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Regenerate and Grow Rich

Posted By: Randy GageDecember 7, 2010

Love the comments in yesterday’s post on the discussion between whether we are predetermined outcomes of our DNA, or have the power to influence the genetic development of our cells.  It’s a fascinating and very important question in the prosperity equation.

The whole subject was jump started by a book I’m reading entitled, The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.  Dr Lipton started out as a typical member of academia, spouting the conventional dogma that genes control our destiny, and later evolved into one of the pioneers in epigenetics.

When you take this research on the role of the environment in regulating gene activity – and combine it with what we know about the power of the mind – the possibilities are simply electrifying.

When you stop letting thoughts get programmed into you or simply letting them happen…

When you make a conscious decision to become the thinker of the thought…

When you realize that millions of cells in your body die every day and that your thoughts can help effect whether they are replaced by sick or healthy ones…

Think back to what Napoleon Hill teaches about the power of autosuggestion in Think and Grow Rich. We are not pre-programmed biochemical machines, but organic, ever changing beings who can choose consciousness.

And as a few of you pointed out, we know at the ultimate level we are pure energy.  Energetic waves reacting to the energy all around us in the quantum soup.  And when you are conscious of this, and make a concerted effort to influence your environment, you influence the very cells that make up you.

Practical application:  the very people you surround yourself with and spend the most time with.  Having a prosperity manifestation map in your bedroom.  Speaking affirmations.  Spending daily time in meditation, prayer or other self-development.

It’s not just feel-good, tofu burger psychology.  The science behind epigenetics proves that activities such as these actually create and influence the energetic environment around you, and that environment directly impacts you on a cellular level.

Ain’t it great!


39 comments on “Regenerate and Grow Rich”

  1. Dr. Lipton is an absolute genius. Genes are nothing more than a blueprint...what the building looks like when all is said and done depends on whoever's reading the blueprint (and the raw materials you have available to build with).

    The environment through thoughts, trauma and toxins affect how our genes are expressed. We can "choose" our destiny - despite walking around with a carried gun, it's still up to us to pull the trigger through thought, diet, and lifestyle.

    1. Alexander, yes a blueprint. Perhaps, it is time to RESET my blueprint.

      Instead of the old patterns ingrained in me, I can intentionally choose to modify the blueprint in all areas (prosperity, well-being and other areas where I feel trapped) so that I can have even more of a meaningful and empowering life.

      It is time to unbrainwash some (not sure if this is a word) of my blueprint. I like to think of it as a washing out of the dis-ease (financial) and heal my spiritual mind and bank account entirely.

      I have work to do!

    2. Alexander thanks for sharing this, and I like the idea of choosing our own destinies!
      I just read "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker, and he gives great insights on how to change our mind blueprints and our money blueprints.

  2. Yes that is great and it is really working!

    I had this $ 10.000 notes everywhere in my house for my monthly income i wish to have for more than one year - and now - it is reality!

    That´s really great!

  3. I was sure that Randy was talking about Bruce Lipton in yesterday's post! I can tell you more! I have learned how to control my physical body and stay in absolutely wonderful shape and health by meditating, after listening Bruce's lecture! Bruce suggests a great psych-k technique. You can find it at:

    You are going to love this!

  4. Lipton's "The Biology of Belief" is an eye-opener! Unfortunately, the concept that "beliefs control biology" is still not accepted -- or even considered -- by many practitioners of traditional medicine.

    The next step is to recognize that "beliefs control your world -- inside and out".

      1. As I posted previously, loved Biology of Belief. Though I can't recall his name, I found Lipton's co-author on Spontaneous Evolution to be distracting.

    1. In recent years the medical research community has made great strides in acknowledging the presence and power of neuroplasticity. Since we can grow new neuron cells and strengthen targeted functions of the brain, then certainly we can impact any cell in the body.

  5. Dear Randy

    It is great indeed! I being 49 may grow old in a world where men aren't killed by medicine made on false premises.
    Epigenetics and it's father Bruce Lipton understood that it is the MEMBRANE, the surface of the cell that is the BRAIN of cell NOT the DNA (genes). We are not predetermined. That projekt was boring in the first place anyway.
    And what it leads to for us, the practical application in your post - love it.
    Science is with us: think

    Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac cph

  6. Another great post, Randy! I love Bruce Lipton and his work. I can't help but admire someone who accepts that he didn't find what he was told he would find in the human genome and now shares his unexpected discoveries.

  7. Randy has enGAGEd us again with another outstanding article. He saves me so much time finding kick-butt books for me.

  8. Thanks Randy and thanks all for the great posts and book recommendations. Why I love stopping in to read this blog daily... you all help take things to the next level.

