time :o).

      The only thing I would add to your post is this: not every "effect" is a direct cause from "yourself". For example, natural disasters like tsunamis. Yes, humans are messing with nature and global warming, etc but it is not necessarily caused by the humans in the affected areas.

      So, my point is, without shirking personal responsibility, not everything that happens to you is directly caused by YOU. Make any sense?

    6. Randy, your hero's journey concept is genius. When I read your book I realized that I've been on one huge hero's journey the past 9 (!!) years. That was about 6 months ago, and I just this week realized that I still have some of that vibe going. I have a new mantra now:

      I expect things to be easy!

    7. Randy,
      Thank you for sharing your life with us so that we too can become free of the negative and co-create the rich, happy, vibrant life that we were created for.
      All my life, I experienced abandonment of one sort or another. I grew up to fear it/focus on it. Father, husband, mother, it just kept playing out, over and over. Today, I focus on bringing in new, exciting, fulfilling relationships almost daily and know that I am "safe" in my relationship with God and that that is the only truly "permanent" relationship anyway. The rest will be attracted and want to stay in the glow from that relationship which can't help but over flow to those around me. As I open my heart to God's purpose for my life, follow inspiration and believe/live what I see in my mind's eye, I will co-create with Him a brilliant life, drawing all that I need... when I need it.
      You are such a blessing. K

    8. Right on the money as always. What comes out of the mouth has the power to destroy. I can't remember who said/asked " What weighs 5 llbs and can destroy the world? The tongue!
      I won't say Happy Holidays . Have a very Merry Christmas to you and yours. Jesus is the reason for the season. See you at Go Diamond

    9. What you write is very elementary. But that's the crux of life. Nothing complicated.
      Most time all of us miss out the common sensical signboards on the road to prosperity or livelihood.
      Nevertheless, a brilliant exposition.
      Thanks, Randy

    10. Yes, recognizing and acknowledging our role in the events of our lives is definitely one of the key steps in being able to start creating things we really want to experience. Without this revelation you can't get past the luck factor, denial and victimhood...but people are so often afraid to face up to this fact and they are afraid of the depth of their own power and their influence on things, so they rather not even hear about it.

      As incomplete as the Secret is, - it must have been softened up for public broadcasting - the base concept of our attraction based universe has been discussed by many other enlightened minds like C.F. Haanel, Esther Hicks, Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer to name really just a few.

      They pretty much come to the same conclusion: if you focus on it, empower it with emotion, believe it can happen to you and expect it, it will happen. You can use this cycle to your advantage and create deliberately, or let it work on its own based on thoughts that run rampant in your mind about stuff you don't want, don't like, and fear for example.

      It takes an openness to accept that you are more than the body you see in the a microwave oven ...metal box with invisible power :o)

    11. When I started to be aware of myself I chose the whole deluxe package of misery for me because that was the only reasonable choice in the environment I was born in. I made bad things happen regularly - on a daily basis. I was so miserable that I overlooked all the good things that have been happening to me - strictly focused on the negative experiences. I got my masters degree but I still thought I was a nobody. I got a dull job where I was as miserable as such a person should be and got a real pro in disfunctional relationships. I decided to suffer in a disfunctional marriage... it goes with the package!
      Then, one day, when the 30th person wished I finally had a baby after being married for six months!, I exploded and sent all my co-workers to hell. Hormones initiated the process (I was already pregnant at the time, but I didn't know it) and from that moment i started turning into an alien. I'm happy now and I create a much different life for myself and the people that accompany me with a lot of support from the people who made the path for the rest of, like yourself, Randy. Thank you!
      When I read your lines, I know, my decision was reasonable and that I should only stay on this track.

      Love, Natasa

    12. Randy:
      This is so powerful. I got your book about broke,fat people too. Now, I can apply the concepts you wrote in it because I have a new frame of mind
      It is very hard for me to take anyone who says something for granted. I was taught since 4th grade to question everything and arrive at my own conclusions.
      Sharing your personal struggles is like having the right combination to open up my mind.

    13. Things from your childhood do program your subconscious.
      I have done a real soul-searching process to get to the point where I see myself as a co-creator with God and take responsibility.

      I did unknowingly manifested challenges for myself and even sabotaged my own success in some areas of my life.
      In trying to repair a relationship, I did a lot of work to try to figure out the problems and resolve them. Realizing failure, I did a lot of soul searching because there are 2 people in a relationship and I was part of the problem. I went deeper to figure out why the problems existed, not just how to fix the problems.

      I wanted to become more aware when problems come up.
      I didn't realize there were conditions in a failed relationship at the beginning of the relationship so I needed to be more aware.
      Now I spend time investing in me & giving myself unconditional love so that I can give more...

      "Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

      It has always been easier for me to give than to receive so that is another area I work on. Be open to receiving knowing there is no expectation by the giver. Just as you give without expecting anything in return. Unconditional.

      Still is a life long process...

    14. Wow, I never thought about it that way Randy. I don't know how many times growing up as a kid that I would think of things similarly. I too never really fit in anywhere and was somewhat of a loner. Thanks for the goodness!

