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The Thinker of the Thought

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 25, 2009

Let’s pick up where we left off on the last post.  I told you that to take charge of the thoughts you give precedence to, you have to become the thinker of the thought.  So what does that mean?

Well for most people in the herd, they are their thoughts.  That can’t be the case with you.  You have to be YOU, and your thoughts have to be what you are thinking.  You have to be able to step back, rise above them, and be conscious of them.

So when someone says, “Want to invest in my new company?”
And you think, “If it was really a good deal all the stock would already be gone.”
You have to notice that and then ask yourself, “Why did I think that?  Would the opportunity already really be gone – or was I just having a defeatist thought?  And if I’m having defeatist thoughts, WHY am I having defeatist thoughts?”

When you can think about your thoughts – as opposed to just being run by them – you are on the most important step to higher consciousness.  And the most important step to enlightenment and prosperity.

So what are you thinking right now?  And why are you thinking that?


16 comments on “The Thinker of the Thought”

  1. I would actually wager to say that ALL of us are a product of our thoughts, not just most in the herd. So yes, being conscience and accepting that is key.

    With that said, I might be careful about spending too much time wondering why I'm thinking what I'm thinking; especially if it makes me start feeling like crap. Since there are so many thoughts swimming around there, it's a bit least for me.

    Given my thoughts are in my control and that they determine how if feel and what i become, I might spend more time thinking about the future, the next "destination" or thing I want.

    Any thought that creeps in that takes me away from that, I tell that thought "thanks for being here but go take a seat. You're not part of the plan and you're getting in the way."


  2. I'm thinking that people who like this post might also like Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" where he explores this idea of the difference between YOU and the THINKER in depth.

  3. I'm thinking that the more open we are to Life, the more likely we'll realize our goals. In other words, since Universal abundance is infinite, we should be open to receiving prosperity knowing it may show up differently than the specific thought we were holding. Gifts can come in many shapes and forms and often when we THINK we're not achieving our intention, it may actually be a gift later on.

    Hope that makes sense.


  4. Interesting post! Since this morning I woke up for the first time in my life to not having any negative thoughts swimming around in my head. Even typing this comment my mind is more calm and tranquil than in my entire life.

    The universe gives us road signs along the way to say this way please. Your going in the right direction. Timely post and inspirational.

  5. Yeah- CONSCIOUS thinking... it means that your BRAIN gives you many, many different thoughts about something, but you can CHOOSE which one to follow with your MIND...

    Accepting that you're not your body is easy; accepting you're not your brain is a more nuanced step; most of us let our brains run us- and it does a great job most of the time- but if you want to make changes, you have to start examining the thoughts it gives you.

    My brain gave me SEVERAL different thoughts about whether to post a reply, what to post about, etc.

    Then I (with my MIND) CHOSE to write this.

    I hope you found that helpful-

    what choices did your BRAIN just send you? Which will you CHOOSE?

  6. Great post, and I will practice this. I like to take the "helicopter view" in situations, and this seems like a great way to take that view of myself!

    > And you think, “If it was really a good deal
    > all the stock would already be gone.”

    Usually, this would be my *second* thought (could be negative, could be positive) .. but the fleeting emotion I feeel *right before* this thought is my inner truth. So that's what I try to catch if I can.

  7. I think anybody who has graduated from the public school system or most of our colleges and universities has already been programmed "what to think" and "how to act". The problem with our schools is that it goes back to the Prussians who used "schools" to educate people how to either be a good worker drone or a soldier willing to lay down his life for the country. We continue to use this education system in our schools today. Of my 20 years of formal education I had 1, just 1 class, where the professor stressed the importantance of critical thinking. He would say "It's OK to T-H-I-N-K, I won't tell anyone!"

    Then if that's not bad enough the media has stopped reporting the news to pushing their agendas by telling us how to think.
    Case in point, all the pundits were busy after the President's speech last night telling us what he really said. My response:
    "I heard the speech and I can make/draw my own conclusions without the help of: CNN,MSNBC,Fox News, or any other media outlet thank you very much."

    Independent thinking is different from critical thinking which is what we need if we're going to tackle today's financial problems. Independent thinking is easy. All you have to do to have independent thinking is just do the opposite of the heard. Critical thinking is much more complex in that you have to be willing to listen to all sides, assimilate the information and then to be helpful synthesize a new idea or solution to the presenting problem.

    "That's just my opinion, I might be wrong." Dennis Miller

  8. Iam thinking on you..all the issuesyou talkabout.. are so similar ti the issuesiaminterested ... so ... i am thinking know.. why i amnot as succesfull iwnatto be.... may be i am not as higher consciousness of my thoughts as i think... I really think thta we let that another persons an events take a desition for us... wehave so many influences an we are not consciousness of that

  9. Background:
    The mind can be compartmentalized in 13 cubed, i.e. 2197 different alters. People have a programming matrix that builds on their true personality characteristics but still is not them. That's why they don't understand they are programmed. Programming can only be hooked on what is already available to some degree.

    So what?
    Now, who does the programming? Well, even God-Mind compartmentalizes into many Oversouls, and let's say the people behind the government use the same technique to rule this planet and more.

    In order to get back to your true core you have to remove the outside programming that could only enter a victim mind in the first place and then replace it with your own.

    And then what?
    I'm surprised (or not) to find how little is written about other aspects of how to manifest in physical reality, e.g. through sexuality. Has it ever occurred to people how they manifested here? Hello! People are creating with sexuality every day but don't know what they're doing. Sexuality plays a larger role in life than people can imagine - it is the basis for ALL creation.

    Where is the money?
    You don't need to sell anything. You need to let people know that you already have what they want.

