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Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 7, 2014


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...


Imagine there is no God.  Please don’t argue or try to convince me there is.  That's not the point.  I realize for most people on earth, they believe there is a supernatural entity of some kind, watching over us.

The truth is, we have no evidence to support these beliefs.   Because you were programmed to believe something when you were a child doesn’t mean it’s true.  The fact that you read a holy book you believe to be the word of God doesn’t mean it’s true.  Even the fact that there are billions of people who believe their particular holy book is the word of God doesn’t make it true.  (And makes it even more likely not to be.)

It's safe to say that if most people applied the same level of rational thought, logic, and skepticism to their religious beliefs as they employ when watching an infomercial on television - their religious beliefs would never pass the test.   But religious memes are highly-charged emotionally, so most people simply are incapable of doing any serious critical analysis of them.  But for the sake of this discussion, please try...

Simply imagine for a moment there is no God.  No omniscient, omnipresent, entity watching over us.  It’s just us. 

Imagine there is no God protecting that young boy recently diagnosed with Leukemia.   No God looking out for that young girl being sold into slavery.  No entity protecting that animal being abused right now.  No supernatural power protecting that homeless lady you see pushing a shopping cart with all her worldly possessions.  No God protecting us from terrorism.  No otherworldly power for the addict facing down their addiction, to pray to...

Imagine there is no God favoring one team in the final moments of a sporting event, or supporting one side in a holy way, or looking over anyone in a time of great catastrophe.  Imagine if it was just us.

Imagine if we couldn’t say, “It’s God’s will,” or ”God works in mysterious ways,” to explain horrific things.  What if we couldn't console ourselves with statements like, "there's another angel in heaven" any longer?  What if you knew that there was no God looking over the homeless people and the abused, the downtrodden and the addicted, the helpless and those without hope?  What if the only entity that could help them…was us?



Randy Gage is the author of nine international bestsellers on success, including, Prosperity Mind.  He’s currently on sabbatical, writing his next book, but posts occasionally here.  If you find these postcards helpful, please share them.

133 comments on “Imagine...”

  1. Imagine, if we could see that what appears to be wrong is actually right. Imagine, that we stop trying to control everything. Imagine, that we would understand that we don't know everything and don't need to do anything but follow our hart.

  2. Belief is without doubt THE most powerful energy in the Universe which is composed of energy as we all know. What we label this energy is connected to beliefs taught to us, correct? As free spirits we have the opportunity to choose what or who we believe in. Imagine that!

  3. Randy John Lennon is now burning in Hell for mocking Jesus.He thought he was above God he made the biggest mistake of his life.Heaven is real and so is Hell.

  4. It's amazing we're still having conversations about supernatural beings watching over us. We have serious problems in the world that desperately need our attention and religion only distracts our attention and clouds our judgment. Religious belief requires the complete suspension of critical thought (as you stated) and the world can no longer afford this luxury. The masses believe in the supernatural because they are brainwashed from birth to believe it. Most people are afraid to die and eternal life provides emotional comfort. It's time for intelligent people to recognize that religion is mythology and science represents reality. Until that day, we will continue to waste time and energy worshipping an invisible man in the sky who doesn't exist.

  5. Sure there's a God.  He's on a spaceship right now with Sasquatch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. They are heading to the planet Kolob looking for Emperor Xenu.

    What would it be like if people pulled their heads out of their asses and stopped believing in supernatural garbage?  The human race would be light years ahead of where it is now, without a doubt.

    Time to grow up people and face reality.  I know it will be one painful bitch to realize that you have bought into a fantasy for so long, but you will get over it and will be better for it.  Case in point - remember when your parents told you there was no Santa Claus?

    Bill Maher said it best -

  6. Hell = ego,unconsciousness... Heaven: Cosmic Love in your Heart. Thank you Randy. 100% responsibility you owe the state of mind.

  7. sure there is.  If there were no Bible I would still believe in Natural Revelation, as in, there's no way this Earth got here by random chance.  Those that still want to believe just want to get off the hook for irresponsible living.  And if I'm wrong what have I lost?  I've lived a good life and tried to make the world a better place.  What have you lost if you're wrong?

  8. God and religion are two different things. I can certainly understand why someone can disagree with religious teachings, but I honestly don't see how people can look at a newborn baby, or a spider's web, or an elephant, or a unicellular organism under a microscope, or the rings of Saturn, or the magnificence of the ocean, or a seashell, or an insect.... without understanding deep in their souls that there is an Unlimited Power behind it all (whatever we may call Her)
    But God's existence doesn't excuse us from caring and helping. We're all in this together, us and God (and everyone and everything else).
    As for religion, in the great philosophical motion picture "Oh God", John Denver's
    character protests to God "I don't belong to any religion", to which God
    replies "Neither do I." I think that says it all.
    - jim

  9. Critical thinking combined with spiritual belief elevates conversation and creates the opening for positive action. We finally have a Pope who is changing the conversation. People like Pope Francis and Malala are great inspirations for me and keep me moving toward creating justice and kinder communities.

  10. Okay that's a great point of imagine there is no god for a moment because will open people eyes that IT IS actually in their power to do things. That's good. But to say there is no evidence to believe so. I mean that there is a superior entity or someone who actually organised things extremely precisely in this universe ..that is a bigger ignorance than people blindly believing in that book you were referring earlier.

  11. Hello Mr. Gage, I recently subscribed to your site and received your post card 🙂 I am not trying to argue or convince you that there is a God. I'm only asking that you IMAGINE there is a God, just as you have asked me to imagine that there is not. I'm not sure what you want your followers to do after reading this postcard, but I know that as a believer in God, your message has moved me to lean on Him more and have faith in His power. My practice in this faith moves me to sympathize with those that are suffering and create new products, services and programs to manage the social issues that cause their suffering. By believing in God I am moved to cook dinners for the homeless in NYC, I am moved to create and raise funds for innovative ventures to eradicate sex trafficking, I'm moved to provide inner city youth with higher level education opportunities for free and I'm moved to provide movement therapy classes for disabled and autistic children. I do these things because I believe in God and I believe he gives me the strength to do them. Can you imagine what we could do if we believed we had unmeasurable strength supplied by the One who created us? I am stronger and more effective when i believe in Him, and my work is evidence. But that's just me and I'm asking that you simply Imagine. It's only fair.

  12. I am very surprised by this article.  Where did this come from? 
     I don't think it is necessary to deny the existence of G-d to try to change things for the better..

    Marx and his followers did that and, as we all know, it didn't work out well.  As a matter of fact it created a system that was horrible for everyone.  If anyone has forgotten or has any doubts about it, let me remind them that people were trying to escape from those socialist/communist states with anti-religion stance to free capitalist countries, not the other way round.
    What I believe we need is freedom to practice religion, or not , to believe or not.

    As a matter of fact, in religion, you can find confirmation of many of the beliefs that we think 
    are necessary for prosperity.  (you can find other things, too, depends on interpretation, but what can I say: some see glass as half-full, some others as half empty 😉
    Religious people are rich and poor and atheists are rich and poor.  

    And the idea that we are created in the image of G-d was not invented by us now, either, it actually comes from religion, lol      So why deny it?

  13. Well we might just accept a greater responsibility for reality and human destiny. Our new mantra might be.. if its going to be its up to me. god is is not emotional like humans. What ever energy we line up god delivers. But its easy to see that we are a evolved creative aspect of our creator. Interesting post

  14. Randy, you do have a weird concept called god.  I suppose like most people do too.  If our only help is us.... well, good luck.  You may want to read Haanel's Masterkey System for his ancient take on the matter. and many people only have their 'belief' in a Higher Power.  I think all belief, unquestioned is a lie. The Truth is an experience ONLY and not some drug or food supplement induced experience. A real one.  Interesting that the guy on point might be blind!  🙂  Now wouldn't that be a gas.... Reminds me of the frog that made it to the top of the tower after every other one failed.  The one that made it was deaf and could not hear all the negative chatter about what he was attempting.  Blindness may just be the best way to see.

  15. I'm wondering how many Christians will be offended enough to remove themselves from your mailing list?

    I would say ... "Imagine" doing a little historical research instead of summarily dismissing the idea.

    You could start with "Who moved the stone?" by Frank Morrison

  16. Wendy Stevens

    Randy, your thoughts are interesting and who knows they might be true, BUT like choosing a clear road to prosperity believing there is a god or some other entity is absolutely the right of every individual

  17. Steve Siebold Steve, while agree with most of your post, you lose me at "science represents reality." Science continues to evolve and things that were "scientific reality" in the past are not today. And, actually, quantum physics says their is no objective reality.

  18. It's funny, all the comments that are negative about this post, asuming a lot of thins about Randy ... but, I "know" Randy, he like to make people really, REALLY, questioning everything ...
    If You knew Randy, You know he is (or was) a member of the Unity Church ... 🙂
    Good post Randy, makes everyone think and got them wrap their head around 😛

  19. I believe that your argument about science VS religion is the reason we have all the trouble in the world. It seems to me that you and people like you are shoving your beliefs down our throats and trying to take away what gives some of us comfort. I am not a strongly religious person and though I went to sunday school as a child, I have never attended church as a follower, but believing gives me comfort and peace, and I am very private about my beliefs...I do not express those beliefs to others in my life. We are all individuals and as such we all have the right to conduct our lives as we wish and believe what we want, this includes you and others like you. We will never have a belief system where one size fits all. Live and let live Steve. You obviously feel very strongly about your scientific data and that's OK for you and others like you. I do agree that there are some religious leaders in the world that use religion as a weapon and that's wrong on every level. I'd like to think there could be a resolution to that problem, but it won't happen in my lifetime. Good luck with it all Steve.

  20. Another Fascinating Thing to Ponder...

    As I stated above, the point of this post was not to challenge your religious beliefs.  (Although admittedly, that's an easy default setting for me to fall into.)  The point I opened for discussion is how humankind might take care of the rest of humankind - if they didn't believe there was a supernatural entity overseeing things and "us" was all us had. 

    Looking at the comments, many people want to debate the premise I asked them to imagine, and ignored the real question I raised.  Here's what I find so intriguing...

    If I had suggested a role play or case study suggesting we were on the Starship Enterprise and encountered an alien species attacking another alien species that was unable to defend itself - and I raised the moral and ethical issues of whether we should intervene - any rational, intelligent person could divorce themselves from arguing if the Enterprise was real, and debate the question.  Likewise, if I had presented a scenario or case study about a new product that allowed people to be immune to the effects of gravity and wanted to debate whether it should be protected by a patent - any rational, intelligent person could divorce themselves from arguing the implausibility of the mythical product and focus on the issues raised.   Yet when I asked you to assume something about your religious beliefs, many seemingly rational, intelligent people were completely unable to rationally accept a (perhaps) hypothetical premise and debate the actual questions I raised.  They felt a responsibility to defend their belief and convince me or others of that belief. 

    I find that fascinating.  So why do you think that is? 

  21. People should question any and all beliefs because it will either
    strengthen them or give them the power to release them. The way I see it
    is that once Christ died for our sins we are all new in him and we are
    all reconciled to him - which is not the same as redeemed. Read the
    word. He is in Us which would make Randy's statement that it's us that
    can make the changes that are needed in line with that. We are here on earth to be God's
    visual aid yet most people don't use their own power to do all the good
    they can. Just my humble opinion.

