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Have You Found Your “Divine Dissatisfaction"?

Posted By: Randy GageOctober 25, 2009

We’ve been exploring the cause and effect of your thoughts.  Last post we looked at the ultimate result of negative thoughts.  I promised that today we would explore the inverse.  So let’s…

Pure thoughts crystallize into loving interactions, which produce healthy and wonderful relationships.  Beautiful thoughts crystallize into poetry, sculpture, dance and art.  Which all lead to creativity, expression and appreciation.  Pure and beautiful thoughts also lead to kindness and grace, which produce harmony is all your affairs.

Thoughts of accomplishment and action, lead to exactly that.  Which ultimately takes you to fulfillment, enlightenment and significance.

Positive thoughts of any kind will always lead you to repose, contentment and harmony in some way.  Even (and especially) when they lead you to “Divine Dissatisfaction,” which brings you to the realization that you want more in your life.

It’s when you have accomplished and achieved things, yet still find that hunger for something more.  This is when you stop being and start becoming.    And that’s where the big breakthroughs live!


20 comments on “Have You Found Your “Divine Dissatisfaction"?”

  1. Hello,

    All `becoming` is from our small ego personalities - I had a direct experience of this - it is not until our ego personality realises it is not who it thinks it is, and know itself as a construct that it has made up, that the the inbuilt limitations we have subjected ourselves to, which although seeming to come from our programming and conditioning are really but a stage in our soul level where we have so much to learn, and the limitations were needed to teach us what we needed to learn. When we realise that we are a contruct then our `soul` can come into Being and our ego knows it has never been because it was always `becoming`. and what is always becoming can never Be. I think at that moment when we see ourselves as a construct then our smaller ego begins to give way to o larger Ego - our soul.

  2. Randy you've hit on the one way an obsession with the "positive" can actually keep you from your potential. In an effort to be "positive" far too many run from any feeling of "dissatisfaction" or what I called the "irritations" of our lives. The truth is that the things and experiences that make us feel dissatisfied, irritated and/or restless are actually Destiny's voice calling us to itself. From the moment of our first breath the Universe calls to us through restlessness to our peak purpose and our infinite possibilities.

    The experience of Divine Dissatisfaction is actually a gift of Divine Direction. All restlessness is meant to cause us to seek new insights into what's going on in our lives. It means you're not seeing something that's right in front of you that could transform your life. It means there's a better approach if you're willing to think in new ways. Welcome these dissatisfactions with enormous gratitude.

    We do have to put in the caveat that not all "dissatisfactions" are Divine. Some are driven by greed and ego as we've seen by those who almost brought down the global financial structure. So even with our dissatisfactions we need Divine Discernment.

  3. Reminds me of another Emerson concept, that of getting our "bloated nothingness" out of the way. That "divine dissatisfaction" is really that Divine creative urge seeking expression through us. When I feel that urge I get quiet and ask "what wants to happen here?", not to or for me, but through me. When THAT answer shows up, I take action.
    Thank you for the constant inspiration and examination.

  4. I believe, everything we thinking is create ourselves and the world we living. So, we should direct our thoughts in right way, and control them. Such thoughts will prepare our soul as absolutely pure, powerful source of good, which is will multiply in connection with same good persons you are, or you will be.

    It's impossible to be prosperous without being good soul person with positive prosperous thoughts, so I wish all of you always to choose right way of thinking!

    Krono from Kiev, Ukraine.

  5. Abraham-Hicks talks about Divine Dissatisfaction as a gift. It becomes the clarification of what you DO want and where your thoughts should be headed. Divine Dissatisfaction creates Step 1 moment which is asking for something better. Ask and It is Given- always, with no expection. What stops you from receiving it is you allowing yourself to become the person you're meant to be.

    When I heard it discribed in this fashion I felt much happier about when I wasn't always in a positive point....I could create a pivot, and allow gratitude for being more clear about what I do want. So now instead of picking on myself for "mis-takes" I welcome them as clarification moments. 🙂

    I love Catherine Ponders "This or something better" too!

