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Stop Waiting for the Lesson

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 11, 2023

(Monday Mojo 8/14/23)

Thank God it’s Monday!  Let’s get after it…

So much of the world is devoted to preparation mode, making themselves ready for prosperity.  Many are getting ready to get ready.   Don’t postpone prosperity until you've learned all the lessons.  Prosperity is the lesson.

New on the podcast…

7 Things to Do Every Day for Prosperity






- RG

Previous Post: Question the Premise, Refuse the Kool-Aid

2 comments on “Stop Waiting for the Lesson”

  1. Hi Randy I wanted to reach out and thank you as you were the very first prosperity seminar I ever attended probably over 10 years ago now. I do feel I need some specialized mental hack cause something has me stuck… I have worked on reprogramming my mind I am even a consulting hypnotist and I still want to crack the code I don’t like where I am if you have any coaching programs please let me know HELP!

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  • 2 comments on “Stop Waiting for the Lesson”

    1. Hi Randy I wanted to reach out and thank you as you were the very first prosperity seminar I ever attended probably over 10 years ago now. I do feel I need some specialized mental hack cause something has me stuck… I have worked on reprogramming my mind I am even a consulting hypnotist and I still want to crack the code I don’t like where I am if you have any coaching programs please let me know HELP!

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