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The Power of the Silence

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 29, 2009

I start every day the same way.  With silence.  And that is one of the secrets to my success I am quite sure.  

I do my cardio in the gym gazing over Biscayne Bay.  Or I jog along it, with no headphones.  I never turn on the TV in the daytime (or that often at night) and I don’t even put on music until 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

I never room with other guys on my team at softball tournaments, because it seems everyone immediately turns on the TV the second they walk into a hotel room.  Many people do the same thing at home.  This busyness distracts your mind and concentration and makes you anxious.

Quiet time lets you reflect and is quite conducive to critical thinking.  And it calms your being, which lets you operate at a higher consciousness.  It’s critical to create some quiet time every single day.  So how are you doing with this?


31 comments on “The Power of the Silence”

  1. Randy,

    I start the day by meditating. Let whatever anxieties arise run in and out of the mind. I don't have TV, so there's no need to turn it off 😉 Got rid of it 3 years ago when I became serious about becoming a successful person.

    I also turn off the phone periodically to teach myself that I can let go of what I think I *need to do.* Like yourself I do the run thing in silence through the quiet area where I live.

    Lastly I set the alarm every few hours to be still. I literally drop everything and go into silence. This has taught me a thing or 2 about about attachments 😉

  2. I never realized the power of silence until a few weeks ago. I am a 39 year old single mom with three children and I work and have a home based business. My oldest is in college this year and we switched to a one week on and one week off with visitation for my younger girls with their dad. This gave me my first full week of silence in 19 years. It was AMAZING. I couldn't believe how much I needed that for ME! I didn't turn on the tv at all - I read, sat on the deck, game planned, etc... I got so much done and the most important thing was my peace of mind. With all the external craziness - my mind never seemed like it was allowed to finish a thought. I feel like i'm in 24/7 chaos and over stimulation. And then I wonder why things remain the same! I know now I will take charge and consistently have my quiet time even with the girls. I will incorporate it into their lives too. It was a feeling like I never have know - a peace and calmness for my soul.

  3. I work alone at home so I like to listen to the radio, HayHouseRadio online or Oprah on XM Radio online. It makes me feel less lonley and connected to the world at large.

    I think I will work in silence a day or two and see what happens...

  4. I appreciate silence so much, that I put it as my top priority when looking for land to build on !
    can also increase the amount of calm I put in my life and miss the meditation I was doing regularly every morning at home, before everybody else is up and... running.
    something to reinstate.
    I don't listen to music during my morning and evening commuting on my bicycle...but mainly because it would be dangerous to be oblivious to the crazy London traffic !
    always appreciate your research; something we don't need to repeat and waste time on...instead get straight to the objective.

  5. I feel and do the exact same thing Randy. I love silence, there are wise words I hear whispered in silence, that I would never really hear with noisy distractions.

    Hmmm... I knew there were reasons you are a Rock Star, this must be one of them!

  6. We all have lots to learn from you Randy.
    I guess I must change the order of things a little.A s we all know Twitter is a great tool but I find I need to learn to control it better otherwise it controls me...
    Created a new Habit - I get up 1 h. earlier everyday so I can finish more of my to do things before I'm off to my Studio and meeting clients.
    But I find I'm so excited to see who RTed the link to my New Blog post that I open Tweetdeck.....and I'm done....
    So got to change the order:
    1. Meditate 2.Write 10 to do things in ORDER to be done 3. Post on Blog. 4.yeahhh OPEN TWEETDECK..ha,ha

    Thank you for advice and just for being Randy.
    Did you notice that I follow your advice you gave at Florida Presentation and I created a New Habit - posting on my Blog every 2-3days?
    Mad love to you man.

  7. Oh Wow... I so Agree....

    AND there must be a WHOLE lot of other things you're doing to be successful 🙂 Because...

    I haven't had a TV license for over a decade... I only watch DVD's very infrequently (maybe not often enough)....

    I spend quiet time each morning and evening... And If I turn music on - it tends to be in the evening later on....

    I live near a stream... and love it to be quiet enough to hear the birds, wind, and rain...


  8. I wholeheartedly agree with you Randy. Having the radio or TV on while trying to work is a major distraction. I find I am most productive early in the morning when I am alone in the house.

    Wishing you a scent-sational day!
    Patty Reiser

  9. Agree - silence is my recharge time!

    “See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.”

    Mother Teresa of Calcutta

  10. Hello Randy,

    For my part, I think I manage silence quite well in my life... but definitely not as well as you do! I am confident that I could highly benefit from more quiet time for myself.