  22. Imagine there is a supernatural entity and it is different from what is in the bible or any other book. Imagine it is just toying with us. Providing us with great wealth and prosperity. Teasing us. Humoring us until...
    Until the game ends and we realize we have suckered into believing it was all us. That we are gods in human form only to find out we are pets and toys to a power that enjoys crushing us after building our egos to the point where we actually believe we are actually in control of our destiny. Then squash! Like bugs. Left as a stain on the sidewalk of existence. Lower than low.
    Or, you can imagine you are all knowing, all powerful, unlimited.
    Isn't imagination great? I could imagine all day. However, that isn't make me a rich as Randy. So, I will pass on the idea of imagining some of the dribble Randy suggests. Instead, I'm doing what Randy does. I'm doing the things Randy doesn't want us to know about to get rich the way he really does.
    Imagine Randy was open, honest and really cared about you and not how much money he can get from you. POOF! Reality!  It ain't gonna happen. You are now hooked on imagining that Randy is actually trying help you. Anyone waiting for another empty book in hopes Randy will give us the key to riches?
    If so, I have a bridge I would like to lease you for the summer.

  23. We are caught between a paradox, the truth and something new. When action is pure and selfless, evrything settles into its own perfect place. Ignore the negative, if it come out from you it is bc it was inside of you.

  24. Imagine a world free of judgement and condemnation . . . a world of peace! That's something we have to give each other, God or no God, in fact that's the only way we'll ever get it - by giving it.  Randy says "It's just us", that may or may not be, but it is up to us!

  25. It was AWESOME man! Imagining it was pretty hard for me, but I'll try one more time and one more and one more.. there must be something if you say it!

  26. And Nico Fameliaris: Imagine that, he didn't ask u to believe it.. Imagination won't cost u a penny! Try imagine anything 😉

  27. Can we prove with physical evidence that there is a God?  Probably not.  So, I don't bother to go that way. I'm a very logical person and I subscribe to this flow of reasoning:
    Randy, you live your entire life believing there is no God. And you live a great life - anyone who knows you would attest to that.

    And I live my life believing in the God of the Bible who loves me. And as a result of his love, I live a great life too.
    Now imagine we are on our death beds... both having lived a great life. One of two scenarios will play out.
    Scenario 1: It turns out that Randy Gage was right, there is no God! Then we both end up as worm food. End of story. No issue there. 
    Scenario 2: BUT if it turns out that there is a God and there are consequences whether you know or not know this Creator, and the consequences (good and bad) lasts for eternity, according to His Word in the Bible, then what?
    If Scenario 2 turns out to be the case, then I will still be fine. But you will be in a position you will not like, and for a long long long time, and there is nothing you can do to stop it - you can't even commit suicide then to end your misery. Imagine the worst period of your life, and then imagine that period repeating itself over and over and over and over... 
    Life is about choices. I choose Scenario 2.  Why anyone would choose Scenario 1, I can't imagine. 🙂

  28. If you are truly a "very logical person" then you would practice all of the world's religions.  If there is a heaven, you would surely go there if you did this.  I am sure you are not so pompous (as are the other 99.999 percent of religious followers) to believe that your religious thinking/actions are the only way into heaven.

    I have heard this type of dumb-shit logic several times by religious persons.  If you are going to follow this line of reasoning, why not believe in leprechauns?  If you don't believe in leprechauns, you will never get the pot of gold.  But if you do believe in leprechauns, at least there is an off chance you will obtain his pot of gold.  Or how about this one - you are a juror on a rape trial.  You cannot determine, to your satisfaction, whether or not the guy is guilty.  Following your logic, you might as well throw him in jail because if there is even the slightest chance he is the perpetrator, at least he will be locked up and will not offend again.  Goofy shit, right?  No logical person would agree with the last 2 scenarios.  But religious people use this type of reasoning all of the time.

    No one should believe there is a God just because if they don't, they will spend eternity in a lake of fire being eaten by worms (holy shit, Harry Potter novels have more imagination than this).  A person should believe in a God only if they have enough evidence to believe the supernatural entity exists.  It is called "thinking for yourself."  Unfortunately, two areas that need this the most, religion and politics, are the two areas it is used the least.

  29. Imagine there is no God?  Horrible, absolutely horrible.  The next thing that would happen is people would start thinking for themselves and using actual logic.  That would be a nightmare for television programming… Say goodbye to Honey Boo-Boo, Duck Dynasty, and the rest of "reality" television.

  30. Wow! Randy said imagine but as soon as he says imagine there is no God you all go on TILT! He didn't say what he believes one way or another. He was just challenging us to think for ourselves instead of hiding behind religion which is manmade rules by the way.

  31. Randy posed a hypothetical stance for the purpose of engaging people and helping people wake up (of course my perspective). Truth is dynamic alive and very versatile. It is under the umbrella of consciousness. From the all pervasive spirit to aliens, quaczars, old forms, new forms, pools of intent, mice, men, women, Jesus' biological father, all is one. Breathe, smile and go slowly.. enjoy the forest and the trees. "Outside of all ideas of right doing and wrong doing.. there is a field, ill meet you there."

  32. Randy, you are entitled to your beliefs and understandings. Just as many want the believers in God to prove that there is a God, can the non-believers please try to prove that there is no God. Maybe what we do not have now is a God that can be rationally and scientifically understood. That may be the primary reason for all this scepticism. Interestingly I found my answers more than four decades back. It may be of help. Please access

  33. Fascinating idea RG, up to a point..
    Allow me to qualify this:  As a follower of your work, and the work of Charles Fillmore, my thought process (in as much as I can be true to the truth, moment by moment) IS DEFINED by how I see "Divine Mind" ie: the mind of God, our Creator.
    I could progress in, or attract Prosperity Consciousness without "the reality" of Divine Mind.
    Does anyone else relate?

    The ONLY REAL REALITY that allows me to walk in Faith and SELF correct, are the attributes of Divine Mind.

    DIVINE MIND my fellow students IS GOD.
    ..and without GOD, I see no way for imagination to exist..

    ..and how else can one make sense of "memes", ego, mental conditioning, and how would "inspiration" play a role, with no Creator (God)?

    ..I was watching a Mark J Ryan hypnosis mindset training, and it dawned on me, there could be no progression in consciousness for anyone without God, our Creator. Divine Mind would not be the ONLY reality if that were true.
    ..and if it were true, how could one possibly explain one's "innate divinity", or would that attribute of mankind even exist? (without a God)

    any thoughts people of greatness?

  34. I fully agree. It is all up to us. Did you know that most hospitals, orphanages, schools, and efforts to abolish slavery were established by Christians? How we live is informed by what we believe.

  35. First of all Randy did not say whether he believes in a higher power or not...he just asked us to contemplate what life would be like if we didn't have those beliefs.
    I find it absolutely staggering that so many people here are unable to answer this post without feeling totally threatened and immediately find themselves having to defend their beliefs. That alone speaks volumes about the "freedom of thought" aka 'bondage' their religion has over them. coming from someone who does believe in God I will try to answer some of his scenario;
    1) Would I still have a conscience to do the "right" thing by myself and my fellow humans without a god?
    Well the fact that I know many atheists who have far more compassion and do far more to help others than many "religious" people I know would tell me that believing in God is certainly not a prerequisite for doing good on the earth. So hopefully my answer would be a resounding YES!
    Would society collapse into total anarchy without religion... or would it actually improve? With so many despicable acts done in the name of god perhaps it would be the latter? I know I would claim that my faith would never be used to oppress others... but I realise now how even in minor things my God beliefs tend to control those who I have influence over and may not actually always empower them at all.
    2) Without a god I wouldn't have my life controlled by the thought that I must follow a religious teaching or some morality principle or some book just because when I die it might turn out to be correct... and as a result if I don't I will be punished in hell fire for eternity. Others here protest that at least I would still live a good life by doing so...but perhaps I would actually live a far happier, freer and more fulfilled live if I wasn't controlled by that superstitious meme.
    (Besides I don't think a benevolent God would punish me for something I couldn't possibly have known for sure if it was his will or not... fact I often think it is far more likely that God would punish me severely for following & claiming something was of him (ie the Bible teachings) based on faith & righteous feeling alone.
    To follow & claim something is of God if it can't be rationally proven could almost be blasphemous and would certainly incur his would certainly incur my anger if someone was claiming to have letters I had written and were preaching my will from them if they weren't from me at all. But I'm getting way off track from the question posed by this post ...what if there actually wasn't a God to punish or reward me?)
    3) Because I have a belief in the power of "God" to heal me physically, comfort me, bless my life financially and help me in all other aspects of my life I think I would find it very difficult to take on that responsibility for myself without a God belief of a higher power that helps me achieve stuff in my life.
    In other words I use my very strong beliefs in God to achieve happiness & other wonderful things in my life. Unless I could come up with another way of "believing" that was just as powerful to achieve these results I think I would struggle.
    4) I think I would be far freer to be "me" and be the person I was "created" to be if I wasn't so subconsciously controlled by all the rules and teachings instilled by my church from the Bible which I am told are of God... but which could just as easily by a mans concept of God.
    For all the good stuff a church teaches there seems to be just as much crap in the form of fear, condemnation & superstition that is shoved into you. In other words I will have spent my entire life following someone else's concept of God and morality...which may at times be empowering but just as often be very limiting.
    5) Without a God would I feel the pentecostal "spiritual high" I get from praying to my God that many non-church goers admit they have never experienced?
    Well recently I saw evidence which showed how these same intense god-like feelings of emotion & "certainty" can be replicated even in people who are atheists given the right set of circumstances and beliefs. In other words what you think is a wonderful spiritual experience from God could just as easily be a very normal but human phenomena. 
    To conclude...can I image a life without God?....probably not...but I can certainly imagine a world without the man made concepts of heaven & hell and religious books that supposedly contain the will of God for us to follow...

  36. It doesn´t work Randy! If theres no heaven, what is there instead?
    I have not touch the sky but I have years of experience with God and as I can in every moment I look up see the heaven. 
    Is atheism a religion ?

  37. You ask me to share the LOve?what are your views on love?That I could share.
    I speak to Go everyday in my own way.I also use to be a great sleptic until I read CWG written by Neale Donald Walsh.
    I follow no one but myself.When I read these series of books I just felt comfortable with me.Try it and tell me what you think my friend.Can I call you friend, brother or........Pierre Thee Quest

  38. Midaspro  Sorry you feel so threatened.We that believe in a higher power are not all that you think we are.I love to read your views.
    The fact that I do not agree is only my point of view.I respect yours even if I do not agree.
    Thanks for sharing your true feelings and emotions with all of us.
    Pierre Thee Quest

  39. Randy you highlighted the reason for this discussion about"Imagine" in a return email to me...I better understood what you were getting at. If there were no entity would I be among the many who step up to the plate and help where-ever I could anywhere in the world..the answer is YES. Among the many things I believe in I believe we should all reach out a helping hand to whom-ever and where-ever it is needed, whether it be in our own backyard or on the other side of the world. But even more we need to teach this service to every generation.

  40. @Kesh
    Your one line reply has so much power in it.
    I read somewhere recently that Miranda Kerr who is apparently an atheist reportedly said that she wished she believed in God so that she didn't have to constantly feel the grave personal responsibility to make the world a better least if she had a god she could confess her sins and be done with it

  41. You said we have no evidence to support these beliefs........  Randy, we have plenty of evidence.  We have evidence all around us.  At least I do.  I've contemplated the idea that there may not be a God but as I do I have to immediately dismiss it because of the overwhelming evidence all around me.  So while I think everyone has tried to imagine this world without God, if they just stop and smell a rose or two they have to admit, at least to themselves, that there is a creator.  As far as your post, I think you should consider just how many people you influence and what the consequences can be for the seed of doubt (no matter how intended) you plant in their 2 cents (which is usually only worth about half a penny)

  42. What if, what if, what if...
    If there was no God, this earth would already be hell! The slightest 'good' in any person is because there is a God in heaven.
    Randy, a question for you: What if atheism is one big lie? Hmmm? Just what if?
    For all you do to make this world more Godly (and you do), I say a sincere 'God bless you'.