  6. To add further to my above comment - at the stage I am talking in my comment there is no right or wrong, no good or bad as these are states derived from our state of mind which is identified with and therefore addicted to judgement.

  7. your thought are things,
    this is what most people
    don't under stand about personal
    development,Gard your mind don't
    let tv or anything steal
    your most precious gift

  8. I have been practicing the 'vacuum theory', both in my mind and with posessions. I have been all my life what you would call a pack rat. I could never get myself get rid of anything because I always felt that if I did I would end up needing it then. I have been carrying things around for maaaaaany years, most of which has been in plastic totes. The past several months I have been on a journey to live the life I deserve to live. I had gone through all of my things and made the choice to sell all of these things, well except for my everyday stuff of course. But to get rid of the "baggage" that I have had for so long. Now, with this I would like to tell a story, I will try to keep it short.

    Ten years ago when I was 21, I am 31 now =)~ almost an exact decade ago I had a friend, she was a teen mom struggling with her past and her present. I was always there when she needed me. I had considered her one of my best friends. We had been friends for 4 years up until then. She had then moved to Gainseville, FL and wanted to come back down south so I drove there and picked her up and let her live with me with her son rent free so she could get on her feet. Not even a week after her living with me she turned against me, stole thousands of dollars worth of things I owned, with her boyfriend. She dissapeared and had only spoke to her once after and she denied everything. She had left behind some very important things at my house. All of her sons baby pictures, and not to mention all of hers as well, which were recently given to her. You see she had been adopted and just got in contact with her biological mother and she sent the pics to her. Well, at the time, being who I was, I took all her baby pictures, journals, etc... except her sons pictures which I still have, and I burnt them all on my grill. I was so mad at her. Now, like I said, I have been going through all of my belongings and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I came across her sons baby pictures, and thought how nice it would be if I could find him and give him his pictures. Well now, the power of thought, good or bad, is very powerful. This was like 2 weeks ago, and just yesterday for the first time ever since 10 years ago she contacted me and left her phone number on my MySpace e-mail. I called her, and had a very short 5 min conversation, asked her to e-mail me her address so I could send the pictures and she did. It is amazing to me, I was hoping to find her, but before I started looking she had found me.

    I am not sure if this falls under your topic here today Randy. I just really wanted to share that. Good things are happening. My mind finds dissatisfaction, and then overcomes it. I have more control now then I ever could have fathomed. And I owe it all to people such as yourself.

    Thank you for all that you do here Randy! I love a good challenge!!! =) Whats next? Bring it on!!!!

    Jamie 😉

  9. When I read the title to this post, I thought the question was:

    "What did God do on Earth that you are dissatisfied with, and came to Earth to fix?"

    And I thought "Wow- what a GREAT way to think about a personal life's mission!"

    I'm still thinking about it that way.. I think maybe the amount of laughter and love in the world or something to that effect...

  10. "Even (and especially) when they lead you to “Divine Dissatisfaction,” which brings you to the realization that you want more in your life."

    Brilliant. As is Ian's comment. Both have given me much to think about.


  11. If we were positively accepting everything that happens to us, we'd be more like puppets than human beings. If we were happy with everything any progress would immediately stop, so I think "Divine dissatisfaction" is a true blessing but it only works for people who take action.

    Love, Natasa

  12. Wow! I have always looked at God as a partner, rather than an ultimate almighty, so I appreciate your comment. I'm sure my fundamentalist family members will be praying for my eternal soul now...but hey, if that's what they want, so be it. Partnership is such a more enlightened, pleasurable and doable relationship, filled with possibilities!

    Thanks, Bones; always I enjoy your thoughts.

  13. Thanks, Natasa..Yes, positive thinking still requires action and responsibility. But it's easier to launch oneself for a pedestal rather than from pit of despair!