  9. Thanks, Randy for this post. I spent an electrifying four days with Bruce, Rob Williams (Psych K) and Jeffrey Fannin (Brain Mapping) last month in San Francisco. There are so many amazing things happening in the realm reprogramming subconscious beliefs. Thanks for being a part of it.

  10. I now know why I was confused by your last post. It sounded, at first, as though you might have had a change of heart and been converting to communism. The "Borgs" were pobably so evil because we were still in a cold war with the USSR. Mr. Gage, I read the first chapter of Bruce Lipton's book. He is a beautiful genious. I do believe that thought can determine your prosperity and the outcomes in your life. I have ever since I read your book. It has worked for me! Yes! So, thank you. Thank you loads. However, you had me at dumb, sick, and broke, but lost me at "productive people are penalized in our tax system and unproductive people rewarded".

    Your description of "Eddie" in your book may look like some unproductive people, but not all. Many people abuse our welfare programs in America, it's true. Much more do not. There are truly weaker, oppressed, and ill people out there that need the help of productive people. It is a gift in life to be productive.

    "Today's social system is ready to catch Eddie in it's safety net. The government will feed, clothe, and house Eddie." Your words. I have to say, as a former social worker this is not entirely true. It is easier to think this way, but many people fall through the cracks. And, even with all the taxes we pay it is still not enough. There is not enough housing, there is not enough money given out in food stamps to eat healthy. Free clothes, few and far between. The people we help are not just "Eddie's". They are Mom's, who with limited resources are trying to make it on their own. These women are not lazy cowards. They are little red headed boys with rosie cheeks, who sit in the library on cold winter days because their family is homeless. I know these people Mr. Gage, I have worked with them. We should pay taxes to help them if we work. Because you know what, that little boy could then be rich one day too.

    No we should never feel guilty for what we have or feel guilty pursuing our wealth. But out of our grace and sense of abundance, wish to help others. I know you do. You are not Scrooge.

    I should be chastised for not being wealthy. I am an intellligent woman with lots of opportunities, and I have fallen short. But I know everyone does not possess my many blessings.

    "The stronger students helped the weaker and in so doing, all became stronger". Bruce Lipton's words. I believe in universal welfare programs because it is the stronger helping the weaker. If we don't have a universal health care system many people will die. Who will we be losing? Maybe another you. The world could'nt afford that.

    "Evolution becomes a matter of the survival of the fittest groups, rather than the survival of the fittest individual. ....We need to move beyond Darwinian theory which stress the importance of the individual, to one that stresses the importance of the communitiy." Bruce Lipton. Communism's root means community. I don't think most socialists think we should all be poor, but that we all have the right to prosperity. In order to achieve that, we have to help those who don't yet have the basic needs met. You know Maslow's hierarchy, no one can self actualize until these basic needs are met.

    Thinking that only the Libertarians are the way to choose wealth, is thinking in black and white. Mostly life is grey and filled with all kinds of paradoxes.

    For instance, we can all pursue our self intrests and help the less productive(a great deal more than we do now). That way everyone could be wealthy and prosperous. Any other way would be atavistic, given the social ills our society suffers from. Yes, if more people get wealthy, then there is more and more wealth. Yes, yes yes.

    I know you are trying to inspire people to greatness and you absolutely do that brillantly. Some folks have more challenges and obstacles though before getting there. Let's support them on their path.

    1. Annie, It sounds like you have great intentions with the supporting the programmes that you are talking about. So do many others who support them.

      The problem is that the steps taken to help the less fortunate are usually the very ones that stop them from moving up. You would probably be a supporter of minimum wage? On the surface it makes it seem that the poor will get paid more with this law.

      But this is a programme that was installed by the union workers to keep the poor from competing with them. In Ireland for example the minimum wage is €1,461 per month. What this means is that anyone who has skills worth less than €1,461 is ,by law, not allowed to enter the work force. No one will hire someone in order to make a loss, so they are forced onto welfare, probably for life.

      If they could offer to work for €900 per month then they could build some skills to increase their income earning potential while gaining small amounts of capital. But the union workers wanted to price the poorest out of the work force so they could gain the contracts for themselves.

      Also, the reason health care is unaffordable is because of all the government regulations and laws. They only allow people to go to a doctor who has been through their training and therefore they demand huge salaries. This blocks out very capable people from offering low cost health care to the poorest. Anyone who offers alternatives at a low cost is labeled as a quack and usually shut down.