  43. You would get the same response if you told young children to imagine there was not a Santa Claus. Adults are nothing more than small children when it comes to logic and common sense, only more adamant and violent (and, of course, their Santa is better than your Santa).

  44. The basis of many religions is love. To love one another. Then they go ahead and destroy that concept with all the many dos and donts and generally make it all so complicated.,and make sure that whatever religion you belong to you are indoctrinated at a very early age.
    I was a devout catholic for many many years, believing in God and catholicism. One day I woke up and started questioning but there were no answers.  I was just told it is a mystery. I was told that priests and nuns etc were special people who God 'called' to be in charge of his church. So why would God call people who sexually, mentally and physically abused the most vulnerable ' children without families' in our society. They got away with it for years. Because they represented God and so whatever they were doing was right. The Vatican knew all this and covered it up.
    I am no longer a devout catholic but a person who believes in loving my neighbour and in being kind and generous. I like to Imagine it is just 'us' and that we and we alone take responsibility for ourselves and be the best we can be for ourselves and those we love.

  45. Finally, a breath of fresh air.  Every now and then, it's great to see a raft of intelligence floating on a sea of ignorance.  Maybe there's hope for the human race after all.

  46. JefferyYong  You're describing Pascal's wager, a seventeenth century idea that's been criticized and even debunked pretty thoroughly. To me the "inauthentic faith" argument is the one I just can't get past. An omniscient god would know wether your faith is real or not. Therefore it would be futile to pretend to believe, because that wouldn't help. You couldn't rationalize your way to heaven, belief would be the only way.
    Sorry, but I fail to see the logic in this reasoning.

  47. Bobsmith7772014
    I assume Bob you are basing your conclusions on the fact our earth is so amazingly complex and science is yet unable to fully or convincingly explain how this could come to be through natural process.
    I am interested to know from anyone here then, if one has a belief in a God to create our world does that also mean you automatically...
    ...need a Bible or the Quran or the book of Mormon or some other spiritual text to worship your God? If so why? And what makes these texts also of God or not?
    (Not wanting to create a fight...just curious to know why people think the way they do and how they arrive at their beliefs)

  48. It's religion; logic has nothing to do with it.  Actually, the less you question and the more you follow blindly, the more pious you are considered by the rest of the flock (religion is the only aspect in someone's life where questioning is considered bad, i.e., doubting Thomas).

  49. pandkenterprises When we can all unlearn that which is so "culturally encrypted", ie sarcasm & fascetiousness (sp) and come from love and prosperity consciousness, we strengthen the "obvious "solution. => #prosperityconsciousness

  50. Randy_Gage Very interesting RG!  ..and since "Love knows no defence", were we all coming from fear? If so, fear of what, being wrong, inadequate, insecure without an Omniscient, omnipotent Creator?
    In my mind, your perhaps hypothetical premise, "voided out" the concept of Gods spirit substance, and the fact that prosperity substance is in the "ethers", but we cannot see it, feel it, (directly) or smell it..
    It took a lot of courage to beleive that (for me anyway) and then your premise made "nullified" that..
    I beleive our 'empathic gene' would come to the forefront, as well as our Leadership gene, their would be many more leaders 'self selected" with people wanting to make a difference.

    "Good people would colonize" and anti-prosperity people would assume "vagabond consciousness"
    Wouldn't y'all agree?

  51. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  
    Actually Midaspro, Your assumption is wrong (you know what happens when you assume:))  I think science is great but that's not really what I was referring to as evidence.  I never even mentioned a God, or a bible or a Quran.  The evidence isn't on the outside, even though I believe there's plenty there.  The evidence is on the inside.  Think about it.........deep down, you know........and if you don't think so then just wait until you're in that situation that you don't see a way out of.  When all hope is lost.... Then who will you pray to?

  52. "My invisible God is better than your invisible God...!!"
     - the source of over 99% of the worlds problems...

  53. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
    My apologies for the assumption Bob...hopefully I get it right this time.
    So what you are saying is... the way to know if there is a Creator or not is... if one has a very strong feeling about it deep down inside then it must be right.
    Can I also use this method as evidence to validate any other beliefs that I have?

  54. I agree it isn't always healthy to have a God that steps in and works one's behalf. I don't think atheism Is so terrible. It is worse to be dependent on a belief that doesn't serve your best interests.
    However, having said that I don't think it is unhealthy to believe in God either, only the concept of God you have mentioned here.

  55. I think this would go well with this discussion about imagining the world without G-d:
    How about watching The Decalogue I 
    (it is on youtube)
    After an atheist is stricken with tragedy, he blames.... G-d for what happened - (thus finally acknowledging His existence)
    But I have to warn you that it is a serious and sad movie

  56. What I take away from your post Randy is personal responsibility. God/religion is often used as a crutch. It removes the need to ask uncomfortable questions about the role we (or others) played in the events occurring in our lives.

  57. There's also scenario 3 - God exists but there is no judgement day. Everything we have done here on earth was quite okay, even so called despicable acts.
    Add scenarios 4, 5, 6 etc. here...

  58. Delicious questions Randy and brilliant food for thought. I would say that we're comfortable as we are. We also like to be right. Questioning beliefs could cause them to be invalidated. Many perceive change as uncomfortable and painful. We might be ostracised by our friends and family for being, thinking and believing differently. We would stick out from the crowd. Maybe we'd lose our friends and be lonely. It's safer to stick with what we know, even if it's holding us back. Uncomfortable certainly is more appealing to most than comfortable uncertainty.

  59. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro  The evidence on the inside is knowing your own strength and feelings. Its evidence that you have been strong enough to throw off all the brainwashing and indoctrination and start questioning and believing for yourself.
    The evidence on the outside brings into serious doubt that there is a god my post.

  60. It's good sometimes just to imagine. For me one of the importart things of God is inner voice, saying "That's good for me and that is no". It could be said that it's us too, but I think, that it's our unity with God.
    Gratitude for your work and care, Randy.

  61. JefferyYong
    Ok...scenario 4 lol...
    It ends up that God punishes all those people who did not have the respect and decency to question how they were brought up or to question what they were taught by their church or pastor...and the common sense to rationally and scientifically prove that the scriptures, spiritual texts, churches teachings and beliefs they were using to supposedly worship him were actually of Him.
    Yes that's right... it turns out that having faith and a very strong feeling about it deep down inside just doesn't cut it with God.
    Too late we find out that the worse sin of all is to claim God was instrumental in creating or doing something or writing something he NEVER did... followed by the even bigger sin of not using & applying the scientific brain that God gave us to apply proper critical thinking and proper due diligence to such weighty we would with almost every other aspect of our life except when it comes to God...well if I were God I'd be pissed too.

  62. I believe that everything is up to us and just to us. There is no any ”God works in mysterious ways" or somethings. That's just a lack of information or an excuses using a powerful phrases which is accepted by society.
    I don't need to imagine what you say, Randy, I simply believe that 🙂

  63. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  Strong feelings? Have you not ever known something?  Belief is not simply a "Strong feeling deep down".  It is knowing in your heart of hearts.  It is acting on those beliefs.  You guys seem to have a lot of time on your hands trying to create conversations that question others beliefs.  I ask you to do this......wait.  Wait until that time that I spoke of comes for us all......and when it comes for you and you finally find your'll let go of that pride; You know, the pride that holds you the supreme master of destiny.  As you look up and pray to a Creator that you've never acknowledged, asking for his help, I want you to think of this exchange.......

  64. roblarue I had been thinking I may change the recipient of my tithing.. or I may keep it the same, so it's interesting that you mention that

  65. Aistis Zidanavicius Just to clarify what you're saying, does that mean you do not believe you have a creator and higher power to look up to?

    and how would you change your thoughts and thinking if you knew for certain there is a God?

  66. I dont believe, Peter. I believe that everything depends on us and we are creating ourselves by our thougts and actions. Its easy to put a responsibility on others or that higher power as you say, but by my belief its not correct. You have to take responsibility for everything by yourself!
    If I knew for certain that God exist I dont know how I would change my thinking. There is no point in making such an assumption, because it doesnt make any scense. I believe that every action has its results and believing that there is something that doesnt depend on me makes no scense of life..

  67. Well, excuse me, Mr. Gage but I think I said about the same thing earlier than Carmen's post. I mean what the hell is it because I'm me? You could give me some credit when I write something effective.

  68. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
    Appreciate your reply Bob.
    The thing is, I do know exactly what you are talking about. However I finally came to realise that "knowing in my heart of hearts" was in the end still just a "strong feeling" with no real basis for truth...more "hope" probably.
    Any Jihadist knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that their murderous mission is ordained by God himself and how dare anyone suggest it is just a very strong "feeling" of certainty...but not actually the truth.
    I still believe in a Creator...but after 30 years as a Pentecostal preacher who was actively involved in wonderful healing ministry's and seeing countless people's lives changed for good by what I thought was the power of God I began to see another side of the story and slowly realised there was quite possibly other explanations for why these amazing things were occurring, which I wont get into now... but hence my quest for truth and understanding of why people believe and think the way they do.

  69. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  I understand Midas.  I really do....  I think that's why, in times like these, you just gotta have a little faith:) Peace bro!

  70. Please don’t argue or try to convince me there is.
     The truth is, we have no evidence to support these beliefs.   Because
    you were programmed to believe something when you were a child doesn’t
    mean it’s true.  The fact that you read a holy book you believe to be
    the word of God doesn’t mean it’s true.  Even the fact that there are
    billions of people who believe their particular holy book is the word of
    God doesn’t make it true.  (And makes it even more likely not to be.)
    I really think I understood his point.

  71. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro  Had you read my post and understood what I was saying then in the spirit you pupport you would be able to accept it. I am not questioning others beliefs just stating my own. It seems you are the one with time on his hands.

  72. Aistis Zidanavicius  I do not believe that 'everything' is up to us. An asteroid could crash your house tomorrow - will it be still up to you? Don't you think that the universe is bigger than you? If the universe was never "born" how would you be here? Even if we lose our sun or moon we are dead.
    Another interesting thing - we are matter, stars are matter, everything around us is matter - but where did all the matter (even the first atom) come from. I do not believe in God but I believe in the universe. 
    PS: I don't mean to be rude.

  73. vmt87 Aistis Zidanavicius There are many things happening around us which seems are not up to us. The main idea is that we can control our reaction and attitude to them, that's how we are controlling those circumstances. Some things that seem is not possible to control, like you say asteroid crashing to my house, are also controllable, just not so easy to do that. You can monitor the sky with certain technique and be ready for that. You are right, the universe is huge and it's definitely bigger than I am. I'm not trying to deny it. There are things happening in universe, and there are things happening on Earth. As you say, if Sun would be gone, we would be gone. You are right, but if we would be gone, than who cares about what happens after.

  74. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
    Thanks Bob...despite my fears of unwittingly being the perpetrator of Bible fraud... I still know a little faith does indeed do a world of good. Cheers!

  75. Aistis Zidanavicius so, how do you account for the "higher self"; the difference in peoples responses given any set of circumstances?
    ie: how do you account for re-action and response?
    self improvement?
    choosing different options?
    peak performance vs lousy performance?
    material man vs spiritual man?
    virtuosity vs sin?

    opposites in the real world and only goodness of infinite intelligence?

    you haven't accounted for man's misunderstanding or mistranslation of meaning. (when in error)

  76. PeterGHorrill roblarue  I know what I believe. I love the tithing aspect and as Randy has mentioned, you tithe to the source of your spiritual nourishment, and I do believe tithing has made me successful and prosperous. BUT the more athiestic/agnostic I become, I don't have anyone to tithe to. I am thinking about just giving it to Richard Dawkin's non-profit and calling it a day!

