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The Friends in Your Inner Circle

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 12, 2010

Great discussion the last two days about moving certain people out of your life, and replacing them with others.  And I want to talk about how you attract positive people.  But a couple of things I want to deal with first.

Let’s start with a look at my inner circle.  Probably the friend who is closest to me in the world, I will call “Diego.”  Now Diego is quite an anomaly in today’s society…

When I met him, he lived in an efficiency is South Beach with no telephone or television.  Now the reason that he didn’t have either wasn’t because he couldn’t afford them.  (Although he couldn’t.)  He simply didn’t have any desire for them.

At that time, he worked with a Swami, helping conduct Sat-sangs and private Darshans.  After that he worked on his own as an energy healer, and had a small but fiercely loyal clientele.  He lived on probably $8,000 a year.  And never really wanted for much.  He spent his days working out on the beach, studying spiritual issues, and meditating.

Diego appreciated the beauty of my Vipers and Aston Martin, but no more than he appreciates the simplicity of a VW Beetle or Mini Cooper.  He loves the style in each, but wouldn’t know which one costs $15,000 and which is $150,000.  Nor would he care.

A couple years ago, I finally insisted that he get a phone and print business cards, both of which I paid for as part of my consciousness of sowing seeds.  I encouraged him to raise his fees, which he did.

So nowadays, I would guess he lives on $20,000 a year, which seems wildly extravagant to him.  Some weekends I make more than he earns in ten years.  We come from quite different backgrounds and have very different lifestyles.

Yet I would put my hand on fire for him, and he would do the same for me.  We have a true bond of friendship, stronger than twisted steel.  And I have no judgment of his income or lifestyle.  In fact he’s one of the people I respect most in the world.  So here’s the question…

If everyone in my circle of closest friends earned what he does, what do you think that would do to my consciousness, my expectations of myself, and my view of the world?

Think about it some and please share your thoughts.  Then next post we’ll move on from there.


41 comments on “The Friends in Your Inner Circle”

  1. Hmm... ya got me thinking on this one.

    I sort of think of Diego as someone extremely valuable to you because of his spirit, his strengths and his soul.

    We seek balance in life... health, mind, body, soul, finances, experiences, stimulation, challenges, etc.

    Diego sounds like a "glowing" individual to me, whom you value deeply. However, if everyone was like that in your inner circle, other areas might go un-inspired... areas that are important to you, but maybe not Diego (or Diego-like people in your circle)

    Interesting indeed. I'm still thinking. 😉

  2. Since few people in the world have got finance, health, happiness and spirituality all lined up and working for them they way they want, I would say that having a range of friends with huge strengths in one or more of those categories would assist us in developing those aspects within ourselves. Diego has obviously got a huge appreciation for his life and it sounds like he's living it the way he really want to, and is happy. I think that if everyone in your inner circle earned what he did, then you wouldn't be where you are Randy.

  3. I think as your beliefs, thoughts and consciousness have been cemented, together with the use of critical thinking and being vigilant of any lack programming there will be no negative effect.

    It seems Diego is healthy, happy, fulfilled, has great relationships and has the finances to fund his desired he seems quite prosperous and such people can help you raise your consciousness.


  4. I have another question, even though I follow your thoughts here with great interest.And that is:If I want to translate your book(s) into my language, how do I get permission for it?
    I think there is two sorts of values here:The spiritual one and the material one.Sometimes they have to follow each other but not nescessarily.It depends of your destiny.And if you want to create material substance or spiritual or both.Thank you.

  5. I sometimes feel like in comparison with some of my friends I live in a different world but I never let them to have negative influnece on me, when I truly belive something no one can change that and I even try to help them improve their thoughts.Ofcourse having friends with prosperous thoughts has lots of positive effect on oneself but I think if we be strong enought not to let them have influence on us we could help them, like you did to Diego.

  6. Of course you would be programming yourself with the qualities of your friends which makes you more like them in your expactations. It also depends on if they are happy where they are... I think that it is vital that you feed your mind with what you want to accomplish, and if it is not from your closest friends, then it can be from your colleagues from work, meeting people at events, reading books and so on.

  7. Good question for thought... Money, status, worldly "things" do not earn or buy friendship. I believe (and yes it's an opinion) if a person knows who they are their "friends/acquaintances" status has no impact. I have friends in high places and those that struggle daily, yet when together you could not tell which was which...

