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Living in the Now

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 23, 2011

We talk a lot about affirmations and how they program your subconscious mind.  It’s important that you always affirm things in the present tense.

Let go of the idea about affirming anything in the future.  Time is really just a meme that we created to make scheduling easier.  The only real time is the eternal now.  Affirming things in the future tense always keeps them just a little ahead of you, always to be reached, but never manifested.  So set goals for the future and pick deadlines.  But affirm and live in the now.


32 comments on “Living in the Now”

  1. I love this, turn finite thinking into infinite thinking by planing for the future and living powerfully in the now! Thanks for perpetuating the wisdom you have.

  2. It's Funny I when you catch you mind judging and comparing..(literally it makes me laugh out loud) and it always put you back into the present moment.. I agree, and I just have to say its fulling living in the moment and finding deep satisfaction!! When you can find that DEEP satisfaction in your 'work' and in EVERY MOMENT, that is really all I need! Just droppin in to say Hi Randy! I always read Your Posts and Comment on facebook but not much in here! Thanks Randy, Have a blessed week.

  3. There is such freedom in living in the now. Everything happens in the now and yet most people aren't satisfied with the now and and always focussing on the past or the future. Thanks for reminding them.

  4. I couldn't agree more. It takes practice though. When I find myself focusing on the past or future, I bring myself back to the now right away. Eventually I'll get it without struggling so much.

  5. And affirm the outcome but not how you are going to get there, there may be an alternate route that you may not have thought of.
    Don't hinder the process, just know what you are thankful for!

  6. Hi RG,

    The fact that time doesn't exist has been one of the tougher things to wrap my mind around. When you begin to do present tense affirmations it makes perfect sense though.

    Now is when everything is created so it makes no sense to affirm things in the future tense.

    Thanks for sharing.


  7. I agree totally that life is fullfilled in the moments we are in, not where we have been or where we may be going. I do think that affirmations should be stated as have already been achieved, ex. I am so happy and grateful now that I am..... now that I have..... now that I am experiencing.... Life takes on an entirely different meaning when you come to realize that where we are right now is where we can capture life. It's great to project and set goals and do affirmations and visualizations and manifestations, but if we are always waiting for that some day or that some one or that something to show up, then we are missing all the great moments getting there. I am always amazed at how magnified my experiences become when I am in the moment, whether it be while I am having a conversation with someone and being totally ingadged with them or when I just look around and notice something as simple as a bird hovering above or a breeze blowing my hair around or a magnificent full moon or an amazing sunset. What if we asked ourselves, is this the last one I will ever see? Is this the last time I will ever connect with this person? Is this the last time I will feel what the ocean breeze feels like on my face? I will again reference to the book, by Eckart Tolle, In the now. Great place to start evolving your thinking in this direction. It's a great ride and definitely brings every experience in life to a new level.

  8. Dear Randy - I love all your posts - thank you for BEing such an inspiration.
    I have a question today - To what degree do we just set goals and let our full living in the present take us towards those goals and to what degree are we responsible for coming up with the how and the action plan to make those goals happen?
    Thank you.

    For eternally and always there is only now one and the same now - the present is the only thing that has no end.
    Erwin Schrodinger

    1. I have control freak tendencies, so my nature is to devise a plan. But I believe when you have really imprinted something in your subconscious mind, it will cause you to find the way there, even if you don't have a plan.


    2. Les Brown says, "how is none of your business." If you have a clear intention with a big "why," the "how" will be revealed step by step. Just ask, what do I need to do next? Do that and then ask again. And again.

      1. I agree,
        ASK God for what you want but don't tell Him
        HOW to do it. When you get the answer, which may come as an idea or an opportunity, then ACT on it.

  9. wow! maybe that's been part of my delay, I dont actually always focus on the future more the now, I believe I need to put more emphasis on the now, hmmm that feels completely do-able. I bought Eckhart Tolle book for a present for my partner, perhaps that's a another great read. Thanks RG

  10. Randy,
    I totally agree with you. You have made the day for me by re-enforcing what is being done everyday for me! Thanks and see you at your seminar in Las Vegas. I look forward to be surrounded by like-minded participants!
    All the best,

  11. I like to use this when I am wondering about misunderstandings...I will say to the person's higher spirit "this is what I meant" and then visualize perfect understanding replacing any misunderstanding. Then listen. Sometimes I even hear something affirming coming back from what I believe to be their higher spirit.

    I think this works because we are all connected (to greater or lesser degree depending upon soul interest) so even if something was mistaken in the past, it can be corrected in the present. Of course this doesn't replace the need to talk in person, just helps for small things or to affirm good will.