  77. roblarue Allow me to paraphrase what you seem to be saying. 
    You believe tithing has made you successful and prosperous, and you're saying one should tithe to their source of their spiritual nourishment (which is true).
    However, you're become more atheist/agnostic.
    If prosperity consciousness is spiritual consciousness, how can you cultivate greater & deeper spiritual (prosperity) consciousness while becoming more atheist/agnostic?

  78. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  I don't think these statements what you are saying is related to the topic of the post, or maybe my English is not so good to understand what you mean? Self-improvement, different options, spirituality and all those other things that you mention here in my opinion is not related to the statement that we are the only ones who are responsible for what's happening around us. It's different topics I think. Still everything is up to you and if you make a choice that doesn't give you a desired result it's still your choice, nobody else is responsible for that.

  79. Aistis Zidanavicius It relates to this blog post topic in this sense:
    If you don't believe there's a God, or imagine there is no God, or Creator of the universe, you wouldn't have the options that God gives us capacity for.
    ie: If there is no Creator, there is and can only be "material man"; there'd be no capacity for "intuition", reasoning, for "higher self" etc..
    Context for thought and thinking would be non-progressive.
    Our progress is directly related to divine inspiration.
    There's also be no miracles, no sense of wonder, no healing, no divine intervention or divine disatisfaction without a Creator, ; God.

    Everyone would be cogs in the wheel of humanity.
    Your physical SELF would have no greater counterpart in the invisible realm, so human potential would not be a reality.
    There would be no such things as DREAMS. (without a God)
    I wouldn't want to live on that planet., within such a race of beings that have no God.
    People could not grow, or transcend circumstance OR consciousness in that environment.

  80. vmt87 Aistis ZidanaviciusThere is "cause" and then theirs "effect".. the Universe, and everything in it; all it's planets and inhabitants, is/are an effect of it's creators divine idea.

    If you don't believe in the invisible, you're misunderstanding spirit. The Universe within human consciousness is FAR greater than the "physical Universe"..

    the proof is in the "hidden order" of cause and effect.

  81. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  By saying all those things you are making just an assumptions based on your opinion and no any clues or any evidences. And still it's not related to the post, because what Randy wants to say by this "Imagine there is no God" is that imagine there is no excuses that you can blame anything or anybody at all. Most people are making such an excuses to put a blame or responsibility of results they don't like and are not willing to change by themselves. It's easy to blame somethings/somebody else, but the truth is that just you, yourself, are responsible for what's happening in your life. It's even not a question about belief, it's a question about responsibility!

  82. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  By saying all those things you are making just an assumptions based on your opinion and no any clues or any evidences. And still it's not related to the post, because what Randy wants to say by this "Imagine there is no God" is that imagine there is no excuses that you can blame anything or anybody at all. Most people are making such an excuses to put a blame or responsibility of results they don't like and are not willing to change by themselves. It's easy to blame somethings/somebody else, but the truth is that just you, yourself, are responsible for what's happening in your life. It's even not a question about belief, it's a question about responsibility!

  83. Aistis Zidanavicius PeterGHorrill  And Belief. Belief is part of responsibility. Belief that you are responsible and an acceptance of that belief.

  84. @vmt87  if an asteroid did crash your house.. it means "you attracted that".. or a meteorite, or anything else.. that's taking responsibility for your "vibration"..

  85. Randy, I'm somewhat surprised you
    are gutsy enough to invite a discussion on a topic where a high percentage of
    your patrons may be offended and drop their subscriptions, so thank you for
    allowing me to express my thoughts.
    Your statement, "The truth
    is, we have no evidence to support these beliefs." Did you mean to say,
    "No scientific evidence"? For anyone to say there is, "no
    evidence", they would have to assert that they have 100% complete knowledge
    of everything in the entire universe. No rational person would be that
    arrogant. Most educated people agree there is no scientific evidence for
    the existence of God. Somewhere in elementary school students
    in America are introduced to the scientific method and one of the first
    things they learn is that science depends on two things; observation
    and repetition. Since God is unique and invisible to our senses the limitations
    of science renders it incapable of determining His existence.
    For that matter science can't prove George Washington existed
    either. However, there are other ways of knowing truth. Historical and
    literary evidence is another good way and there is a tremendous amount of
    evidence that Jesus of Nazareth lived, what he taught, how he died and that he
    was seen alive again by many people for many days. The problem is that most
    unbelievers would rather assume what they want to believe and repeat what other
    non-believers say than take the time and effort of actually examining the
    evidence. An example of this is a friend of mine who believes what his
    economics professor had to say about theology, even though that
    professor had never studied theology. Highly popular in our pluralistic culture
    is the belief that all religions and their "Holy Books" are
    basically the same. The only people who would say that are the ones who have
    never studied religions or read the "Holy Books". Saying that is like
    saying a moped and a strip mining truck are basically the same because they
    both are self-propelled.
    For those few who are honest in
    their desire for truth and are willing to put out some effort, "Mere
    Christianity" by C. S. Lewis would be a good place to start. After that if
    you can think deep enough to follow him, his book, "Miracles" will
    challenge you.
    Randy, you
    asked us to "Imagine" as if we could arrive at truth through
    imagination. Imagination is not a source of truth. At best it may give us some
    ideas to test as being true. It is horribly subject to our biases and at worst
    is mere fantasy. If you want to know what would happen if there was no Supreme
    Being who will hold us accountable for how we treat each other, turn a few
    pages of history. Under that system the strongest person becomes the determiner
    of right and wrong. A group of people are stronger than any individual so the
    group becomes the determiner of right and wrong. The strongest group (political
    party) then becomes the highest authority and they set the standard for right
    and wrong as long as they are in power. Therefore, the Holocaust and creating a
    world- wide conflict that killed between 50 and 60 million
    people was right because the Nazis were the ruling group at the time. Similarly,
    the atheistic Russians were right in murdering 30 million people in the Gulag
    because it served their best interest. The list goes on and on; East Germany,
    East Berlin, China, North Korea etc. If there is no higher authority than
    political parties than these heinous crimes against humanity are simply wrong
    to us while we are in power.
    Please excuse
    me for being skeptical about your belief in the goodness of the human heart. My
    life experience and study of history causes me to conclude it is broken and
    needs fixed. After hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast my church sent
    thousands of dollars of cash, food, clothing and building supplies to the area.
    We rotated teams of volunteer workers down and back for two years. The people
    who went came back saying they saw hundreds of tents all along the devastated
    area housing relief workers from churches all across America. Our group didn’t
    see every tent so I can’t say there weren’t any but, none of us saw a single
    tent from any atheist group, agnostic group, gay rights group, women’s rights
    group, civil rights group, Pro Choice group, Planned Parenthood or for that matter
    any Buddhist group, Islamic group, or Hindu group. My church took care of a
    family after they were evicted from a FEMA trailer because their house wasn’t
    ready before the government’s regulations expired. The trailer which we all
    paid taxes for to help the victims was then towed to a huge storage field and
    parked next to several thousand other vacant FEMA trailers. The fraud and graft
    in dispensing Federal money was so bad that FEMA had to write volumes of new
    regulations. However, that created so much red tape that many victims of Super
    Storm Sandy waited more than a year to get assistance. The relief workers in
    New Jersey dubbed it the “Katrina Affect”. You don’t have to take my word for
    this. Ask the people of the gulf coast and the state of New Jersey, “Who were
    among the first groups to send help and last ones to leave?”
    I’m not the
    only one who is skeptical about your hypothesis of the goodness of the human
    heart. General MacArthur spoke about it in his address to the world after the
    Japanese signed the surrender documents September 2, 1945.
    The problem basically is theological and
    involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will
    synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and
    all the material and cultural developments of the past 2000 years. It must be
    of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.
    Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense through
    most of the Vietnam War, was considered by most to have a brilliant mind. He
    was a political liberal and seen by many as an outstanding humanist. In the
    2004 documentary “The Fog of War” he said, “I’m not so naïve or simplistic to
    believe we can eliminate war. We’re not going to change human nature anytime
    You can google these quotes to read the entire
    speeches or go to a neat little website http://www.xnuhope/ and click on the “Another Way” tab.
    I would like to believe in the goodness of man,
    but I’m not finding any evidence to support it. Randy, maybe you could lead the
    way for those who agree with you. You have acquired a lot of wealth and have
    the ability to give a lot higher percentage of your income to help, “… the homeless people and the abused, the downtrodden and
    the addicted, the helpless and those without hope? ”, that you spoke about
    than the average Christian giving a tithe of their average income.Would you publish your
    2013 tax return and encourage those who agree with you to publish theirs and
    prove to me your actions match your imagination?

  86. People are consistently blaming others for their actions including their God or even "the Devil made me do it. "
    People don't want to take responsibility for their actions. They don't want the consequences of their actions. People blame their heritage, culture, circumstances, the weather, CNN and maybe even Randy Gage for where they are in their life. Apparently, it has nothing to do with their bad choices. Many refuse to grow up and be100% responsibile for their actions; not talking about blame, shame guilt or burden. Just be responsible and empower yourself to your greatness.

  87. There is no what if- we are the only entity that can reach out a human hand and make things better. But that is an inconvenient responsibility. 
    A few years ago, I was shocked to hear the Christian raised naturopathic veterinarian, that brought our precious pet longer, better years, say " I have no need of that hypothesis". This answer was in reply to my statement around his amazing work, and it's God connection.
    His belief did not stop his highest energy work.

  88. I guess that would leave us where we should be all along. Taking responsibility for our own actions and to help those around us who are not only ask for help but actually deserve it.
    Yes I know that sounds cold, but there is another side to look at. Some people enjoy being victims because it calls to us to bail them out. Those no I am sorry, they don't deserve that help. There are others who are in a bad situation with no fault of their own, those yes they do deserve for us to help when we can. There are others who work very hard every day to get where they are going and they too deserve the hand that can help them further along their way.
    All I am saying is when you do help, as we all should or will at times, look closely first and don't squander the energy, wealth and goodness you have on those who will only kick you in the teeth and drag you down with them.

  89. Imagine . . . This is not a new idea. Others have attempted to create a better world without God, men like Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot . . . with horrific consequences: somewhere around 100 million people died. Perhaps we should rethink this idea. "That which is known about God is evident within us." We can accept that reality, or suppress it. Our choice.

  90. As a Christian, I believe it's really important, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem, to really challenge your beliefs and look at them from every perspective. I think this is a completely legitimate idea for people of any faith. Use some imagination to consider all the alternatives. 
    Whoever claims to be "right" is really standing on shaky ground. It's great to believe, as long as you can give an intelligent explanation as to why you believe. Equally, it's not too brilliant to say there is no God without having thoroughly thought it through. 
    I think people are just generally too lazy to think things through themselves. So, they leave it up to others to form their opinions for them. Then, they turn around and reiterate those "convictions" with deep sincerity, as though they had come to the conclusion themselves. 
    You won't know how solid your beliefs are until you let them stand the test. The scriptures say "Test the spirits."
    Hope this helps somebody.

  91. Quantum physics doesn't say anything. These are the wacky ideas of pseudo scientists. Has quantum physics proved that quantum physics does not exist nor the scientists who allegedly practice it?

