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The Choices You Make Today

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 5, 2009

When it is all said and done, your life is sculpted by one variable.  The choices you make.

What you choose to do this morning will have a great impact on how the day turns out by the end.  Who you choose to hang out with determines how much money you make, how positive your relationships will be, and how happy you become.

What you choose to eat will have a huge impact on your health.  So will whatever you choose to do, or not do for exercise.  If you choose to make time for daily self-development time it will transform your life in ways you can’t even imagine.

The smaller choices have a way of building into bigger choices that dramatically change the course of your destiny.  And it all starts with the tiny choices you will make today!


11 comments on “The Choices You Make Today”

  1. The art to choose easily in each instant of our life is TO HAVE A CLEAR GOAL.
    Which is our goal in our heart, that truly determines where you're going each day and will attract people and circumstances which serve you goal and you deserve. For deepening this matter read the free Book pf James "Allen As a Man thinketh".

  2. The smallest change in ATTITUDE will take us in a completely different direction in life1,5,10 YRS from now. (One of my post on Twitter today)
    Choose to make time for daily self-development- the more you know and understand (your)self the better you can direct yourself in life.
    Our Mind is like a GPS System we can set the direction - that gives us the Results we are getting in life in any area of life and THE DIRECTION will not change until we change the coordinates(Our thoughts) - and we can only do that by studying and understanding SELF.
    Lorena Heletea

  3. -RG,

    You're so right, we don't get fat or healthy by one bite. We don't become rich or poor by one dollar invested wisely or spent foolishly.
    It is a series of choices.


  4. Thoughts are THINGS and have such power but so many people don't realise that we can CHOOSE our thoughts.

    These words came to me a couple of days ago from the subconscious.

    A Philosophy

    A crater appears
    To give life to the fears
    That lurk in the depths
    Of the mind.

    To escape the crevase
    A kick up the arse!
    We have to be cruel
    To be kind.

    If you sit there and mope
    You never will cope
    And the good life
    Will leave you behind.

    So be strong in your will
    Live life for the thrill,
    And resolute,
    March up the hill.

  5. Let me see if I got this: My actions dictate my outcomes. I am where I am today because of the sum total of the choices I've made thus far. So, when I look around and don't like what I see-I need to better choices to put on track to what & where I'd like to be. Randy, is this an accurate summation? As always thank ypu for caring & sharing.

  6. The way you look now in the mirror your choice in the past

    The same as finance, wellness

    That´s why I talk to my team: Success is a matter of Choice to be better + Action!!!


    Sergio Carvallo

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  • 11 comments on “The Choices You Make Today”

    1. The art to choose easily in each instant of our life is TO HAVE A CLEAR GOAL.
      Which is our goal in our heart, that truly determines where you're going each day and will attract people and circumstances which serve you goal and you deserve. For deepening this matter read the free Book pf James "Allen As a Man thinketh".

    2. The smallest change in ATTITUDE will take us in a completely different direction in life1,5,10 YRS from now. (One of my post on Twitter today)
      Choose to make time for daily self-development- the more you know and understand (your)self the better you can direct yourself in life.
      Our Mind is like a GPS System we can set the direction - that gives us the Results we are getting in life in any area of life and THE DIRECTION will not change until we change the coordinates(Our thoughts) - and we can only do that by studying and understanding SELF.
      Lorena Heletea

    3. -RG,

      You're so right, we don't get fat or healthy by one bite. We don't become rich or poor by one dollar invested wisely or spent foolishly.
      It is a series of choices.


    4. Thoughts are THINGS and have such power but so many people don't realise that we can CHOOSE our thoughts.

      These words came to me a couple of days ago from the subconscious.

      A Philosophy

      A crater appears
      To give life to the fears
      That lurk in the depths
      Of the mind.

      To escape the crevase
      A kick up the arse!
      We have to be cruel
      To be kind.

      If you sit there and mope
      You never will cope
      And the good life
      Will leave you behind.

      So be strong in your will
      Live life for the thrill,
      And resolute,
      March up the hill.

    5. Let me see if I got this: My actions dictate my outcomes. I am where I am today because of the sum total of the choices I've made thus far. So, when I look around and don't like what I see-I need to better choices to put on track to what & where I'd like to be. Randy, is this an accurate summation? As always thank ypu for caring & sharing.

    6. The way you look now in the mirror your choice in the past

      The same as finance, wellness

      That´s why I talk to my team: Success is a matter of Choice to be better + Action!!!


      Sergio Carvallo

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