      When we look at all the regulations around useful drugs we see why they are so expensive. It can take 10s of $Millions to pass a drug to be sold. Even if it is a natural remedy that has worked for thousands of years. This greatly increases the costs and puts the products out of the price range of the poorest.

      On this point that you made
      "I don’t think most socialists think we should all be poor" But the actions they take make this happen. The reality of socialism is 'equal poverty for all!' Look at the social policies of eastern europe for a good example of this. Where we have freedom and capitalism without socialism we always have greater prosperity for the ordinary man. This is why people would risk their lives to get to America. Freedom is the best way to prosperity for all.

      The best way to help the poorest is to trade with them. Most people love charity because it keeps people weak. If the USA just opened its doors to free trade with poor countries then those people could work themselves out of poverty. But the unions demand trade tariffs to stop them from trading with us because they would rather keep the power and jobs for themselves.

      We could look at almost every government programme that was set up to help the poor and almost always those programmes are the ones that harm the poor. They are always set up by people with special interests doing it in the name of helping those less fortunate. When really they just want government to make things better for themselves. We have to look at what is really going on below the surface. It is important not to judge a policy by the intentions but to look at the results.

      1. W David C, You are very generous and kind to take the time to explain your reasons behind the philosophy you have chosen. You are every bit as impassioned about your beliefs, as I am mine. I love having discussions with unlike minded people, for then, I am posed to learn the most. It has taken me awhile to think of a response. Also, I have a husband, kindergartner, and poodle that keep me busy:)

        It would take a long time to refute everything you bring up. Besides, you are quite right about many things. I'm not sure there always is a right and wrong. Thank goodness we don't all think alike. What a huge bore, and not very instructive either.

        I will say this. You are right, so many social programs in America are broken beyond belief, and fail to do what they aim to do. The programs with the most success are the ones most everyone agrees with. Social security, for instance despite everyone saying it is going to go bust, it has worked quite well for a very long time. Libraries are very successful also. The programs that vary from state to state, and the programs Americans are not sure fit their values, like TANF(temporary aide to needy families) are the ones that have many complicated problems.

        It is our values and how we define "poor" that complicate these issues. We have a strange juxtaposition in America with democracy and capatalism put together. Capatalism is believed to need a laissez-faire style government to work properly. "Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith stuff right? But, democracy demands equal oppurtunity for all. We have not reached these hieghts in America. We do not live in a land of equal opportunity. Do you think a single African American woman, raising her own children is just gonna positive think her way to wealth? Please lets step into reality for a moment. Poverty is complex problem, not at all easily solved.

        Anyway, I believe their are no easy answers here. I do know that the laissez-faire style government you support is incoherent. I mean do you want government or not? Also, what I know for sure is that people die from poverty in America day. No we cannot be responsible for everyone, we can only be responsible for ourselves. Here comes the paradox: we are responsible for others because we are inseperable remember the cell thing.

        We must first help ourselves yes. But, we need each other. We need stronger people helping the weaker. They will die, I mean this quite literally. Not everyone is the same and we are all the same, another paradox. Whoa, I am getting loopy here, excuse me, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore.

        Let me say this, about how we look at the poor. We either look at the poor as unworthy and sinful(a judgement call I would say) or we look at them as worthy. With the stronger, more able to be productive people, help the poor be able to lead better lives or become productive.

        Some people will never be able to work. They have diseases or disabilities which prevent them from being able to do so. We are so blessed to be born able bodied and strong. If we do not live up to our potential, when we have all this, it is really sad. I don't know if it is a sin, I won't judge, unless I know the circumstances.

        Yeah, I think we should trade with poor countries. I think we should trade with everyone.

        Here is thought about global poverty as well. Many times countries are poor because of a lack of natural resources. Completely out of their control right?

        Oh I could go on and on. However, my white poodle is outside getting very dirty again, and soon I have to pick up my son.

        I wish I could address everything you laid out. I am just ignorant on certain topics. So, I really enjoyed your commentary. I learned a lot. Thanks again.

    2. I am all for helping the less fortunate and do so. I just don't want the government forcing me to do it at the point of a gun. I see David has laid out a very good explanation of the entitlement mentality and or issues created by Socialism and Communism, so I won't repeat them. Suffice it to say a lot of times we're throwing life preservers to people the universe is trying to teach to swim.


      1. As Randy said we like to help those less fortunate and it is the natural tendency of us to do this. The greatest philanthropists in history were not forced to provide support. Andrew Carnegie built almost all of the libraries in the western world and he did so by choice. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett donated $35 billion each to worthy causes without being forced to.

        Government force is one of the main causes of the breakdown of society. People are less willing to get involved to help each other because they think that it is the government who should do it. It is also the natural tendency of people to want to pass over problems to someone else instead of taking responsibility themselves.