  92. Nico, please show me God, heaven, and hell right now — or else shut up and then grow up!

  93. Actually Hitler was an altar boy and Christian and based his ideas and totalitarian political methodology on the Roman Catholic Church. Research this for yourself.
    "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
    — Adolf Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941
    "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."
    — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 46
    "I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work."
    — Adolf Hitler, ibid. p. 65
    "This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief."
    — Adolf Hitler, ibid. p 152
    "Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they call it."
    — Adolf Hitler, ibid. Vol. 2 Chapter 1
    "The National Government will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life."
    — Adolf Hitler, Berlin, 1933, first radio address after coming to power.
    "The national Government sees in both Christian denominations the most important factor for the maintenance of our society."
    — Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichstag, March 1933
    Regarding Marx, Stalin, and others, they used a secular, irrational, and abusive ideology with many similarities to that of oppressive religions, but they substituted the "state" or "society" or the "proletariat" for the religious, fictional "God."

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  • 133 comments on “Imagine...”

    1. Imagine, if we could see that what appears to be wrong is actually right. Imagine, that we stop trying to control everything. Imagine, that we would understand that we don't know everything and don't need to do anything but follow our hart.

    2. Belief is without doubt THE most powerful energy in the Universe which is composed of energy as we all know. What we label this energy is connected to beliefs taught to us, correct? As free spirits we have the opportunity to choose what or who we believe in. Imagine that!

    3. Randy John Lennon is now burning in Hell for mocking Jesus.He thought he was above God he made the biggest mistake of his life.Heaven is real and so is Hell.

    4. It's amazing we're still having conversations about supernatural beings watching over us. We have serious problems in the world that desperately need our attention and religion only distracts our attention and clouds our judgment. Religious belief requires the complete suspension of critical thought (as you stated) and the world can no longer afford this luxury. The masses believe in the supernatural because they are brainwashed from birth to believe it. Most people are afraid to die and eternal life provides emotional comfort. It's time for intelligent people to recognize that religion is mythology and science represents reality. Until that day, we will continue to waste time and energy worshipping an invisible man in the sky who doesn't exist.

    5. Sure there's a God.  He's on a spaceship right now with Sasquatch, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny. They are heading to the planet Kolob looking for Emperor Xenu.

      What would it be like if people pulled their heads out of their asses and stopped believing in supernatural garbage?  The human race would be light years ahead of where it is now, without a doubt.

      Time to grow up people and face reality.  I know it will be one painful bitch to realize that you have bought into a fantasy for so long, but you will get over it and will be better for it.  Case in point - remember when your parents told you there was no Santa Claus?

      Bill Maher said it best -

    6. Hell = ego,unconsciousness... Heaven: Cosmic Love in your Heart. Thank you Randy. 100% responsibility you owe the state of mind.

    7. sure there is.  If there were no Bible I would still believe in Natural Revelation, as in, there's no way this Earth got here by random chance.  Those that still want to believe just want to get off the hook for irresponsible living.  And if I'm wrong what have I lost?  I've lived a good life and tried to make the world a better place.  What have you lost if you're wrong?

    8. God and religion are two different things. I can certainly understand why someone can disagree with religious teachings, but I honestly don't see how people can look at a newborn baby, or a spider's web, or an elephant, or a unicellular organism under a microscope, or the rings of Saturn, or the magnificence of the ocean, or a seashell, or an insect.... without understanding deep in their souls that there is an Unlimited Power behind it all (whatever we may call Her)
      But God's existence doesn't excuse us from caring and helping. We're all in this together, us and God (and everyone and everything else).
      As for religion, in the great philosophical motion picture "Oh God", John Denver's
      character protests to God "I don't belong to any religion", to which God
      replies "Neither do I." I think that says it all.
      - jim

    9. Critical thinking combined with spiritual belief elevates conversation and creates the opening for positive action. We finally have a Pope who is changing the conversation. People like Pope Francis and Malala are great inspirations for me and keep me moving toward creating justice and kinder communities.

    10. Okay that's a great point of imagine there is no god for a moment because will open people eyes that IT IS actually in their power to do things. That's good. But to say there is no evidence to believe so. I mean that there is a superior entity or someone who actually organised things extremely precisely in this universe ..that is a bigger ignorance than people blindly believing in that book you were referring earlier.

    11. Hello Mr. Gage, I recently subscribed to your site and received your post card 🙂 I am not trying to argue or convince you that there is a God. I'm only asking that you IMAGINE there is a God, just as you have asked me to imagine that there is not. I'm not sure what you want your followers to do after reading this postcard, but I know that as a believer in God, your message has moved me to lean on Him more and have faith in His power. My practice in this faith moves me to sympathize with those that are suffering and create new products, services and programs to manage the social issues that cause their suffering. By believing in God I am moved to cook dinners for the homeless in NYC, I am moved to create and raise funds for innovative ventures to eradicate sex trafficking, I'm moved to provide inner city youth with higher level education opportunities for free and I'm moved to provide movement therapy classes for disabled and autistic children. I do these things because I believe in God and I believe he gives me the strength to do them. Can you imagine what we could do if we believed we had unmeasurable strength supplied by the One who created us? I am stronger and more effective when i believe in Him, and my work is evidence. But that's just me and I'm asking that you simply Imagine. It's only fair.

    12. I am very surprised by this article.  Where did this come from? 
       I don't think it is necessary to deny the existence of G-d to try to change things for the better..

      Marx and his followers did that and, as we all know, it didn't work out well.  As a matter of fact it created a system that was horrible for everyone.  If anyone has forgotten or has any doubts about it, let me remind them that people were trying to escape from those socialist/communist states with anti-religion stance to free capitalist countries, not the other way round.
      What I believe we need is freedom to practice religion, or not , to believe or not.

      As a matter of fact, in religion, you can find confirmation of many of the beliefs that we think 
      are necessary for prosperity.  (you can find other things, too, depends on interpretation, but what can I say: some see glass as half-full, some others as half empty 😉
      Religious people are rich and poor and atheists are rich and poor.  

      And the idea that we are created in the image of G-d was not invented by us now, either, it actually comes from religion, lol      So why deny it?

    13. Well we might just accept a greater responsibility for reality and human destiny. Our new mantra might be.. if its going to be its up to me. god is is not emotional like humans. What ever energy we line up god delivers. But its easy to see that we are a evolved creative aspect of our creator. Interesting post

    14. Randy, you do have a weird concept called god.  I suppose like most people do too.  If our only help is us.... well, good luck.  You may want to read Haanel's Masterkey System for his ancient take on the matter. and many people only have their 'belief' in a Higher Power.  I think all belief, unquestioned is a lie. The Truth is an experience ONLY and not some drug or food supplement induced experience. A real one.  Interesting that the guy on point might be blind!  🙂  Now wouldn't that be a gas.... Reminds me of the frog that made it to the top of the tower after every other one failed.  The one that made it was deaf and could not hear all the negative chatter about what he was attempting.  Blindness may just be the best way to see.

    15. I'm wondering how many Christians will be offended enough to remove themselves from your mailing list?

      I would say ... "Imagine" doing a little historical research instead of summarily dismissing the idea.

      You could start with "Who moved the stone?" by Frank Morrison

    16. Wendy Stevens

      Randy, your thoughts are interesting and who knows they might be true, BUT like choosing a clear road to prosperity believing there is a god or some other entity is absolutely the right of every individual

    17. Steve Siebold Steve, while agree with most of your post, you lose me at "science represents reality." Science continues to evolve and things that were "scientific reality" in the past are not today. And, actually, quantum physics says their is no objective reality.

    18. It's funny, all the comments that are negative about this post, asuming a lot of thins about Randy ... but, I "know" Randy, he like to make people really, REALLY, questioning everything ...
      If You knew Randy, You know he is (or was) a member of the Unity Church ... 🙂
      Good post Randy, makes everyone think and got them wrap their head around 😛

    19. I believe that your argument about science VS religion is the reason we have all the trouble in the world. It seems to me that you and people like you are shoving your beliefs down our throats and trying to take away what gives some of us comfort. I am not a strongly religious person and though I went to sunday school as a child, I have never attended church as a follower, but believing gives me comfort and peace, and I am very private about my beliefs...I do not express those beliefs to others in my life. We are all individuals and as such we all have the right to conduct our lives as we wish and believe what we want, this includes you and others like you. We will never have a belief system where one size fits all. Live and let live Steve. You obviously feel very strongly about your scientific data and that's OK for you and others like you. I do agree that there are some religious leaders in the world that use religion as a weapon and that's wrong on every level. I'd like to think there could be a resolution to that problem, but it won't happen in my lifetime. Good luck with it all Steve.

    20. Another Fascinating Thing to Ponder...

      As I stated above, the point of this post was not to challenge your religious beliefs.  (Although admittedly, that's an easy default setting for me to fall into.)  The point I opened for discussion is how humankind might take care of the rest of humankind - if they didn't believe there was a supernatural entity overseeing things and "us" was all us had. 

      Looking at the comments, many people want to debate the premise I asked them to imagine, and ignored the real question I raised.  Here's what I find so intriguing...

      If I had suggested a role play or case study suggesting we were on the Starship Enterprise and encountered an alien species attacking another alien species that was unable to defend itself - and I raised the moral and ethical issues of whether we should intervene - any rational, intelligent person could divorce themselves from arguing if the Enterprise was real, and debate the question.  Likewise, if I had presented a scenario or case study about a new product that allowed people to be immune to the effects of gravity and wanted to debate whether it should be protected by a patent - any rational, intelligent person could divorce themselves from arguing the implausibility of the mythical product and focus on the issues raised.   Yet when I asked you to assume something about your religious beliefs, many seemingly rational, intelligent people were completely unable to rationally accept a (perhaps) hypothetical premise and debate the actual questions I raised.  They felt a responsibility to defend their belief and convince me or others of that belief. 

      I find that fascinating.  So why do you think that is? 

    21. People should question any and all beliefs because it will either
      strengthen them or give them the power to release them. The way I see it
      is that once Christ died for our sins we are all new in him and we are
      all reconciled to him - which is not the same as redeemed. Read the
      word. He is in Us which would make Randy's statement that it's us that
      can make the changes that are needed in line with that. We are here on earth to be God's
      visual aid yet most people don't use their own power to do all the good
      they can. Just my humble opinion.

    22. Imagine there is a supernatural entity and it is different from what is in the bible or any other book. Imagine it is just toying with us. Providing us with great wealth and prosperity. Teasing us. Humoring us until...
      Until the game ends and we realize we have suckered into believing it was all us. That we are gods in human form only to find out we are pets and toys to a power that enjoys crushing us after building our egos to the point where we actually believe we are actually in control of our destiny. Then squash! Like bugs. Left as a stain on the sidewalk of existence. Lower than low.
      Or, you can imagine you are all knowing, all powerful, unlimited.
      Isn't imagination great? I could imagine all day. However, that isn't make me a rich as Randy. So, I will pass on the idea of imagining some of the dribble Randy suggests. Instead, I'm doing what Randy does. I'm doing the things Randy doesn't want us to know about to get rich the way he really does.
      Imagine Randy was open, honest and really cared about you and not how much money he can get from you. POOF! Reality!  It ain't gonna happen. You are now hooked on imagining that Randy is actually trying help you. Anyone waiting for another empty book in hopes Randy will give us the key to riches?
      If so, I have a bridge I would like to lease you for the summer.

    23. We are caught between a paradox, the truth and something new. When action is pure and selfless, evrything settles into its own perfect place. Ignore the negative, if it come out from you it is bc it was inside of you.

    24. Imagine a world free of judgement and condemnation . . . a world of peace! That's something we have to give each other, God or no God, in fact that's the only way we'll ever get it - by giving it.  Randy says "It's just us", that may or may not be, but it is up to us!