  8. It's a tricky one. Well I guess your recruiting would drop! Maybe you'd sell your Viper and start to walk everywhere. I figure Diego is probably very eco friendly. Maybe you'd just gradually lose interest in Network Marketing and retire to an island to drink out of your coconut and meditate more. I think you're too far along now not to have an amazing life whatever you decide to do. (And I'm sure you'd pop up now and then to kick our butts!)

  9. Thought provoking. Your friend is rich in what he desires and lives his life on purpose. So attracting people into one's life that have that at their core, whether they choose to manifest money like I do or you do/have, is in their case a conscious choice not to.

  10. Diego is prosperous, there's no doubt about that. He's happy doing what he's doing, he's fulfilled, and he's helping people around him, yourself included. He's obviously comfortable with himself, and he can appreciate things outside himself and about other people without judging. That sounds pretty prosperous to me.

    Now, if you were surrounded with ONLY people like Diego, I think that would narrow your world view and push your thinking in a way that led you to believe that was the proper way to live. And even though Diego's happy and healthy and fulfilled doing what he's doing, he's not you. So you might not get the same fulfillment out of such a lifestyle that he does. You like to live it up and enjoy the energy that you've been given and worked for in a different way than he does.

    There's nothing wrong with either lifestyle - as long as you KNOW that you're living it because it's the prosperity YOU are looking for.

    So I like that Diego's in your inner circle. But I also like that other people are, too. It gives you differing viewpoints to learn and prosper from.

  11. "Yet I would put my hand on fire for him, and he would do the same for me. We have a true bond of friendship, stronger than twisted steel." I read your post Randy three times, and couldn't figure out WHY you "love" Diego to such a highly elegant point. All I read was about the "what" or the external qualities of Diego. My question to you is, " Why do you value Diego? What spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical (yes physical) characteristics that you value in this friendship? How do you see your friendships five years down the road with him?"


  12. I think this is one of those "tree falling in the woods questions"..What I mean is if you don't know you are poor than are you? In the Congo health and full stomach are prosperity.

    I have to agree though that you would probably make less money because of what Jim Rohn said about averaging your income. This person does bring tremendous value to your life. I also think that if "Diego" decided to focus on money he would be very rich in a short period of time, because of his thinking.

  13. it would lower your expectations but now you are raising his.

    the question is why you are kepping him as a friend. To my mind his beliefs are limiting.

  14. WOW - this is a game changing thought. You just blew me out of the water with this post.

    Many people have been looking at financial and other "levels" as the criteria. I agree that your financial level is the average of those around you. BUT is that the measure for your personal definition of success? It's about what is of VALUE to the person and their genuine commitment to what is important to them to DO with those dollars.

    While Diego may not value dollars, he values making people feel better and through you is hopefully learning that dollars can help him reach more people -- even though his lifestyle would not change. Your lifestyle suits you and allows you to reach more people than if you were a hermit on a mountain alone and unknown.

  15. If your whole inner circle would be the same (as "Diego") it probably wouldn't allow you to grow and become more maybe on a financial level but on a emotional one it would heighten and manifest. I feel that as we are all unique we have different needs, maybe at different times of our lives, but as a basis there are friends that make us laugh, help us cry, challenge us intellectually, emotionally and spiritually and then business friends that we'd run a different conversation by. Having said that from a single persons perspective this may well be different from a totally connected married person, as that one partner could well cover alot of this in one...

    I'm still thinking it through to work out if my life right now would be any different if I'd have let "some" go.. and the one's I did let go would have made a different impact.

    A good topic for the weekend thinking, thanks 🙂

  16. Money is not an end in itself, but a partner for MANY (but not all) other ends. Diego is a great influence in your life, and will continue to be, to challenge you to focus on the most important things. The ones he is most passionate about are not resource-heavy.

  17. Diego sounds very similar to one of my very good friends. I love people like Diego, because they have found happiness in non-material things. Not everyone cares about money or living the dream. With that being said, I think you need to have a balance of both rich friends and poor friends. If all of your friends were poor, you would have a tough time maintaining the mindset and drive to become a bigger person in terms of income.