        If someone has someone has gained more than the others then everyone gets together to vote that they should be made to help everyone rather than maximising the talents and skills that they themselves have in order to make change.

        The biggest problem with passing problems over to the government is that they greatly expand the cost to fix the problem and do it very inefficiently. They usually have programmes which cancel each other out.

        For years the government set up programmes to prevent people from smoking while at the same time they were subsidising the growing of tobacco. Both programmes paid for by taxes. There are thousands of examples like this. They constantly build fires while at the same time try to put out the fire.

      2. As for you sir, I believe we should never ever give firearms to politicians, bureaucrats, or voting poll workers. I don't know about where you live, but here the voting poll workers are usually ederly ladies that hand out cookies and stickers. Thank goodness. One can only assume the consequences of all the others packing heat.

        We do vote in America for these things, right? The majority cells always have the say, don't they? Hmmm.

        As for the universe teaching these folks to swim. Just who is the universe of which you speak? I thought it was us, and our teeny tiny itty bitty wittle cells? So if we make up the universe, shouldn't we stronger cells help the weaker. We the cells of the universe, could teach the other weaker cells to swim and help the cells who will never ever have the capacity to swim.

        Now about your analogy of swimming. Should you really? I mean you don't swim well right?

  11. It just demonstrates that both Wattles and Hill understood the laws of the Universe many years ago and they haven't changed. The difference now is that the technology to PROVE that everything in the Universe is energy which can be impacted by our thoughts is available. How cool is that?

    As Wattles says in SOGR, "There is a thinking stuff of which all things are made that penetrates, permeates and fills the inner spaces of the Universe.."

    We influence how this energy manifest simply by how we think and believe. So the question we need to ask ourselves constantly is "What do I want to think about and does it serve me?"

    Thanks Randy!

  12. I like what you say and believe you whole heartedly. I have seen people literally change physically. From unfit to fit, from ugly duckling to gorgeous swan, you name it, it's possible, once you believe you "are", you then "become". It is an outstanding result that happens amazingly fast.

    Often times it comes down to a pivotal moment in time where the "I wish" becomes "I am". Until then you can want as much as you wish to but it wont happen.

    The only things I'm yet to see is someone who is bald grow a full head of hair or change their physical height.

    Life is what you make of it!

  13. One of my clients was the Association of General Contractors. I was researching the members of the association while developing humorous material for an entertaining speech (I'm a speaker). An interesting insight I discovered during that research pertains to this discussion. The building is PLANNED by the architects. They put in all the important specs, based on tolerances, desired outcomes, etc. However, during the actual construction process a bazillion things change. The reality compels new response and new solutions. Yes, the design (i.e. the genes) is the plan. But the actual construction determines the building itself. I see that as what we're talking about.

  14. I too, am a great believer in the transcendent ability of the mind.

    At one point in my past, I used to own a school in which I, along with other teachers, trained students to become certified in the field of Hypnotherapy. Having spent a good deal of time teaching on the subject of the mind-body connection to others and also working with private practice clients as a Hypnotherapist, I am a completely convinced of our ability to direct the mind to affect change at a cellular level. There is no other way I could explain the amazing transformations I have witnessed.

    I’ve seen, first hand, many people transform their physiology by reprogramming their subconscious minds. (And yes … I’m aware of the airy-fairy reputation the field of hypnosis battles all the time, because of its affiliation with controversial sub-topics such as past-life regression and alien abductions, etc., but I’m speaking to clinical application here.) I’m talking behavioral and physical stuff rooted in the here-and-now – curing physical illness and disease, eliminating stuttering, non-medicated, painless childbirth and surgeries, overcoming phobias, improving sports or mental performance and too many others to list.

    It is absolutely possible to create lasting and permanent changes in our own personal health, well-being and achievement by working with the mind. Some of the most basic include auto-suggestion or repetitive exposure to a thought (affirmations and mantras one great, simple example of this). Another is through sensory association. In the case of prosperity manifestation maps - exposure to a visual trigger. Or we can also involve our olfactory system (sense of smell) and subconsciously connect a certain aroma (a scented oil or cologne) to a mental image of achieving a desired behavior or feeling - or a physical trigger, such as using a specific movement of a part of our body – to illicit a behavior or feeling. Our minds are such powerful tools and remain only a minimally tapped resource.

