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The Power of Purposeful Thought

Posted By: Randy GageJune 15, 2010

I told you in yesterday’s post that it doesn’t serve God or you, if you are broke, sick, unhappy, or in dysfunctional relationships.  You have to know that you are worthy of prosperity in ALL of its forms.

As you walk the path of spiritual consciousness, you will find that you begin to manifest prosperity more every day.  Positive thoughts feed on positive thoughts, and each victory no matter how small, produces more positive thoughts.

Coming to this realization was the single, most important, defining breakthrough in my existence on this planet.  Because it took me out of the mindset that I was a victim of circumstances, and created a mindset and belief that I could control my own destiny.  I became a co-creator.

Now this thought is radically different from what most people believe.  But then again, most people are sick, broke and unhappy.  They feel victimized by God, the Universe, nature, destiny, luck, circumstance, the economy, their boss or any one of a number of other “outside” factors.

But when you feel these things victimize you, that discounts the very important reality of the effect our thought-forces and mind elements have upon our circumstances, character, and destiny.

You create your own circumstances by the thoughts you give precedence to.  So that is step one; working on the thoughts you give precedence to.  But there is more...

Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright.

Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another.   They fall easy prey to gossip, petty worries and negativity. They are cogs in the matrix, lurching along with the herd.   Because they have no centralizing purpose in their lives, they are unable to harness that most powerful prosperity force in the Universe.

What do you think that is?  Please check in below, and that’s where we’ll pick up on the next post.


23 comments on “The Power of Purposeful Thought”

  1. Randy,

    "Until my thoughts are linked with purpose than I won't experience the prosperity that is my birthright." What is that purpose? I feel like I have been searching for it for 50 years or avoiding it. I think about not good things many times. It is easy for me to go down the "rathole" and attach them to feelings.

    Now I stop myself and say out loud my intention and affirmation. I am facing the things in my life I don't want any longer to make room for the things I do want. Joy, excitement, romance, love, abundance, money and joy.


  2. Randy-

    Henry Ford said something along the lines of, "thinking is the hardest work for people to engage in. That's why so few do." Very few people think deliberately as taught by Wallace Wattles in "The Science of Getting Rich." For me, this is where the work is, 24x7. Having a purpose certainly helps one in thinking deliberately.

  3. Hi Randy,
    Our minds are the most powerful prosperity force. What we think about affects our health, wealth and happiness. Your mind creates your destiny.

  4. hey Randy - Fantastic post.

    I just sat at my computer this evening, just finished reading As a Man Thinketh, ready to turn in for the night.. and my RSS notifies me that you've posted a blog.

    I'm extremely excited to hear what you have to say about the most powerful prosperity force... I believe it is the power of thought.

    For you said, "Because they have no centralizing purpose in their lives, they are unable to harness that most powerful prosperity force in the Universe."

    From that statement, I can only deduce that with, at the very least, a purpose.. a vision.. they can then apply advancing thoughts and begin moving in that direction.

    Without that vision/purpose, any thoughts they do employ are aimless and fleeting at best - far from 'harnessed'.

    Thanks for the ongoing journey!

  5. OMG Randy, your statement, "Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright." I have clarity, I get it. WOW!!!

    A few minutes ago I was reading from "Think and Grow Rich." A perfect example is a chapter about Thomas Edison and his partner Edwin C.Barnes. Barnes was penniless; yet knew exactly what the purpose of his business relationship with Edison would be, and of course the rest is history. He "thought" himself riches.

    I feel as if I am about to have this huge breakthrough from "failure consciousness to SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS." I read the Think & Grow Rich several times, but I am getting it and your blog is truly a confirmation. Less cobwebs in my MIND/Thoughts about prosperity.

    Randy, what I learned is when the student is ready the teacher shows up in a very BIG way and you have, Thanks!

  6. Hello Randy,

    I can't agree more.... how we think will often affect how we feel and our moods. Smiling is good, feeling good and thankful about things both big and small is always another boost.

