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Using the Circulation Law to Manifest Prosperity

Posted By: Randy GageMay 28, 2009

Think of prosperity like a brisk, flowing river.  It’s always moving, releasing pressure, and seeking its proper level.  On the other hand, when water pools in a stationary place, it becomes cloudy and stagnant.  Prosperity works on the same principle…

Misery hoarding leads to recession.  When you circulate substance, you break the energy block and keep the river of prosperity flowing freely.

Here’s a short video I did on the subject:


Don’t wait till you are out of debt completely or a multi-millionaire to sow seeds.     In fact, if your prosperity seems really blocked, you might want to really shake things up by sowing a seed today.


P.S. Here are the prosperity affirmations I promised you on the video:

To write on your checkbook:

•    You are now filled with the bounty of my creator to supply my every need.

•    Money is attracted to me like a magnet.

To affirm when you are sending out payments:

•    I send you forth to circulate in the flow of boundless prosperity.  I know that you will return to me in kind.

•    This is the bounty of God, and I send it forth with wisdom, faith and love.

To affirm when you are sowing a seed:

•    Divine love, through me, blesses and multiplies this seed of prosperity.

29 comments on “Using the Circulation Law to Manifest Prosperity”

  1. Circulation causes the Universe to take notice of your activity.

    When you open your hand...the Universe opens it's hand as says - here - Thank you!

    Blessings to you Randy.

  2. Thanks Randy- I recently read as to WHY this works, and it made a whole lot of difference for me.

    The idea was that there is only one of us, so when you give to another, you actually ARE giving to yourself, and that you just receive it later- from YOURSELF.... blew my mind.

    "Be the source of what you want"

  3. Randy,
    You are correct. There is a natural flow to life.
    It is better to give form your heart. Giving shows you
    have the love of God in you.

  4. Excellent.

    Awesome. I enjoy the peace in which you talk and the kindness of your words.


  5. i like that, i've heard about that and i like it, i love it, but.....what abaout when you give(anything)but you do not recived? or feel like you do not reviced anything?what do i supouse to do? :S

  6. Maybe this was not a good "first video" for me to see. And I'm so weary of people pontificating, saying "I believe," and "I think....." Why are you talking about God, Spirituality, and using the BullSh*t word?? I don't get it.

  7. Hi Randy.

    I saw the video and went out to pay some bills... actually, I had just finished paying a big one!
    And I tried the affirmations/proclamations you suggested... it was great!

    I had a feeling of worthiness and consciouslly delivering the money to circulation knowing that it comes back tenfold was great. I actually thouhgt "this is nice! I'm enjoying paying bills!". I felt part of the abubdant flow, instead of "losing money".

    Thanks for hte video.

    João Diogo

  8. "...delight in the Lord... and you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth fruit in it's season...and everything you do shall prosper." Psalms 1:2-3

    Thanks & God bless you,

  9. I haven't written a check in five years. I used to add comments on the check and as a minimum placed VR=100x and some were higher. VR is Value Recieved. The world is designed to work. We do have to give up fear, complaining and wishing on bad luck for it to begin working with us.

    Thank you Randy. Great place to begin the weekend.

  10. Hey Randy,

    Thanks for another great write-up and video!

    I concur with you about the circulation stuff. Money is not called 'currency' for no reason. It's supposed to be current, moving and in circulation. Stagnate it and it will start to stink and slowly die of premature death.


  11. 1. Hair, make-up, wardrobe = check
    2. Pay mortgage = check
    3. Follow up on phone calls = check
    4. Prepare and plan for the weekend = check
    5. write Circulation Law notes on checkbook = check

    I like the VR=100x. I'm adding that right on my checks too. It soon will be years that I don't have to write out any more checks!!!

    Thanks Randy,
    Working the Mindset

  12. Money is attracted to me like a magnet.

    when I have no money in the pocket I said this sentencea lot of times..before and after affirming that I realized I got good contracts and projects which involved trading with money, small and big

  13. Randy: Really true, I have this experience in my life, and it folows the universal principles, selhelp and help others makes a flu and a circulation , believe to create propsperity, give others what I have, to receive that I desire.

  14. Wow, what a GREAT way to start monday off. With thoughts on prosperity, affirmations to hold, and a smile on my face.

    Thanks Randy!

    ~Jhanna Dawson

  15. A few years ago, I filled out a check written by GOD (so to speak) to me. The numeric figure is topped by a "plus" + sign in the upper right corner, signifying endless bounty. I keep that check in a fold of my wallet where nothing else goes. That message to me led to my increasing financial stability. Here's another tactic I like to use: I chose to behave as a millionaire might, donating to poor families (secretly) when I lacked sufficient food-buying ability for myself. Comparatively speaking, those donations coming from someone as strapped as I'd been was as if a millionaire had bequeathed a huge sum to some beneficiary. It boosted my morale. I still do stuff like that.