    25. It was AWESOME man! Imagining it was pretty hard for me, but I'll try one more time and one more and one more.. there must be something if you say it!

    26. And Nico Fameliaris: Imagine that, he didn't ask u to believe it.. Imagination won't cost u a penny! Try imagine anything 😉

    27. Can we prove with physical evidence that there is a God?  Probably not.  So, I don't bother to go that way. I'm a very logical person and I subscribe to this flow of reasoning:
      Randy, you live your entire life believing there is no God. And you live a great life - anyone who knows you would attest to that.

      And I live my life believing in the God of the Bible who loves me. And as a result of his love, I live a great life too.
      Now imagine we are on our death beds... both having lived a great life. One of two scenarios will play out.
      Scenario 1: It turns out that Randy Gage was right, there is no God! Then we both end up as worm food. End of story. No issue there. 
      Scenario 2: BUT if it turns out that there is a God and there are consequences whether you know or not know this Creator, and the consequences (good and bad) lasts for eternity, according to His Word in the Bible, then what?
      If Scenario 2 turns out to be the case, then I will still be fine. But you will be in a position you will not like, and for a long long long time, and there is nothing you can do to stop it - you can't even commit suicide then to end your misery. Imagine the worst period of your life, and then imagine that period repeating itself over and over and over and over... 
      Life is about choices. I choose Scenario 2.  Why anyone would choose Scenario 1, I can't imagine. 🙂

    28. If you are truly a "very logical person" then you would practice all of the world's religions.  If there is a heaven, you would surely go there if you did this.  I am sure you are not so pompous (as are the other 99.999 percent of religious followers) to believe that your religious thinking/actions are the only way into heaven.

      I have heard this type of dumb-shit logic several times by religious persons.  If you are going to follow this line of reasoning, why not believe in leprechauns?  If you don't believe in leprechauns, you will never get the pot of gold.  But if you do believe in leprechauns, at least there is an off chance you will obtain his pot of gold.  Or how about this one - you are a juror on a rape trial.  You cannot determine, to your satisfaction, whether or not the guy is guilty.  Following your logic, you might as well throw him in jail because if there is even the slightest chance he is the perpetrator, at least he will be locked up and will not offend again.  Goofy shit, right?  No logical person would agree with the last 2 scenarios.  But religious people use this type of reasoning all of the time.

      No one should believe there is a God just because if they don't, they will spend eternity in a lake of fire being eaten by worms (holy shit, Harry Potter novels have more imagination than this).  A person should believe in a God only if they have enough evidence to believe the supernatural entity exists.  It is called "thinking for yourself."  Unfortunately, two areas that need this the most, religion and politics, are the two areas it is used the least.

    29. Imagine there is no God?  Horrible, absolutely horrible.  The next thing that would happen is people would start thinking for themselves and using actual logic.  That would be a nightmare for television programming… Say goodbye to Honey Boo-Boo, Duck Dynasty, and the rest of "reality" television.

    30. Wow! Randy said imagine but as soon as he says imagine there is no God you all go on TILT! He didn't say what he believes one way or another. He was just challenging us to think for ourselves instead of hiding behind religion which is manmade rules by the way.

    31. Randy posed a hypothetical stance for the purpose of engaging people and helping people wake up (of course my perspective). Truth is dynamic alive and very versatile. It is under the umbrella of consciousness. From the all pervasive spirit to aliens, quaczars, old forms, new forms, pools of intent, mice, men, women, Jesus' biological father, all is one. Breathe, smile and go slowly.. enjoy the forest and the trees. "Outside of all ideas of right doing and wrong doing.. there is a field, ill meet you there."

    32. Randy, you are entitled to your beliefs and understandings. Just as many want the believers in God to prove that there is a God, can the non-believers please try to prove that there is no God. Maybe what we do not have now is a God that can be rationally and scientifically understood. That may be the primary reason for all this scepticism. Interestingly I found my answers more than four decades back. It may be of help. Please access

    33. Fascinating idea RG, up to a point..
      Allow me to qualify this:  As a follower of your work, and the work of Charles Fillmore, my thought process (in as much as I can be true to the truth, moment by moment) IS DEFINED by how I see "Divine Mind" ie: the mind of God, our Creator.
      I could progress in, or attract Prosperity Consciousness without "the reality" of Divine Mind.
      Does anyone else relate?

      The ONLY REAL REALITY that allows me to walk in Faith and SELF correct, are the attributes of Divine Mind.

      DIVINE MIND my fellow students IS GOD.
      ..and without GOD, I see no way for imagination to exist..

      ..and how else can one make sense of "memes", ego, mental conditioning, and how would "inspiration" play a role, with no Creator (God)?

      ..I was watching a Mark J Ryan hypnosis mindset training, and it dawned on me, there could be no progression in consciousness for anyone without God, our Creator. Divine Mind would not be the ONLY reality if that were true.
      ..and if it were true, how could one possibly explain one's "innate divinity", or would that attribute of mankind even exist? (without a God)

      any thoughts people of greatness?

    34. I fully agree. It is all up to us. Did you know that most hospitals, orphanages, schools, and efforts to abolish slavery were established by Christians? How we live is informed by what we believe.

    35. First of all Randy did not say whether he believes in a higher power or not...he just asked us to contemplate what life would be like if we didn't have those beliefs.
      I find it absolutely staggering that so many people here are unable to answer this post without feeling totally threatened and immediately find themselves having to defend their beliefs. That alone speaks volumes about the "freedom of thought" aka 'bondage' their religion has over them. coming from someone who does believe in God I will try to answer some of his scenario;
      1) Would I still have a conscience to do the "right" thing by myself and my fellow humans without a god?
      Well the fact that I know many atheists who have far more compassion and do far more to help others than many "religious" people I know would tell me that believing in God is certainly not a prerequisite for doing good on the earth. So hopefully my answer would be a resounding YES!
      Would society collapse into total anarchy without religion... or would it actually improve? With so many despicable acts done in the name of god perhaps it would be the latter? I know I would claim that my faith would never be used to oppress others... but I realise now how even in minor things my God beliefs tend to control those who I have influence over and may not actually always empower them at all.
      2) Without a god I wouldn't have my life controlled by the thought that I must follow a religious teaching or some morality principle or some book just because when I die it might turn out to be correct... and as a result if I don't I will be punished in hell fire for eternity. Others here protest that at least I would still live a good life by doing so...but perhaps I would actually live a far happier, freer and more fulfilled live if I wasn't controlled by that superstitious meme.
      (Besides I don't think a benevolent God would punish me for something I couldn't possibly have known for sure if it was his will or not... fact I often think it is far more likely that God would punish me severely for following & claiming something was of him (ie the Bible teachings) based on faith & righteous feeling alone.
      To follow & claim something is of God if it can't be rationally proven could almost be blasphemous and would certainly incur his would certainly incur my anger if someone was claiming to have letters I had written and were preaching my will from them if they weren't from me at all. But I'm getting way off track from the question posed by this post ...what if there actually wasn't a God to punish or reward me?)
      3) Because I have a belief in the power of "God" to heal me physically, comfort me, bless my life financially and help me in all other aspects of my life I think I would find it very difficult to take on that responsibility for myself without a God belief of a higher power that helps me achieve stuff in my life.
      In other words I use my very strong beliefs in God to achieve happiness & other wonderful things in my life. Unless I could come up with another way of "believing" that was just as powerful to achieve these results I think I would struggle.
      4) I think I would be far freer to be "me" and be the person I was "created" to be if I wasn't so subconsciously controlled by all the rules and teachings instilled by my church from the Bible which I am told are of God... but which could just as easily by a mans concept of God.
      For all the good stuff a church teaches there seems to be just as much crap in the form of fear, condemnation & superstition that is shoved into you. In other words I will have spent my entire life following someone else's concept of God and morality...which may at times be empowering but just as often be very limiting.
      5) Without a God would I feel the pentecostal "spiritual high" I get from praying to my God that many non-church goers admit they have never experienced?
      Well recently I saw evidence which showed how these same intense god-like feelings of emotion & "certainty" can be replicated even in people who are atheists given the right set of circumstances and beliefs. In other words what you think is a wonderful spiritual experience from God could just as easily be a very normal but human phenomena. 
      To conclude...can I image a life without God?....probably not...but I can certainly imagine a world without the man made concepts of heaven & hell and religious books that supposedly contain the will of God for us to follow...

    36. It doesn´t work Randy! If theres no heaven, what is there instead?
      I have not touch the sky but I have years of experience with God and as I can in every moment I look up see the heaven. 
      Is atheism a religion ?

    37. You ask me to share the LOve?what are your views on love?That I could share.
      I speak to Go everyday in my own way.I also use to be a great sleptic until I read CWG written by Neale Donald Walsh.
      I follow no one but myself.When I read these series of books I just felt comfortable with me.Try it and tell me what you think my friend.Can I call you friend, brother or........Pierre Thee Quest

    38. Midaspro  Sorry you feel so threatened.We that believe in a higher power are not all that you think we are.I love to read your views.
      The fact that I do not agree is only my point of view.I respect yours even if I do not agree.
      Thanks for sharing your true feelings and emotions with all of us.
      Pierre Thee Quest

    39. Randy you highlighted the reason for this discussion about"Imagine" in a return email to me...I better understood what you were getting at. If there were no entity would I be among the many who step up to the plate and help where-ever I could anywhere in the world..the answer is YES. Among the many things I believe in I believe we should all reach out a helping hand to whom-ever and where-ever it is needed, whether it be in our own backyard or on the other side of the world. But even more we need to teach this service to every generation.

    40. @Kesh
      Your one line reply has so much power in it.
      I read somewhere recently that Miranda Kerr who is apparently an atheist reportedly said that she wished she believed in God so that she didn't have to constantly feel the grave personal responsibility to make the world a better least if she had a god she could confess her sins and be done with it

    41. You said we have no evidence to support these beliefs........  Randy, we have plenty of evidence.  We have evidence all around us.  At least I do.  I've contemplated the idea that there may not be a God but as I do I have to immediately dismiss it because of the overwhelming evidence all around me.  So while I think everyone has tried to imagine this world without God, if they just stop and smell a rose or two they have to admit, at least to themselves, that there is a creator.  As far as your post, I think you should consider just how many people you influence and what the consequences can be for the seed of doubt (no matter how intended) you plant in their 2 cents (which is usually only worth about half a penny)

    42. What if, what if, what if...
      If there was no God, this earth would already be hell! The slightest 'good' in any person is because there is a God in heaven.
      Randy, a question for you: What if atheism is one big lie? Hmmm? Just what if?
      For all you do to make this world more Godly (and you do), I say a sincere 'God bless you'.

    43. You would get the same response if you told young children to imagine there was not a Santa Claus. Adults are nothing more than small children when it comes to logic and common sense, only more adamant and violent (and, of course, their Santa is better than your Santa).

    44. The basis of many religions is love. To love one another. Then they go ahead and destroy that concept with all the many dos and donts and generally make it all so complicated.,and make sure that whatever religion you belong to you are indoctrinated at a very early age.
      I was a devout catholic for many many years, believing in God and catholicism. One day I woke up and started questioning but there were no answers.  I was just told it is a mystery. I was told that priests and nuns etc were special people who God 'called' to be in charge of his church. So why would God call people who sexually, mentally and physically abused the most vulnerable ' children without families' in our society. They got away with it for years. Because they represented God and so whatever they were doing was right. The Vatican knew all this and covered it up.
      I am no longer a devout catholic but a person who believes in loving my neighbour and in being kind and generous. I like to Imagine it is just 'us' and that we and we alone take responsibility for ourselves and be the best we can be for ourselves and those we love.

