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The Chasm Between Pandemic Winners and Losers

Posted By: Randy GageMay 20, 2021

The culture wars are escalating, Covid-19 is wreaking havoc on us all, billions are disrupted by the mitigation efforts, political polarization is acute, economic disparity is stark, mind viruses are manipulating us to our lowest selves, and millions of people are either terrified of life, or just so over it all that they’ve checked out from reality. 

We need you to save the world. 

Not being grandiose or delusional, but in the very real sense that the world won’t be saved by some random event or a superhero with mystical powers – but by people of consciousness waking up to the dangers we face and stepping up to do something about them.  

One of the elements of my Breakthrough U Coaching Program is a Brief I send out to the members each month.  Because these members are thought leaders and agents of change, they have various platforms to make a difference. They’re an eclectic mix of political leaders, authors, corporate titans, bloggers, podcasters, speakers, and coaches.  In the current Brief, I’m pointing out a number of critical situations the world is facing right now, encouraging them to harness their talents to address them. 

Many of you reading this are also thought leaders and agents of change.  So, I’m going to excerpt some of the issues from this month’s Brief to share with you – in the hope that you too, will work toward being an everyday hero working to make the world a better place for us all. 

One of these critical issues challenging the world right now is the enormous chasm between winners and losers in the coronavirus pandemic… 

Currently in Florida, my softball league is playing, people are watching movies in theaters, diners are sampling culinary delights, and fans are in the stadium cheering on the Marlins.  Meanwhile, in places like Brazil, Nepal and India, Covid-19 patients are dying in hospital corridors or their homes because of a shortage of people or resources.   

In the business arena, companies providing services like home delivery, streaming meetings, and entertainment are experiencing record profits.  On the other side, millions of people have lost their jobs and businesses.  Even as we recover, there is still great misfortune and distress.

At the moment the jobs which are rebounding are not at the levels of pay and grade as the ones eliminated.  It’s easy to fall for hot takes like “The government is paying people to stay home.  My uncle has a tavern, and he can’t find enough people to staff it,” but that exposes a bigger issue. Yes, McDonald’s and Taco Bell are hiring thousands of workers.  But for the lady with three kids who used to be a manager at a retail store, or work at an accounting firm, the jobs coming online at the moment won’t solve her crisis. There are unpaid workers trapped on cruise ships floating at sea, shuttered artistic venues, single parents having to choose between work or taking care of their kids who aren’t in school, and charities desperate for resources. The human scale of suffering from the pandemic is a worldwide catastrophe.  Because forget all of the previous items, here’s the one that matters most.  Almost 3.5 million people have died.  Many alone.  The loved ones left behind, all of us, have been emotionally scarred for life. 

Instead of dealing with these issues, millions of people are demonizing each other over mask wearing, mitigation attempts, and vaccinations. Maybe instead of judging and attacking everyone who has a different opinion than us, we could muster a little empathy and understanding.   

What can be done to alleviate suffering, get people back to work, and better prepare us for the next pandemic when it arrives? 

And what can you do to help make the situation even a little bit better?


- RG

Previous post: Don’t be a Professional Virtue Signaler

4 comments on “The Chasm Between Pandemic Winners and Losers”

  1. The best thing people can do is to start using their God-given brains and stop believing the BS their governments and the globalist news media tell them about the virus and the jab. These people are laughing at us. Setting aside the 'covid virus’ death toll (all official death figures are false, as the CDC admitted) the jab is intended to sterilize those who receive it, and some of the scientists involved in developing these ‘vaccines’ have now - accidentally - admitted this. Check out Polysorbate 80. (Oh yeah, and it will progressively destroy their immune systems as well). There is plenty of evidence that these ‘vaccines’ were in development long BEFORE the virus was ever mentioned. THINK!

  2. Hi Randy, I am with Jennifer on this one, we will never know the truth, be it, so say you are not dead , if the media was correct you should be dead, we live in the dicotomy, you may have felt a bit shit, but hey eat right, get some sunshine, we live in the dicotomy of what the world is saying and what the spirit says to each individual once relationship is established, and you randy fall in to the mindtrap, ie spirit can create cash but the spirit or the sauce cannot look after your health..amazing... any way i study you alot, validation ,as you said, fuck that is me, i cannot keep validating myself through you because dad was a bit less than great.. this is a great lesson for me.. i always appreciate your work...will be in touch soon LOVE G.

