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How Much Prosperity Are You Willing to Accept Today?

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 24, 2025

In 1959, two cataclysmic events occurred that forever changed the course of human history.  Okay, maybe not all human history, but at least my human history.

On April 6th, I entered the world. Then on October 15th, Simon & Schuster published, The Magic of Thinking BIG, by David J. Swartz.

Two seemingly unrelated occurrences, but a few decades later, they would intersect to rock my world…

You may have been in the audience for one of my keynotes and heard me tell the story of how I made $250,000 in 20 minutes.  Or perhaps you’ve heard one of my Prosperity TV podcast episodes sharing the experience of flying the Concorde to London to drop 50k on some custom shoes.  Or just maybe you read my blog about gifting someone at my seminar a 60K watch.

You should know that the main reason all three of those scenarios came about, is because I read that book by Dr. Schwartz.

Truth is, when I re-read it recently, it landed as a little simplistic, even corny. But at the consciousness level I was operating at the first few times I read it – that modest book was the equivalent of cognitive ontology, molecular biology, and quantum physics to me.

It wasn’t because the book broke down any scientific processes about wealth building, provided guidance on how to navigate the entrepreneurial world, or outlined the roadmap to success. The book simple does what the title promises: teaches you that there is a tangible benefit in thinking BIG.  Giving yourself permission to dream again.  And to dream bigger.

Every day you wake up and the Universe has one simple, yet profound question for you...

How much prosperity are you willing to accept today?

Yet when presented by this all-you-can-eat buffet, it’s shocking how many people just nibble a few bites.  Why?

The number of possible reasons is mind-boggling. Some of the more frequent ones include:

  • You believe prosperity is finite. (It’s not.)
  • Because some religion convinced you that you’re not worthy, or that the good stuff only comes in the afterlife. (A terribly limiting and false belief.)
  • You’ve been programmed to believe money or rich people are inherently evil, so you subconsciously practice self-sabotage behavior. (There is nothing intrinsically noble about being poor, and nothing intrinsically evil about being rich.)
  • You believe that for goodness to come to you, it must be taken from someone else. (Another false belief.)
  • You think you’re not worthy. (Dogma likely foisted upon you by organized religion or abusive parents.)

Please. Allow this essay to remind you what the Schwartz book did for me.

You can recognize the limiting beliefs you hold and blow them up.  Send them back to the nothingness from which they came.  Replace them with beliefs that empower you.  You can recognize the self-sabotage pattern you’ve been on and halt it immediately.

Society takes its cues from you. People will respect, value, and appreciate you to the same degree you respect, value, and appreciate yourself.

The day you understand this insight is the day that transforms your life forever.

Allow me to share one of the most profound lessons on prosperity you will ever learn…

It is easier to earn a large amount of money quickly, than it is to earn a small amount of money slowly.


It’s easier to sell a Bentley than a Kia.  It’s easier to market a $40,000 speech than a $5,000 one.  It’s easier to sell a million-dollar home than a $125,000 one.  If you have any doubts, speak to someone with domain expertise in these areas and they’ll confirm it’s true.


When I began my speaking career, I used to sell seminars for $27.  You’d be amazed how many people wouldn’t register without doing a 30-minute phone consultation (interrogation) with me.  Now I sell seminars for $25,000 and people register online without even knowing or talking to me.

When I charged $5,000 a month for consulting, we had to chase down payment almost every month. When I went up to $40-50k a month, we attracted clients who always send it in the week before it’s due.

When I did a $1,500 coaching program, not only did we have to chase people to get paid, but also for them to do the homework and participate.  When I went to $15k, the issues evaporated. Now the price is going to $50k and I’m eager to see the magic we’re going to co-create together.

Know your worth. Then add the sales tax.

By the way, this can be scary. Because sometimes, you must create a vacuum for the Universe to fill it with good. You might suffer some short-term loss when you first step up to your new levels of worth.  But if you’re not willing to lose your 1K clients, you’ll never attract the 10k clients.

You weren't born to play small.

You weren't created to struggle.

You were meant to be prosperous.

So, when you wake up tomorrow and the Universe asks…

How much prosperity are you willing to accept today?

Be mindful how you answer.


- RG

Previous post: How Failure Shapes Your Greatest Triumphs

6 comments on “How Much Prosperity Are You Willing to Accept Today?”

  1. Just rereading a great book called 10X, and they quote the Schwartz book how a recruiter gets ten times the resumes for low paying jobs as a high one.. this book gives great examples of professionals who keep upping their game, going after high paying, high worth people and it pays off.. vow to do the same in my biz.. cheers Napa David

  2. Hi Randy,I really enjoy reading your articles or watching your videos on Prosperity channel on YouTube. You are really thinking BIG - and results are appropriate to this way of thinking. I read this book of Mr. Schwarz maybe 2 or 3 times -it is very interesting and enlightening book. What I am considering interesting is that we grow up in completely different enviroments - me in east European communist country and you in US....but I completely agree with you practically on everything. Continue your good work - health and elan to future years. Life is live !

  3. Another 4 am no sleep night, big energy moving through planet earth, lots of healing and soul tribe work. Be Blessed and thanks for all you do. pay attention films

  4. I know this to be true and talk about the magic of owning and claiming our value with confidence. The world will treasure and respect you as you treasure and respect yourself.

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  • 6 comments on “How Much Prosperity Are You Willing to Accept Today?”

    1. Just rereading a great book called 10X, and they quote the Schwartz book how a recruiter gets ten times the resumes for low paying jobs as a high one.. this book gives great examples of professionals who keep upping their game, going after high paying, high worth people and it pays off.. vow to do the same in my biz.. cheers Napa David

    2. Hi Randy,I really enjoy reading your articles or watching your videos on Prosperity channel on YouTube. You are really thinking BIG - and results are appropriate to this way of thinking. I read this book of Mr. Schwarz maybe 2 or 3 times -it is very interesting and enlightening book. What I am considering interesting is that we grow up in completely different enviroments - me in east European communist country and you in US....but I completely agree with you practically on everything. Continue your good work - health and elan to future years. Life is live !

    3. Another 4 am no sleep night, big energy moving through planet earth, lots of healing and soul tribe work. Be Blessed and thanks for all you do. pay attention films

    4. I know this to be true and talk about the magic of owning and claiming our value with confidence. The world will treasure and respect you as you treasure and respect yourself.

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