    As far as affirming in the now for what we wish to experience...since quality of energy sets in motion what we will experience, it does make sense to keep our minds aligned to our highest good.

    so..."belly dance parties, connection to the muses, living in harmony with God, nature and man, speaking authentically, compassion, kindness, love, connection to eternity, exploration with a foundation of wellness and prosperity to synchronize it all together with Tool playing in the back ground"

    The Garden has returned. Everyone can create their own. There's room for us all. If you don't like mine don't focus on it, focus on your own! (I say that in a nice way).

    1. Eve, I think you always say things in a nice way. I have friends that belly dance, and have belly dance parties. It is fun to watch too!

      1. I always try to say things in a nice way, maybe I am too careful.

        I just woke up with the insight that if I want to live in authenticity which will create prosperity) I also have to practice assertive compassion. For me to tolerate mistreatment just because I understand when someone else is in pain is not in the best interest of myself or the one doing it.

        Not speaking out about what I want, dream of and sharing my perspective has been something I have practiced to prevent triggering attacks from others who try to shame, attack or crush others ideas.

        I want all of our dreams to come true but how can I say that to others if I am too afraid of them crushing my dreams in the process?

        Not exactly sure how to do this...compassionate assertiveness...but I am going to do it.

        And Annie, thank you for your kind attention!! If you were here I would dance with you 🙂

        1. Oh Eve, I think you have compassionate assertiveness down already. At least on this blog! I will be ready to support whatever more compassionate assertiveness you have waiting for us. And if any dream crushers come along lets envision throwing something like a banana cream pie in their face while we sweetly say "thank you for your input".

  12. I love your post Randy. Your short sweet messages lately are the best! I'm an out of control:) procrastinator. Usually I just put unpleasant or scary things off until they go away. Mostly, I just like to daydream. So, I find it important to live in the precious present and do things now. Except first, I have to have a little snack and a nap. 🙂

  13. Living in this moment makes sense because in reality we are not in control of our lifespan. But anticipation of many more moments like this, perhaps is the reason for plans and dreams in the future.
    So, the moments of the past realistically can not be changed, therefore re-living and regretting them does not make sense.
    The present moment, this very moment, is the reality which is here to be enjoyed and celebrated.
    And the future is an expectation of many more moments to come.
    I love life.

  14. Thank you so much for the writing. Really inspiring.
    Prediksi Togel
    <a href="">Prediksi Togel</a>

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  • 32 comments on “Living in the Now”

    1. I love this, turn finite thinking into infinite thinking by planing for the future and living powerfully in the now! Thanks for perpetuating the wisdom you have.

    2. It's Funny I when you catch you mind judging and comparing..(literally it makes me laugh out loud) and it always put you back into the present moment.. I agree, and I just have to say its fulling living in the moment and finding deep satisfaction!! When you can find that DEEP satisfaction in your 'work' and in EVERY MOMENT, that is really all I need! Just droppin in to say Hi Randy! I always read Your Posts and Comment on facebook but not much in here! Thanks Randy, Have a blessed week.

    3. There is such freedom in living in the now. Everything happens in the now and yet most people aren't satisfied with the now and and always focussing on the past or the future. Thanks for reminding them.

    4. I couldn't agree more. It takes practice though. When I find myself focusing on the past or future, I bring myself back to the now right away. Eventually I'll get it without struggling so much.

    5. And affirm the outcome but not how you are going to get there, there may be an alternate route that you may not have thought of.
      Don't hinder the process, just know what you are thankful for!

    6. Hi RG,

      The fact that time doesn't exist has been one of the tougher things to wrap my mind around. When you begin to do present tense affirmations it makes perfect sense though.

      Now is when everything is created so it makes no sense to affirm things in the future tense.

      Thanks for sharing.


    7. I agree totally that life is fullfilled in the moments we are in, not where we have been or where we may be going. I do think that affirmations should be stated as have already been achieved, ex. I am so happy and grateful now that I am..... now that I have..... now that I am experiencing.... Life takes on an entirely different meaning when you come to realize that where we are right now is where we can capture life. It's great to project and set goals and do affirmations and visualizations and manifestations, but if we are always waiting for that some day or that some one or that something to show up, then we are missing all the great moments getting there. I am always amazed at how magnified my experiences become when I am in the moment, whether it be while I am having a conversation with someone and being totally ingadged with them or when I just look around and notice something as simple as a bird hovering above or a breeze blowing my hair around or a magnificent full moon or an amazing sunset. What if we asked ourselves, is this the last one I will ever see? Is this the last time I will ever connect with this person? Is this the last time I will feel what the ocean breeze feels like on my face? I will again reference to the book, by Eckart Tolle, In the now. Great place to start evolving your thinking in this direction. It's a great ride and definitely brings every experience in life to a new level.