    15. I think this topic has been one of the most stirring blogs for me, and that is because Randy, many of the things that you did, I did as well. I sabotaged everything that I set my hands to, and blamed it on the devil. This is how I was raised, if something goes wrong in your life, its not because you did it alone, but because evil forces took part as well! I seemed to start a project and then think to myself, what are you doing? You're not qualified or worthy. So for me Randy, I feel that those two elements play a part in my co-creating nightmare. Randy, i've read this concept from others, but it struck me differently for some reason in your blog. I feel its easy for most people to abdicate responsibilty in creating their own mess and blame it on unseen malevolent forces. I guess in order to come to grips with the responsibility of what we create in our lives, we need to take an eval of our thinking and where we focus most of our thoughts. I will try to be more aware of the ideas that I allow to grow in my mind! Thanks Randy!

    16. Great post Randy. I'd like to post a quote from Charles Dickens that speaks to this very topic. "Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many.. not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some"

    17. Randy as I look back over my 20+ years in the business world and see my failures, I have finally asked myself who was always at the scene. Yes it has always been me and now I am drilling deep inside me to get to the root of the problem and finally I am getting help from a seasoned life coach. Thansk so much for revealing the problem, ME!

    18. As I come out of my fog, I have recently witnessed my victim thought in action.

      And I have surrounded myself with people who enable that victim thinking, to a certain degree.

      Interestingly enough, I was angry at my ex the other day. Why? Because he didn't feed into my victimhood. I told him a sob story, and he said, 'oh.' and walked away.

      At first I thought, what an uncompassionate SOB. Now, I'm thinking, 'hey, without HIM knowing it, I think he just did me a huge favor.'

      I'm SEEING my victim mentality in action. And now, very recently, when I am witness to it, I feel the energy drain when I go into that mode, and the 'hit' I get when people react to it.

      Talk about an addiction. Woah.


    19. I have experienced this-victimhood so many times.The formula is this: Look what they did to me and I have overcome it?.I am successfull.Or I saw it coming.In each new phase I have a setback, than I brush myself off and start all over again. The sadest part is that ,When I look back,in each phase I have seen people in the same situation just move forward.No drama.

    20. Randy, I noticed the same thing in me...but mine was a variation of the "heroes journey". Mine was always about the underdog who didn't believe in himself, but had infinite potential inside him. I guess I got that from Karate kid and other movies like that.
      I believe this got me to the extent that I was always looking for validation outside myself, and always doubting my ability...and then, at times I'd pull off something heroic.
      You can guess what other crap I manifested...
      I was shocked when I learned about this, when I found this inside me, and I have released this...and I am moving to the next level.
      I also spent a lot of time on my own, reading books and living in my own fantasy world...I hope there aint more of those things lurking beneath 🙂
      I hope this helps someone....

    21. Great comments. Although I enjoyed your "blogasized" (okay, so that's not a real word, but you get the idea) version, it simply cannot compare to the book version. EVERYONE should read your book: "Why You're Dumb, Sick, and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy, and Rich."

      Well, everyone, that is, who is serious about taking responsibility for their own lives. 😉

    22. I know I did receive programming when I was younger. There were some movies & tv shows I watched when I was younger that influenced my career. For the curious, I watched Star Wars & Star Trek when I was younger and that influenced my career in working on flight simulators and a dynamic air space management system. I guess that could be a good influence. It may have also influenced my self-reliance & knowledge quest.

      I didn't watch a lot of tv or movies growing up and still don't. Learning/school was my escape to a better future.
      Most of what I am reading is whatever I am interested in at the time...improving health, career, relationships, etc. I don't read a lot of fiction so that is an area that I actually could read a little more in. The things I am reading are to improve the areas I need to work on or that I need to reprogram the bad subconscious programming I received as a child.

      I still haven't read your book, “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, and Broke and How to Get Smart, Healthy, and Rich.”
      It is not at the bookstore so I'll need to order it.

    23. I regret being so late to read this post Randy. Part of what I teach in my personal development is to change your stinkin' thikin' and the life around you will change.

      It is really a simple age old Biblicle principle.. that which you focus on you get. If we are conditioning our minds to look for only the bad then that is all it will find, when we get the heavy revy and focus our thought on that which is good.. we start to see the good in life.

      Have you ever bought a new vehicle... then realized how many other people have the same type? Same principle, we have become aware of " a red toyota tundra" and now see that "characteristic" in others.

      Thanks for your great posts.

      Merry Christmas!!

    24. Great quoter Dawn!!! and a great challenge for this time of year... I know I will be sitting and counting my blessings of 2009 as I lay my plans and goals for 2010

    25. Great post! I too had a game I played with my sister. She was always the rich one and I was always the poor one. We pretended she would give her hand me down clothing and I was so grateful to have gotten at least her left overs. Guess what!...I was still playing that game 40 years later but am done now. It takes much reprogramming!

    26. I started out with one and can't stop reading. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for sharing your story and thank you for crossing MY path in this lifetime.


      Your new fan!

    27. you inspire me to create an affirmation dealing with that issue. It's a biggie for me and I am committed to being the possibility of new, exciting, loving and fullfiling relationships. Thanks for sharing and creating that affirmation for me!

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