    In success,

  11. Great point Randy. I love getting up very early in the morning to enjoy the stillness of the day. I find the tranquility very soothing--it calms my inner beast and grounds me. If I need to regroup mid-day, I enjoy a walk in nature (sans headphones). I like Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote: “Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods.”

  12. I completely agree with your idea of lessening life's noise levels.
    I will lie down on my bed, resting, not sleeping, and just let my mind be at peace. Things sort themselves out automatically and some of my greatest ideas are born. To actually listen to the wind, birds, the bubbles in the aquarium is amazing.

  13. Hello Mr Gage,
    Great sayings!

    One person and his business was the reason I first time came across your literatures, watched your first CD in Russian language. He is the author of book "In the Sphere of Silence". From him first time I learnt how to practise silence and its power. My quiet time has let me create and keeps me creating myself for the best present and future!

    I am coming from the future!


  14. I love quiet. I start the day slowly, even if it means getting up 2 hours before I have to leave the house. I take my time in the shower, getting ready, cooking breakfast and eating in peace. It's like meditating. Sometimes I'll play a CD if I'm feeling particularly energetic. I get my exercise done in the morning before work and I feel more energised that way. The TV is never on at home, unless I put a DVD in it to wind down at the end of the week. When I stay with other people or drive with them in their cars, the TV and radio drive me bananas. A lot of people don't realise how noisey and distracting their habits really are.

  15. I live in New York; it's even loud in the shower!

    I definitely notice when it's silent b/c it so rarely is... Of course quieting the mind of chatter, and not listening to something all the time helps.

    It's funny; when I find it's quiet, I often find myself saying "Oooh! I can listen to some PMA stuff now!"

  16. My Idea and observance of Quiet Time on daily basis is based on the Scripture ....... A time to set myself apart and commune with God. But now, I have read several contributions given other angles to Quiet Time. I really value these. I can henceforth amplify the gains derivable from Quiet Time.

    Thanks to you All.

  17. Hello Randy,
    There is Power in Peace.
    The world events and noise has disconnected
    us from our connection with our Creator.
    When we turn on, we turn off a natural power from God which is Peace and Tranquility. Were you reading my mind Randy !!
    Much Continued Success and Blessings

  18. One of my teachers used to tell us we would never be great, if we couldn't be silent for periods of time. Noisemakers were always punished, and it seemed harsh then. Now, looking back, I see the relevance, and how wise he was back then. I hope he's RIP.
    I am in tune with silence so much that if someone puts on the TV in the morning, I feel violated :-). Only in the silence does inspiration come....
    Good post RG!

  19. hola como estan sabes que es lo mas especial del silencio la paz que sientes dentro de tu ser cada vez que lo practicas otra parte importante es la de estar etiquetando con nombres a lo que nos hemos acostumbrado a darle a todo no etiquetes nada y veras como se siente de bien. gracias un saludo desde colombia

  20. Thank you Randy for sharing such a precious thing that is silence on this too noisy planet... silence is something rare like diamonds...
    Cheers, and go on sharing us the good things. See you soon in Bogotá. Hug. Ralfito from Columbia.

  21. Hi Randy,

    I was amazed by your book "Why You're DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . . and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH", as this book together with others started to change my lousy attitude in life. Now I feel more selfconfident and I really started to believe that the future is bright and not gloomy.
    I am not a businessman, although I like money very much !
    I've been thinking for quite a longtine to start a small business, but my family opposed. Since I read your book ant others (such as Conversations with God by Donald Neale Walsch, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (book and movie)), I got a new attitude, I am less worried about life future, I felt my predestination for wellness, I am more open to others and ... of course more confident in myself and in my future. Two years passed since I started to focus on these things and I think my whole life changed. Many, many, many more satisfactions than before and much more calm and tranquility. I ceased to waste my energies for no reason and now I strongly believe my life will get better and better. Thank you for sharing these so valuable and effective ideas.

    May I call you "The Professor of Attitude" ? Because this is the name you inspire to me...

    I have started to share and spread your ideas even at work, I have friends to whom I bought your book, and those guys are really interested in changing their lifes. You see, we live in Romania, an ex-communist and underdeveloped but splendid country, whose society is a loser-one and the general attitude should be drastically improved. I really think that touring
    Romania or this entire part of SE Europe would be hugely succesful for you. I have devored your videos posted on the Internet and I saw how Western people jump in applause at your speeches, how enlightened and joyful there faces are. The same would be here too. Maybe your team will help you to arrange this tour here.
    I look forward to seeing you in Bucharest, at "Sala Palatului" or "Sala Polivalenta", two huge halls that will be filled up with people thirsty for betterment!

