Great list! I read it with interest, knowing the hundreds of other outstanding books that could qualify for this list. A couple I’ve read a couple more are on my list to read, and the rest are about to be purchased. Thanks!!
Put yourself in this picture…
Earth hangs in the balance. We’ve experienced catastrophic famine, nuclear annihilation, or perhaps a reboot of Hot Tub Time Machine. You’re leading a colony of survivors to rebuild your lives and save the world from near-certain extinction.
What are the top ten “rescue ourselves from ourselves” books to stock in the communal library?
This isn’t meant to be a list of the greatest books of all-time, but a list of the books that most helped you transform yourself. The primary consideration here is transformation. Because to change the world you must change yourself. What would your top 10 transformation list be? Feel free to share in the comments!
Below you’ll find the books that have shaped my life the most. (At this exact moment in the space/time continuum. It's a list that morphs continuously.) They're shared in the hope that they will add transformative value to your life as well. Here's my list...
1) Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand
One of the greatest differences between the brilliant and ignorant, is the ability to conceptualize linear thinking processes such as first principles and congruent philosophies. The reason this book impacted my life more than any other, is because it woke me up to the importance of living life by a congruent philosophy. This choice shocks many people because it’s a novel. But if you’re struggling with your purpose or seeking to know more about the meaning of your life – this book can cause you to think about things in a way you never have before. It belongs in the library of every serious student of philosophy, politics, self-development, and psychology.
2) The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
This book is a meta-physical masterpiece; the ideal “how-to” manual for everything you want to do in life. Holmes is a hero to me because he blazed the trail I later followed: He also was a self-educated student of the world's spiritual beliefs, and then worked to develop that knowledge into a practical philosophy for living.
3) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy J.R.R. Tolkien
Another work of fiction, and one of the books that inspired me to become a writer. This was the first Sci-Fi/new world/new metaverse type of book I read in my teens, and the enduring effect it had on my curiosity, imagination and creativity cannot be overstated. Because curiosity, imagination and creativity are the keys to success in almost anything. Tolkien’s work is the perfect demonstration of one of Naval Ravikant’s philosophies for learning: Read what you love until you develop a love to read.
4) Meditations Marcus Aurelius
It seems the older I get, the more I am drawn deeper to stoicism and this textbook on what it means to think and grow into the highest possible version of yourself.
Your ability to control your thoughts – more specifically, to become the thinker of the thought – may be the most important skill in today’s hyper-manipulative, algorithm-driven, social media fueled world. If you ever find yourself fixating on things you can’t control, or wallowing in victimhood, this is the book to slap you back into sensibility. Aurelius’ profound essays on personal ethics, self-discipline, and human behavior remain one of the greatest works on personal growth ever written.
5) 101 ESSAYS that will CHANGE the way YOU THINK Brianna Wiest
This book was recommended by a friend and the title immediately captivated me. Books that question premises and challenge your beliefs are exactly the kind you need for true transformation. And Wiest delivers with aplomb. If you’re open for the introspection, the book will force you to face the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life – and as a result, living your life.
6) As a Man Thinketh James Allen
It’s a little book that sells for almost nothing, so people don’t take it as seriously as they should. I almost wish it sold for $50,000, so people would read it with the reverence it deserves. This should be on your bed stand to read a little every night before you go to sleep.
7) The War of Art Steven Pressfield
The subtitle of this book explains the need it fills in the world: “Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles”
If you need to rescue the world from certain extinction – or write an opera, build a cathedral, choreograph a dance, or launch a movement – this is your “go to” book. Steve is the artist whisperer and for my money, America’s greatest living writer. Every time I begin a new book or any important creative project, I go back and reread this book first.
8) Tribe of Mentors Tim Ferriss
A big part of my criteria for impact is how often a book beckons me back for another read, to scan again for inspiration, or research. By that standard, both this book and number nine on the list muscled their way onto the list. Eight years on and they’re both becoming more dog-eared and highlighted with each passing year.
This is not a traditional book. It was written during a transitional period of Tim’s life, as he searched for meaning. He drafted 11 questions he was pondering and asked 100 mentors for their answers. These mentors were an eclectic but brilliant collection of tech bros, life coaches, sports champions, academics, actors, philosophers, comedians, billionaires, butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers. Their collective genius produced breakthrough wisdom of epic proportions.
