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Does God Want You to Fear Him?

Posted By: Randy GageJune 8, 2010

In yesterday’s post we talked about organized religion’s tendency to promote the fear of God.  And of course expressions like “He’s a good, God-fearing Man” abound.  Where’s all that come from?  And is it good?

This fear of God traces back to primitive religions back when the cavemen created beliefs about deities based on superstition, magic and sacrifice.  A simple thunderstorm appeared to be an angry God to them.

Once we became agricultural societies, Earth Mother Goddesses became the norm.  Over time, people began to personify their Gods more in their own image.  As a result, there was a thin line and some ambiguity between rulers and Gods.  Religion developed into the autocratic ruler on a throne, usually an old man with a long white beard.

But even as the religious beliefs because more sophisticated, this fear of God theme remained prevalent.   When an idiot like Reverend Pat Robertson suggests Orlando will get struck by a hurricane or meteor because of Gay Days at Disney, or the Haitian earthquake is the result of a secret deal with Satan, it’s easy to assume organized religion hasn’t evolved a bit from the superstitious caveman days.  And unfortunately, in many ways it hasn’t.

Here’s the other big issue…

The belief you have about God determines to a great extent the way you perceive the world around you.   And you also tend to emanate the characteristics you attribute to your God.  So if you view God as judgmental, vengeful, and punitive, guess how you are!  (As Robertson so aptly demonstrates.)

While Robertson and his type help put the mental in fundamentalism, this God-fearing meme draws a lot of followers.  Millions of people find some sort or perverse comfort in knowing they are not worthy.  Of course this also gives them a ready-made excuse for mediocrity.  And that’s the real sin…

You can use your humanity as an excuse to fail.  You can choose to stay broke or broken down, and attribute it to that fact that you are an unworthy human.

Or you can decide to make another choice.  You can see God as inherently good, and pattern yourself after that.  You can decide the way to honor your humanity, is to express your divinity.  I’ll go back to the same thing I said yesterday…

Honoring God doesn’t come from prostrating yourself before him, but from stepping into the greatness you are capable of.  In the Christian faith we know it as the mystery hidden for ages – Christ in You, the hope of glory.

And the true message of all the world’s main faiths is the same.  God can only do FOR you what he can do THROUGH you.  Or as the old African proverb states, when you pray, move your feet.

Which choice are you making?


53 comments on “Does God Want You to Fear Him?”

  1. Right on Randy!

    Only man would create an image of God that is limited and vengeful.

    I was raised in a strong Southern Baptist/Methodist blended family where God was sat in judgment and no one was worthy. Because I was a smart kid and my folks were a bit older - my mom didn't want a brat so she told me that i had more than my fair share - and have to take care of the rest of the world/give it away for God to be pleased with me.

    I spent 50 years taking care of every broken winged bird, creature, human and company that came across my path - giving everything and more just to be worthy in God's eyes.

    Today, I know that abundance is limitless - just like God - or however you may name that spirit that I call Source.

    I repainted my picture of God/Source to be one of unlimited joy, abundance and vitality. That's the way I live my life today. And the more abundance I create in my life, the more I have to share with others.

    Think what would happen if we ALL reprogrammed our picture of God - and allowed limitless, powerful love, prosperity and joy to flow into and through our lives.


    Thanks for yet another great post my friend!


  2. God wants us to establish a personal and direct relationship with him and to recognize his authority rather than being afraid of Him.

  3. First we need to examine what fear means. I am afraid near heights, near large fires, when cutting vegetables... but these are not hinderances. I understand not just the idea that I could get hurt badly, but these are all very enjoyable experiences for me and I respect the significance to pay close attention and have great respect for anything happening during these occurances.

    In Proverbs 1:7 it says "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.." Sure - God is seen as big enough, powerful enough, or even at times scary enough to warrant fear. God is also seen as loving enough to go to great lengths for everyone.

    Fear does not simply mean to be afraid, but also to have reverence. To know in some capacity, what the power is, to respect it, and to be aware always. Fearing some things keeps us safe, but that doesn't mean we'll always stay safe with God. Like C.S. Lewis described Aslan, the Messiah figure in The Chronicles of Narnia... of course he ain't safe, but He's good... He's the king I tell ya.

  4. Yes, God DOES want us to "fear" him! But not like many think.

    What we need is a better understanding of the word “fear” because it has an intriguing etymology. It was once a rather positive word coming to us partially from an Indo-European heritage meaning “to try, risk, come over or go through.” Likewise from the Greek - “trial, attempt, experience.” This is more in keeping with the original intent of religious concepts like “the fear of God;” not at all a negative or threatening meaning.

    Try God. Come over to God. Go through God. Attempt God. Experience God. Totally different energy huh?

    It wasn't until around the 12th century that “danger” and “terror” were thrown into the mix and soon became the established definition.

    Most people think that the opposite to fear is courage. But as admirable as the quality of “courage” is, it carries with it the reality of opposition, a formidable obstacle, perhaps of an enemy. That’s not what we want in an effective, dynamic relationship of any kind - with God or with each other. Why would it take “courage” to have a relationship where you speak and feel openly and honestly if in fact the relationship welcomed and rewarded that behavior?

    The opposite to the current definition of fear is freedom. And the meaning of being free is enlightening too. In Old English it meant to be “exempt from” threat and duress; in Sanskrit it meant “to own” as well as “dear” and “beloved;” and the Old Norse interpretation gives us “peace” and “love.” String those meanings together and the experience of freedom has a very loving, joyful and divine ring to it. As the Scriptures say, "I have come to set you free!"

