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Sucking it Up…

Posted By: Randy GageJune 19, 2009

Four years ago I got food poisoning on a Friday in Dallas.  Got so sick I actually couldn’t finish my workshop.  The two flights home were agony.  But I got back in time to go to a memorial service for a friend.

I was still sick Monday morning, when I had a 6:50 a.m. flight scheduled.  The alarm went off at five.  At that point, I would have gladly traded ten years off my life for another two hours in bed.

But I got up and went to the airport because the trip I had planned was to meet some people to evaluate a possibly very lucrative business opportunity.  So I sucked it up and went.

I could have begged off.  No one could have blamed me.  If I missed the deal, everyone in the herd would testify that it couldn’t have been avoided; it was just an unlucky break.  But I would have known better.

So far that deal has made me more than $5 million.  And it's going stronger than ever.  So what’s the lesson for you?


37 comments on “Sucking it Up…”

  1. The lesson from where I sit is only those who persevere under daunting conditions get to where they want. As you and other people like Dov Baron have noted chapter and verse, applying the LOA takes action, perseverance, defeating negative beliefs and dealing with your own 'stuff'.

    Theres much that comes with envisioning in order to get to your goals.

  2. It reminds me that ego can play tricks. If I'm sick, I could convince myself that the Universe is giving me a sign that this isn't the deal for me and stay in bed. However, if I am staying true to my commitment to be a woman of integrity, I go. I gave my word. Walk my talk and I'm always headed in the right direction.

  3. The lesson for me is: no matter whether it's a sickness, lack of money, lack of time or lack of anything ... if you are seeking a goal you have to "do what you gotta do".

  4. Hey RG

    I just posted a blog about the split second decision making process two days ago and how a lazy one not only affects you but genuinely hurts others in so many ways. Literally because you got out of bed that day my business has made well over a million dollars since then. Your decision not only helped you but also so many others in a huge way dude!

    Cheers to ya brother!

    Wesley Anderson

  5. No setbacks are permanent, just roadblocks on the way to success. And the successful people find their way around the roadblocks.

  6. I disagree a bit...I had food poisoning a few months ago but had no big deals on the table luckily. I was out of commission (meaning in bed) for 6 days which is completely unlike me. I am normally healthier than everyone else. So I had some time to figure out WHY I had attracted this?? It wasn't hard to see that I had been pushing myself to the extreme for 3 months prior to getting it. I needed time to refocus and purge (literally it seemed!) what wasn't working in my life. A great thing did come out of it however, I went to see a DR (1st time in 4 years) and I made an awesome contact for my business. 🙂 So sometimes surrendering to the event can be as fruitful as pushing through it.

  7. I've been self employed all my life so have never had a emlpoyer to give me sick pay.

    SO you just soldier on!

  8. I think the lesson might be that exuse makers will ALWAYS justifiy and have the HERD justify their excuses, so it is a tough job to suggest to them otherwise...takes cunning.

    Which is why I love how you use yourself as the example here. It makes it almost inarguable. "If I missed the deal, everyone in the herd would testify that it couldn’t have been avoided"...that's the line that sealed the deal for me. I forwarded this post to a friend of mine.

    I purchased Catherine Ponder's "Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" on e-book a while back based on a comment you made on a video. Its great. I love the old books.

    When I google her name, it takes me to I don't know if it's hers or not, but it has a lot of good books available and a very good affiliate program. I didn't see it anywhere on your links and thought you might want to check it out.

  9. We get our strength from those instances where we are tested the most. If we let oursevles be guided by inner knowing rather than the non-existant rules so many live by, we will achieve or exceed what's possible..

    And what IS possible is infinite Abundance. All we have to do is look around us to confirm it!

    Thanks Randy!

  10. The lesson is you will either have discipline or regrets. Suck it up when it really matters! It always matters!!! Opportunities are always there. We must have the discipline to make the opportunities real for us! The choices that we make always count. We always have a choice - have your priorities, make the right choices. Will you have success & properity or will you have excuses? It's your choice... Choose wisely!

    Thanks Randy! You are awesome!!



  11. Sometimes for our own greater good its necessary to act in spite of certain feelings/emotions

    such as feeling tired, scared,sick, lethargic, sad whatever it may be sometimes to prosper thats what it takes.

    Best Wishes

  12. If the wind of adversity, you press forward and pursue what is yours, hold tight to your dreams. Don't let a difficult situation or attitude keep you from making things happen.

