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Finding Your Path

Posted By: Randy GageJune 29, 2011

Everyone should have a purpose in their heart, which they are out to accomplish.  You must make this the centralizing focus of your thoughts.

This may be some spiritual endeavor for the greater good, or a business or athletic accomplishment, depending on where you are at that point in your life and development.  Make that purpose your supreme duty, and dedicate yourself to its attainment.  This thought focus is the royal road to self-control.

Of course you may fail…

But failure is relative.  Because if you haven’t had some major failures in your life yet, it simply means you are challenging yourself enough! I’ve had many major failures on my road to prosperity and enlightenment.  And look forward to many more…

Because this causes me to rethink, learn new skills, and develop more character.  Just as you build muscles in the gym, you build character in your mind.

BTW, tomorrow the virtual seminar for July goes live, and it’s going to be a great one.  We’ll look at this topic of purpose and your assignment, and how they evolve as you make the path to enlightenment.  I promise it will be a very powerful program.  If you haven’t registered yet, get the details at:

Hope to see you there!  Then I’m off on my next around the world tour.  Next stop, Tokyo!


12 comments on “Finding Your Path”

  1. "should"?
    My opinion: it's optional, it is a choice - we can either find something to do that fulfills us (which may change over time) or not. My dear husband is a person who simply appreciates his life as it is. No purpose, just joy and appreciation in the Now. I like the feeling of being on-purpose, of contributing, of working towards an uplifting (for self & others) goal. It's a choice.

    There are many things I do that make me feel fulfilled; mulling on these topics Randy brings to us is fulfilling for me (love thinking!) Gardening is fulfilling also, it's a way of bringing more Beauty into the world. Sharing what I've learned - about health, about the Law of Attraction, about goal-achieving - is also fulfilling, even when I do it imperfectly - gotta love that.

    Cheers, Mrs. H&P

  2. Hi RG,

    Loving your tour! I had a little stopover at Bangkok yesterday; now in Phnom Penh. Great energy here, Southeast Asia is wonderful.

    Embracing failure is one quality separating abundant, prosperous people from people who struggle continually. Some stray from their path because it feels scary, or they think that what they're doing "isn't working", but the Universe doesn't make mistakes. When it looks like nothing is working, Everything is working on your behalf.

    I had a resistance-laden day today but instead of adopting the "well, I'll never do THAT again!", mindset, I embrace these opportunities as vehicles for my advancement.

    The funny thing about failures or disappointments is that when you take a step back and investigate these feelings from a detached perspective, it's actually quite amusing. You realize that your darkest days made you the person that you are, and if you never came up against strong resistance you wouldn't be heading anywhere of note.

    The more obstacles that appear on your path, the better, for they are just stepping stones to success. Realize the more stuff you run into, the quicker your goals are hurtling toward you.

    Thanks for sharing Randy. Safe travels!


  3. Randy,
    I love the mind/gym comparison. To stay in shape and be my best, I have to push myself past limits and challenges physically. Why not with my mind, spirit also?
    much love.

  4. Its 1.30 am here in Switzerland and today ( actually yesterday) was my birthday. I had a wonderful day, so rich in many ways where I had the chance to connect with many special friends and family. I cannot go to bed without thanking everyone on this blog and especially Randy for all the precious contributions to the blog. This blog has meant a lot to me and has been an important part of my life and growth this past year. I feel like it is extended family and wish to send love and blessings to everyone who reads this post. I love you all. Thank you.
    My birthday present to myself was to buy some Ayn Rand books today and to take my 15 year old son to hear Santana at the Montreux azz festival on Friday.

  5. Hi Randy.

    While there is unfortunately, a lot of trouble in this world (across all levels), I am of the opinion that much of it stems from people doing what other people tell them to do, especially without questioning the message or why the person is sending that message.

    This does not mean I suggest not listening. Listening to people is important, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

    Whether there are well-meaning people in this world with good hearts, there are many people who in government, business, education, and religion who benefit a great deal from people not making choices which benefit themselves or the people they care about.

    I urge people to consider when possible this:

    "Will my decision hurt me or the people I love?"

    By this, I do not mean doing something that will upset others. I mean for example:

    Ignoring the call of your soul to become a doctor instead of an actor.

    Working in a dead-end job where you are mistreated by management and customers.

    Not building the next big thing that can change the world because you want to retire.

    Sacrificing all of your free time to get ahead at work or build your business.

    Eating bad food and not taking care of yourself because it's better to be cheap, than buy things based on how they enrich your life.