  3. The belief premise I agree with is "if the founding belief premise is incorrect, everything that builds off of that will be incorrect too." ~ Randy Gage.

    so where does that leave us - the students of prosperity?

    Neutralize the resistance to our own prosperity!

    Neutralize the "lies" in our own belief systems. ie: I believe our greatest danger is NOT acknowledging, recognizing and accepting our abundance.

    having lived most of my life as I see it, with a subconscious contempt for my own physicality (for numerous health concerns + comparison + + )
    I felt myself to be "less than" my fellow humans, THATS a rejection of my own abundance.

    but this isn't about me; it's about "all of us"

    we've got to recognize the systemic biases working to "minimalize our abundance",
    however we must train our brains to focus on our innate goodness I believe. As a collective.

    You've super advanced self awareness & critical thinking skills RG, I do think it's a matter of lazer like devoted, dedicated focus on our OWN abundance!

    Our I AM power is our greatest asset I believe. This comes down to "emotional potency"; how alive and genuinely empowered (via the right use of thought power) are we each allowing ourselves to feel?

    If we don't have "peace about our choices"; including our "mental location", they're likely not good choices.

    disclaimer: peace about our mental location is the critical thinking litmus test I've found.
    there's a huge difference between being aware and being consciously asleep!

    This paradox and unintentional miscreation by the collective, is the root of all concerns mentioned in your blogpost I believe!

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  • 4 comments on “The Chasm Between Pandemic Winners and Losers”

    1. The best thing people can do is to start using their God-given brains and stop believing the BS their governments and the globalist news media tell them about the virus and the jab. These people are laughing at us. Setting aside the 'covid virus’ death toll (all official death figures are false, as the CDC admitted) the jab is intended to sterilize those who receive it, and some of the scientists involved in developing these ‘vaccines’ have now - accidentally - admitted this. Check out Polysorbate 80. (Oh yeah, and it will progressively destroy their immune systems as well). There is plenty of evidence that these ‘vaccines’ were in development long BEFORE the virus was ever mentioned. THINK!

    2. Hi Randy, I am with Jennifer on this one, we will never know the truth, be it, so say you are not dead , if the media was correct you should be dead, we live in the dicotomy, you may have felt a bit shit, but hey eat right, get some sunshine, we live in the dicotomy of what the world is saying and what the spirit says to each individual once relationship is established, and you randy fall in to the mindtrap, ie spirit can create cash but the spirit or the sauce cannot look after your health..amazing... any way i study you alot, validation ,as you said, fuck that is me, i cannot keep validating myself through you because dad was a bit less than great.. this is a great lesson for me.. i always appreciate your work...will be in touch soon LOVE G.

    3. The belief premise I agree with is "if the founding belief premise is incorrect, everything that builds off of that will be incorrect too." ~ Randy Gage.

      so where does that leave us - the students of prosperity?

      Neutralize the resistance to our own prosperity!

      Neutralize the "lies" in our own belief systems. ie: I believe our greatest danger is NOT acknowledging, recognizing and accepting our abundance.

      having lived most of my life as I see it, with a subconscious contempt for my own physicality (for numerous health concerns + comparison + + )
      I felt myself to be "less than" my fellow humans, THATS a rejection of my own abundance.

      but this isn't about me; it's about "all of us"

      we've got to recognize the systemic biases working to "minimalize our abundance",
      however we must train our brains to focus on our innate goodness I believe. As a collective.

      You've super advanced self awareness & critical thinking skills RG, I do think it's a matter of lazer like devoted, dedicated focus on our OWN abundance!

      Our I AM power is our greatest asset I believe. This comes down to "emotional potency"; how alive and genuinely empowered (via the right use of thought power) are we each allowing ourselves to feel?

      If we don't have "peace about our choices"; including our "mental location", they're likely not good choices.

      disclaimer: peace about our mental location is the critical thinking litmus test I've found.
      there's a huge difference between being aware and being consciously asleep!

      This paradox and unintentional miscreation by the collective, is the root of all concerns mentioned in your blogpost I believe!

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