One of the best things that happened to me was going to jail at 15 years old. It gave me the jolt to change my life course. Of course it didn't quite seem so at the time! (more…)...
One of the best things that happened to me was going to jail at 15 years old. It gave me the jolt to change my life course. Of course it didn't quite seem so at the time! (more…)...
By now you probably heard some corny story about some lumberjack who kept seeing his tree chopping productivity decline because his ax got dull. If I hear one more speaker tell that story, I’ll pr...
Feeling great isn’t just a physical thing that happens to you. It is a choice. And as we discussed in the last post, the choices you make have far reaching effects. (more…)...
When it is all said and done, your life is sculpted by one variable. The choices you make. (more…)...
We all face challenges. Usually when we least expect them or want them. How many time have we heard someone talk about what a horrible time it was for their loved one to die, to lose a job, or hav...
We are all part of this tapestry of humankind. Blond people, redheads, Chinese and Ethiopian, leaders and followers. Like snowflakes, none of us is quite the same, everyone a unique individual. ...
You can start today by bringing all your baggage from yesterday. Or you can give yourself a fresh new start. Whether you have a goal you’re reaching for, a relationship you working on, a project...
One of the best ways I know to move forward is to work backward. First you decide the outcome you want to achieve. Then break down what you would have to do to make that happen. (more…)...
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