    45. Finally, a breath of fresh air.  Every now and then, it's great to see a raft of intelligence floating on a sea of ignorance.  Maybe there's hope for the human race after all.

    46. JefferyYong  You're describing Pascal's wager, a seventeenth century idea that's been criticized and even debunked pretty thoroughly. To me the "inauthentic faith" argument is the one I just can't get past. An omniscient god would know wether your faith is real or not. Therefore it would be futile to pretend to believe, because that wouldn't help. You couldn't rationalize your way to heaven, belief would be the only way.
      Sorry, but I fail to see the logic in this reasoning.

    47. Bobsmith7772014
      I assume Bob you are basing your conclusions on the fact our earth is so amazingly complex and science is yet unable to fully or convincingly explain how this could come to be through natural process.
      I am interested to know from anyone here then, if one has a belief in a God to create our world does that also mean you automatically...
      ...need a Bible or the Quran or the book of Mormon or some other spiritual text to worship your God? If so why? And what makes these texts also of God or not?
      (Not wanting to create a fight...just curious to know why people think the way they do and how they arrive at their beliefs)

    48. It's religion; logic has nothing to do with it.  Actually, the less you question and the more you follow blindly, the more pious you are considered by the rest of the flock (religion is the only aspect in someone's life where questioning is considered bad, i.e., doubting Thomas).

    49. pandkenterprises When we can all unlearn that which is so "culturally encrypted", ie sarcasm & fascetiousness (sp) and come from love and prosperity consciousness, we strengthen the "obvious "solution. => #prosperityconsciousness

    50. Randy_Gage Very interesting RG!  ..and since "Love knows no defence", were we all coming from fear? If so, fear of what, being wrong, inadequate, insecure without an Omniscient, omnipotent Creator?
      In my mind, your perhaps hypothetical premise, "voided out" the concept of Gods spirit substance, and the fact that prosperity substance is in the "ethers", but we cannot see it, feel it, (directly) or smell it..
      It took a lot of courage to beleive that (for me anyway) and then your premise made "nullified" that..
      I beleive our 'empathic gene' would come to the forefront, as well as our Leadership gene, their would be many more leaders 'self selected" with people wanting to make a difference.

      "Good people would colonize" and anti-prosperity people would assume "vagabond consciousness"
      Wouldn't y'all agree?

    51. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  
      Actually Midaspro, Your assumption is wrong (you know what happens when you assume:))  I think science is great but that's not really what I was referring to as evidence.  I never even mentioned a God, or a bible or a Quran.  The evidence isn't on the outside, even though I believe there's plenty there.  The evidence is on the inside.  Think about it.........deep down, you know........and if you don't think so then just wait until you're in that situation that you don't see a way out of.  When all hope is lost.... Then who will you pray to?

    52. "My invisible God is better than your invisible God...!!"
       - the source of over 99% of the worlds problems...

    53. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
      My apologies for the assumption Bob...hopefully I get it right this time.
      So what you are saying is... the way to know if there is a Creator or not is... if one has a very strong feeling about it deep down inside then it must be right.
      Can I also use this method as evidence to validate any other beliefs that I have?

    54. I agree it isn't always healthy to have a God that steps in and works one's behalf. I don't think atheism Is so terrible. It is worse to be dependent on a belief that doesn't serve your best interests.
      However, having said that I don't think it is unhealthy to believe in God either, only the concept of God you have mentioned here.

    55. I think this would go well with this discussion about imagining the world without G-d:
      How about watching The Decalogue I 
      (it is on youtube)
      After an atheist is stricken with tragedy, he blames.... G-d for what happened - (thus finally acknowledging His existence)
      But I have to warn you that it is a serious and sad movie

    56. What I take away from your post Randy is personal responsibility. God/religion is often used as a crutch. It removes the need to ask uncomfortable questions about the role we (or others) played in the events occurring in our lives.

    57. There's also scenario 3 - God exists but there is no judgement day. Everything we have done here on earth was quite okay, even so called despicable acts.
      Add scenarios 4, 5, 6 etc. here...

    58. Delicious questions Randy and brilliant food for thought. I would say that we're comfortable as we are. We also like to be right. Questioning beliefs could cause them to be invalidated. Many perceive change as uncomfortable and painful. We might be ostracised by our friends and family for being, thinking and believing differently. We would stick out from the crowd. Maybe we'd lose our friends and be lonely. It's safer to stick with what we know, even if it's holding us back. Uncomfortable certainly is more appealing to most than comfortable uncertainty.

    59. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro  The evidence on the inside is knowing your own strength and feelings. Its evidence that you have been strong enough to throw off all the brainwashing and indoctrination and start questioning and believing for yourself.
      The evidence on the outside brings into serious doubt that there is a god my post.

    60. It's good sometimes just to imagine. For me one of the importart things of God is inner voice, saying "That's good for me and that is no". It could be said that it's us too, but I think, that it's our unity with God.
      Gratitude for your work and care, Randy.

    61. JefferyYong
      Ok...scenario 4 lol...
      It ends up that God punishes all those people who did not have the respect and decency to question how they were brought up or to question what they were taught by their church or pastor...and the common sense to rationally and scientifically prove that the scriptures, spiritual texts, churches teachings and beliefs they were using to supposedly worship him were actually of Him.
      Yes that's right... it turns out that having faith and a very strong feeling about it deep down inside just doesn't cut it with God.
      Too late we find out that the worse sin of all is to claim God was instrumental in creating or doing something or writing something he NEVER did... followed by the even bigger sin of not using & applying the scientific brain that God gave us to apply proper critical thinking and proper due diligence to such weighty we would with almost every other aspect of our life except when it comes to God...well if I were God I'd be pissed too.

    62. I believe that everything is up to us and just to us. There is no any ”God works in mysterious ways" or somethings. That's just a lack of information or an excuses using a powerful phrases which is accepted by society.
      I don't need to imagine what you say, Randy, I simply believe that 🙂

    63. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  Strong feelings? Have you not ever known something?  Belief is not simply a "Strong feeling deep down".  It is knowing in your heart of hearts.  It is acting on those beliefs.  You guys seem to have a lot of time on your hands trying to create conversations that question others beliefs.  I ask you to do this......wait.  Wait until that time that I spoke of comes for us all......and when it comes for you and you finally find your'll let go of that pride; You know, the pride that holds you the supreme master of destiny.  As you look up and pray to a Creator that you've never acknowledged, asking for his help, I want you to think of this exchange.......

    64. roblarue I had been thinking I may change the recipient of my tithing.. or I may keep it the same, so it's interesting that you mention that

    65. Aistis Zidanavicius Just to clarify what you're saying, does that mean you do not believe you have a creator and higher power to look up to?

      and how would you change your thoughts and thinking if you knew for certain there is a God?

    66. I dont believe, Peter. I believe that everything depends on us and we are creating ourselves by our thougts and actions. Its easy to put a responsibility on others or that higher power as you say, but by my belief its not correct. You have to take responsibility for everything by yourself!
      If I knew for certain that God exist I dont know how I would change my thinking. There is no point in making such an assumption, because it doesnt make any scense. I believe that every action has its results and believing that there is something that doesnt depend on me makes no scense of life..

    67. Well, excuse me, Mr. Gage but I think I said about the same thing earlier than Carmen's post. I mean what the hell is it because I'm me? You could give me some credit when I write something effective.

    68. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
      Appreciate your reply Bob.
      The thing is, I do know exactly what you are talking about. However I finally came to realise that "knowing in my heart of hearts" was in the end still just a "strong feeling" with no real basis for truth...more "hope" probably.
      Any Jihadist knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that their murderous mission is ordained by God himself and how dare anyone suggest it is just a very strong "feeling" of certainty...but not actually the truth.
      I still believe in a Creator...but after 30 years as a Pentecostal preacher who was actively involved in wonderful healing ministry's and seeing countless people's lives changed for good by what I thought was the power of God I began to see another side of the story and slowly realised there was quite possibly other explanations for why these amazing things were occurring, which I wont get into now... but hence my quest for truth and understanding of why people believe and think the way they do.

    69. Midaspro Bobsmith7772014  I understand Midas.  I really do....  I think that's why, in times like these, you just gotta have a little faith:) Peace bro!

    70. Please don’t argue or try to convince me there is.
       The truth is, we have no evidence to support these beliefs.   Because
      you were programmed to believe something when you were a child doesn’t
      mean it’s true.  The fact that you read a holy book you believe to be
      the word of God doesn’t mean it’s true.  Even the fact that there are
      billions of people who believe their particular holy book is the word of
      God doesn’t make it true.  (And makes it even more likely not to be.)
      I really think I understood his point.

    71. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro  Had you read my post and understood what I was saying then in the spirit you pupport you would be able to accept it. I am not questioning others beliefs just stating my own. It seems you are the one with time on his hands.

    72. Aistis Zidanavicius  I do not believe that 'everything' is up to us. An asteroid could crash your house tomorrow - will it be still up to you? Don't you think that the universe is bigger than you? If the universe was never "born" how would you be here? Even if we lose our sun or moon we are dead.
      Another interesting thing - we are matter, stars are matter, everything around us is matter - but where did all the matter (even the first atom) come from. I do not believe in God but I believe in the universe. 
      PS: I don't mean to be rude.

    73. vmt87 Aistis Zidanavicius There are many things happening around us which seems are not up to us. The main idea is that we can control our reaction and attitude to them, that's how we are controlling those circumstances. Some things that seem is not possible to control, like you say asteroid crashing to my house, are also controllable, just not so easy to do that. You can monitor the sky with certain technique and be ready for that. You are right, the universe is huge and it's definitely bigger than I am. I'm not trying to deny it. There are things happening in universe, and there are things happening on Earth. As you say, if Sun would be gone, we would be gone. You are right, but if we would be gone, than who cares about what happens after.

    74. Bobsmith7772014 Midaspro
      Thanks Bob...despite my fears of unwittingly being the perpetrator of Bible fraud... I still know a little faith does indeed do a world of good. Cheers!

    75. Aistis Zidanavicius so, how do you account for the "higher self"; the difference in peoples responses given any set of circumstances?
      ie: how do you account for re-action and response?
      self improvement?
      choosing different options?
      peak performance vs lousy performance?
      material man vs spiritual man?
      virtuosity vs sin?

      opposites in the real world and only goodness of infinite intelligence?

      you haven't accounted for man's misunderstanding or mistranslation of meaning. (when in error)

    76. PeterGHorrill roblarue  I know what I believe. I love the tithing aspect and as Randy has mentioned, you tithe to the source of your spiritual nourishment, and I do believe tithing has made me successful and prosperous. BUT the more athiestic/agnostic I become, I don't have anyone to tithe to. I am thinking about just giving it to Richard Dawkin's non-profit and calling it a day!

    77. roblarue Allow me to paraphrase what you seem to be saying. 
      You believe tithing has made you successful and prosperous, and you're saying one should tithe to their source of their spiritual nourishment (which is true).
      However, you're become more atheist/agnostic.
      If prosperity consciousness is spiritual consciousness, how can you cultivate greater & deeper spiritual (prosperity) consciousness while becoming more atheist/agnostic?

    78. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  I don't think these statements what you are saying is related to the topic of the post, or maybe my English is not so good to understand what you mean? Self-improvement, different options, spirituality and all those other things that you mention here in my opinion is not related to the statement that we are the only ones who are responsible for what's happening around us. It's different topics I think. Still everything is up to you and if you make a choice that doesn't give you a desired result it's still your choice, nobody else is responsible for that.

