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Renewal & Recharging

Posted By: Randy GageSeptember 24, 2009

So I’ve been working hard all week.  Was very productive and got some really important stuff done.  Now on Friday I’m heading out of town for a softball tournament and I’ll forget all about work.

I work very hard when I choose to.  And then I play hard.  And I rest hard.  And when I return to work, I'm refreshed and excited to be back.

I’ll give my body the food, nutrients, water, rest and mental diversion it needs to stay in prime condition.  And you have to do the same.

So how are you doing on that?


17 comments on “Renewal & Recharging”

  1. I know approximately now how my body, my family and my business works and how much time each of them needs for themselves to be ok, so I plan and do my plug-outs regularly and some extra occasionally if needed. People who work with me were stunned by my discontinuations at work at first but they started to love it and copy it too. We have never been this successful! I love to manage my time instead of those years when the time was managing me.

    Love to everybody,


  2. What I eat today create my prerequisites for success tomorrow. That is exactly the same thing regard to sleep. Many people talk about the need for discipline to regular exercise. But that's nothing compared to the discipline required to eat right and go to sleep on time.

    When I do not take care of myself in that way I then create better conditions for weeds to take root in my mind just like James Allen describes in As a man thinketh.

    Mattias Gronborg

  3. Hey Randy,
    Find a peaceful place to rest your mind, body, and spirit.
    We must remove ourselves from chatter and noise.
    There is POWER is PEACE. Your health is your wealth.
    If you come to the Washington, DC contact me and I will
    take you to a place where there is peace not war.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    Peace and Blessings

  4. It is the same concept as a plane going down. You put the oxygen mask on you first before you help anyone else or you are worthless to others.

    That is how it is in taking care of yourself. If you aren't doing it eventually you will be worthless to others. Also, if you don't do it for yourself, noone else is going to do it for you.

    Eat right, exercise and get enough rest. Life can be good, you just have to make it happen by taking care of you.

  5. Dear Randy,

    IF we do something (work , rest , play,....) with all of our fouces and attention we get the best result on them 🙂

    have a wonderful weekend Randy

  6. Love this comment from Mattias: "What I eat today create my prerequisites for success tomorrow."

    This week, I have cut down on my sugar intake and have lost two kilos! What's that, four lbs? As for resting, judging by the massive bruise I have on my arm, the blisters on my feet, the bony spur on my finger and the aches and pains in every muscle, I am working too hard for too long. I guess moving half a ton of stock every second day is creating a hazard to my health...

    However, I do take the time to moisturise. It's one way to always take care of myself.

  7. YOGA! Yoga tools and techniques allow me to work with concentration, sleep deeply, eat thankfully and play joyful everyday. Everyday I can create this balance but yes like you live Randy having a full day away from work to enjoy a full day of R&R is vital. Thanks for inspiring. Love from Japan. Shivani

  8. If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken care of my body better. I don't exactly treat it like a temple you understand...I guess you might say more like a reasonably well run Sunday school.

    Time to relax and repair is crucial, as we all need to avoid burnout, especially if we're giving too much, which is a temptation each of us faces in our industry daily.

  9. I do think giving your body the food, nutrients, water, rest and mental diversion it needs to stay in prime condition is important. I don't feel well when I eat stuff I should avoid so I usually don't.

    I workout hard 6 days a week & have a trainer push me harder on a couple of those days. career did cost me my time freedom and that is why I joined network marketing. Working 24*7 on-call & holidays was not good for me. I did burnout. Some people view it as "that is life...just accept it" but I chose to change.

    I was up early for work today so now I need rest.

  10. Running in the morning. And at night to break through the fatigue barrier swim a couple of lap in my pool to make those last couple of calls and plan for the next day.
    Enjoy the game.

  11. hi Randy;
    I've worked hard for 8 months. three weeks ago I fetl exhausted, and I couldn't work well then. one of my friend took me out for cruise.
    afterward I understood that I was mentally tired, and I started going out for entertainment on weekend. now I'm refreshed and I can do my best. I understand that we should feed our mind and our body togather.
    thanks for your lovely teaching Randy.
    best regards.