  5. Great to see some of my favorite people checking in today already.

    So Ian: "Try God. Come over to God. Go through God. Attempt God. Experience God." Well if God needs to hire a marketing agency, I think you'll get the job. Oh I forgot, you already did! 🙂


  6. Randy...if one's religion is MERELY a philosophy or hobby of sorts, then yes...the "memes" you reference would be all-important. But the idea of "fearing" God is much more profound than the idea of being fearful. It is about respecting a higher authority, about being WORTHY of having a relationship with this higher power, and acknowledging that there is a spiritual realm that we tap into, rather than being the sole source.

    I am ALL for positive thinking and living. I think many parts of the Bible not just support but promote that. Yet it also contains sad but accurate depictions of the human condition. And that is that people do indeed have a nature that leads to selfishness, oppression, sin, etc. If we take a clear look at history and society we see that. It isn't what we wish to see. It isn't the description of how everyone acts in all circumstances. But it's a truth of the world. Thinking or wishing it away doesn't work. Yet how we respond to those conditions, and how we boldly live our own lives, and impact those in our circles...yes...that is a powerful thing. One of my favorite quotes from the Bible is, "Is this world you will have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world." Wow...that, to me, is a positive meme. It says each of us is worthy. We can accept or reject that. But to me, that is something inspiring of AWE (a part of what fearing God practically means). I think it is a false meme of the prosperity movement that we are divinities ourselves. Yes, I absolutely believe that we are powerful, creative beings, uniquely created by God in his image. What exactly that image is and part of the journey of life to discover, I guess. But to fear God, and acknowledge that there are parts of your nature that you need to overcome is not a weakness but a strength. It is discovering a sense of worth and power for living and relating to others.

  7. The danger here is believing that the Bible is the word of God. Which it most definitely is not. It is man's perception of the word of God, and certainly presents many spiritual lessons to live by. Unfortunately when taken out a sentence or two at a time, you can use it to justify just about anything, from sacrifice to murder.

    There is big gulf from fear to reverence. Although a lot less if you look more at the original interpretation of fear as Ian Percy lays out in the next comment.


  8. "Judgment Day" came to my mind as I read your blog.

    And also what Mother Teresa said "if you judge people you aren't loving people" ( I don't have the exact quote but I think it is close)

  9. Thanks everyone ... fantastic post and comments today.

    I was raised Catholic and spent 16 years in Catholic schools (first thru college) I was an alter boy at two churches in the 7th and 8th grade. For most of my life I would consider myself an expert at " Catholic Guilt"

    My feelings on most organized religion at this stage of my life is very simple, I compare it to country club membership. There are two basic requirements. 1) Pay your due's and follow their rules ... and only their rules!

    I'm not suggesting that there are not many very well intentioned people who support great causes ... what I am suggesting is that it's generally that Club/Religion's way and only there way or the highway ... more specifically HELL .

    And Heaven help you if "the envelpoe is a little lite" for a week or two. Tithes and offerings are fine but I'm not a fan of forced unionism and dues.

    Like so many things in today's society we distort or just flat out change the meaning to fit a new agenda and exert more control.

    I for one have no need to worship or pray to any God that I must fear by today's definition.

  10. The yesterday post made me noise in the same way that this post. I question me why because the sense i think you want to show. But there are some points that im very desagree. I think that talk about God by outside the Faith is in vain,mainly when i readed from you that the Bible isnt the Holy Word. Of course we have to postrar in front of God,He is our creator! But that dont means that we havent to do anything else (pray and move your foot). My prosperity comes from God and from my adhesion to its words that is eternal and never ends. If someone wants to talk about God at first must to believe in God,but for believe in God you must believe in its words. The God fear is the respect to that one who we must to render account,is love to that one who love to me at first and is total delivery, but never is terror.
    That is what i think, i have to say you THANKS for this and yesterday post because make me think lots about my beliefs! xxx Danisa from Argentina

  11. I am part and pacel of god!

    I am a divine spirit having a human experience. I realize I am a unique expression of god in this physcial form but must abide by natures laws, gods law or ALL-LAW.

    I follow no organized religion but

    I Self Law Am Master

    and can create just as god has created. Not on that level but when my energy is in alignment with Christ I effortlessly create out of no-thing what am able to through my own volition.


  12. Very much agree with you. Offer your church fresh fruits. If they deny the offering telling to sell the fruit and bring the money then the church is just a collection agency/brain-washing camp for the roman empire. If they accept your offering the church means well but the teachings are still mis-guided. You can't teach/preach the truth if you yourself do not know it. The roman empire has stolen knowledge from it's rightful keepers, buried the truth and built stories around the truth. Go to the temples in Kemet (eygpt) and you'll find all the biblical stories in the truth.


  13. Recently I have become more aware of judgment... and noticing it more...

    I was listening to a money anxiety teleseminar by Debra Berndt and she said that you don’t need to wait for money to be happy…you are in control of your feelings and can generate them at any moment.

    Debra says that if we attach our worth to external things that we will always feel like we are lacking things.

    "You complete me"...What or who completes you?

    * If …I lost 10 pounds then…
    * If …I won the lottery then…
    * If …I made $x amount of money then…
    * if … I had a degree then…
    * if …I had a house then…
    * if…I was married… or if I was in a relationship then….

    What do you lack? Where do you put your life on hold?

    A couple of good questions she asked in the teleseminar:

    * What do you think of people who have more money than you? (or love, or a better body, etc)
    * What do you think of people who have less money than you? (or who aren't in a relationship, or who are over-weight, etc)

    She says your judgment on other people is what you fear …You fear that other people will judge you the same way.

    In Debra’s book, "Let Love In", she says that “You cannot rate yourself above certain people without feeling that you are below others.” …and this creates a sense of lack, doubt & lessens your confidence.