  22. Quiet time is definitely an activity that I participate in when I visualize my goals this is done at 0500 hrs most people are asleep. and meditating for at least half an hour helps easing myself into the day ahead.

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  • 31 comments on “The Power of the Silence”

    1. Randy,

      I start the day by meditating. Let whatever anxieties arise run in and out of the mind. I don't have TV, so there's no need to turn it off 😉 Got rid of it 3 years ago when I became serious about becoming a successful person.

      I also turn off the phone periodically to teach myself that I can let go of what I think I *need to do.* Like yourself I do the run thing in silence through the quiet area where I live.

      Lastly I set the alarm every few hours to be still. I literally drop everything and go into silence. This has taught me a thing or 2 about about attachments 😉

    2. I never realized the power of silence until a few weeks ago. I am a 39 year old single mom with three children and I work and have a home based business. My oldest is in college this year and we switched to a one week on and one week off with visitation for my younger girls with their dad. This gave me my first full week of silence in 19 years. It was AMAZING. I couldn't believe how much I needed that for ME! I didn't turn on the tv at all - I read, sat on the deck, game planned, etc... I got so much done and the most important thing was my peace of mind. With all the external craziness - my mind never seemed like it was allowed to finish a thought. I feel like i'm in 24/7 chaos and over stimulation. And then I wonder why things remain the same! I know now I will take charge and consistently have my quiet time even with the girls. I will incorporate it into their lives too. It was a feeling like I never have know - a peace and calmness for my soul.

    3. I work alone at home so I like to listen to the radio, HayHouseRadio online or Oprah on XM Radio online. It makes me feel less lonley and connected to the world at large.

      I think I will work in silence a day or two and see what happens...

    4. I appreciate silence so much, that I put it as my top priority when looking for land to build on !
      can also increase the amount of calm I put in my life and miss the meditation I was doing regularly every morning at home, before everybody else is up and... running.
      something to reinstate.
      I don't listen to music during my morning and evening commuting on my bicycle...but mainly because it would be dangerous to be oblivious to the crazy London traffic !
      always appreciate your research; something we don't need to repeat and waste time on...instead get straight to the objective.

    5. I feel and do the exact same thing Randy. I love silence, there are wise words I hear whispered in silence, that I would never really hear with noisy distractions.

      Hmmm... I knew there were reasons you are a Rock Star, this must be one of them!

    6. We all have lots to learn from you Randy.
      I guess I must change the order of things a little.A s we all know Twitter is a great tool but I find I need to learn to control it better otherwise it controls me...
      Created a new Habit - I get up 1 h. earlier everyday so I can finish more of my to do things before I'm off to my Studio and meeting clients.
      But I find I'm so excited to see who RTed the link to my New Blog post that I open Tweetdeck.....and I'm done....
      So got to change the order:
      1. Meditate 2.Write 10 to do things in ORDER to be done 3. Post on Blog. 4.yeahhh OPEN TWEETDECK..ha,ha

      Thank you for advice and just for being Randy.
      Did you notice that I follow your advice you gave at Florida Presentation and I created a New Habit - posting on my Blog every 2-3days?
      Mad love to you man.

    7. Oh Wow... I so Agree....

      AND there must be a WHOLE lot of other things you're doing to be successful 🙂 Because...

      I haven't had a TV license for over a decade... I only watch DVD's very infrequently (maybe not often enough)....

      I spend quiet time each morning and evening... And If I turn music on - it tends to be in the evening later on....

      I live near a stream... and love it to be quiet enough to hear the birds, wind, and rain...


    8. I wholeheartedly agree with you Randy. Having the radio or TV on while trying to work is a major distraction. I find I am most productive early in the morning when I am alone in the house.

      Wishing you a scent-sational day!
      Patty Reiser

    9. Agree - silence is my recharge time!

      “See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.”

      Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    10. Hello Randy,

      For my part, I think I manage silence quite well in my life... but definitely not as well as you do! I am confident that I could highly benefit from more quiet time for myself.

      In success,

    11. Great point Randy. I love getting up very early in the morning to enjoy the stillness of the day. I find the tranquility very soothing--it calms my inner beast and grounds me. If I need to regroup mid-day, I enjoy a walk in nature (sans headphones). I like Ralph Waldo Emerson's quote: “Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods.”