  7. Randy,

    Before I go 'nite' now, I thought I would just want to add a brief comment to say that I agree with everything you wrote in this post. (..sorry [below], I ended up writing some more. lol )

    I agree.. we will find that we begin to manifest prosperity of/in many forms - positive uplifting thoughts and attitudes bring more positive thoughts and cheerful feelings, creating a melody in our minds/hearts, thus wanting to reach out and touch others, and people would just come to us, wanting to start a conversation .. even in a grocery store or coffee shop, this I'm experiencing, I tell you. 🙂 (..not always These small incidents and unexpected conversations that begin to roll in unexpected places produce more positive thoughts...thus manifesting a positive situation which is a part of the prosperity as well, I think. It seems it all begins with our mind and attitude.

    [..Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another...]

    I think I understand that, Randy. In other words, we tend to walk behind (or follow) what's happening (in reaction to what happens to us which we are not in control of), instead of walking ahead of what's happening (like when our mind is well focused or directed toward some specific purposes). And when we have a solid purpose/goal to focus our mind on, it seems our mind is so much into our purposes/goals, and that we are careless about those many trivial matters coz our minds are so focused on the things that are more important to us. Another way to say is that we just can't afford to get the surrounding/unwanted trivial external forces to affect us or bother us - such as spending time, so curious about what's going on in the lives of others that we don't even care or love, or getting involved in gossips or being jealous of another over something. When we are focused, none of these become important.

    [..Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright...]

    YES!! YES!! I love this!!.. and I will dwell on this word day and night and digest it to let it become every fiber and tissue of my being. Thank you, RANDY! for being there for us and for me. I particularly enjoyed today's post. I am sending you my big hug! Nite! -Saachi

  8. I feel like my purpose is in the business world, which is a little vague I realise. I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing when I'm working in an influential position in a business, (like I am now), and helping it to improve in leaps and bounds. I feel challenged and mentally stimulated and enjoy going to work in the morning. I also have no doubt that my clarity of purpose will sharpen as my experience broadens and new possibilities open before me.

  9. Hi Randy,

    Thanks for this great post!
    I totally agree that even positive thoughts have no real value unless they are linked to purpose and vision. Without a vision the people will parish.

    Make it a great day!
    God Bless,

  10. Great Post. Must read it 2X for it to fully be appreciated. I'm pulling out "As a Man Thinketh" to read again. Have a great day!

  11. great article RG

    "Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another."

    i loathe drama! when we can, but don't think for ourselves we get caught up in the minutia of everyone else's world.


  12. Several years ago I was having a discussion with a close friend around the topic of purpose. She loaned me a book by Ken Behring called "The Road to Purpose" and from that point on, the idea stuck in my mind. I was fortunate that I was lead to another source where I took myself through a process where I identified my purpose and am building a company and vision based on it.

    Holding my purpose in my mind along with the vision and KNOWING that this is my path is crucial. So yes Randy, I agree wholeheartedly that we must live life with purpose and cultivate the garden of our thoughts with only those that are positive and abundant!

  13. I think I heard this on a webinar by Janet & Chris Atwood yesterday- that when you are living a passionate life...your life purpose... you are filled with joy. (I know I heard it somewhere yesterday).

    I think Deborah Poneman said on the webinar that "God gives us we are to manifest...everyone is born with different gifts...people can become depressed because they are not using their gifts...Depression and passion do not co-exist"

    I also heard in a small group study by Chip Ingram, "Divine Design", that people can neglect their gifts...not discover their gifts...or not know their true gifts.

    Their book title is : "The Passion Test - The Effortless Path To Discovering Your Life Purpose" ... so by figuring out what my real passions are, I am figuring out my life purpose.

    Janet & Chris are also offering a program to help people get unstuck & crystal clear ( I learned it is important to be clear on what you really want):

  14. -RG,

    The most powerful force is of course our mind. The "hard" part is the control of that force. It will keep working on whatever it has there at the time. We must continually feed it the intentions that we want.

    Best said as...

    Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”


  15. "Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright.

    Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another. They fall easy prey to gossip, petty worries and negativity. They are cogs in the matrix, lurching along with the herd. Because they have no centralizing purpose in their lives, they are unable to harness that most powerful prosperity force in the Universe."

    discovering that this is true... figuring out my passions & purpose is helping me. More mindful of my reactions & choices... choosing in favor of my passions:

    "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear." Janet & Chris Attwood "The Passion Test"

    "Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity, choose in favor of your passions" Janet & Chris Attwood "The Passion Test"

    I think this can also be choosing our reactions in favor of our passions.

    If you missed it, These are Highlights From The Passion Experience Marathon by Janet & Chris Attwood:

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  • 23 comments on “The Power of Purposeful Thought”

    1. Randy,

      "Until my thoughts are linked with purpose than I won't experience the prosperity that is my birthright." What is that purpose? I feel like I have been searching for it for 50 years or avoiding it. I think about not good things many times. It is easy for me to go down the "rathole" and attach them to feelings.

      Now I stop myself and say out loud my intention and affirmation. I am facing the things in my life I don't want any longer to make room for the things I do want. Joy, excitement, romance, love, abundance, money and joy.


    2. Randy-

      Henry Ford said something along the lines of, "thinking is the hardest work for people to engage in. That's why so few do." Very few people think deliberately as taught by Wallace Wattles in "The Science of Getting Rich." For me, this is where the work is, 24x7. Having a purpose certainly helps one in thinking deliberately.

    3. Hi Randy,
      Our minds are the most powerful prosperity force. What we think about affects our health, wealth and happiness. Your mind creates your destiny.

    4. hey Randy - Fantastic post.

      I just sat at my computer this evening, just finished reading As a Man Thinketh, ready to turn in for the night.. and my RSS notifies me that you've posted a blog.

      I'm extremely excited to hear what you have to say about the most powerful prosperity force... I believe it is the power of thought.

      For you said, "Because they have no centralizing purpose in their lives, they are unable to harness that most powerful prosperity force in the Universe."

      From that statement, I can only deduce that with, at the very least, a purpose.. a vision.. they can then apply advancing thoughts and begin moving in that direction.

      Without that vision/purpose, any thoughts they do employ are aimless and fleeting at best - far from 'harnessed'.

      Thanks for the ongoing journey!

    5. OMG Randy, your statement, "Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright." I have clarity, I get it. WOW!!!

      A few minutes ago I was reading from "Think and Grow Rich." A perfect example is a chapter about Thomas Edison and his partner Edwin C.Barnes. Barnes was penniless; yet knew exactly what the purpose of his business relationship with Edison would be, and of course the rest is history. He "thought" himself riches.

      I feel as if I am about to have this huge breakthrough from "failure consciousness to SUCCESS CONSCIOUSNESS." I read the Think & Grow Rich several times, but I am getting it and your blog is truly a confirmation. Less cobwebs in my MIND/Thoughts about prosperity.

      Randy, what I learned is when the student is ready the teacher shows up in a very BIG way and you have, Thanks!

    6. Hello Randy,

      I can't agree more.... how we think will often affect how we feel and our moods. Smiling is good, feeling good and thankful about things both big and small is always another boost.

    7. Randy,

      Before I go 'nite' now, I thought I would just want to add a brief comment to say that I agree with everything you wrote in this post. (..sorry [below], I ended up writing some more. lol )

      I agree.. we will find that we begin to manifest prosperity of/in many forms - positive uplifting thoughts and attitudes bring more positive thoughts and cheerful feelings, creating a melody in our minds/hearts, thus wanting to reach out and touch others, and people would just come to us, wanting to start a conversation .. even in a grocery store or coffee shop, this I'm experiencing, I tell you. 🙂 (..not always These small incidents and unexpected conversations that begin to roll in unexpected places produce more positive thoughts...thus manifesting a positive situation which is a part of the prosperity as well, I think. It seems it all begins with our mind and attitude.

      [..Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another...]