    What I was slow on realizing… “I am whole & complete” … in all areas of my life. I don’t need to postpone happiness while I “fix” myself. (Debra says we don’t need to “fix” anything…just change some of our warped perceptions …You don’t have to wait until you are “completely finished”)

    Debra Berndt says to practice gratitude daily…remember what you do have…

    I also saw a Tony Robbins video where a woman could generate depression/fear at any moment…and Tony showed her how to generate joy at any moment. Empowering.

    Each moment we can choose…fear or love…
    (judgment or love)

    Jesus said to" love your neighbor as yourself"...He did not say to judge your neighbor as yourself.

    I choose love 🙂

  14. You guys have sort of gotten off in the weeds. The second commandment is to love your neighbor, but Jesus, as a Rabbi even, was very specific about the role and reason for fear of God, and it is indeed, the first and most important commandment, and the reason you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. This fear, even awe, leads to acknowledging the greatness and the glory and the majesty of God. Without that as a starting point, we have a tendency to think that life is about us, not Him. That's humanism, not Christianity.

    Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

    Psalm 2
    1 My son, if you accept my words
    and store up my commands within you,
    2 turning your ear to wisdom
    and applying your heart to understanding,

    3 and if you call out for insight
    and cry aloud for understanding,

    4 and if you look for it as for silver
    and search for it as for hidden treasure,

    5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
    and find the knowledge of God.

  15. Randy, thanks for today's post on "Does God Want You to Fear Him?" which I enjoyed reading. The answer, I believe, is 'no,' because this Almighty God who created us (gifts/talents & personal traits) and knows each one of us in such details - our past, present, the future as well - and love us so deeply with His unconditional love, I believe, wants to give us a free will to choose to love him back , but not in fear. I believe, God wants us to know him deeply and personally and that He is a sovereign God who is in control of everything, including the bad as well as good incidents in our lives and has the sovereign/divine power to work all together for our ultimate good, even when things seem to be controlled or manipulated by our human tactics or even the disasters which the world describes as 'the anger of God.' Even coincidents that seem to us just coincidents, I believe, are not coincidents to his knowledge and that He already knew every single one of them happening with no exception before the foundation of the universe. And I believe this God lives within us and wants to be a big part of our lives by communicating with us/him in our thoughts, imaginations, our wishes/goals, even in our inadequacy, or troubles sometimes. I think we were created in His image and that this earth's life is a real journey that we can get to know him personally in terms of his love, wisdom, and power. We exist because He first existed, and we love because he is love and loved us first, and His divine presence is within us, and therefore, we feel his presence within us, and we become divine and inherit his power as well as his creation/creativity to become a co-creator.

    I believe, each one of us is a unique individual (teamed up) with Him, and if we have fear of Him, what a turmoil of life we are doomed to be living... We're not perfect by any means but with Him being in us, and doing our part by living out in align with his nature and the divine power within us, anything/all things can be made possible. I believe also that through this life we live, we will come to learn that this life is not all about us but about Him who had created the whole universe and living through/in us. So... "Does God want us to fear Him?" .. Personally, I don't think so, and I believe God wants us to freely love Him (as our Abba, Father) with no fear, but with reverence/respect for Him being the higher authority over the Universe - His Sovereignty.

    In conclusion, I also choose 'love,' as well as 'freedom,''peace,''truth,''justice,''hope,' and 'faith.'
    Randy, may God bless you everyday with success, prosperity, peace, and good health, I pray. Love lov you. Hugs:: -Saachi


  17. I tried to read and process your message at the suggestion of a friend but found it difficult to get past your proclamation that you are the millionaire messiah. I'm not sure I can take anybody seriously who depicts himself as a messiah of any sort. Disturbing.

  18. Actually that was a name a reporter gave me in a story. I use it because it serves a good purpose. Namely it connotes prosperity and attract people interested in that and also alienates the unconscious fundamentalists and keeps them away from my programs. And while I wouldn't consider myself a savior, I'm happy to adopt the other definition of liberator.


  19. @ Mark Schaefer ----- I don't want to destroy this thread but where I am from....when you call someone out as disturbing and dis-ingenous as you have done here... it is not an accident.....perhaps you should look in the mirror. The day that you give a quarter of the amount of money/wealth/knowledge/freedom.... TANGIBLY as Randy has for genuine reasons including to many churches and charities....helping children and those in call me and I will think of your statement with some validity.

    It's ok to disagree with someone...critical thinkers are ok with that. The scared one's don't.

    Action speak louder than words sir.

    Just sayin

  20. I found a quote recently that rang very true... for me.

    You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott

    If someone is truly about being Christ-Like...they would be rule-breakers, rebels... renegades... with a positive end result as their intent. Christ so turned the apple cart of the time that he was killed for it. He loved his enemy's and showed them grace and acceptance... Where is that with the leaders such as Pat Robinson, etc.?

    Lou Holtz made an interesting comment in a speech that he gave at a National Speakers Assn meeting. He said, "If Christians actually acted more Christ-like, they would have an easier time converting people to Christianity." (Lou Holtz is/was a Christian and made a very astute observation.)

    Christ was about empowering the people around him. He never said I am the only one in the world that has this power.... NO! He very cleared stated "All this and more... you can do."

    To try and dimish the power that Christ was so clearly trying to impress upon his followers... All this and more... you can do, is dimishing the very teachings he was trying to impart.

    Being anything but a success in this life is allowing fear to win and not honoring the God/Universe that created us or as Randy stated that we may have possibly created. Either way, not honoring the God we believe in by being anything less then our best possible selves... that God so clearly wants us to embrace.... is insulting God... because you are saying by your actions that God created a powerless, weak and worthless individual.

    With God all things are possible....a main tenant in Christianity and most major religions... it seems high time that this thought actually be embraced as a truth and not just some pithy saying...