  14. Here's a strange one. In my dreams I saw this big beautiful office so well organized, mahogany furniture, and I thought, "wow"
    I can still see it, so I am going to have that and continue to work my "home based business" from my studio apartment until then. I have spent my life overcoming fears, shyness, rejections, but I am still going to BE!!! I raised a family of four children as a single parent, so that was my first obligation, while trying to hold jobs, and do networking, then overcoming major health issues to be a healthy aging individual today. 🙂 The sky is the limit!!!
    Forever being positive!!!

  15. Wait- my view here is NOT necessarily the ultimate almighty, but that maybe you AND God got together and said something like "OK, we're gonna make it like this, solely so YOU could come and change it". Does that make sense?

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  • 20 comments on “Have You Found Your “Divine Dissatisfaction"?”

    1. Hello,

      All `becoming` is from our small ego personalities - I had a direct experience of this - it is not until our ego personality realises it is not who it thinks it is, and know itself as a construct that it has made up, that the the inbuilt limitations we have subjected ourselves to, which although seeming to come from our programming and conditioning are really but a stage in our soul level where we have so much to learn, and the limitations were needed to teach us what we needed to learn. When we realise that we are a contruct then our `soul` can come into Being and our ego knows it has never been because it was always `becoming`. and what is always becoming can never Be. I think at that moment when we see ourselves as a construct then our smaller ego begins to give way to o larger Ego - our soul.

    2. Randy you've hit on the one way an obsession with the "positive" can actually keep you from your potential. In an effort to be "positive" far too many run from any feeling of "dissatisfaction" or what I called the "irritations" of our lives. The truth is that the things and experiences that make us feel dissatisfied, irritated and/or restless are actually Destiny's voice calling us to itself. From the moment of our first breath the Universe calls to us through restlessness to our peak purpose and our infinite possibilities.

      The experience of Divine Dissatisfaction is actually a gift of Divine Direction. All restlessness is meant to cause us to seek new insights into what's going on in our lives. It means you're not seeing something that's right in front of you that could transform your life. It means there's a better approach if you're willing to think in new ways. Welcome these dissatisfactions with enormous gratitude.

      We do have to put in the caveat that not all "dissatisfactions" are Divine. Some are driven by greed and ego as we've seen by those who almost brought down the global financial structure. So even with our dissatisfactions we need Divine Discernment.

    3. Reminds me of another Emerson concept, that of getting our "bloated nothingness" out of the way. That "divine dissatisfaction" is really that Divine creative urge seeking expression through us. When I feel that urge I get quiet and ask "what wants to happen here?", not to or for me, but through me. When THAT answer shows up, I take action.
      Thank you for the constant inspiration and examination.

    4. I believe, everything we thinking is create ourselves and the world we living. So, we should direct our thoughts in right way, and control them. Such thoughts will prepare our soul as absolutely pure, powerful source of good, which is will multiply in connection with same good persons you are, or you will be.

      It's impossible to be prosperous without being good soul person with positive prosperous thoughts, so I wish all of you always to choose right way of thinking!

      Krono from Kiev, Ukraine.

    5. Abraham-Hicks talks about Divine Dissatisfaction as a gift. It becomes the clarification of what you DO want and where your thoughts should be headed. Divine Dissatisfaction creates Step 1 moment which is asking for something better. Ask and It is Given- always, with no expection. What stops you from receiving it is you allowing yourself to become the person you're meant to be.

      When I heard it discribed in this fashion I felt much happier about when I wasn't always in a positive point....I could create a pivot, and allow gratitude for being more clear about what I do want. So now instead of picking on myself for "mis-takes" I welcome them as clarification moments. 🙂

      I love Catherine Ponders "This or something better" too!

    6. To add further to my above comment - at the stage I am talking in my comment there is no right or wrong, no good or bad as these are states derived from our state of mind which is identified with and therefore addicted to judgement.

