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Manifesting Prosperity with the Power of Thought

Posted By: Randy GageAugust 19, 2009

So the last post has started some interesting discussion on how responsible we are for manifesting what happens in our life.  And raises some interesting questions…

So do I think one person manifested the 9/11 terrorist attacks, tsunamis and wars?  No.  But do I think many people did?  Yes.

Now I should state right up front, I’m on this journey of enlightenment just as you are.  I don’t have all the answers and I run away from anyone that tells me they do.

I’ve learned a great deal about prosperity after studying it for the last 20 years.  And also learned how much about it I don’t know…

I don’t know why babies are born with AIDS, young people get killed in tragic accidents, or the Cubs can’t win a World Series.  But I do believe there are blessings in every challenge, and lessons, growth and ultimately prosperity in what they bring us.

And I think there is some give and take between us in relationships.  I may face a challenge that helps someone that loves me to help me and learn a lesson.  Someone I love may face a challenge that allows me to help them and develop my own enlightenment.

When you look at the work of someone such as Mother Theresa, you can imagine the magnificent joy, peace and prosperity it brought to her.  Along with a lot of challenges she probably struggled with in her human nature.

At the end of the day, I do believe we are co-creator of our reality, good or bad.  Charles Fillmore taught that prosperity is all around us in the ethers, everywhere on earth.  There is no place on earth that prosperity is not, even the most desolate barrios and ghettos.  But to manifest it from the ethers into the physical realm we need to use the power of thought:  Ideas.


16 comments on “Manifesting Prosperity with the Power of Thought”

  1. This is a difficult part of manifesting prosperity and abundance to understand. It takes courage to discuss situations that are so difficult and tragic in relation to abundance. Certainly a long way from spending $9000 on shirts. But once again you did a great job Randy.

    I learned this lesson when I was young. My parents who had once done very well owned a restaurant and were about to lose everything. When a tornado struck our town and wiped out a great deal of it. Yes it was bad, but the extra people that came to town to rebuild completely changed the economic climate of the area. The town was rebuit phisically and financially. My parents restaurant thrived until they sold it. Something that seems so bad left a huge positive impact as well.

    It is very important to understand this part of prosperity and abundance too.
    Thanks for leading the charge again Randy in truly leading others to infinite abundance in all areas. You are a Blessing!

  2. Sometimes it is as simple as a Soul contract. That Soul chose to experience that in their lifetime as part of the greater plan for their development. I chose to have cr*p childhood so that I could use my experiences to help others. Just an idea.

  3. Amen!! So well put as usual, Randy.

    Two natures beat within my breast.
    One is cursed the other blest.
    The one I love and the other hate.
    The one I feed will dominate.

    When I feed the positive, loving, creative side of me and think about good outcomes my goals are met and my prayers are answered. People come into my life that I enjoy and help me be a better me. When I wallow in self pity and negative thoughts I become incapacitated and surrounded by people who have nothing positive to contribute and only suck me under along with themselves. I choose the first.

  4. The response that has been the most useful for me came from James Ray, "You're responsible for everything, but it's not your fault." We always choose our response. In my belief system there is always a reason for the lessons that come with the outcomes you raised. In essence, we don't know what someone's karma is. Quite frankly it's more than enough to figure out and transmute my own karma let alone that of another.

  5. David Cameron in his book A Happy Pocketful of Money and the film What The Beep Are We? I believe get to the heart of this very well. Thoughts are things this has been scientifically proven by Dr. Emoto and his famous water experiments in Japan that have been replicated on all around the world. What you focus on will happen the Law of Attraction makes no distinction and does not understand the word 'not'. So when people focus on what they do not want they are on a very dangerous path. The Source only understand Now there is no past there is no future - just a continuous Now you have yet to experience. So if you do not want War flip it and focus on Peace. Something our politicians have yet to grasp, stop telling people whats wrong with things and tell them what's right with the world and how you will focus improving it.

    Oh silly me, I forgot there's all those interest groups to keep happy! Shucks well it was a good idea while it lasted.