  21. You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott

  22. Iran, I do not need to speak up for Randy because he knows how to do it well. However, I like to say that you are absolutely right that Randy has some capability in the Field of MLM, and I will go further in saying that RG is considered an expert in the MLM industry. He lives, breathes, and helps many worldwide everyday.

    In addition, this blog belongs to Randy, and he shares his thoughts on many subjects. RG has the right to engage his community with intellectual conversations that lead to "Why many of us are broke? Unfortunately, religion does play a big part in our prosperity thinking. Many religious institutions preach poverty (I know first hand; been there done that- NO MAS!).

    Iran, think about it, is your thinking serving or hurting you.
    All the best.

  23. Randy, thanks for your words.
    I like to quote a dear person Maryanne Williamson:

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

    The God in me and through me creates miracles not fear.

  24. I like this post.

    Most of human just imagine the picture of God on there own. Are they mad on me? Will they punish me? so that why people don't do anythings to make their life move on forward.

    I knew that god is really exist but I don't want to think much about religions. It's my own life? If I do wrong I'd realise by myself what i've done.

    I choose "to be my own ways" If don't do this, how can I be success in my life then.

  25. Randy,

    This again is a great post. Pat Robertson is an old windbag. There will always be churches filled with people who are connected with pain. RIght here in sunny Ft. Lauderdale we have the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and the Calvary Church.(A marketing giant). If you are gay you can not go into either church and be yourself. Judgement.
    I think that Jesus only saw the healthy, wealthy, and happy person. I don't think there was any fear. Did Jesus fear God while he was here on earth? Afterall God was his father and yet that was never mentioned by him.

    I have an interesting take on Robertson's ridiculous statement about Haitii. I think he might be right, but for a different reason. It is interesting to note that Chile one of the most stable countries in South America had a bigger earthquake than Haitii. Obama, Bill and Hilliary, (I would mention a Republican but none went) never went to Chile to my knowledge. The Chilean people said we are OK and thanks.
    Haiti which is the most poor country needed much help. Why are they the poorest nation. Could it be that their thinking is the poorest. Could they have made a pact with the devil to believe that they are to be in poverty forever. They have stripped their natural resources and yet on the other side of the same island the Dominican Republic lives a much better existence.

    I feel for Haiti but while we are being critical thinkers I have to ask this question.

    Jim Story

  26. I did not say anyone was disingenuous.

    And based your reaction, you apparently don't believe it is OK to disagree with somebody. I'm sure you don't know me or what I give back to people or my community.

    I'm not a fundamentalist anything ... well maybe a capitalist. But I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in the world wary of somebody describing themselves as a messiah, which evokes the image of savior as the common interpretation.

    I would not expect support from folks who are loyal followers. I'm simply offered genuine feedback. Thanks and best wishes for your continued success.

  27. @ Mark --- I guess our definitions of the word disturbing do not match to me it carries a negative connotation....meaning the person is not genuine and hence was worth taking a shot at.

    Yes...Randy is a friend of mine. However, I am not a "loyal follower" of anyone in this world. The word follower does not quite fit my nature.

    I am however one who admires those who walk the walk and stand for something.....even if i do not always agree with them. I live an amazing life because Randy's belief in liberation. Call that what you will. I respect him very much even if i disagree with him from time to time.

    As for disagreeing...I am happy to have that discussion with you. It's have a right to be wrong! Ok...just kidding...I love that statement though :-).

    An honest question for you...not meant to offend, honest.

    Your link leads to a site where you are a marketer I see. I am not taking a shot at you here....but for the sake of your genuine answer....wouldn't a marketer appreciate such a clever phrase such as "The Millionaire Messiah."? When I hear that...It makes me want to see what the guy is all about....which makes me research him and decide whether he can help me or not....That to me is the definition of BRILLIANT marketing.

    If the word Messiah invoked such a real definition of some kind of prophet as it seems to for you....wouldn't you at least check out what the guy is about to see....instead of reacting to a word without knowledge of the person?

    RG --- If this is too can delete my message. I am not trying to offend anyone here.

    Respectfully and wishing you continued success also Mark...regardless of our difference in opinion.


  28. well Mark - he is one. the definition of the word messiah without it being colored by religious connotations is savior or leader of a particular group/ cause - which in this case fits perfectly. he saves people from living mediocre lives & leads them towards prosperity doing what he does.

    anyway he doesn't attract loyal followers, he attracts leaders & thinkers who respect him since his life & results are congruent with what he teaches ~ so yeah, we take him seriously.

    something related to share...

    where i come from, there was recently religious conflict over the use of a noun to describe God between 2 major religions. One party was vocally disallowing the other to call *their* God by that word/ name. To cut a long story short, places of worship were attacked with molotov cocktails flying at all hours & destroyed over a period of about 2 weeks. Fears were rising in the city, and the harmony of my multi-racial/ religious country was threatened once again. All over the use of one word.

    The whole fiasco was dumb & juvenile, & extremely dangerous BECAUSE it was dumb & juvenile. The arsonists comprised of small pocket groups of uneducated punks who actually think that they will earn religious brownie points for defending the noun for God in one language by destroying others. I give thanks that people here from both religions were mature & tolerant enough to not let the hatred/ violence escalate - and allow it to blow over without any bloodshed after these punks were caught.

    anyway, thanks for your post because it brought up a flag for me on the meanings/ emotions i attach to certain words too - how i react when it is used in a context i find disturbing to me, and most importantly, to explore why it disturbs me at all...for example, i react negatively to the word "religion" - i fear my unexamined auto-reactions more than I would ever fear God...cheers.

