Okay it’s another lazy Friday, so time to stimulate your neural pathways. Here’s a little exercise for your brain. See if you can solve this puzzle. First person that does gets worldwide adu...
Okay it’s another lazy Friday, so time to stimulate your neural pathways. Here’s a little exercise for your brain. See if you can solve this puzzle. First person that does gets worldwide adu...
Yes you can penalize the waiter on the tip because he didn’t bring the extra mayo he promised. You can sigh loudly because the lady in front of you at the supermarket seems to think taking out her...
So I got a recommendation for a chiropractor in South Beach. I called to find out she has no evening or weekend hours. She has no staff. So if she’s with a client, you go to voicemail. She t...
One of the things that has worked best for my growth and development is the principle of “the extra repetition.” Every weightlifter knows that the reps that burn the most, and are the hardest to...
One of the parables is the Bible relates the story of the woman who was healed when she touched the cloak of Jesus. He told her that her faith made her well. Like most of the parables in the Bible...
“I can’t dance.” “All the guys I meet are already married.” "My problem is I always _____”
One of the most important things in the process of enlightenment and higher consciousness is commitment. Or more specifically, honoring your commitments. It’s a prosperity thing.
Sometimes we focus on the wrong thing. We look at what we are running away from, instead of what we desire to move toward. This is true of the visions we hold for others, and also the vision we ha...
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