  6. Accountability & Responsibility
    I take the workable position that "I am accountable for everything that occurs in my life" this is a philosophical position to keep me out of victim position and to keep me in action and personally accountable, it is not to assign blame or responsibility of 'why it happened' I.E. 9/11

    I am responsible for how I choose to interact with what occurs in my life (9/11) and for the choices I made and the results from those choices - it is to be used by me for me on me - not as a tool for blame for positioning others as "responsible for what occurred" - Geoffrey

  7. Hi Randy:

    For me, I found that there is no getting around cleansing the sub conscious of limiting beleifs that no longer support your efforts to thrive.

    It's a purging of patterns instilled from childhood that keep recreating all of the things that we don't want, and yet have no conscious clue of why it keeps showing up.

    Such a simple concept, yet often hard to implement. Eckart Tolle speaks of being aware of each moment, it's not until we make a commitment to that awarenes that things start to shift.

    You can't change what you are not aware of ! Many have not even heard of a poverty consciousness it's easier to blame people,events, groups, circumstances and play the role of victim than to take personal responsibility for how our thoughts are mirrored in our life.

    It takes work.



  8. Randy, thanks again. Taking 100% responsibility for yourself and taking action. Walk the talk! So true but so difficult to do at times but again as Mother Theresa, Buddha, and other spiritual role models have shown us, surrender to that higher Creative energy in you instead of working from the ego.

  9. Dear Randy:
    Please could you recommend any subliminal prosperity messages you listen to in your sleep? And please check out the comment I left on your "Expanding your prosperity consciousness" post.

  10. One of the lessons that has been easy for me to understand but not quite as easy to remember is the Law of Opposites. Examples cold is opposite of hot and pain is opposite of pleasure. We experience both otherwise we would not know something is pleasurable.

    When I encounter situations I don't prefer I know that is part of the expansion process. I also have a choice to fuel that or observe it. My intention is to observe and move to a better feeling situation. There are some situations that seem to linger or keep popping back in. I am have not quite figured out why I attract repeats but I know I do.

    Great post Randy. Thank you


  11. I have come to the conclusion that wealth and prosperity are not necessarily the same thing, I am prosperous yet I cannot buy a new Prius just now.
    On the other hand I have an acquaintance who is extremely wealthy [she could buy a plane] yet she does not feel prosperous and works hard at making and keeping her wealth, so the feeling of wealth is really relative on your attitude.
    Manifesting fascinates me, how come someone can manifest a broken leg so easily yet another will bring on a lottery win, both very different but powerful lessons.
    The answer i suspect is to be grateful for whatever comes and make the best out of any challenge, an amazing example is Nick Vujicic who was born without arms or legs yet is a motivational speaker.

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  • 16 comments on “Manifesting Prosperity with the Power of Thought”

    1. This is a difficult part of manifesting prosperity and abundance to understand. It takes courage to discuss situations that are so difficult and tragic in relation to abundance. Certainly a long way from spending $9000 on shirts. But once again you did a great job Randy.

      I learned this lesson when I was young. My parents who had once done very well owned a restaurant and were about to lose everything. When a tornado struck our town and wiped out a great deal of it. Yes it was bad, but the extra people that came to town to rebuild completely changed the economic climate of the area. The town was rebuit phisically and financially. My parents restaurant thrived until they sold it. Something that seems so bad left a huge positive impact as well.

      It is very important to understand this part of prosperity and abundance too.
      Thanks for leading the charge again Randy in truly leading others to infinite abundance in all areas. You are a Blessing!

    2. Sometimes it is as simple as a Soul contract. That Soul chose to experience that in their lifetime as part of the greater plan for their development. I chose to have cr*p childhood so that I could use my experiences to help others. Just an idea.

    3. Amen!! So well put as usual, Randy.

      Two natures beat within my breast.
      One is cursed the other blest.
      The one I love and the other hate.
      The one I feed will dominate.