    12. I completely agree with your idea of lessening life's noise levels.
      I will lie down on my bed, resting, not sleeping, and just let my mind be at peace. Things sort themselves out automatically and some of my greatest ideas are born. To actually listen to the wind, birds, the bubbles in the aquarium is amazing.

    13. Hello Mr Gage,
      Great sayings!

      One person and his business was the reason I first time came across your literatures, watched your first CD in Russian language. He is the author of book "In the Sphere of Silence". From him first time I learnt how to practise silence and its power. My quiet time has let me create and keeps me creating myself for the best present and future!

      I am coming from the future!


    14. I love quiet. I start the day slowly, even if it means getting up 2 hours before I have to leave the house. I take my time in the shower, getting ready, cooking breakfast and eating in peace. It's like meditating. Sometimes I'll play a CD if I'm feeling particularly energetic. I get my exercise done in the morning before work and I feel more energised that way. The TV is never on at home, unless I put a DVD in it to wind down at the end of the week. When I stay with other people or drive with them in their cars, the TV and radio drive me bananas. A lot of people don't realise how noisey and distracting their habits really are.

    15. I live in New York; it's even loud in the shower!

      I definitely notice when it's silent b/c it so rarely is... Of course quieting the mind of chatter, and not listening to something all the time helps.

      It's funny; when I find it's quiet, I often find myself saying "Oooh! I can listen to some PMA stuff now!"

    16. My Idea and observance of Quiet Time on daily basis is based on the Scripture ....... A time to set myself apart and commune with God. But now, I have read several contributions given other angles to Quiet Time. I really value these. I can henceforth amplify the gains derivable from Quiet Time.

      Thanks to you All.

    17. Hello Randy,
      There is Power in Peace.
      The world events and noise has disconnected
      us from our connection with our Creator.
      When we turn on, we turn off a natural power from God which is Peace and Tranquility. Were you reading my mind Randy !!
      Much Continued Success and Blessings

    18. One of my teachers used to tell us we would never be great, if we couldn't be silent for periods of time. Noisemakers were always punished, and it seemed harsh then. Now, looking back, I see the relevance, and how wise he was back then. I hope he's RIP.
      I am in tune with silence so much that if someone puts on the TV in the morning, I feel violated :-). Only in the silence does inspiration come....
      Good post RG!

    19. hola como estan sabes que es lo mas especial del silencio la paz que sientes dentro de tu ser cada vez que lo practicas otra parte importante es la de estar etiquetando con nombres a lo que nos hemos acostumbrado a darle a todo no etiquetes nada y veras como se siente de bien. gracias un saludo desde colombia

    20. Thank you Randy for sharing such a precious thing that is silence on this too noisy planet... silence is something rare like diamonds...
      Cheers, and go on sharing us the good things. See you soon in Bogotá. Hug. Ralfito from Columbia.

    21. Hi Randy,

      I was amazed by your book "Why You're DUMB, SICK, & BROKE . . . and How to Get SMART, HEALTHY & RICH", as this book together with others started to change my lousy attitude in life. Now I feel more selfconfident and I really started to believe that the future is bright and not gloomy.
      I am not a businessman, although I like money very much !
      I've been thinking for quite a longtine to start a small business, but my family opposed. Since I read your book ant others (such as Conversations with God by Donald Neale Walsch, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Secret by Rhonda Byrne (book and movie)), I got a new attitude, I am less worried about life future, I felt my predestination for wellness, I am more open to others and ... of course more confident in myself and in my future. Two years passed since I started to focus on these things and I think my whole life changed. Many, many, many more satisfactions than before and much more calm and tranquility. I ceased to waste my energies for no reason and now I strongly believe my life will get better and better. Thank you for sharing these so valuable and effective ideas.

      May I call you "The Professor of Attitude" ? Because this is the name you inspire to me...

      I have started to share and spread your ideas even at work, I have friends to whom I bought your book, and those guys are really interested in changing their lifes. You see, we live in Romania, an ex-communist and underdeveloped but splendid country, whose society is a loser-one and the general attitude should be drastically improved. I really think that touring
      Romania or this entire part of SE Europe would be hugely succesful for you. I have devored your videos posted on the Internet and I saw how Western people jump in applause at your speeches, how enlightened and joyful there faces are. The same would be here too. Maybe your team will help you to arrange this tour here.
      I look forward to seeing you in Bucharest, at "Sala Palatului" or "Sala Polivalenta", two huge halls that will be filled up with people thirsty for betterment!

    22. Quiet time is definitely an activity that I participate in when I visualize my goals this is done at 0500 hrs most people are asleep. and meditating for at least half an hour helps easing myself into the day ahead.

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