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The Power of the Pause

Posted By: Randy GageJune 10, 2023

(Monday Mojo 6/12/23)

Thank God it’s Monday! Let’s get after it…

Frequently, in this space, we’re looking at your goals, dreams, and other aspirations. (And for good reason.) But it’s also important to sometimes step back and re-evaluate other aspects of what a prosperous life looks like. It isn’t just about launching your IPO, breaking your income/profit goal, or finishing your magnum opus.

Don’t underestimate the power of the pause…

• The magic of a great keynote speaker comes from the pauses between words.
• Brilliant revelations are often revealed to you in the space between thoughts.
• The writers who touch your soul know when to end a chapter, paragraph, and even a partial sentence…to let the words breath properly.

There are transcendent, metaphysical, mystical, healing, creative, nurturing, divine, rewarding, harmonious, spiritual, and breakthrough powers which are unleashed when you mindfully practice a pause. This is different for everyone, but some great examples are retreats, sabbaths, vacations, thinking time, hobbies, and meditation. I find my greatest work often comes after a sabbatical, vacation, softball tournament, or other ways of shutting down the frenzied game of pinball usually going on in my mind.

If you feel compelled to check email at your child’s recital, push the “close door” button as soon as you get in the elevator, and have to pick up your phone at every red light – you’re living life all wrong.

Please. Plan your week accordingly.

The new podcast is a topic you might find fascinating: How to Die Young at an Early Age.


- RG

Previous Post: How Social Media is Killing Your Prosperity

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