  29. This grabbed me, because when I first came across this blog my initial thought was "This guy thinks he's something important" (apparently I was right 🙂 )

    Surely the message is more important than the messenger - or how he presents himself. From reading some of the comments here regularly, I suggest that many people believe that Randy Gage has helped them in many ways. I can't say he's "saved" me but I can say for sure that his writings on this blog have certainly struck a chord and helped me to see that I was on a very negative self-destructive(ish) road, and how just a little tweak has pulled me back in the right direction.

    Mark, if you can get past the title, this man has a lot of good things to say. Try it for a while.

  30. Randy -

    I reckon you are a SAVIOUR - is that you SAVE people from themselves - from taking them out of their own destructivity and sabotage.

    You definately and frequently save me when I'm lost and confused and you shine a light into clarity and direction...

    And you are right- it's liberating!

    Thank you!

  31. Mark - Having been trained in Psychology I have this continous stream in my head looking for the patterns, and pathology in others...

    And the two things I wonder that may help your reflection - if you care to venture...

    1. Do other words trigger you and thus stop you from getting your Greatness? If someone says something and you get disturbed, are you unable to connect after that? For me, a sign of an enlightened, loving, spiritual being - is that even when they are triggered they can still love through the experience and connect with the God int he other person. They can learn from them, without making on insignificant detail derail them from being present, and living gloriously!

    2. What mirror lies here for you? Is it that you hate that Randy calls himself a Messiah - or could it be that you'd LOVE to be One and make a grandeous difference in the word but haven't yet given yourself that opportunity?

    Something to feel about...
    Love to you

  32. I looked this up:

    Mark 12:28-31 (New International Version)

    The Greatest Commandment
    One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

    "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.

    [a] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

    [b] The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

    [c]There is no commandment greater than these."

  33. just thinking about it...

    Love the Lord, love yourself & love your neighbor are all part of one commandment. The greatest commandment.

    So if we fear the Lord, do we end up fearing ourselves & our neighbors?

    If we think the Lord judges us, do we end up judging ourselves and our neighbors?

    If we fear & judge ourselves can we reach our full potential?
    Do we limit ourselves?
    Do we think we are unworthy?
    Do we think we lack? that we are not good enough?

  34. No I'm happy to have a spirited discourse going here, and I don;t think anything from anyone here needs to be deleted.

    And I will confirm that Wes cannot be considered a follower of anyone!


  35. Hello..I want to share something for us. I am not a follower of Randy,,I am student of prosperity and get back again to the blogs and teaching of Randy, which I discovered that his principles and teachings are almost truth.. and in a mysterious way, I applied one of the laws of prosperity, and it all begins there my healing and abundance..Well..let me share you my own short story, I came from brocken family, there were no meals and no loving family,,I had many business failure and relationship failure (because my ex gf is in organized religion which do not accept relationship from different religion). I was thinking that God would save me one day form poverty..Many people said to me be in courage. But I have not found it,. In short, I was very poor and ill,before I saw blogs and prosperity teaching of Randy. I released what I was holding and freed myself from hatred, revenge etc. Now, I am employed in a work, I have a money, I finished my college and having a vision of more success in the future.
    Truly, Randy is a millionaire messiah.

  36. Hey Randy
    Get in line, we already have all the prosperity preachering we need.
    When will we stop seeking his hand and seek his face? We humans are focused on self, we don't know enough about God to know what "fearing him" even means in this place of selfishness.
    If you have no prayer life, you don't know him. If praying is awkward...ask yourself why?

    Your body is a puppet for the spirit and soul. Intrigued?? Read spiritual man, by Watchman Nee

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  • 53 comments on “Does God Want You to Fear Him?”

    1. Right on Randy!

      Only man would create an image of God that is limited and vengeful.

      I was raised in a strong Southern Baptist/Methodist blended family where God was sat in judgment and no one was worthy. Because I was a smart kid and my folks were a bit older - my mom didn't want a brat so she told me that i had more than my fair share - and have to take care of the rest of the world/give it away for God to be pleased with me.

      I spent 50 years taking care of every broken winged bird, creature, human and company that came across my path - giving everything and more just to be worthy in God's eyes.

      Today, I know that abundance is limitless - just like God - or however you may name that spirit that I call Source.

      I repainted my picture of God/Source to be one of unlimited joy, abundance and vitality. That's the way I live my life today. And the more abundance I create in my life, the more I have to share with others.

      Think what would happen if we ALL reprogrammed our picture of God - and allowed limitless, powerful love, prosperity and joy to flow into and through our lives.


      Thanks for yet another great post my friend!


    2. God wants us to establish a personal and direct relationship with him and to recognize his authority rather than being afraid of Him.

    3. First we need to examine what fear means. I am afraid near heights, near large fires, when cutting vegetables... but these are not hinderances. I understand not just the idea that I could get hurt badly, but these are all very enjoyable experiences for me and I respect the significance to pay close attention and have great respect for anything happening during these occurances.

      In Proverbs 1:7 it says "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.." Sure - God is seen as big enough, powerful enough, or even at times scary enough to warrant fear. God is also seen as loving enough to go to great lengths for everyone.

      Fear does not simply mean to be afraid, but also to have reverence. To know in some capacity, what the power is, to respect it, and to be aware always. Fearing some things keeps us safe, but that doesn't mean we'll always stay safe with God. Like C.S. Lewis described Aslan, the Messiah figure in The Chronicles of Narnia... of course he ain't safe, but He's good... He's the king I tell ya.

    4. Yes, God DOES want us to "fear" him! But not like many think.

      What we need is a better understanding of the word “fear” because it has an intriguing etymology. It was once a rather positive word coming to us partially from an Indo-European heritage meaning “to try, risk, come over or go through.” Likewise from the Greek - “trial, attempt, experience.” This is more in keeping with the original intent of religious concepts like “the fear of God;” not at all a negative or threatening meaning.