    Today was actually one of those days for me, a couple of clients canceled, you start feeling sorry for yourself, big baby! And then you remember the night before, last night, someone approached you with an opportunity. As I was leaving the gym today I stopped and thought about this and said, I am going to change this day into a good day. I went back into the gym, found the person I needed to contact, and he was open to listening to the deal I had on tap. If I would have let my negative thoughts consume me today, I would have never made this contact!

    So the moral again is the first sentence of my post!

  13. Randy, yow are so consistent,and so honest person,and so sure about your belevies, that you teach all of us many things,yes you dont let that un lucky arrives, you have the diretions of your life on your hands,yes you say y want that, and I go for that....Randy but also you gave others all that you have and thats why also our feellings and thoghts about you are so positive, yow say in one of your posts:Give others that you have, in order to receive your dreams. You give us all your knowledgess, and yow received your dream... your businees..The law of prosperity,you show us that with your own life. Randy when you didntt wright your post I say what hapen with Randy? and my feelling to you were positive because you are positive and yow give...

  14. I like the Woody Allen quote "80% of success is turning up!" If you made a commitment (to yourself amongst others) then BE there! If you're commited there is ALWAYS a way!

    Thanks for sharing this Randy

  15. Hey Randy;

    For me it spoke about when to listen to inner guidance, we often get so caught up in our selves that we neglect to listen to that inner voice calling us to action.

    I'm sure your glad you went !

    Be Well

  16. You are:

    Accountable, have desire, focus, follow through, and walk the walk.

    and food posioning is temporary. Suck it up!

  17. Wow! Discipline or Regrets... That one made me stop and think. I have a tendency to let life and my own negativity get in the way. Brava!!

    I'm taking this to heart and applying it to my own life and business.

    Thanks for insightful comment.

  18. Ah yes, and that is the million-dollar question. (Or in this case for me, the $5 one.) When you're supposed to shut down, and when you're supposed to suck it up.


  19. Interesting comments...I've been on both sides of this. I've pulled myself through some pretty dire circumstances multiple times to show up. And, I've also taken the path of staying home and healing.

    As I think about what made the difference is the commitment I had to the task at hand. Whenever it has to do with my work or my children I always will be there. If it is something optional...maybe not.

  20. hmmm? what could the lesson be? let me think???

    1. its ok to cancel out of a BIG EVENT because you have people to cover for you, and you can always reschedule since it is only a few hundred thousand dollars.

    2. you DON'T have to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to the departure of your flight?

    3. its not ok to be sick and miss a meeting that eventually netted you $5,000,000.00 because timing was critical?

    4. four years ago you were still flying commercial airlines and not sick enough to spring for a private flight home or you had some extra time to kill and flew home two times?...

    5. trading time for dollars is NOT ok but trading 10 years of your life span for a couple extra hours today is OK?

    6. Your "herd" cows, sheep, goats? all would testify on your behalf? (i want sheep that can talk where can i find them?)

    am i missing the point? LOL...LMAOU-RAOTF :o)

    I know Randy, you don't have to say it, i'm an a** hehehe

    have a great day-- keep the lessons coming i think i am starting to catch on now? lol so many lessons in such a short story... simply AMAZING!!!

  21. i blame the comical nature of my reply on the fact that i just completed a Russell Peters DVD marathon with a few friends and my mind is twisted? or on the sugar in my soda and kit kats, or the lack of sleep, of course i can't simply just bame myself... where's the fun in that? lol

  22. I always said God puts us on new paths and the decisions we make at a moments time will reveal the results later in time. So, basically, the decisions you make today, result in your tomorrow.

  23. everything happens for us has a lesson in it.
    in one side we can look it negative and as an obstacle for us not to do our work, and learn nothing.
    in the other side we can look positively at it and do our works and then assess whether it was an obstacle or a ladder for prosperity.
    thank you Randy. I learn that we shouldn't predict about something we donot no exactly.

  24. Hi Randy,

    If I can function I suck it up and go for it. I had food poisoning a number of months back and could only make it between my bathroom and bedroom for about 1 day and a half. Without being able to function I would offer little value to anybody.

    I try to follow my intuition. We usually "know" what to do and when to do it, but the whining and rationalizing of our ego ignores this knowing.


  25. a great awakening. no one blame us for not doing any great deal but if we fail, it is easy to be unlucky..

  26. Hi Randy

    Great Story!

    The Lesson for me is quite simple, either we are making excuses, or we are making results. You can not do Both!

    Keep the Fire Burning!!!


  27. the lesson is that we can more than we think we can. Our duty is to broaden our imagination of ourselves. We have to always raise our self-appraisal and be disciplined to do what we have to do to achieve our dreamlife.