    7. your thought are things,
      this is what most people
      don't under stand about personal
      development,Gard your mind don't
      let tv or anything steal
      your most precious gift

    8. I have been practicing the 'vacuum theory', both in my mind and with posessions. I have been all my life what you would call a pack rat. I could never get myself get rid of anything because I always felt that if I did I would end up needing it then. I have been carrying things around for maaaaaany years, most of which has been in plastic totes. The past several months I have been on a journey to live the life I deserve to live. I had gone through all of my things and made the choice to sell all of these things, well except for my everyday stuff of course. But to get rid of the "baggage" that I have had for so long. Now, with this I would like to tell a story, I will try to keep it short.

      Ten years ago when I was 21, I am 31 now =)~ almost an exact decade ago I had a friend, she was a teen mom struggling with her past and her present. I was always there when she needed me. I had considered her one of my best friends. We had been friends for 4 years up until then. She had then moved to Gainseville, FL and wanted to come back down south so I drove there and picked her up and let her live with me with her son rent free so she could get on her feet. Not even a week after her living with me she turned against me, stole thousands of dollars worth of things I owned, with her boyfriend. She dissapeared and had only spoke to her once after and she denied everything. She had left behind some very important things at my house. All of her sons baby pictures, and not to mention all of hers as well, which were recently given to her. You see she had been adopted and just got in contact with her biological mother and she sent the pics to her. Well, at the time, being who I was, I took all her baby pictures, journals, etc... except her sons pictures which I still have, and I burnt them all on my grill. I was so mad at her. Now, like I said, I have been going through all of my belongings and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I came across her sons baby pictures, and thought how nice it would be if I could find him and give him his pictures. Well now, the power of thought, good or bad, is very powerful. This was like 2 weeks ago, and just yesterday for the first time ever since 10 years ago she contacted me and left her phone number on my MySpace e-mail. I called her, and had a very short 5 min conversation, asked her to e-mail me her address so I could send the pictures and she did. It is amazing to me, I was hoping to find her, but before I started looking she had found me.

      I am not sure if this falls under your topic here today Randy. I just really wanted to share that. Good things are happening. My mind finds dissatisfaction, and then overcomes it. I have more control now then I ever could have fathomed. And I owe it all to people such as yourself.

      Thank you for all that you do here Randy! I love a good challenge!!! =) Whats next? Bring it on!!!!

      Jamie 😉

    9. When I read the title to this post, I thought the question was:

      "What did God do on Earth that you are dissatisfied with, and came to Earth to fix?"

      And I thought "Wow- what a GREAT way to think about a personal life's mission!"

      I'm still thinking about it that way.. I think maybe the amount of laughter and love in the world or something to that effect...

    10. "Even (and especially) when they lead you to “Divine Dissatisfaction,” which brings you to the realization that you want more in your life."

      Brilliant. As is Ian's comment. Both have given me much to think about.


    11. If we were positively accepting everything that happens to us, we'd be more like puppets than human beings. If we were happy with everything any progress would immediately stop, so I think "Divine dissatisfaction" is a true blessing but it only works for people who take action.

      Love, Natasa

    12. Wow! I have always looked at God as a partner, rather than an ultimate almighty, so I appreciate your comment. I'm sure my fundamentalist family members will be praying for my eternal soul now...but hey, if that's what they want, so be it. Partnership is such a more enlightened, pleasurable and doable relationship, filled with possibilities!

      Thanks, Bones; always I enjoy your thoughts.

    13. Thanks, Natasa..Yes, positive thinking still requires action and responsibility. But it's easier to launch oneself for a pedestal rather than from pit of despair!

    14. Here's a strange one. In my dreams I saw this big beautiful office so well organized, mahogany furniture, and I thought, "wow"
      I can still see it, so I am going to have that and continue to work my "home based business" from my studio apartment until then. I have spent my life overcoming fears, shyness, rejections, but I am still going to BE!!! I raised a family of four children as a single parent, so that was my first obligation, while trying to hold jobs, and do networking, then overcoming major health issues to be a healthy aging individual today. 🙂 The sky is the limit!!!
      Forever being positive!!!

    15. Wait- my view here is NOT necessarily the ultimate almighty, but that maybe you AND God got together and said something like "OK, we're gonna make it like this, solely so YOU could come and change it". Does that make sense?

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