      When I feed the positive, loving, creative side of me and think about good outcomes my goals are met and my prayers are answered. People come into my life that I enjoy and help me be a better me. When I wallow in self pity and negative thoughts I become incapacitated and surrounded by people who have nothing positive to contribute and only suck me under along with themselves. I choose the first.

    4. The response that has been the most useful for me came from James Ray, "You're responsible for everything, but it's not your fault." We always choose our response. In my belief system there is always a reason for the lessons that come with the outcomes you raised. In essence, we don't know what someone's karma is. Quite frankly it's more than enough to figure out and transmute my own karma let alone that of another.

    5. David Cameron in his book A Happy Pocketful of Money and the film What The Beep Are We? I believe get to the heart of this very well. Thoughts are things this has been scientifically proven by Dr. Emoto and his famous water experiments in Japan that have been replicated on all around the world. What you focus on will happen the Law of Attraction makes no distinction and does not understand the word 'not'. So when people focus on what they do not want they are on a very dangerous path. The Source only understand Now there is no past there is no future - just a continuous Now you have yet to experience. So if you do not want War flip it and focus on Peace. Something our politicians have yet to grasp, stop telling people whats wrong with things and tell them what's right with the world and how you will focus improving it.

      Oh silly me, I forgot there's all those interest groups to keep happy! Shucks well it was a good idea while it lasted.

    6. Accountability & Responsibility
      I take the workable position that "I am accountable for everything that occurs in my life" this is a philosophical position to keep me out of victim position and to keep me in action and personally accountable, it is not to assign blame or responsibility of 'why it happened' I.E. 9/11

      I am responsible for how I choose to interact with what occurs in my life (9/11) and for the choices I made and the results from those choices - it is to be used by me for me on me - not as a tool for blame for positioning others as "responsible for what occurred" - Geoffrey

    7. Hi Randy:

      For me, I found that there is no getting around cleansing the sub conscious of limiting beleifs that no longer support your efforts to thrive.

      It's a purging of patterns instilled from childhood that keep recreating all of the things that we don't want, and yet have no conscious clue of why it keeps showing up.

      Such a simple concept, yet often hard to implement. Eckart Tolle speaks of being aware of each moment, it's not until we make a commitment to that awarenes that things start to shift.

      You can't change what you are not aware of ! Many have not even heard of a poverty consciousness it's easier to blame people,events, groups, circumstances and play the role of victim than to take personal responsibility for how our thoughts are mirrored in our life.

      It takes work.



    8. Randy, thanks again. Taking 100% responsibility for yourself and taking action. Walk the talk! So true but so difficult to do at times but again as Mother Theresa, Buddha, and other spiritual role models have shown us, surrender to that higher Creative energy in you instead of working from the ego.

    9. Dear Randy:
      Please could you recommend any subliminal prosperity messages you listen to in your sleep? And please check out the comment I left on your "Expanding your prosperity consciousness" post.

    10. One of the lessons that has been easy for me to understand but not quite as easy to remember is the Law of Opposites. Examples cold is opposite of hot and pain is opposite of pleasure. We experience both otherwise we would not know something is pleasurable.

      When I encounter situations I don't prefer I know that is part of the expansion process. I also have a choice to fuel that or observe it. My intention is to observe and move to a better feeling situation. There are some situations that seem to linger or keep popping back in. I am have not quite figured out why I attract repeats but I know I do.

      Great post Randy. Thank you


    11. I have come to the conclusion that wealth and prosperity are not necessarily the same thing, I am prosperous yet I cannot buy a new Prius just now.
      On the other hand I have an acquaintance who is extremely wealthy [she could buy a plane] yet she does not feel prosperous and works hard at making and keeping her wealth, so the feeling of wealth is really relative on your attitude.
      Manifesting fascinates me, how come someone can manifest a broken leg so easily yet another will bring on a lottery win, both very different but powerful lessons.
      The answer i suspect is to be grateful for whatever comes and make the best out of any challenge, an amazing example is Nick Vujicic who was born without arms or legs yet is a motivational speaker.

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