  28. Thank goodness our good Lord keeps giving us chances and opportunities if we mess up and don't suck it up or push when we are not suppose to be pushing. The big question I have been asking myself these days:"what is the balance or harmony b/w making things happen and letting things happen?" Sometimes the "bull in the china shop" can serve you well but sometimes you look behind you and everyone is gone b/c they just can't relate to your leadership.

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  • 37 comments on “Sucking it Up…”

    1. The lesson from where I sit is only those who persevere under daunting conditions get to where they want. As you and other people like Dov Baron have noted chapter and verse, applying the LOA takes action, perseverance, defeating negative beliefs and dealing with your own 'stuff'.

      Theres much that comes with envisioning in order to get to your goals.

    2. It reminds me that ego can play tricks. If I'm sick, I could convince myself that the Universe is giving me a sign that this isn't the deal for me and stay in bed. However, if I am staying true to my commitment to be a woman of integrity, I go. I gave my word. Walk my talk and I'm always headed in the right direction.

    3. The lesson for me is: no matter whether it's a sickness, lack of money, lack of time or lack of anything ... if you are seeking a goal you have to "do what you gotta do".

    4. Hey RG

      I just posted a blog about the split second decision making process two days ago and how a lazy one not only affects you but genuinely hurts others in so many ways. Literally because you got out of bed that day my business has made well over a million dollars since then. Your decision not only helped you but also so many others in a huge way dude!

      Cheers to ya brother!

      Wesley Anderson

    5. No setbacks are permanent, just roadblocks on the way to success. And the successful people find their way around the roadblocks.

    6. I disagree a bit...I had food poisoning a few months ago but had no big deals on the table luckily. I was out of commission (meaning in bed) for 6 days which is completely unlike me. I am normally healthier than everyone else. So I had some time to figure out WHY I had attracted this?? It wasn't hard to see that I had been pushing myself to the extreme for 3 months prior to getting it. I needed time to refocus and purge (literally it seemed!) what wasn't working in my life. A great thing did come out of it however, I went to see a DR (1st time in 4 years) and I made an awesome contact for my business. 🙂 So sometimes surrendering to the event can be as fruitful as pushing through it.

    7. I've been self employed all my life so have never had a emlpoyer to give me sick pay.

      SO you just soldier on!

    8. I think the lesson might be that exuse makers will ALWAYS justifiy and have the HERD justify their excuses, so it is a tough job to suggest to them otherwise...takes cunning.

      Which is why I love how you use yourself as the example here. It makes it almost inarguable. "If I missed the deal, everyone in the herd would testify that it couldn’t have been avoided"...that's the line that sealed the deal for me. I forwarded this post to a friend of mine.

      I purchased Catherine Ponder's "Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" on e-book a while back based on a comment you made on a video. Its great. I love the old books.

      When I google her name, it takes me to I don't know if it's hers or not, but it has a lot of good books available and a very good affiliate program. I didn't see it anywhere on your links and thought you might want to check it out.

    9. We get our strength from those instances where we are tested the most. If we let oursevles be guided by inner knowing rather than the non-existant rules so many live by, we will achieve or exceed what's possible..

      And what IS possible is infinite Abundance. All we have to do is look around us to confirm it!

      Thanks Randy!

    10. The lesson is you will either have discipline or regrets. Suck it up when it really matters! It always matters!!! Opportunities are always there. We must have the discipline to make the opportunities real for us! The choices that we make always count. We always have a choice - have your priorities, make the right choices. Will you have success & properity or will you have excuses? It's your choice... Choose wisely!

      Thanks Randy! You are awesome!!



    11. Sometimes for our own greater good its necessary to act in spite of certain feelings/emotions

      such as feeling tired, scared,sick, lethargic, sad whatever it may be sometimes to prosper thats what it takes.

      Best Wishes

    12. If the wind of adversity, you press forward and pursue what is yours, hold tight to your dreams. Don't let a difficult situation or attitude keep you from making things happen.

      Today was actually one of those days for me, a couple of clients canceled, you start feeling sorry for yourself, big baby! And then you remember the night before, last night, someone approached you with an opportunity. As I was leaving the gym today I stopped and thought about this and said, I am going to change this day into a good day. I went back into the gym, found the person I needed to contact, and he was open to listening to the deal I had on tap. If I would have let my negative thoughts consume me today, I would have never made this contact!

      So the moral again is the first sentence of my post!