  18. What is an effeciency?
    "lived in an effeciency is south beach" - you must have been in a hurry this morning.
    At least you know he's your true friend because he likes you regardless of your monetary status. When you have alot of money you sometimes wonder if people are your "friend" and not out to serve their own agenda.
    As far as money goes, the only things that seem to hold their value in the material realm is real estate and gold- and classic muscle cars. That's where my dough is going. Everything else loses their value the minute you take possession.

  19. Randy,

    You made a statement in the first paragraph about how we attract positive and likely more prosperous people into our lives, but nothing else was mentioned. I am fully onboard with what Rohn says and it's my intention to expand my circle of friends to include interesting, successful and highly prosperous people. I'm sure having an intention and focusing on the vision is important as is networking. I especially enjoy the company of vintage car collectors since I too am passionate about cars and many other related things.

    If you have suggestions I'd love to hear them!


  20. I think you would see different results based on where you are in your own financial prosperity and personal growth journey.

    If one is making money on-par with (or less than) Diego, I think one's income would be approximately equal to his.

    If one is judging Diego's level of financial prosperity (which I was as I read the story, and I became aware I was doing so!), then one's income would likely be equal or near his.

    If one has a prosperous "money blueprint" and is committed to being non-judgmental about Diego's income, then the "sky is the limit" for income.

  21. Randy! You give up your sports cars?? I don't think so! Besides, your less wealthy friends would miss those rides! ♥

    Dianna Winn

  22. Randy,

    The reason you are so attracted to your friend is because...

    1. He has what everyone "really, truly" wants and that is inner peace and happiness. (And I think that's one of the reasons you admire him)

    2. If he was financially poor (which at $20K a year, he is) AND he was a whiner or complainer, you wouldn't be very attracted to him.

    3. Now to answer you question. If you hung around with people who made $20k a year, and they were people like your friend who has confidence, inner peace, and strength, you might take on similar traits over time.

    (And then you might have a wealthy network marketing friend who admired you!)

    But there ya go again, always making us think.


  23. Great post as always Randy... BUT you want to be challenged???? all right quit wimping out and READ the God Delusion... all this just didn't happen?? oh really??? dinosours ruled the earth for 150 million years.. we're a mere blip in comparison.. what did God get pissed off one day and say, you know I think I've had it with those dinosours, they're not showing me enough respect, I think I'll wipe them out with an asteroid... talk about random....

      1. The God Delusion is really 'The Religion Delusion'

        Dawkins made the mistake that many atheists make. They think that if Religion is a load of rubbish, and it is obvious that it was a fake story that was created to control the masses, then there is no God.

        But God is just what we label the infinite source of energy that runs through everything. The Quantum Physicist call this the Plank Scale or the wave function.
        The Christians call this God. The Buddhists call this Buddha. The Star wars fans call this the force.

        If we use our intelligent and science to find better ways to tap into greater levels of this power then what would could be possible?

  24. Great post as always Randy... BUT you want to be challenged???? all right quit wimping out and READ the God Delusion... all this just didn't happen?? oh really??? dinosours ruled the earth for 150 million years.. we're a mere blip in comparison.. what did God get pissed off one day and say, you know I think I've had it with those dinosours, they're not showing me enough respect, I think I'll wipe them out with an asteroid... Get my sarcasm... how random life is???

    Nazis used to taunt Jews in the camps... "where's you're God now??

    But I always love and read it over and over Victor Frankl's Man's Search For Meaning...

    1. If you truly want to be challenged, read Blue Blood True Blood by Stewart Swerdlow.

      Dinosaurs still rule the Earth, but not the pure animal kind. They were killed out by the Atlans. Had it been an asteroid we wouldn't be here.

      Where’s your God now? If there ever was a blip it is physical reality in itself. It's like an atom on a carpet in a mansion.

  25. You'd probably make 19k to 21k a year! lol!

    Keep up the great content Randy! have been really busy and not online b/c traveling lately but always love reading your stuff!


  26. So true. I've recently started to clean my "friend closet". I was hanging with a person whose life never got better, who I watched all her money and all just wither away. Her never once making a effort to changeLike cleaning out your closet. Some are easy task and some daunting! I want to be as successful as those I admire such as Randy. His views and opinions have made him successful. Hey, it's gotta start somewhere.
    things that caused this to happen. Without going into it let's just say she sucked the life out of me when I would visit her. I always visited her. She never made an attempt to make our friendship priority as I did. Well after many years of when I would have a bad day and she would literally enjoy watching my life suck because for her, misery loves company. I stopped calling and she never called unless she wanted something so I vanished her from my closet. And what a weight that was lifted from my back and my business.

