(Friday Filosophy 4/14/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, the weekly note where I challenge you with a question, idea, or topic to ponder. This issue Iâ...
(Friday Filosophy 4/14/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, the weekly note where I challenge you with a question, idea, or topic to ponder. This issue Iâ...
(Monday Mojo 4/10/23)
Thank God it’s Monday! Let’s get after it…
Here we go with another week, another chance to pursue your dreams. Will you make the most of it?
Acting fearful shrin...
(Friday Filosophy 4/07/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Good morning from Birmingham, Alabama, where I’m visiting to play in another softball tournament. If you’re new here, every Friday I chall...
(Friday Filosophy 3/31/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, the weekly note where I challenge you with a question, idea, or topic to ponder. This issue Iâ...
Once upon a time, there was a struggling writer who wrote stories that spoke to his soul. They were quirky, poetic, and the public wasn’t buying them.  Even some of his writer colleagues ridicule...
(Friday Filosophy 3/24/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, the weekly postcard where I challenge you to think about what you think about. Today this is...
(Monday Mojo 3/20/23)
Thank God it’s Monday! Let’s get after it…
We live in a time of constantly fluctuating economies, erratic stock markets, and government deficits. We’ll never be...
(Friday Filosophy 3/17/23)
Happy Freakin’ Friday!
Welcome to another edition of Friday Filosophy, coming to you this week from Guadalajara, Mexico where I’m conducting a leadership summit. ...
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