9) Tools of Titans Tim Ferriss
This is the sister book to number eight. Their order was a coin flip and could easily be reversed. They are both compilations, but this one is divided into three sections: healthy, wealthy, and wise.
The quotes, provocative stories, and earth-shattering revelations are taken from the interviews Tim conducted on his iconic podcast. (As well as some of the info collected for the other book.) Once again, it’s an eclectic mélange of brilliant contributors, that when mixed and percolated makes for astonishing inspiration and guidance for a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.
10) Radical Rebirth Randy Gage
Yeah, I know. But no, not actually why you were thinking.
The book made the list for two reasons:
I will say no more.
- RG
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Great list! I read it with interest, knowing the hundreds of other outstanding books that could qualify for this list. A couple I’ve read a couple more are on my list to read, and the rest are about to be purchased. Thanks!!
Come on, how can you not have Think and Grow Rich on here.. know you've read it and applied it.. cheers Napa David
There were definitely moments in my life when T&GR would have been number one on the list with a bullet. But the lists evolves as I do and this is where I'm at right now. Btw, you may want to re-read the post, as I edited it slightly after sleeping on it.
Good līst! Thank you mister Gage! Number ten is my favorīte!❤️
I've read a few of those including you own, but today's post is a great reminder to go back and go through them again. Thanks.
Thank you, I will start with the first one, loved ”the Fountainhead”, and will work myself down the list
Thank you For tris marvelous gift, have read a few and Of course, yours. I have work ahead!! Im in the journey of my third book.
Allí the best always!
This is a timely call to action - Randy is as on-point as ever. Just ordered Radical Rebirth, can’t wait to read it!
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this overview with your recommendations.
I share the opinion that egoistic motives drive people's behavior. Why would anyone be bothered by the self-destructiveness of others... They say the only reason to write is when you cannot do otherwise—when you are overflowing with something, and it feels like a pain, making writing a form of relief. Books help their authors first, before they are of value to readers.
I haven't read any books on the list, but it seems well-balanced, covering various genres (fiction, philosophy, or 'how-to' books), so different readers can find something that suits them to navigate through life, whether encouraged by the characters they encounter or real-life autobiographical accounts.
AsAManThinketh I even published in my native Hungarian language,so important I find it also, and I have Radical Rebirth signed by you.I well reread it now.Atlas shrugged I heard so many times I have to read it once.Thanks for sharing your top ten list.
Great list! I read it with interest, knowing the hundreds of other outstanding books that could qualify for this list. A couple I’ve read a couple more are on my list to read, and the rest are about to be purchased. Thanks!!
Come on, how can you not have Think and Grow Rich on here.. know you've read it and applied it.. cheers Napa David
There were definitely moments in my life when T&GR would have been number one on the list with a bullet. But the lists evolves as I do and this is where I'm at right now. Btw, you may want to re-read the post, as I edited it slightly after sleeping on it.
Good līst! Thank you mister Gage! Number ten is my favorīte!❤️
I've read a few of those including you own, but today's post is a great reminder to go back and go through them again. Thanks.
Thank you, I will start with the first one, loved ”the Fountainhead”, and will work myself down the list
Thank you For tris marvelous gift, have read a few and Of course, yours. I have work ahead!! Im in the journey of my third book.
Allí the best always!
This is a timely call to action - Randy is as on-point as ever. Just ordered Radical Rebirth, can’t wait to read it!
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this overview with your recommendations.
I share the opinion that egoistic motives drive people's behavior. Why would anyone be bothered by the self-destructiveness of others... They say the only reason to write is when you cannot do otherwise—when you are overflowing with something, and it feels like a pain, making writing a form of relief. Books help their authors first, before they are of value to readers.
I haven't read any books on the list, but it seems well-balanced, covering various genres (fiction, philosophy, or 'how-to' books), so different readers can find something that suits them to navigate through life, whether encouraged by the characters they encounter or real-life autobiographical accounts.
AsAManThinketh I even published in my native Hungarian language,so important I find it also, and I have Radical Rebirth signed by you.I well reread it now.Atlas shrugged I heard so many times I have to read it once.Thanks for sharing your top ten list.