    There are even techniques in which powerful negative feelings and emotions associated with a physical or behavioral issue, once reproduced in a receptive mental state, can be followed just like a zip-line back through the memory banks in someone’s subconscious mind to an initial sensitizing event (traumatic situation) that originally created the problem. Once that event is identified and emotionally revisited, it can then be subconsciously healed and reframed so that the negative charge is taken off of the event, and therefore new behaviors and feelings can be substituted in place of the old, destructive ones. The changes in people’s lives after a process like this are remarkable, to say the least.

    We have so much more ability to mentally impact our reality than most people realize. It is a matter of mastering our ability to focus our thoughts on where we want to go and then anchoring ourselves in the feelings associated with that successful place we see in our minds and taking action from that state. And, to the ability we can do this on the inside, we can create almost anything we want to experience on the outside.


  15. In this post, what stuck out the most was " when you make a conscious decision to become the thinker of the thought " . That to me, is the most important concept here. This is how you can counter-act your sub-conscious programming.

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  • 39 comments on “Regenerate and Grow Rich”

    1. Dr. Lipton is an absolute genius. Genes are nothing more than a blueprint...what the building looks like when all is said and done depends on whoever's reading the blueprint (and the raw materials you have available to build with).

      The environment through thoughts, trauma and toxins affect how our genes are expressed. We can "choose" our destiny - despite walking around with a carried gun, it's still up to us to pull the trigger through thought, diet, and lifestyle.

      1. Alexander, yes a blueprint. Perhaps, it is time to RESET my blueprint.

        Instead of the old patterns ingrained in me, I can intentionally choose to modify the blueprint in all areas (prosperity, well-being and other areas where I feel trapped) so that I can have even more of a meaningful and empowering life.

        It is time to unbrainwash some (not sure if this is a word) of my blueprint. I like to think of it as a washing out of the dis-ease (financial) and heal my spiritual mind and bank account entirely.

        I have work to do!

      2. Alexander thanks for sharing this, and I like the idea of choosing our own destinies!
        I just read "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker, and he gives great insights on how to change our mind blueprints and our money blueprints.

    2. Yes that is great and it is really working!

      I had this $ 10.000 notes everywhere in my house for my monthly income i wish to have for more than one year - and now - it is reality!

      That´s really great!

    3. I was sure that Randy was talking about Bruce Lipton in yesterday's post! I can tell you more! I have learned how to control my physical body and stay in absolutely wonderful shape and health by meditating, after listening Bruce's lecture! Bruce suggests a great psych-k technique. You can find it at:

      You are going to love this!

    4. Lipton's "The Biology of Belief" is an eye-opener! Unfortunately, the concept that "beliefs control biology" is still not accepted -- or even considered -- by many practitioners of traditional medicine.

      The next step is to recognize that "beliefs control your world -- inside and out".

        1. As I posted previously, loved Biology of Belief. Though I can't recall his name, I found Lipton's co-author on Spontaneous Evolution to be distracting.

      1. In recent years the medical research community has made great strides in acknowledging the presence and power of neuroplasticity. Since we can grow new neuron cells and strengthen targeted functions of the brain, then certainly we can impact any cell in the body.

    5. Dear Randy

      It is great indeed! I being 49 may grow old in a world where men aren't killed by medicine made on false premises.
      Epigenetics and it's father Bruce Lipton understood that it is the MEMBRANE, the surface of the cell that is the BRAIN of cell NOT the DNA (genes). We are not predetermined. That projekt was boring in the first place anyway.
      And what it leads to for us, the practical application in your post - love it.
      Science is with us: think

      Love and Respect, Pierre Leyssac cph

    6. Another great post, Randy! I love Bruce Lipton and his work. I can't help but admire someone who accepts that he didn't find what he was told he would find in the human genome and now shares his unexpected discoveries.

    7. Randy has enGAGEd us again with another outstanding article. He saves me so much time finding kick-butt books for me.

    8. Thanks Randy and thanks all for the great posts and book recommendations. Why I love stopping in to read this blog daily... you all help take things to the next level.

    9. Thanks, Randy for this post. I spent an electrifying four days with Bruce, Rob Williams (Psych K) and Jeffrey Fannin (Brain Mapping) last month in San Francisco. There are so many amazing things happening in the realm reprogramming subconscious beliefs. Thanks for being a part of it.

    10. I now know why I was confused by your last post. It sounded, at first, as though you might have had a change of heart and been converting to communism. The "Borgs" were pobably so evil because we were still in a cold war with the USSR. Mr. Gage, I read the first chapter of Bruce Lipton's book. He is a beautiful genious. I do believe that thought can determine your prosperity and the outcomes in your life. I have ever since I read your book. It has worked for me! Yes! So, thank you. Thank you loads. However, you had me at dumb, sick, and broke, but lost me at "productive people are penalized in our tax system and unproductive people rewarded".