    8. Dear Randy - I love all your posts - thank you for BEing such an inspiration.
      I have a question today - To what degree do we just set goals and let our full living in the present take us towards those goals and to what degree are we responsible for coming up with the how and the action plan to make those goals happen?
      Thank you.

      For eternally and always there is only now one and the same now - the present is the only thing that has no end.
      Erwin Schrodinger

      1. I have control freak tendencies, so my nature is to devise a plan. But I believe when you have really imprinted something in your subconscious mind, it will cause you to find the way there, even if you don't have a plan.


      2. Les Brown says, "how is none of your business." If you have a clear intention with a big "why," the "how" will be revealed step by step. Just ask, what do I need to do next? Do that and then ask again. And again.

        1. I agree,
          ASK God for what you want but don't tell Him
          HOW to do it. When you get the answer, which may come as an idea or an opportunity, then ACT on it.

    9. wow! maybe that's been part of my delay, I dont actually always focus on the future more the now, I believe I need to put more emphasis on the now, hmmm that feels completely do-able. I bought Eckhart Tolle book for a present for my partner, perhaps that's a another great read. Thanks RG

    10. Randy,
      I totally agree with you. You have made the day for me by re-enforcing what is being done everyday for me! Thanks and see you at your seminar in Las Vegas. I look forward to be surrounded by like-minded participants!
      All the best,

    11. I like to use this when I am wondering about misunderstandings...I will say to the person's higher spirit "this is what I meant" and then visualize perfect understanding replacing any misunderstanding. Then listen. Sometimes I even hear something affirming coming back from what I believe to be their higher spirit.

      I think this works because we are all connected (to greater or lesser degree depending upon soul interest) so even if something was mistaken in the past, it can be corrected in the present. Of course this doesn't replace the need to talk in person, just helps for small things or to affirm good will.

      As far as affirming in the now for what we wish to experience...since quality of energy sets in motion what we will experience, it does make sense to keep our minds aligned to our highest good.

      so..."belly dance parties, connection to the muses, living in harmony with God, nature and man, speaking authentically, compassion, kindness, love, connection to eternity, exploration with a foundation of wellness and prosperity to synchronize it all together with Tool playing in the back ground"

      The Garden has returned. Everyone can create their own. There's room for us all. If you don't like mine don't focus on it, focus on your own! (I say that in a nice way).

      1. Eve, I think you always say things in a nice way. I have friends that belly dance, and have belly dance parties. It is fun to watch too!

        1. I always try to say things in a nice way, maybe I am too careful.

          I just woke up with the insight that if I want to live in authenticity which will create prosperity) I also have to practice assertive compassion. For me to tolerate mistreatment just because I understand when someone else is in pain is not in the best interest of myself or the one doing it.

          Not speaking out about what I want, dream of and sharing my perspective has been something I have practiced to prevent triggering attacks from others who try to shame, attack or crush others ideas.

          I want all of our dreams to come true but how can I say that to others if I am too afraid of them crushing my dreams in the process?

          Not exactly sure how to do this...compassionate assertiveness...but I am going to do it.

          And Annie, thank you for your kind attention!! If you were here I would dance with you 🙂

          1. Oh Eve, I think you have compassionate assertiveness down already. At least on this blog! I will be ready to support whatever more compassionate assertiveness you have waiting for us. And if any dream crushers come along lets envision throwing something like a banana cream pie in their face while we sweetly say "thank you for your input".

    12. I love your post Randy. Your short sweet messages lately are the best! I'm an out of control:) procrastinator. Usually I just put unpleasant or scary things off until they go away. Mostly, I just like to daydream. So, I find it important to live in the precious present and do things now. Except first, I have to have a little snack and a nap. 🙂

    13. Living in this moment makes sense because in reality we are not in control of our lifespan. But anticipation of many more moments like this, perhaps is the reason for plans and dreams in the future.
      So, the moments of the past realistically can not be changed, therefore re-living and regretting them does not make sense.
      The present moment, this very moment, is the reality which is here to be enjoyed and celebrated.
      And the future is an expectation of many more moments to come.
      I love life.

    14. Thank you so much for the writing. Really inspiring.
      Prediksi Togel
      <a href="">Prediksi Togel</a>

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