    Over and out 🙂

  10. This may sound very simplistic, but instead of wondering why I am thinking what I'm thinking when there is too much crap in my head, I just go to my self-talk, say it about 100 times a day. It is very positive, removes the crap from my head, and puts me on the path to my properity. I have it memorized so it is very easy to do.

  11. HEY!!

    Why didn't I think about that before? You have to notice the thought in response to something and ask yourself, "Why did I think that?". Evaluate yourself. Knowing that everyone can CHOOSE their thoughts, that makes an Excellent suggestion, Randy. 😀

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  • 16 comments on “The Thinker of the Thought”

    1. I would actually wager to say that ALL of us are a product of our thoughts, not just most in the herd. So yes, being conscience and accepting that is key.

      With that said, I might be careful about spending too much time wondering why I'm thinking what I'm thinking; especially if it makes me start feeling like crap. Since there are so many thoughts swimming around there, it's a bit least for me.

      Given my thoughts are in my control and that they determine how if feel and what i become, I might spend more time thinking about the future, the next "destination" or thing I want.

      Any thought that creeps in that takes me away from that, I tell that thought "thanks for being here but go take a seat. You're not part of the plan and you're getting in the way."


    2. I'm thinking that people who like this post might also like Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth" where he explores this idea of the difference between YOU and the THINKER in depth.

    3. I'm thinking that the more open we are to Life, the more likely we'll realize our goals. In other words, since Universal abundance is infinite, we should be open to receiving prosperity knowing it may show up differently than the specific thought we were holding. Gifts can come in many shapes and forms and often when we THINK we're not achieving our intention, it may actually be a gift later on.

      Hope that makes sense.


    4. Interesting post! Since this morning I woke up for the first time in my life to not having any negative thoughts swimming around in my head. Even typing this comment my mind is more calm and tranquil than in my entire life.

      The universe gives us road signs along the way to say this way please. Your going in the right direction. Timely post and inspirational.

    5. Yeah- CONSCIOUS thinking... it means that your BRAIN gives you many, many different thoughts about something, but you can CHOOSE which one to follow with your MIND...

      Accepting that you're not your body is easy; accepting you're not your brain is a more nuanced step; most of us let our brains run us- and it does a great job most of the time- but if you want to make changes, you have to start examining the thoughts it gives you.

      My brain gave me SEVERAL different thoughts about whether to post a reply, what to post about, etc.

      Then I (with my MIND) CHOSE to write this.

      I hope you found that helpful-

      what choices did your BRAIN just send you? Which will you CHOOSE?

    6. Great post, and I will practice this. I like to take the "helicopter view" in situations, and this seems like a great way to take that view of myself!

      > And you think, “If it was really a good deal
      > all the stock would already be gone.”

      Usually, this would be my *second* thought (could be negative, could be positive) .. but the fleeting emotion I feeel *right before* this thought is my inner truth. So that's what I try to catch if I can.

    7. I think anybody who has graduated from the public school system or most of our colleges and universities has already been programmed "what to think" and "how to act". The problem with our schools is that it goes back to the Prussians who used "schools" to educate people how to either be a good worker drone or a soldier willing to lay down his life for the country. We continue to use this education system in our schools today. Of my 20 years of formal education I had 1, just 1 class, where the professor stressed the importantance of critical thinking. He would say "It's OK to T-H-I-N-K, I won't tell anyone!"

      Then if that's not bad enough the media has stopped reporting the news to pushing their agendas by telling us how to think.
      Case in point, all the pundits were busy after the President's speech last night telling us what he really said. My response:
      "I heard the speech and I can make/draw my own conclusions without the help of: CNN,MSNBC,Fox News, or any other media outlet thank you very much."

      Independent thinking is different from critical thinking which is what we need if we're going to tackle today's financial problems. Independent thinking is easy. All you have to do to have independent thinking is just do the opposite of the heard. Critical thinking is much more complex in that you have to be willing to listen to all sides, assimilate the information and then to be helpful synthesize a new idea or solution to the presenting problem.

      "That's just my opinion, I might be wrong." Dennis Miller

    8. Iam thinking on you..all the issuesyou talkabout.. are so similar ti the issuesiaminterested ... so ... i am thinking know.. why i amnot as succesfull iwnatto be.... may be i am not as higher consciousness of my thoughts as i think... I really think thta we let that another persons an events take a desition for us... wehave so many influences an we are not consciousness of that

    9. Background:
      The mind can be compartmentalized in 13 cubed, i.e. 2197 different alters. People have a programming matrix that builds on their true personality characteristics but still is not them. That's why they don't understand they are programmed. Programming can only be hooked on what is already available to some degree.

      So what?
      Now, who does the programming? Well, even God-Mind compartmentalizes into many Oversouls, and let's say the people behind the government use the same technique to rule this planet and more.

      In order to get back to your true core you have to remove the outside programming that could only enter a victim mind in the first place and then replace it with your own.

      And then what?
      I'm surprised (or not) to find how little is written about other aspects of how to manifest in physical reality, e.g. through sexuality. Has it ever occurred to people how they manifested here? Hello! People are creating with sexuality every day but don't know what they're doing. Sexuality plays a larger role in life than people can imagine - it is the basis for ALL creation.

      Where is the money?
      You don't need to sell anything. You need to let people know that you already have what they want.

      Over and out 🙂

    10. This may sound very simplistic, but instead of wondering why I am thinking what I'm thinking when there is too much crap in my head, I just go to my self-talk, say it about 100 times a day. It is very positive, removes the crap from my head, and puts me on the path to my properity. I have it memorized so it is very easy to do.

    11. HEY!!

      Why didn't I think about that before? You have to notice the thought in response to something and ask yourself, "Why did I think that?". Evaluate yourself. Knowing that everyone can CHOOSE their thoughts, that makes an Excellent suggestion, Randy. 😀

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