      Your description of "Eddie" in your book may look like some unproductive people, but not all. Many people abuse our welfare programs in America, it's true. Much more do not. There are truly weaker, oppressed, and ill people out there that need the help of productive people. It is a gift in life to be productive.

      "Today's social system is ready to catch Eddie in it's safety net. The government will feed, clothe, and house Eddie." Your words. I have to say, as a former social worker this is not entirely true. It is easier to think this way, but many people fall through the cracks. And, even with all the taxes we pay it is still not enough. There is not enough housing, there is not enough money given out in food stamps to eat healthy. Free clothes, few and far between. The people we help are not just "Eddie's". They are Mom's, who with limited resources are trying to make it on their own. These women are not lazy cowards. They are little red headed boys with rosie cheeks, who sit in the library on cold winter days because their family is homeless. I know these people Mr. Gage, I have worked with them. We should pay taxes to help them if we work. Because you know what, that little boy could then be rich one day too.

      No we should never feel guilty for what we have or feel guilty pursuing our wealth. But out of our grace and sense of abundance, wish to help others. I know you do. You are not Scrooge.

      I should be chastised for not being wealthy. I am an intellligent woman with lots of opportunities, and I have fallen short. But I know everyone does not possess my many blessings.

      "The stronger students helped the weaker and in so doing, all became stronger". Bruce Lipton's words. I believe in universal welfare programs because it is the stronger helping the weaker. If we don't have a universal health care system many people will die. Who will we be losing? Maybe another you. The world could'nt afford that.

      "Evolution becomes a matter of the survival of the fittest groups, rather than the survival of the fittest individual. ....We need to move beyond Darwinian theory which stress the importance of the individual, to one that stresses the importance of the communitiy." Bruce Lipton. Communism's root means community. I don't think most socialists think we should all be poor, but that we all have the right to prosperity. In order to achieve that, we have to help those who don't yet have the basic needs met. You know Maslow's hierarchy, no one can self actualize until these basic needs are met.

      Thinking that only the Libertarians are the way to choose wealth, is thinking in black and white. Mostly life is grey and filled with all kinds of paradoxes.

      For instance, we can all pursue our self intrests and help the less productive(a great deal more than we do now). That way everyone could be wealthy and prosperous. Any other way would be atavistic, given the social ills our society suffers from. Yes, if more people get wealthy, then there is more and more wealth. Yes, yes yes.

      I know you are trying to inspire people to greatness and you absolutely do that brillantly. Some folks have more challenges and obstacles though before getting there. Let's support them on their path.

      1. Annie, It sounds like you have great intentions with the supporting the programmes that you are talking about. So do many others who support them.

        The problem is that the steps taken to help the less fortunate are usually the very ones that stop them from moving up. You would probably be a supporter of minimum wage? On the surface it makes it seem that the poor will get paid more with this law.

        But this is a programme that was installed by the union workers to keep the poor from competing with them. In Ireland for example the minimum wage is €1,461 per month. What this means is that anyone who has skills worth less than €1,461 is ,by law, not allowed to enter the work force. No one will hire someone in order to make a loss, so they are forced onto welfare, probably for life.

        If they could offer to work for €900 per month then they could build some skills to increase their income earning potential while gaining small amounts of capital. But the union workers wanted to price the poorest out of the work force so they could gain the contracts for themselves.

        Also, the reason health care is unaffordable is because of all the government regulations and laws. They only allow people to go to a doctor who has been through their training and therefore they demand huge salaries. This blocks out very capable people from offering low cost health care to the poorest. Anyone who offers alternatives at a low cost is labeled as a quack and usually shut down.

        When we look at all the regulations around useful drugs we see why they are so expensive. It can take 10s of $Millions to pass a drug to be sold. Even if it is a natural remedy that has worked for thousands of years. This greatly increases the costs and puts the products out of the price range of the poorest.

        On this point that you made
        "I don’t think most socialists think we should all be poor" But the actions they take make this happen. The reality of socialism is 'equal poverty for all!' Look at the social policies of eastern europe for a good example of this. Where we have freedom and capitalism without socialism we always have greater prosperity for the ordinary man. This is why people would risk their lives to get to America. Freedom is the best way to prosperity for all.

        The best way to help the poorest is to trade with them. Most people love charity because it keeps people weak. If the USA just opened its doors to free trade with poor countries then those people could work themselves out of poverty. But the unions demand trade tariffs to stop them from trading with us because they would rather keep the power and jobs for themselves.