    13. Randy, yow are so consistent,and so honest person,and so sure about your belevies, that you teach all of us many things,yes you dont let that un lucky arrives, you have the diretions of your life on your hands,yes you say y want that, and I go for that....Randy but also you gave others all that you have and thats why also our feellings and thoghts about you are so positive, yow say in one of your posts:Give others that you have, in order to receive your dreams. You give us all your knowledgess, and yow received your dream... your businees..The law of prosperity,you show us that with your own life. Randy when you didntt wright your post I say what hapen with Randy? and my feelling to you were positive because you are positive and yow give...

    14. I like the Woody Allen quote "80% of success is turning up!" If you made a commitment (to yourself amongst others) then BE there! If you're commited there is ALWAYS a way!

      Thanks for sharing this Randy

    15. Hey Randy;

      For me it spoke about when to listen to inner guidance, we often get so caught up in our selves that we neglect to listen to that inner voice calling us to action.

      I'm sure your glad you went !

      Be Well

    16. You are:

      Accountable, have desire, focus, follow through, and walk the walk.

      and food posioning is temporary. Suck it up!

    17. Wow! Discipline or Regrets... That one made me stop and think. I have a tendency to let life and my own negativity get in the way. Brava!!

      I'm taking this to heart and applying it to my own life and business.

      Thanks for insightful comment.

    18. Ah yes, and that is the million-dollar question. (Or in this case for me, the $5 one.) When you're supposed to shut down, and when you're supposed to suck it up.


    19. Interesting comments...I've been on both sides of this. I've pulled myself through some pretty dire circumstances multiple times to show up. And, I've also taken the path of staying home and healing.

      As I think about what made the difference is the commitment I had to the task at hand. Whenever it has to do with my work or my children I always will be there. If it is something optional...maybe not.

    20. hmmm? what could the lesson be? let me think???

      1. its ok to cancel out of a BIG EVENT because you have people to cover for you, and you can always reschedule since it is only a few hundred thousand dollars.

      2. you DON'T have to arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to the departure of your flight?

      3. its not ok to be sick and miss a meeting that eventually netted you $5,000,000.00 because timing was critical?

      4. four years ago you were still flying commercial airlines and not sick enough to spring for a private flight home or you had some extra time to kill and flew home two times?...

      5. trading time for dollars is NOT ok but trading 10 years of your life span for a couple extra hours today is OK?

      6. Your "herd" cows, sheep, goats? all would testify on your behalf? (i want sheep that can talk where can i find them?)

      am i missing the point? LOL...LMAOU-RAOTF :o)

      I know Randy, you don't have to say it, i'm an a** hehehe

      have a great day-- keep the lessons coming i think i am starting to catch on now? lol so many lessons in such a short story... simply AMAZING!!!

    21. i blame the comical nature of my reply on the fact that i just completed a Russell Peters DVD marathon with a few friends and my mind is twisted? or on the sugar in my soda and kit kats, or the lack of sleep, of course i can't simply just bame myself... where's the fun in that? lol

    22. I always said God puts us on new paths and the decisions we make at a moments time will reveal the results later in time. So, basically, the decisions you make today, result in your tomorrow.

    23. everything happens for us has a lesson in it.
      in one side we can look it negative and as an obstacle for us not to do our work, and learn nothing.
      in the other side we can look positively at it and do our works and then assess whether it was an obstacle or a ladder for prosperity.
      thank you Randy. I learn that we shouldn't predict about something we donot no exactly.

    24. Hi Randy,

      If I can function I suck it up and go for it. I had food poisoning a number of months back and could only make it between my bathroom and bedroom for about 1 day and a half. Without being able to function I would offer little value to anybody.

      I try to follow my intuition. We usually "know" what to do and when to do it, but the whining and rationalizing of our ego ignores this knowing.


    25. a great awakening. no one blame us for not doing any great deal but if we fail, it is easy to be unlucky..

    26. Hi Randy

      Great Story!

      The Lesson for me is quite simple, either we are making excuses, or we are making results. You can not do Both!

      Keep the Fire Burning!!!


    27. the lesson is that we can more than we think we can. Our duty is to broaden our imagination of ourselves. We have to always raise our self-appraisal and be disciplined to do what we have to do to achieve our dreamlife.

    28. Thank goodness our good Lord keeps giving us chances and opportunities if we mess up and don't suck it up or push when we are not suppose to be pushing. The big question I have been asking myself these days:"what is the balance or harmony b/w making things happen and letting things happen?" Sometimes the "bull in the china shop" can serve you well but sometimes you look behind you and everyone is gone b/c they just can't relate to your leadership.

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