      I think I understand that, Randy. In other words, we tend to walk behind (or follow) what's happening (in reaction to what happens to us which we are not in control of), instead of walking ahead of what's happening (like when our mind is well focused or directed toward some specific purposes). And when we have a solid purpose/goal to focus our mind on, it seems our mind is so much into our purposes/goals, and that we are careless about those many trivial matters coz our minds are so focused on the things that are more important to us. Another way to say is that we just can't afford to get the surrounding/unwanted trivial external forces to affect us or bother us - such as spending time, so curious about what's going on in the lives of others that we don't even care or love, or getting involved in gossips or being jealous of another over something. When we are focused, none of these become important.

      [..Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright...]

      YES!! YES!! I love this!!.. and I will dwell on this word day and night and digest it to let it become every fiber and tissue of my being. Thank you, RANDY! for being there for us and for me. I particularly enjoyed today's post. I am sending you my big hug! Nite! -Saachi

    8. I feel like my purpose is in the business world, which is a little vague I realise. I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing when I'm working in an influential position in a business, (like I am now), and helping it to improve in leaps and bounds. I feel challenged and mentally stimulated and enjoy going to work in the morning. I also have no doubt that my clarity of purpose will sharpen as my experience broadens and new possibilities open before me.

    9. Hi Randy,

      Thanks for this great post!
      I totally agree that even positive thoughts have no real value unless they are linked to purpose and vision. Without a vision the people will parish.

      Make it a great day!
      God Bless,

    10. Great Post. Must read it 2X for it to fully be appreciated. I'm pulling out "As a Man Thinketh" to read again. Have a great day!

    11. great article RG

      "Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another."

      i loathe drama! when we can, but don't think for ourselves we get caught up in the minutia of everyone else's world.


    12. Several years ago I was having a discussion with a close friend around the topic of purpose. She loaned me a book by Ken Behring called "The Road to Purpose" and from that point on, the idea stuck in my mind. I was fortunate that I was lead to another source where I took myself through a process where I identified my purpose and am building a company and vision based on it.

      Holding my purpose in my mind along with the vision and KNOWING that this is my path is crucial. So yes Randy, I agree wholeheartedly that we must live life with purpose and cultivate the garden of our thoughts with only those that are positive and abundant!

    13. I think I heard this on a webinar by Janet & Chris Atwood yesterday- that when you are living a passionate life...your life purpose... you are filled with joy. (I know I heard it somewhere yesterday).

      I think Deborah Poneman said on the webinar that "God gives us we are to manifest...everyone is born with different gifts...people can become depressed because they are not using their gifts...Depression and passion do not co-exist"

      I also heard in a small group study by Chip Ingram, "Divine Design", that people can neglect their gifts...not discover their gifts...or not know their true gifts.

      Their book title is : "The Passion Test - The Effortless Path To Discovering Your Life Purpose" ... so by figuring out what my real passions are, I am figuring out my life purpose.

      Janet & Chris are also offering a program to help people get unstuck & crystal clear ( I learned it is important to be clear on what you really want):

    14. -RG,

      The most powerful force is of course our mind. The "hard" part is the control of that force. It will keep working on whatever it has there at the time. We must continually feed it the intentions that we want.

      Best said as...

      Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”


    15. "Until your thought is linked with purpose, you can’t experience the true prosperity that is your birthright.

      Most people’s thoughts are simply reactions to whatever is going on in the world around them. They have these random, aimless thoughts, and drift from one drama to another. They fall easy prey to gossip, petty worries and negativity. They are cogs in the matrix, lurching along with the herd. Because they have no centralizing purpose in their lives, they are unable to harness that most powerful prosperity force in the Universe."

      discovering that this is true... figuring out my passions & purpose is helping me. More mindful of my reactions & choices... choosing in favor of my passions:

      "When you are clear, what you want will show up in your life, and only to the extent that you are clear." Janet & Chris Attwood "The Passion Test"

      "Whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity, choose in favor of your passions" Janet & Chris Attwood "The Passion Test"

      I think this can also be choosing our reactions in favor of our passions.

      If you missed it, These are Highlights From The Passion Experience Marathon by Janet & Chris Attwood:

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