  27. So true. I've recently started to clean my "friend closet". I was hanging with a person whose life never got better, who I watched all her money and all just wither away. Her never once making a effort to change
    things that caused this to happen. Without going into it let's just say she sucked the life out of me when I would visit her. I always visited her. She never made an attempt to make our friendship priority as I did. Well after many years of when I would have a bad day and she would literally enjoy watching my life suck because for her, misery loves company. I stopped calling and she never called unless she wanted something so I vanished her from my closet. And what a weight that was lifted from my back and my business.

  28. "In five years, your income will be the average of your five best friends." You would probably be a happy spiritual guru living on the beach with "Diego."

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  • 41 comments on “The Friends in Your Inner Circle”

    1. Hmm... ya got me thinking on this one.

      I sort of think of Diego as someone extremely valuable to you because of his spirit, his strengths and his soul.

      We seek balance in life... health, mind, body, soul, finances, experiences, stimulation, challenges, etc.

      Diego sounds like a "glowing" individual to me, whom you value deeply. However, if everyone was like that in your inner circle, other areas might go un-inspired... areas that are important to you, but maybe not Diego (or Diego-like people in your circle)

      Interesting indeed. I'm still thinking. 😉

    2. Since few people in the world have got finance, health, happiness and spirituality all lined up and working for them they way they want, I would say that having a range of friends with huge strengths in one or more of those categories would assist us in developing those aspects within ourselves. Diego has obviously got a huge appreciation for his life and it sounds like he's living it the way he really want to, and is happy. I think that if everyone in your inner circle earned what he did, then you wouldn't be where you are Randy.

    3. I think as your beliefs, thoughts and consciousness have been cemented, together with the use of critical thinking and being vigilant of any lack programming there will be no negative effect.

      It seems Diego is healthy, happy, fulfilled, has great relationships and has the finances to fund his desired he seems quite prosperous and such people can help you raise your consciousness.


    4. I have another question, even though I follow your thoughts here with great interest.And that is:If I want to translate your book(s) into my language, how do I get permission for it?
      I think there is two sorts of values here:The spiritual one and the material one.Sometimes they have to follow each other but not nescessarily.It depends of your destiny.And if you want to create material substance or spiritual or both.Thank you.

    5. I sometimes feel like in comparison with some of my friends I live in a different world but I never let them to have negative influnece on me, when I truly belive something no one can change that and I even try to help them improve their thoughts.Ofcourse having friends with prosperous thoughts has lots of positive effect on oneself but I think if we be strong enought not to let them have influence on us we could help them, like you did to Diego.

    6. Of course you would be programming yourself with the qualities of your friends which makes you more like them in your expactations. It also depends on if they are happy where they are... I think that it is vital that you feed your mind with what you want to accomplish, and if it is not from your closest friends, then it can be from your colleagues from work, meeting people at events, reading books and so on.

    7. Good question for thought... Money, status, worldly "things" do not earn or buy friendship. I believe (and yes it's an opinion) if a person knows who they are their "friends/acquaintances" status has no impact. I have friends in high places and those that struggle daily, yet when together you could not tell which was which...

    8. It's a tricky one. Well I guess your recruiting would drop! Maybe you'd sell your Viper and start to walk everywhere. I figure Diego is probably very eco friendly. Maybe you'd just gradually lose interest in Network Marketing and retire to an island to drink out of your coconut and meditate more. I think you're too far along now not to have an amazing life whatever you decide to do. (And I'm sure you'd pop up now and then to kick our butts!)

    9. Thought provoking. Your friend is rich in what he desires and lives his life on purpose. So attracting people into one's life that have that at their core, whether they choose to manifest money like I do or you do/have, is in their case a conscious choice not to.

    10. Diego is prosperous, there's no doubt about that. He's happy doing what he's doing, he's fulfilled, and he's helping people around him, yourself included. He's obviously comfortable with himself, and he can appreciate things outside himself and about other people without judging. That sounds pretty prosperous to me.