      Try God. Come over to God. Go through God. Attempt God. Experience God. Totally different energy huh?

      It wasn't until around the 12th century that “danger” and “terror” were thrown into the mix and soon became the established definition.

      Most people think that the opposite to fear is courage. But as admirable as the quality of “courage” is, it carries with it the reality of opposition, a formidable obstacle, perhaps of an enemy. That’s not what we want in an effective, dynamic relationship of any kind - with God or with each other. Why would it take “courage” to have a relationship where you speak and feel openly and honestly if in fact the relationship welcomed and rewarded that behavior?

      The opposite to the current definition of fear is freedom. And the meaning of being free is enlightening too. In Old English it meant to be “exempt from” threat and duress; in Sanskrit it meant “to own” as well as “dear” and “beloved;” and the Old Norse interpretation gives us “peace” and “love.” String those meanings together and the experience of freedom has a very loving, joyful and divine ring to it. As the Scriptures say, "I have come to set you free!"

    5. Great to see some of my favorite people checking in today already.

      So Ian: "Try God. Come over to God. Go through God. Attempt God. Experience God." Well if God needs to hire a marketing agency, I think you'll get the job. Oh I forgot, you already did! 🙂


    6. Randy...if one's religion is MERELY a philosophy or hobby of sorts, then yes...the "memes" you reference would be all-important. But the idea of "fearing" God is much more profound than the idea of being fearful. It is about respecting a higher authority, about being WORTHY of having a relationship with this higher power, and acknowledging that there is a spiritual realm that we tap into, rather than being the sole source.

      I am ALL for positive thinking and living. I think many parts of the Bible not just support but promote that. Yet it also contains sad but accurate depictions of the human condition. And that is that people do indeed have a nature that leads to selfishness, oppression, sin, etc. If we take a clear look at history and society we see that. It isn't what we wish to see. It isn't the description of how everyone acts in all circumstances. But it's a truth of the world. Thinking or wishing it away doesn't work. Yet how we respond to those conditions, and how we boldly live our own lives, and impact those in our circles...yes...that is a powerful thing. One of my favorite quotes from the Bible is, "Is this world you will have troubles. But take heart, I have overcome the world." Wow...that, to me, is a positive meme. It says each of us is worthy. We can accept or reject that. But to me, that is something inspiring of AWE (a part of what fearing God practically means). I think it is a false meme of the prosperity movement that we are divinities ourselves. Yes, I absolutely believe that we are powerful, creative beings, uniquely created by God in his image. What exactly that image is and part of the journey of life to discover, I guess. But to fear God, and acknowledge that there are parts of your nature that you need to overcome is not a weakness but a strength. It is discovering a sense of worth and power for living and relating to others.

    7. The danger here is believing that the Bible is the word of God. Which it most definitely is not. It is man's perception of the word of God, and certainly presents many spiritual lessons to live by. Unfortunately when taken out a sentence or two at a time, you can use it to justify just about anything, from sacrifice to murder.

      There is big gulf from fear to reverence. Although a lot less if you look more at the original interpretation of fear as Ian Percy lays out in the next comment.


    8. "Judgment Day" came to my mind as I read your blog.

      And also what Mother Teresa said "if you judge people you aren't loving people" ( I don't have the exact quote but I think it is close)

    9. Thanks everyone ... fantastic post and comments today.

      I was raised Catholic and spent 16 years in Catholic schools (first thru college) I was an alter boy at two churches in the 7th and 8th grade. For most of my life I would consider myself an expert at " Catholic Guilt"

      My feelings on most organized religion at this stage of my life is very simple, I compare it to country club membership. There are two basic requirements. 1) Pay your due's and follow their rules ... and only their rules!

      I'm not suggesting that there are not many very well intentioned people who support great causes ... what I am suggesting is that it's generally that Club/Religion's way and only there way or the highway ... more specifically HELL .

      And Heaven help you if "the envelpoe is a little lite" for a week or two. Tithes and offerings are fine but I'm not a fan of forced unionism and dues.

      Like so many things in today's society we distort or just flat out change the meaning to fit a new agenda and exert more control.

      I for one have no need to worship or pray to any God that I must fear by today's definition.

    10. The yesterday post made me noise in the same way that this post. I question me why because the sense i think you want to show. But there are some points that im very desagree. I think that talk about God by outside the Faith is in vain,mainly when i readed from you that the Bible isnt the Holy Word. Of course we have to postrar in front of God,He is our creator! But that dont means that we havent to do anything else (pray and move your foot). My prosperity comes from God and from my adhesion to its words that is eternal and never ends. If someone wants to talk about God at first must to believe in God,but for believe in God you must believe in its words. The God fear is the respect to that one who we must to render account,is love to that one who love to me at first and is total delivery, but never is terror.
      That is what i think, i have to say you THANKS for this and yesterday post because make me think lots about my beliefs! xxx Danisa from Argentina

    11. I am part and pacel of god!

      I am a divine spirit having a human experience. I realize I am a unique expression of god in this physcial form but must abide by natures laws, gods law or ALL-LAW.

      I follow no organized religion but

      I Self Law Am Master

      and can create just as god has created. Not on that level but when my energy is in alignment with Christ I effortlessly create out of no-thing what am able to through my own volition.


    12. Very much agree with you. Offer your church fresh fruits. If they deny the offering telling to sell the fruit and bring the money then the church is just a collection agency/brain-washing camp for the roman empire. If they accept your offering the church means well but the teachings are still mis-guided. You can't teach/preach the truth if you yourself do not know it. The roman empire has stolen knowledge from it's rightful keepers, buried the truth and built stories around the truth. Go to the temples in Kemet (eygpt) and you'll find all the biblical stories in the truth.