        We could look at almost every government programme that was set up to help the poor and almost always those programmes are the ones that harm the poor. They are always set up by people with special interests doing it in the name of helping those less fortunate. When really they just want government to make things better for themselves. We have to look at what is really going on below the surface. It is important not to judge a policy by the intentions but to look at the results.

        1. W David C, You are very generous and kind to take the time to explain your reasons behind the philosophy you have chosen. You are every bit as impassioned about your beliefs, as I am mine. I love having discussions with unlike minded people, for then, I am posed to learn the most. It has taken me awhile to think of a response. Also, I have a husband, kindergartner, and poodle that keep me busy:)

          It would take a long time to refute everything you bring up. Besides, you are quite right about many things. I'm not sure there always is a right and wrong. Thank goodness we don't all think alike. What a huge bore, and not very instructive either.

          I will say this. You are right, so many social programs in America are broken beyond belief, and fail to do what they aim to do. The programs with the most success are the ones most everyone agrees with. Social security, for instance despite everyone saying it is going to go bust, it has worked quite well for a very long time. Libraries are very successful also. The programs that vary from state to state, and the programs Americans are not sure fit their values, like TANF(temporary aide to needy families) are the ones that have many complicated problems.

          It is our values and how we define "poor" that complicate these issues. We have a strange juxtaposition in America with democracy and capatalism put together. Capatalism is believed to need a laissez-faire style government to work properly. "Wealth of Nations" Adam Smith stuff right? But, democracy demands equal oppurtunity for all. We have not reached these hieghts in America. We do not live in a land of equal opportunity. Do you think a single African American woman, raising her own children is just gonna positive think her way to wealth? Please lets step into reality for a moment. Poverty is complex problem, not at all easily solved.

          Anyway, I believe their are no easy answers here. I do know that the laissez-faire style government you support is incoherent. I mean do you want government or not? Also, what I know for sure is that people die from poverty in America day. No we cannot be responsible for everyone, we can only be responsible for ourselves. Here comes the paradox: we are responsible for others because we are inseperable remember the cell thing.

          We must first help ourselves yes. But, we need each other. We need stronger people helping the weaker. They will die, I mean this quite literally. Not everyone is the same and we are all the same, another paradox. Whoa, I am getting loopy here, excuse me, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore.

          Let me say this, about how we look at the poor. We either look at the poor as unworthy and sinful(a judgement call I would say) or we look at them as worthy. With the stronger, more able to be productive people, help the poor be able to lead better lives or become productive.

          Some people will never be able to work. They have diseases or disabilities which prevent them from being able to do so. We are so blessed to be born able bodied and strong. If we do not live up to our potential, when we have all this, it is really sad. I don't know if it is a sin, I won't judge, unless I know the circumstances.

          Yeah, I think we should trade with poor countries. I think we should trade with everyone.

          Here is thought about global poverty as well. Many times countries are poor because of a lack of natural resources. Completely out of their control right?

          Oh I could go on and on. However, my white poodle is outside getting very dirty again, and soon I have to pick up my son.

          I wish I could address everything you laid out. I am just ignorant on certain topics. So, I really enjoyed your commentary. I learned a lot. Thanks again.

      2. I am all for helping the less fortunate and do so. I just don't want the government forcing me to do it at the point of a gun. I see David has laid out a very good explanation of the entitlement mentality and or issues created by Socialism and Communism, so I won't repeat them. Suffice it to say a lot of times we're throwing life preservers to people the universe is trying to teach to swim.


        1. As Randy said we like to help those less fortunate and it is the natural tendency of us to do this. The greatest philanthropists in history were not forced to provide support. Andrew Carnegie built almost all of the libraries in the western world and he did so by choice. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett donated $35 billion each to worthy causes without being forced to.

          Government force is one of the main causes of the breakdown of society. People are less willing to get involved to help each other because they think that it is the government who should do it. It is also the natural tendency of people to want to pass over problems to someone else instead of taking responsibility themselves.

          If someone has someone has gained more than the others then everyone gets together to vote that they should be made to help everyone rather than maximising the talents and skills that they themselves have in order to make change.

          The biggest problem with passing problems over to the government is that they greatly expand the cost to fix the problem and do it very inefficiently. They usually have programmes which cancel each other out.

          For years the government set up programmes to prevent people from smoking while at the same time they were subsidising the growing of tobacco. Both programmes paid for by taxes. There are thousands of examples like this. They constantly build fires while at the same time try to put out the fire.

        2. As for you sir, I believe we should never ever give firearms to politicians, bureaucrats, or voting poll workers. I don't know about where you live, but here the voting poll workers are usually ederly ladies that hand out cookies and stickers. Thank goodness. One can only assume the consequences of all the others packing heat.