    Randy, your message is getting through loud and clear. Will spread it whenever possible, to people willing to listen.

    Most people will not, which is sad,but I cannot help those who do not want growth.

    1. Thomas, Ya big silly. Why did you end on such a sour note? Why would most people not want to grow, huh? Hope your music is going well. 🙂

  6. Hi Randy, the July-video was great (!!!) and about an interesting topic, of course. It very much helps me viewing my unique purpose from another side of the challenging-world, since I come from across this stage. It´s like seeing an ending or narrowing of my long path, which I never saw before. It relaxes me a lot - thanks for reaching out!

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  • 12 comments on “Finding Your Path”

    1. "should"?
      My opinion: it's optional, it is a choice - we can either find something to do that fulfills us (which may change over time) or not. My dear husband is a person who simply appreciates his life as it is. No purpose, just joy and appreciation in the Now. I like the feeling of being on-purpose, of contributing, of working towards an uplifting (for self & others) goal. It's a choice.

      There are many things I do that make me feel fulfilled; mulling on these topics Randy brings to us is fulfilling for me (love thinking!) Gardening is fulfilling also, it's a way of bringing more Beauty into the world. Sharing what I've learned - about health, about the Law of Attraction, about goal-achieving - is also fulfilling, even when I do it imperfectly - gotta love that.

      Cheers, Mrs. H&P

    2. Hi RG,

      Loving your tour! I had a little stopover at Bangkok yesterday; now in Phnom Penh. Great energy here, Southeast Asia is wonderful.

      Embracing failure is one quality separating abundant, prosperous people from people who struggle continually. Some stray from their path because it feels scary, or they think that what they're doing "isn't working", but the Universe doesn't make mistakes. When it looks like nothing is working, Everything is working on your behalf.

      I had a resistance-laden day today but instead of adopting the "well, I'll never do THAT again!", mindset, I embrace these opportunities as vehicles for my advancement.

      The funny thing about failures or disappointments is that when you take a step back and investigate these feelings from a detached perspective, it's actually quite amusing. You realize that your darkest days made you the person that you are, and if you never came up against strong resistance you wouldn't be heading anywhere of note.

      The more obstacles that appear on your path, the better, for they are just stepping stones to success. Realize the more stuff you run into, the quicker your goals are hurtling toward you.

      Thanks for sharing Randy. Safe travels!


    3. Randy,
      I love the mind/gym comparison. To stay in shape and be my best, I have to push myself past limits and challenges physically. Why not with my mind, spirit also?
      much love.

    4. Its 1.30 am here in Switzerland and today ( actually yesterday) was my birthday. I had a wonderful day, so rich in many ways where I had the chance to connect with many special friends and family. I cannot go to bed without thanking everyone on this blog and especially Randy for all the precious contributions to the blog. This blog has meant a lot to me and has been an important part of my life and growth this past year. I feel like it is extended family and wish to send love and blessings to everyone who reads this post. I love you all. Thank you.
      My birthday present to myself was to buy some Ayn Rand books today and to take my 15 year old son to hear Santana at the Montreux azz festival on Friday.

    5. Hi Randy.

      While there is unfortunately, a lot of trouble in this world (across all levels), I am of the opinion that much of it stems from people doing what other people tell them to do, especially without questioning the message or why the person is sending that message.

      This does not mean I suggest not listening. Listening to people is important, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

      Whether there are well-meaning people in this world with good hearts, there are many people who in government, business, education, and religion who benefit a great deal from people not making choices which benefit themselves or the people they care about.

      I urge people to consider when possible this:

      "Will my decision hurt me or the people I love?"

      By this, I do not mean doing something that will upset others. I mean for example:

      Ignoring the call of your soul to become a doctor instead of an actor.

      Working in a dead-end job where you are mistreated by management and customers.

      Not building the next big thing that can change the world because you want to retire.

      Sacrificing all of your free time to get ahead at work or build your business.

      Eating bad food and not taking care of yourself because it's better to be cheap, than buy things based on how they enrich your life.

      Randy, your message is getting through loud and clear. Will spread it whenever possible, to people willing to listen.

      Most people will not, which is sad,but I cannot help those who do not want growth.

      1. Thomas, Ya big silly. Why did you end on such a sour note? Why would most people not want to grow, huh? Hope your music is going well. 🙂

    6. Hi Randy, the July-video was great (!!!) and about an interesting topic, of course. It very much helps me viewing my unique purpose from another side of the challenging-world, since I come from across this stage. It´s like seeing an ending or narrowing of my long path, which I never saw before. It relaxes me a lot - thanks for reaching out!

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