  12. I was thinking about this, and I did burnout when I was in college & I changed my major. I was working to put myself through college, taking classes and had to put in hours at the hospital for a grade without pay. My grades were good but my health suffered and I had to change my major. I still ended up in a profession that requires on-call but I didn't realize the cost when I was going to school for my degree.

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  • 17 comments on “Renewal & Recharging”

    1. I know approximately now how my body, my family and my business works and how much time each of them needs for themselves to be ok, so I plan and do my plug-outs regularly and some extra occasionally if needed. People who work with me were stunned by my discontinuations at work at first but they started to love it and copy it too. We have never been this successful! I love to manage my time instead of those years when the time was managing me.

      Love to everybody,


    2. What I eat today create my prerequisites for success tomorrow. That is exactly the same thing regard to sleep. Many people talk about the need for discipline to regular exercise. But that's nothing compared to the discipline required to eat right and go to sleep on time.

      When I do not take care of myself in that way I then create better conditions for weeds to take root in my mind just like James Allen describes in As a man thinketh.

      Mattias Gronborg

    3. Hey Randy,
      Find a peaceful place to rest your mind, body, and spirit.
      We must remove ourselves from chatter and noise.
      There is POWER is PEACE. Your health is your wealth.
      If you come to the Washington, DC contact me and I will
      take you to a place where there is peace not war.
      Enjoy your weekend.

      Peace and Blessings

    4. It is the same concept as a plane going down. You put the oxygen mask on you first before you help anyone else or you are worthless to others.

      That is how it is in taking care of yourself. If you aren't doing it eventually you will be worthless to others. Also, if you don't do it for yourself, noone else is going to do it for you.

      Eat right, exercise and get enough rest. Life can be good, you just have to make it happen by taking care of you.

    5. Dear Randy,

      IF we do something (work , rest , play,....) with all of our fouces and attention we get the best result on them 🙂

      have a wonderful weekend Randy

    6. Love this comment from Mattias: "What I eat today create my prerequisites for success tomorrow."

      This week, I have cut down on my sugar intake and have lost two kilos! What's that, four lbs? As for resting, judging by the massive bruise I have on my arm, the blisters on my feet, the bony spur on my finger and the aches and pains in every muscle, I am working too hard for too long. I guess moving half a ton of stock every second day is creating a hazard to my health...

      However, I do take the time to moisturise. It's one way to always take care of myself.

    7. YOGA! Yoga tools and techniques allow me to work with concentration, sleep deeply, eat thankfully and play joyful everyday. Everyday I can create this balance but yes like you live Randy having a full day away from work to enjoy a full day of R&R is vital. Thanks for inspiring. Love from Japan. Shivani

    8. If I'd known I was going to live this long I'd have taken care of my body better. I don't exactly treat it like a temple you understand...I guess you might say more like a reasonably well run Sunday school.

      Time to relax and repair is crucial, as we all need to avoid burnout, especially if we're giving too much, which is a temptation each of us faces in our industry daily.

    9. I do think giving your body the food, nutrients, water, rest and mental diversion it needs to stay in prime condition is important. I don't feel well when I eat stuff I should avoid so I usually don't.

      I workout hard 6 days a week & have a trainer push me harder on a couple of those days. career did cost me my time freedom and that is why I joined network marketing. Working 24*7 on-call & holidays was not good for me. I did burnout. Some people view it as "that is life...just accept it" but I chose to change.

      I was up early for work today so now I need rest.

    10. Running in the morning. And at night to break through the fatigue barrier swim a couple of lap in my pool to make those last couple of calls and plan for the next day.
      Enjoy the game.

    11. hi Randy;
      I've worked hard for 8 months. three weeks ago I fetl exhausted, and I couldn't work well then. one of my friend took me out for cruise.
      afterward I understood that I was mentally tired, and I started going out for entertainment on weekend. now I'm refreshed and I can do my best. I understand that we should feed our mind and our body togather.
      thanks for your lovely teaching Randy.
      best regards.

    12. I was thinking about this, and I did burnout when I was in college & I changed my major. I was working to put myself through college, taking classes and had to put in hours at the hospital for a grade without pay. My grades were good but my health suffered and I had to change my major. I still ended up in a profession that requires on-call but I didn't realize the cost when I was going to school for my degree.

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