    13. Recently I have become more aware of judgment... and noticing it more...

      I was listening to a money anxiety teleseminar by Debra Berndt and she said that you don’t need to wait for money to be happy…you are in control of your feelings and can generate them at any moment.

      Debra says that if we attach our worth to external things that we will always feel like we are lacking things.

      "You complete me"...What or who completes you?

      * If …I lost 10 pounds then…
      * If …I won the lottery then…
      * If …I made $x amount of money then…
      * if … I had a degree then…
      * if …I had a house then…
      * if…I was married… or if I was in a relationship then….

      What do you lack? Where do you put your life on hold?

      A couple of good questions she asked in the teleseminar:

      * What do you think of people who have more money than you? (or love, or a better body, etc)
      * What do you think of people who have less money than you? (or who aren't in a relationship, or who are over-weight, etc)

      She says your judgment on other people is what you fear …You fear that other people will judge you the same way.

      In Debra’s book, "Let Love In", she says that “You cannot rate yourself above certain people without feeling that you are below others.” …and this creates a sense of lack, doubt & lessens your confidence.

      What I was slow on realizing… “I am whole & complete” … in all areas of my life. I don’t need to postpone happiness while I “fix” myself. (Debra says we don’t need to “fix” anything…just change some of our warped perceptions …You don’t have to wait until you are “completely finished”)

      Debra Berndt says to practice gratitude daily…remember what you do have…

      I also saw a Tony Robbins video where a woman could generate depression/fear at any moment…and Tony showed her how to generate joy at any moment. Empowering.

      Each moment we can choose…fear or love…
      (judgment or love)

      Jesus said to" love your neighbor as yourself"...He did not say to judge your neighbor as yourself.

      I choose love 🙂

    14. You guys have sort of gotten off in the weeds. The second commandment is to love your neighbor, but Jesus, as a Rabbi even, was very specific about the role and reason for fear of God, and it is indeed, the first and most important commandment, and the reason you are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. This fear, even awe, leads to acknowledging the greatness and the glory and the majesty of God. Without that as a starting point, we have a tendency to think that life is about us, not Him. That's humanism, not Christianity.

      Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

      Psalm 2
      1 My son, if you accept my words
      and store up my commands within you,
      2 turning your ear to wisdom
      and applying your heart to understanding,

      3 and if you call out for insight
      and cry aloud for understanding,

      4 and if you look for it as for silver
      and search for it as for hidden treasure,

      5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
      and find the knowledge of God.

    15. Randy, thanks for today's post on "Does God Want You to Fear Him?" which I enjoyed reading. The answer, I believe, is 'no,' because this Almighty God who created us (gifts/talents & personal traits) and knows each one of us in such details - our past, present, the future as well - and love us so deeply with His unconditional love, I believe, wants to give us a free will to choose to love him back , but not in fear. I believe, God wants us to know him deeply and personally and that He is a sovereign God who is in control of everything, including the bad as well as good incidents in our lives and has the sovereign/divine power to work all together for our ultimate good, even when things seem to be controlled or manipulated by our human tactics or even the disasters which the world describes as 'the anger of God.' Even coincidents that seem to us just coincidents, I believe, are not coincidents to his knowledge and that He already knew every single one of them happening with no exception before the foundation of the universe. And I believe this God lives within us and wants to be a big part of our lives by communicating with us/him in our thoughts, imaginations, our wishes/goals, even in our inadequacy, or troubles sometimes. I think we were created in His image and that this earth's life is a real journey that we can get to know him personally in terms of his love, wisdom, and power. We exist because He first existed, and we love because he is love and loved us first, and His divine presence is within us, and therefore, we feel his presence within us, and we become divine and inherit his power as well as his creation/creativity to become a co-creator.

      I believe, each one of us is a unique individual (teamed up) with Him, and if we have fear of Him, what a turmoil of life we are doomed to be living... We're not perfect by any means but with Him being in us, and doing our part by living out in align with his nature and the divine power within us, anything/all things can be made possible. I believe also that through this life we live, we will come to learn that this life is not all about us but about Him who had created the whole universe and living through/in us. So... "Does God want us to fear Him?" .. Personally, I don't think so, and I believe God wants us to freely love Him (as our Abba, Father) with no fear, but with reverence/respect for Him being the higher authority over the Universe - His Sovereignty.

      In conclusion, I also choose 'love,' as well as 'freedom,''peace,''truth,''justice,''hope,' and 'faith.'
      Randy, may God bless you everyday with success, prosperity, peace, and good health, I pray. Love lov you. Hugs:: -Saachi


    17. I tried to read and process your message at the suggestion of a friend but found it difficult to get past your proclamation that you are the millionaire messiah. I'm not sure I can take anybody seriously who depicts himself as a messiah of any sort. Disturbing.

    18. Actually that was a name a reporter gave me in a story. I use it because it serves a good purpose. Namely it connotes prosperity and attract people interested in that and also alienates the unconscious fundamentalists and keeps them away from my programs. And while I wouldn't consider myself a savior, I'm happy to adopt the other definition of liberator.


    19. @ Mark Schaefer ----- I don't want to destroy this thread but where I am from....when you call someone out as disturbing and dis-ingenous as you have done here... it is not an accident.....perhaps you should look in the mirror. The day that you give a quarter of the amount of money/wealth/knowledge/freedom.... TANGIBLY as Randy has for genuine reasons including to many churches and charities....helping children and those in call me and I will think of your statement with some validity.

      It's ok to disagree with someone...critical thinkers are ok with that. The scared one's don't.

      Action speak louder than words sir.

