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More on 'The Secret'

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 15, 2008

Yesterday I mentioned that I like ‘The Secret” because it has introduced people to the law of attraction.  The problem comes from all of the people that watch it and think they can just sit on their ass dreaming about a Lamborghini and it’s going to drive itself up to their house.

The Quakers have an expression: “As you pray, move your feet.”

This is true for all areas of prosperity.  If you want more friends, you must be a friend.  If you want a life of harmony, you must feed your subconscious mind positive thoughts, if you want to be healthy, you need to turn off the TV and exercise once in a while.

Yes we attract what we most think about.  But if you’re sitting on the sofa daydreaming about your Lamborghini, you’re also probably thinking quite a bit about your meager surroundings and the ’69 Ford Pinto you’ve currently got parked in the driveway.  Whereas if you are working a new business venture to earn enough to get the Lambo, you’re a lot more likely to attract that.

The toys and perks we get by along the way of creating prosperity are great.  But the real process of attracting prosperity is about the person you become along the journey.  And as your consciousness grows, so does your abundance.


6 comments on “More on 'The Secret'”

  1. that is true we don`t need seat in sofa all the time. but if you haven`t inspiration or any ideas, what to do for your dream, the time for acts will be wasted... i think sometime will be helpful only watch "The Secret"

  2. 100% spot Randy. I also find that people focus so much on the "law of attraction" but they forget about "the law of association" . No need getting rid of all the negative ideas and habits if you keep all the negative and pessimistic friends and family.

  3. Awesome, Randy!! I couldn't help but hang my head when I saw the guy in the video talking about manifesting a parking space up front... It made me a little sad, as he really looked healthy, and maybe he should have manifested saving that space for people with age or physical challenges... Hmmmmmm....

  4. Speaking of LOA and parking spaces, I still love the handwritten sign that I saw taped to a homeowner's garage in San Francisco a few years back. The street parking was almost non-existent and apparently this homeowner was fed up with people parking in his/her driveway. So they posted a little sign that read "Visualize Your Ass Being TOWED!"

    I think of that sign every time someone tells me about The Secret.

  5. Why not, I put together some extracts from Stewart Says by Stewart Swerdlow:

    Take credit for who and what you are. You are part of the God-Mind and as such, are a part of a vast and magnificent level of consciousness that is known as the Angelic Realm.

    You can think and feel anyway that you want, so why not think and feel happy, wonderful thoughts and emotions all of the time, in a real sense.

    Everywhere you look, there is art. Every thought that you have is art. The hyperspace meaning of the letters for the word "art" mean: activation of creative balance. Paint the picture of your life. Write your story. Sculpt your dreams. You are art!

    Live life to the fullest that you can. Do whatever you can all of the time. Now is your time! Have a good time!

    Choose carefully what you project out. Somewhere, in some reality, it will take hold. Most likely it will manifest within the context of your own Oversoul matrix. You are responsible for every image that you think. Thoughts are things. Thoughts become things. Remember this!

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  • 6 comments on “More on 'The Secret'”

    1. that is true we don`t need seat in sofa all the time. but if you haven`t inspiration or any ideas, what to do for your dream, the time for acts will be wasted... i think sometime will be helpful only watch "The Secret"

    2. 100% spot Randy. I also find that people focus so much on the "law of attraction" but they forget about "the law of association" . No need getting rid of all the negative ideas and habits if you keep all the negative and pessimistic friends and family.

    3. Awesome, Randy!! I couldn't help but hang my head when I saw the guy in the video talking about manifesting a parking space up front... It made me a little sad, as he really looked healthy, and maybe he should have manifested saving that space for people with age or physical challenges... Hmmmmmm....

    4. Speaking of LOA and parking spaces, I still love the handwritten sign that I saw taped to a homeowner's garage in San Francisco a few years back. The street parking was almost non-existent and apparently this homeowner was fed up with people parking in his/her driveway. So they posted a little sign that read "Visualize Your Ass Being TOWED!"

      I think of that sign every time someone tells me about The Secret.

    5. Why not, I put together some extracts from Stewart Says by Stewart Swerdlow:

      Take credit for who and what you are. You are part of the God-Mind and as such, are a part of a vast and magnificent level of consciousness that is known as the Angelic Realm.

      You can think and feel anyway that you want, so why not think and feel happy, wonderful thoughts and emotions all of the time, in a real sense.

      Everywhere you look, there is art. Every thought that you have is art. The hyperspace meaning of the letters for the word "art" mean: activation of creative balance. Paint the picture of your life. Write your story. Sculpt your dreams. You are art!

      Live life to the fullest that you can. Do whatever you can all of the time. Now is your time! Have a good time!

      Choose carefully what you project out. Somewhere, in some reality, it will take hold. Most likely it will manifest within the context of your own Oversoul matrix. You are responsible for every image that you think. Thoughts are things. Thoughts become things. Remember this!

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