      Now, if you were surrounded with ONLY people like Diego, I think that would narrow your world view and push your thinking in a way that led you to believe that was the proper way to live. And even though Diego's happy and healthy and fulfilled doing what he's doing, he's not you. So you might not get the same fulfillment out of such a lifestyle that he does. You like to live it up and enjoy the energy that you've been given and worked for in a different way than he does.

      There's nothing wrong with either lifestyle - as long as you KNOW that you're living it because it's the prosperity YOU are looking for.

      So I like that Diego's in your inner circle. But I also like that other people are, too. It gives you differing viewpoints to learn and prosper from.

    11. "Yet I would put my hand on fire for him, and he would do the same for me. We have a true bond of friendship, stronger than twisted steel." I read your post Randy three times, and couldn't figure out WHY you "love" Diego to such a highly elegant point. All I read was about the "what" or the external qualities of Diego. My question to you is, " Why do you value Diego? What spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical (yes physical) characteristics that you value in this friendship? How do you see your friendships five years down the road with him?"


    12. I think this is one of those "tree falling in the woods questions"..What I mean is if you don't know you are poor than are you? In the Congo health and full stomach are prosperity.

      I have to agree though that you would probably make less money because of what Jim Rohn said about averaging your income. This person does bring tremendous value to your life. I also think that if "Diego" decided to focus on money he would be very rich in a short period of time, because of his thinking.

    13. it would lower your expectations but now you are raising his.

      the question is why you are kepping him as a friend. To my mind his beliefs are limiting.

    14. WOW - this is a game changing thought. You just blew me out of the water with this post.

      Many people have been looking at financial and other "levels" as the criteria. I agree that your financial level is the average of those around you. BUT is that the measure for your personal definition of success? It's about what is of VALUE to the person and their genuine commitment to what is important to them to DO with those dollars.

      While Diego may not value dollars, he values making people feel better and through you is hopefully learning that dollars can help him reach more people -- even though his lifestyle would not change. Your lifestyle suits you and allows you to reach more people than if you were a hermit on a mountain alone and unknown.

    15. If your whole inner circle would be the same (as "Diego") it probably wouldn't allow you to grow and become more maybe on a financial level but on a emotional one it would heighten and manifest. I feel that as we are all unique we have different needs, maybe at different times of our lives, but as a basis there are friends that make us laugh, help us cry, challenge us intellectually, emotionally and spiritually and then business friends that we'd run a different conversation by. Having said that from a single persons perspective this may well be different from a totally connected married person, as that one partner could well cover alot of this in one...

      I'm still thinking it through to work out if my life right now would be any different if I'd have let "some" go.. and the one's I did let go would have made a different impact.

      A good topic for the weekend thinking, thanks 🙂

    16. Money is not an end in itself, but a partner for MANY (but not all) other ends. Diego is a great influence in your life, and will continue to be, to challenge you to focus on the most important things. The ones he is most passionate about are not resource-heavy.

    17. Diego sounds very similar to one of my very good friends. I love people like Diego, because they have found happiness in non-material things. Not everyone cares about money or living the dream. With that being said, I think you need to have a balance of both rich friends and poor friends. If all of your friends were poor, you would have a tough time maintaining the mindset and drive to become a bigger person in terms of income.

    18. What is an effeciency?
      "lived in an effeciency is south beach" - you must have been in a hurry this morning.
      At least you know he's your true friend because he likes you regardless of your monetary status. When you have alot of money you sometimes wonder if people are your "friend" and not out to serve their own agenda.
      As far as money goes, the only things that seem to hold their value in the material realm is real estate and gold- and classic muscle cars. That's where my dough is going. Everything else loses their value the minute you take possession.

    19. Randy,

      You made a statement in the first paragraph about how we attract positive and likely more prosperous people into our lives, but nothing else was mentioned. I am fully onboard with what Rohn says and it's my intention to expand my circle of friends to include interesting, successful and highly prosperous people. I'm sure having an intention and focusing on the vision is important as is networking. I especially enjoy the company of vintage car collectors since I too am passionate about cars and many other related things.

      If you have suggestions I'd love to hear them!


    20. I think you would see different results based on where you are in your own financial prosperity and personal growth journey.

      If one is making money on-par with (or less than) Diego, I think one's income would be approximately equal to his.