          We do vote in America for these things, right? The majority cells always have the say, don't they? Hmmm.

          As for the universe teaching these folks to swim. Just who is the universe of which you speak? I thought it was us, and our teeny tiny itty bitty wittle cells? So if we make up the universe, shouldn't we stronger cells help the weaker. We the cells of the universe, could teach the other weaker cells to swim and help the cells who will never ever have the capacity to swim.

          Now about your analogy of swimming. Should you really? I mean you don't swim well right?

    11. It just demonstrates that both Wattles and Hill understood the laws of the Universe many years ago and they haven't changed. The difference now is that the technology to PROVE that everything in the Universe is energy which can be impacted by our thoughts is available. How cool is that?

      As Wattles says in SOGR, "There is a thinking stuff of which all things are made that penetrates, permeates and fills the inner spaces of the Universe.."

      We influence how this energy manifest simply by how we think and believe. So the question we need to ask ourselves constantly is "What do I want to think about and does it serve me?"

      Thanks Randy!

    12. I like what you say and believe you whole heartedly. I have seen people literally change physically. From unfit to fit, from ugly duckling to gorgeous swan, you name it, it's possible, once you believe you "are", you then "become". It is an outstanding result that happens amazingly fast.

      Often times it comes down to a pivotal moment in time where the "I wish" becomes "I am". Until then you can want as much as you wish to but it wont happen.

      The only things I'm yet to see is someone who is bald grow a full head of hair or change their physical height.

      Life is what you make of it!

    13. One of my clients was the Association of General Contractors. I was researching the members of the association while developing humorous material for an entertaining speech (I'm a speaker). An interesting insight I discovered during that research pertains to this discussion. The building is PLANNED by the architects. They put in all the important specs, based on tolerances, desired outcomes, etc. However, during the actual construction process a bazillion things change. The reality compels new response and new solutions. Yes, the design (i.e. the genes) is the plan. But the actual construction determines the building itself. I see that as what we're talking about.

    14. I too, am a great believer in the transcendent ability of the mind.

      At one point in my past, I used to own a school in which I, along with other teachers, trained students to become certified in the field of Hypnotherapy. Having spent a good deal of time teaching on the subject of the mind-body connection to others and also working with private practice clients as a Hypnotherapist, I am a completely convinced of our ability to direct the mind to affect change at a cellular level. There is no other way I could explain the amazing transformations I have witnessed.

      I’ve seen, first hand, many people transform their physiology by reprogramming their subconscious minds. (And yes … I’m aware of the airy-fairy reputation the field of hypnosis battles all the time, because of its affiliation with controversial sub-topics such as past-life regression and alien abductions, etc., but I’m speaking to clinical application here.) I’m talking behavioral and physical stuff rooted in the here-and-now – curing physical illness and disease, eliminating stuttering, non-medicated, painless childbirth and surgeries, overcoming phobias, improving sports or mental performance and too many others to list.

      It is absolutely possible to create lasting and permanent changes in our own personal health, well-being and achievement by working with the mind. Some of the most basic include auto-suggestion or repetitive exposure to a thought (affirmations and mantras one great, simple example of this). Another is through sensory association. In the case of prosperity manifestation maps - exposure to a visual trigger. Or we can also involve our olfactory system (sense of smell) and subconsciously connect a certain aroma (a scented oil or cologne) to a mental image of achieving a desired behavior or feeling - or a physical trigger, such as using a specific movement of a part of our body – to illicit a behavior or feeling. Our minds are such powerful tools and remain only a minimally tapped resource.

      There are even techniques in which powerful negative feelings and emotions associated with a physical or behavioral issue, once reproduced in a receptive mental state, can be followed just like a zip-line back through the memory banks in someone’s subconscious mind to an initial sensitizing event (traumatic situation) that originally created the problem. Once that event is identified and emotionally revisited, it can then be subconsciously healed and reframed so that the negative charge is taken off of the event, and therefore new behaviors and feelings can be substituted in place of the old, destructive ones. The changes in people’s lives after a process like this are remarkable, to say the least.

      We have so much more ability to mentally impact our reality than most people realize. It is a matter of mastering our ability to focus our thoughts on where we want to go and then anchoring ourselves in the feelings associated with that successful place we see in our minds and taking action from that state. And, to the ability we can do this on the inside, we can create almost anything we want to experience on the outside.


    15. In this post, what stuck out the most was " when you make a conscious decision to become the thinker of the thought " . That to me, is the most important concept here. This is how you can counter-act your sub-conscious programming.

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