    79. Aistis Zidanavicius It relates to this blog post topic in this sense:
      If you don't believe there's a God, or imagine there is no God, or Creator of the universe, you wouldn't have the options that God gives us capacity for.
      ie: If there is no Creator, there is and can only be "material man"; there'd be no capacity for "intuition", reasoning, for "higher self" etc..
      Context for thought and thinking would be non-progressive.
      Our progress is directly related to divine inspiration.
      There's also be no miracles, no sense of wonder, no healing, no divine intervention or divine disatisfaction without a Creator, ; God.

      Everyone would be cogs in the wheel of humanity.
      Your physical SELF would have no greater counterpart in the invisible realm, so human potential would not be a reality.
      There would be no such things as DREAMS. (without a God)
      I wouldn't want to live on that planet., within such a race of beings that have no God.
      People could not grow, or transcend circumstance OR consciousness in that environment.

    80. vmt87 Aistis ZidanaviciusThere is "cause" and then theirs "effect".. the Universe, and everything in it; all it's planets and inhabitants, is/are an effect of it's creators divine idea.

      If you don't believe in the invisible, you're misunderstanding spirit. The Universe within human consciousness is FAR greater than the "physical Universe"..

      the proof is in the "hidden order" of cause and effect.

    81. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  By saying all those things you are making just an assumptions based on your opinion and no any clues or any evidences. And still it's not related to the post, because what Randy wants to say by this "Imagine there is no God" is that imagine there is no excuses that you can blame anything or anybody at all. Most people are making such an excuses to put a blame or responsibility of results they don't like and are not willing to change by themselves. It's easy to blame somethings/somebody else, but the truth is that just you, yourself, are responsible for what's happening in your life. It's even not a question about belief, it's a question about responsibility!

    82. PeterGHorrill Aistis Zidanavicius  By saying all those things you are making just an assumptions based on your opinion and no any clues or any evidences. And still it's not related to the post, because what Randy wants to say by this "Imagine there is no God" is that imagine there is no excuses that you can blame anything or anybody at all. Most people are making such an excuses to put a blame or responsibility of results they don't like and are not willing to change by themselves. It's easy to blame somethings/somebody else, but the truth is that just you, yourself, are responsible for what's happening in your life. It's even not a question about belief, it's a question about responsibility!

    83. Aistis Zidanavicius PeterGHorrill  And Belief. Belief is part of responsibility. Belief that you are responsible and an acceptance of that belief.

    84. @vmt87  if an asteroid did crash your house.. it means "you attracted that".. or a meteorite, or anything else.. that's taking responsibility for your "vibration"..

    85. Randy, I'm somewhat surprised you
      are gutsy enough to invite a discussion on a topic where a high percentage of
      your patrons may be offended and drop their subscriptions, so thank you for
      allowing me to express my thoughts.
      Your statement, "The truth
      is, we have no evidence to support these beliefs." Did you mean to say,
      "No scientific evidence"? For anyone to say there is, "no
      evidence", they would have to assert that they have 100% complete knowledge
      of everything in the entire universe. No rational person would be that
      arrogant. Most educated people agree there is no scientific evidence for
      the existence of God. Somewhere in elementary school students
      in America are introduced to the scientific method and one of the first
      things they learn is that science depends on two things; observation
      and repetition. Since God is unique and invisible to our senses the limitations
      of science renders it incapable of determining His existence.
      For that matter science can't prove George Washington existed
      either. However, there are other ways of knowing truth. Historical and
      literary evidence is another good way and there is a tremendous amount of
      evidence that Jesus of Nazareth lived, what he taught, how he died and that he
      was seen alive again by many people for many days. The problem is that most
      unbelievers would rather assume what they want to believe and repeat what other
      non-believers say than take the time and effort of actually examining the
      evidence. An example of this is a friend of mine who believes what his
      economics professor had to say about theology, even though that
      professor had never studied theology. Highly popular in our pluralistic culture
      is the belief that all religions and their "Holy Books" are
      basically the same. The only people who would say that are the ones who have
      never studied religions or read the "Holy Books". Saying that is like
      saying a moped and a strip mining truck are basically the same because they
      both are self-propelled.
      For those few who are honest in
      their desire for truth and are willing to put out some effort, "Mere
      Christianity" by C. S. Lewis would be a good place to start. After that if
      you can think deep enough to follow him, his book, "Miracles" will
      challenge you.
      Randy, you
      asked us to "Imagine" as if we could arrive at truth through
      imagination. Imagination is not a source of truth. At best it may give us some
      ideas to test as being true. It is horribly subject to our biases and at worst
      is mere fantasy. If you want to know what would happen if there was no Supreme
      Being who will hold us accountable for how we treat each other, turn a few
      pages of history. Under that system the strongest person becomes the determiner
      of right and wrong. A group of people are stronger than any individual so the
      group becomes the determiner of right and wrong. The strongest group (political
      party) then becomes the highest authority and they set the standard for right
      and wrong as long as they are in power. Therefore, the Holocaust and creating a
      world- wide conflict that killed between 50 and 60 million
      people was right because the Nazis were the ruling group at the time. Similarly,
      the atheistic Russians were right in murdering 30 million people in the Gulag
      because it served their best interest. The list goes on and on; East Germany,
      East Berlin, China, North Korea etc. If there is no higher authority than
      political parties than these heinous crimes against humanity are simply wrong
      to us while we are in power.
      Please excuse
      me for being skeptical about your belief in the goodness of the human heart. My
      life experience and study of history causes me to conclude it is broken and
      needs fixed. After hurricane Katrina hit the gulf coast my church sent
      thousands of dollars of cash, food, clothing and building supplies to the area.
      We rotated teams of volunteer workers down and back for two years. The people
      who went came back saying they saw hundreds of tents all along the devastated
      area housing relief workers from churches all across America. Our group didn’t
      see every tent so I can’t say there weren’t any but, none of us saw a single
      tent from any atheist group, agnostic group, gay rights group, women’s rights
      group, civil rights group, Pro Choice group, Planned Parenthood or for that matter
      any Buddhist group, Islamic group, or Hindu group. My church took care of a
      family after they were evicted from a FEMA trailer because their house wasn’t
      ready before the government’s regulations expired. The trailer which we all
      paid taxes for to help the victims was then towed to a huge storage field and
      parked next to several thousand other vacant FEMA trailers. The fraud and graft
      in dispensing Federal money was so bad that FEMA had to write volumes of new
      regulations. However, that created so much red tape that many victims of Super
      Storm Sandy waited more than a year to get assistance. The relief workers in
      New Jersey dubbed it the “Katrina Affect”. You don’t have to take my word for
      this. Ask the people of the gulf coast and the state of New Jersey, “Who were
      among the first groups to send help and last ones to leave?”
      I’m not the
      only one who is skeptical about your hypothesis of the goodness of the human
      heart. General MacArthur spoke about it in his address to the world after the
      Japanese signed the surrender documents September 2, 1945.
      The problem basically is theological and
      involves a spiritual recrudescence and improvement of human character that will
      synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature and
      all the material and cultural developments of the past 2000 years. It must be
      of the spirit if we are to save the flesh.
      Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense through
      most of the Vietnam War, was considered by most to have a brilliant mind. He
      was a political liberal and seen by many as an outstanding humanist. In the
      2004 documentary “The Fog of War” he said, “I’m not so naïve or simplistic to
      believe we can eliminate war. We’re not going to change human nature anytime
      You can google these quotes to read the entire
      speeches or go to a neat little website http://www.xnuhope/ and click on the “Another Way” tab.
      I would like to believe in the goodness of man,
      but I’m not finding any evidence to support it. Randy, maybe you could lead the
      way for those who agree with you. You have acquired a lot of wealth and have
      the ability to give a lot higher percentage of your income to help, “… the homeless people and the abused, the downtrodden and
      the addicted, the helpless and those without hope? ”, that you spoke about
      than the average Christian giving a tithe of their average income.Would you publish your
      2013 tax return and encourage those who agree with you to publish theirs and
      prove to me your actions match your imagination?

    86. People are consistently blaming others for their actions including their God or even "the Devil made me do it. "
      People don't want to take responsibility for their actions. They don't want the consequences of their actions. People blame their heritage, culture, circumstances, the weather, CNN and maybe even Randy Gage for where they are in their life. Apparently, it has nothing to do with their bad choices. Many refuse to grow up and be100% responsibile for their actions; not talking about blame, shame guilt or burden. Just be responsible and empower yourself to your greatness.

    87. There is no what if- we are the only entity that can reach out a human hand and make things better. But that is an inconvenient responsibility. 
      A few years ago, I was shocked to hear the Christian raised naturopathic veterinarian, that brought our precious pet longer, better years, say " I have no need of that hypothesis". This answer was in reply to my statement around his amazing work, and it's God connection.
      His belief did not stop his highest energy work.

    88. I guess that would leave us where we should be all along. Taking responsibility for our own actions and to help those around us who are not only ask for help but actually deserve it.
      Yes I know that sounds cold, but there is another side to look at. Some people enjoy being victims because it calls to us to bail them out. Those no I am sorry, they don't deserve that help. There are others who are in a bad situation with no fault of their own, those yes they do deserve for us to help when we can. There are others who work very hard every day to get where they are going and they too deserve the hand that can help them further along their way.
      All I am saying is when you do help, as we all should or will at times, look closely first and don't squander the energy, wealth and goodness you have on those who will only kick you in the teeth and drag you down with them.

    89. Imagine . . . This is not a new idea. Others have attempted to create a better world without God, men like Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot . . . with horrific consequences: somewhere around 100 million people died. Perhaps we should rethink this idea. "That which is known about God is evident within us." We can accept that reality, or suppress it. Our choice.

    90. As a Christian, I believe it's really important, no matter how uncomfortable it may seem, to really challenge your beliefs and look at them from every perspective. I think this is a completely legitimate idea for people of any faith. Use some imagination to consider all the alternatives. 
      Whoever claims to be "right" is really standing on shaky ground. It's great to believe, as long as you can give an intelligent explanation as to why you believe. Equally, it's not too brilliant to say there is no God without having thoroughly thought it through. 
      I think people are just generally too lazy to think things through themselves. So, they leave it up to others to form their opinions for them. Then, they turn around and reiterate those "convictions" with deep sincerity, as though they had come to the conclusion themselves. 
      You won't know how solid your beliefs are until you let them stand the test. The scriptures say "Test the spirits."
      Hope this helps somebody.

    91. Quantum physics doesn't say anything. These are the wacky ideas of pseudo scientists. Has quantum physics proved that quantum physics does not exist nor the scientists who allegedly practice it?

    92. Nico, please show me God, heaven, and hell right now — or else shut up and then grow up!

    93. Actually Hitler was an altar boy and Christian and based his ideas and totalitarian political methodology on the Roman Catholic Church. Research this for yourself.
      "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
      — Adolf Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941
      "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."
      — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 46
      "I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work."
      — Adolf Hitler, ibid. p. 65
      "This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief."
      — Adolf Hitler, ibid. p 152
      "Thus inwardly armed with confidence in God and the unshakable stupidity of the voting citizenry, the politicians can begin the fight for the 'remaking' of the Reich as they call it."
      — Adolf Hitler, ibid. Vol. 2 Chapter 1
      "The National Government will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life."
      — Adolf Hitler, Berlin, 1933, first radio address after coming to power.
      "The national Government sees in both Christian denominations the most important factor for the maintenance of our society."
      — Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichstag, March 1933
      Regarding Marx, Stalin, and others, they used a secular, irrational, and abusive ideology with many similarities to that of oppressive religions, but they substituted the "state" or "society" or the "proletariat" for the religious, fictional "God."

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