      If one is judging Diego's level of financial prosperity (which I was as I read the story, and I became aware I was doing so!), then one's income would likely be equal or near his.

      If one has a prosperous "money blueprint" and is committed to being non-judgmental about Diego's income, then the "sky is the limit" for income.

    21. Randy! You give up your sports cars?? I don't think so! Besides, your less wealthy friends would miss those rides! ♥

      Dianna Winn

    22. Randy,

      The reason you are so attracted to your friend is because...

      1. He has what everyone "really, truly" wants and that is inner peace and happiness. (And I think that's one of the reasons you admire him)

      2. If he was financially poor (which at $20K a year, he is) AND he was a whiner or complainer, you wouldn't be very attracted to him.

      3. Now to answer you question. If you hung around with people who made $20k a year, and they were people like your friend who has confidence, inner peace, and strength, you might take on similar traits over time.

      (And then you might have a wealthy network marketing friend who admired you!)

      But there ya go again, always making us think.


    23. Great post as always Randy... BUT you want to be challenged???? all right quit wimping out and READ the God Delusion... all this just didn't happen?? oh really??? dinosours ruled the earth for 150 million years.. we're a mere blip in comparison.. what did God get pissed off one day and say, you know I think I've had it with those dinosours, they're not showing me enough respect, I think I'll wipe them out with an asteroid... talk about random....

        1. The God Delusion is really 'The Religion Delusion'

          Dawkins made the mistake that many atheists make. They think that if Religion is a load of rubbish, and it is obvious that it was a fake story that was created to control the masses, then there is no God.

          But God is just what we label the infinite source of energy that runs through everything. The Quantum Physicist call this the Plank Scale or the wave function.
          The Christians call this God. The Buddhists call this Buddha. The Star wars fans call this the force.

          If we use our intelligent and science to find better ways to tap into greater levels of this power then what would could be possible?

    24. Great post as always Randy... BUT you want to be challenged???? all right quit wimping out and READ the God Delusion... all this just didn't happen?? oh really??? dinosours ruled the earth for 150 million years.. we're a mere blip in comparison.. what did God get pissed off one day and say, you know I think I've had it with those dinosours, they're not showing me enough respect, I think I'll wipe them out with an asteroid... Get my sarcasm... how random life is???

      Nazis used to taunt Jews in the camps... "where's you're God now??

      But I always love and read it over and over Victor Frankl's Man's Search For Meaning...

      1. If you truly want to be challenged, read Blue Blood True Blood by Stewart Swerdlow.

        Dinosaurs still rule the Earth, but not the pure animal kind. They were killed out by the Atlans. Had it been an asteroid we wouldn't be here.

        Where’s your God now? If there ever was a blip it is physical reality in itself. It's like an atom on a carpet in a mansion.

    25. You'd probably make 19k to 21k a year! lol!

      Keep up the great content Randy! have been really busy and not online b/c traveling lately but always love reading your stuff!


    26. So true. I've recently started to clean my "friend closet". I was hanging with a person whose life never got better, who I watched all her money and all just wither away. Her never once making a effort to changeLike cleaning out your closet. Some are easy task and some daunting! I want to be as successful as those I admire such as Randy. His views and opinions have made him successful. Hey, it's gotta start somewhere.
      things that caused this to happen. Without going into it let's just say she sucked the life out of me when I would visit her. I always visited her. She never made an attempt to make our friendship priority as I did. Well after many years of when I would have a bad day and she would literally enjoy watching my life suck because for her, misery loves company. I stopped calling and she never called unless she wanted something so I vanished her from my closet. And what a weight that was lifted from my back and my business.

    27. So true. I've recently started to clean my "friend closet". I was hanging with a person whose life never got better, who I watched all her money and all just wither away. Her never once making a effort to change
      things that caused this to happen. Without going into it let's just say she sucked the life out of me when I would visit her. I always visited her. She never made an attempt to make our friendship priority as I did. Well after many years of when I would have a bad day and she would literally enjoy watching my life suck because for her, misery loves company. I stopped calling and she never called unless she wanted something so I vanished her from my closet. And what a weight that was lifted from my back and my business.

    28. "In five years, your income will be the average of your five best friends." You would probably be a happy spiritual guru living on the beach with "Diego."

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