  16. Have your camera man zoom fill the frame with you. There is a lot of extra space around you in the shot that is not necessary.

  17. Thanks, Randy for your video.

    I like your laws of prosperity. And I'am gonna translate this into Russian and put in my blog.

    All people should now about prosperity 🙂


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  • 29 comments on “Using the Circulation Law to Manifest Prosperity”

    1. Circulation causes the Universe to take notice of your activity.

      When you open your hand...the Universe opens it's hand as says - here - Thank you!

      Blessings to you Randy.

    2. Thanks Randy- I recently read as to WHY this works, and it made a whole lot of difference for me.

      The idea was that there is only one of us, so when you give to another, you actually ARE giving to yourself, and that you just receive it later- from YOURSELF.... blew my mind.

      "Be the source of what you want"

    3. Randy,
      You are correct. There is a natural flow to life.
      It is better to give form your heart. Giving shows you
      have the love of God in you.

    4. Excellent.

      Awesome. I enjoy the peace in which you talk and the kindness of your words.


    5. i like that, i've heard about that and i like it, i love it, but.....what abaout when you give(anything)but you do not recived? or feel like you do not reviced anything?what do i supouse to do? :S

    6. Maybe this was not a good "first video" for me to see. And I'm so weary of people pontificating, saying "I believe," and "I think....." Why are you talking about God, Spirituality, and using the BullSh*t word?? I don't get it.

    7. Hi Randy.

      I saw the video and went out to pay some bills... actually, I had just finished paying a big one!
      And I tried the affirmations/proclamations you suggested... it was great!

      I had a feeling of worthiness and consciouslly delivering the money to circulation knowing that it comes back tenfold was great. I actually thouhgt "this is nice! I'm enjoying paying bills!". I felt part of the abubdant flow, instead of "losing money".

      Thanks for hte video.

      João Diogo

    8. "...delight in the Lord... and you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth fruit in it's season...and everything you do shall prosper." Psalms 1:2-3

      Thanks & God bless you,

    9. I haven't written a check in five years. I used to add comments on the check and as a minimum placed VR=100x and some were higher. VR is Value Recieved. The world is designed to work. We do have to give up fear, complaining and wishing on bad luck for it to begin working with us.

      Thank you Randy. Great place to begin the weekend.

    10. Hey Randy,

      Thanks for another great write-up and video!

      I concur with you about the circulation stuff. Money is not called 'currency' for no reason. It's supposed to be current, moving and in circulation. Stagnate it and it will start to stink and slowly die of premature death.


    11. 1. Hair, make-up, wardrobe = check
      2. Pay mortgage = check
      3. Follow up on phone calls = check
      4. Prepare and plan for the weekend = check
      5. write Circulation Law notes on checkbook = check

      I like the VR=100x. I'm adding that right on my checks too. It soon will be years that I don't have to write out any more checks!!!

      Thanks Randy,
      Working the Mindset

    12. Money is attracted to me like a magnet.

      when I have no money in the pocket I said this sentencea lot of times..before and after affirming that I realized I got good contracts and projects which involved trading with money, small and big

    13. Randy: Really true, I have this experience in my life, and it folows the universal principles, selhelp and help others makes a flu and a circulation , believe to create propsperity, give others what I have, to receive that I desire.

    14. Wow, what a GREAT way to start monday off. With thoughts on prosperity, affirmations to hold, and a smile on my face.

      Thanks Randy!

      ~Jhanna Dawson

    15. A few years ago, I filled out a check written by GOD (so to speak) to me. The numeric figure is topped by a "plus" + sign in the upper right corner, signifying endless bounty. I keep that check in a fold of my wallet where nothing else goes. That message to me led to my increasing financial stability. Here's another tactic I like to use: I chose to behave as a millionaire might, donating to poor families (secretly) when I lacked sufficient food-buying ability for myself. Comparatively speaking, those donations coming from someone as strapped as I'd been was as if a millionaire had bequeathed a huge sum to some beneficiary. It boosted my morale. I still do stuff like that.

    16. Have your camera man zoom fill the frame with you. There is a lot of extra space around you in the shot that is not necessary.

    17. Thanks, Randy for your video.

      I like your laws of prosperity. And I'am gonna translate this into Russian and put in my blog.

      All people should now about prosperity 🙂


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