      Just sayin

    20. I found a quote recently that rang very true... for me.

      You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott

      If someone is truly about being Christ-Like...they would be rule-breakers, rebels... renegades... with a positive end result as their intent. Christ so turned the apple cart of the time that he was killed for it. He loved his enemy's and showed them grace and acceptance... Where is that with the leaders such as Pat Robinson, etc.?

      Lou Holtz made an interesting comment in a speech that he gave at a National Speakers Assn meeting. He said, "If Christians actually acted more Christ-like, they would have an easier time converting people to Christianity." (Lou Holtz is/was a Christian and made a very astute observation.)

      Christ was about empowering the people around him. He never said I am the only one in the world that has this power.... NO! He very cleared stated "All this and more... you can do."

      To try and dimish the power that Christ was so clearly trying to impress upon his followers... All this and more... you can do, is dimishing the very teachings he was trying to impart.

      Being anything but a success in this life is allowing fear to win and not honoring the God/Universe that created us or as Randy stated that we may have possibly created. Either way, not honoring the God we believe in by being anything less then our best possible selves... that God so clearly wants us to embrace.... is insulting God... because you are saying by your actions that God created a powerless, weak and worthless individual.

      With God all things are possible....a main tenant in Christianity and most major religions... it seems high time that this thought actually be embraced as a truth and not just some pithy saying...

    21. You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott

    22. Iran, I do not need to speak up for Randy because he knows how to do it well. However, I like to say that you are absolutely right that Randy has some capability in the Field of MLM, and I will go further in saying that RG is considered an expert in the MLM industry. He lives, breathes, and helps many worldwide everyday.

      In addition, this blog belongs to Randy, and he shares his thoughts on many subjects. RG has the right to engage his community with intellectual conversations that lead to "Why many of us are broke? Unfortunately, religion does play a big part in our prosperity thinking. Many religious institutions preach poverty (I know first hand; been there done that- NO MAS!).

      Iran, think about it, is your thinking serving or hurting you.
      All the best.

    23. Randy, thanks for your words.
      I like to quote a dear person Maryanne Williamson:

      "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

      The God in me and through me creates miracles not fear.

    24. I like this post.

      Most of human just imagine the picture of God on there own. Are they mad on me? Will they punish me? so that why people don't do anythings to make their life move on forward.

      I knew that god is really exist but I don't want to think much about religions. It's my own life? If I do wrong I'd realise by myself what i've done.

      I choose "to be my own ways" If don't do this, how can I be success in my life then.

    25. Randy,

      This again is a great post. Pat Robertson is an old windbag. There will always be churches filled with people who are connected with pain. RIght here in sunny Ft. Lauderdale we have the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and the Calvary Church.(A marketing giant). If you are gay you can not go into either church and be yourself. Judgement.
      I think that Jesus only saw the healthy, wealthy, and happy person. I don't think there was any fear. Did Jesus fear God while he was here on earth? Afterall God was his father and yet that was never mentioned by him.

      I have an interesting take on Robertson's ridiculous statement about Haitii. I think he might be right, but for a different reason. It is interesting to note that Chile one of the most stable countries in South America had a bigger earthquake than Haitii. Obama, Bill and Hilliary, (I would mention a Republican but none went) never went to Chile to my knowledge. The Chilean people said we are OK and thanks.
      Haiti which is the most poor country needed much help. Why are they the poorest nation. Could it be that their thinking is the poorest. Could they have made a pact with the devil to believe that they are to be in poverty forever. They have stripped their natural resources and yet on the other side of the same island the Dominican Republic lives a much better existence.

      I feel for Haiti but while we are being critical thinkers I have to ask this question.

      Jim Story

    26. I did not say anyone was disingenuous.

      And based your reaction, you apparently don't believe it is OK to disagree with somebody. I'm sure you don't know me or what I give back to people or my community.

      I'm not a fundamentalist anything ... well maybe a capitalist. But I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person in the world wary of somebody describing themselves as a messiah, which evokes the image of savior as the common interpretation.

      I would not expect support from folks who are loyal followers. I'm simply offered genuine feedback. Thanks and best wishes for your continued success.

    27. @ Mark --- I guess our definitions of the word disturbing do not match to me it carries a negative connotation....meaning the person is not genuine and hence was worth taking a shot at.

      Yes...Randy is a friend of mine. However, I am not a "loyal follower" of anyone in this world. The word follower does not quite fit my nature.

      I am however one who admires those who walk the walk and stand for something.....even if i do not always agree with them. I live an amazing life because Randy's belief in liberation. Call that what you will. I respect him very much even if i disagree with him from time to time.

      As for disagreeing...I am happy to have that discussion with you. It's have a right to be wrong! Ok...just kidding...I love that statement though :-).

      An honest question for you...not meant to offend, honest.

      Your link leads to a site where you are a marketer I see. I am not taking a shot at you here....but for the sake of your genuine answer....wouldn't a marketer appreciate such a clever phrase such as "The Millionaire Messiah."? When I hear that...It makes me want to see what the guy is all about....which makes me research him and decide whether he can help me or not....That to me is the definition of BRILLIANT marketing.

      If the word Messiah invoked such a real definition of some kind of prophet as it seems to for you....wouldn't you at least check out what the guy is about to see....instead of reacting to a word without knowledge of the person?

      RG --- If this is too can delete my message. I am not trying to offend anyone here.

      Respectfully and wishing you continued success also Mark...regardless of our difference in opinion.


    28. well Mark - he is one. the definition of the word messiah without it being colored by religious connotations is savior or leader of a particular group/ cause - which in this case fits perfectly. he saves people from living mediocre lives & leads them towards prosperity doing what he does.

      anyway he doesn't attract loyal followers, he attracts leaders & thinkers who respect him since his life & results are congruent with what he teaches ~ so yeah, we take him seriously.

      something related to share...

      where i come from, there was recently religious conflict over the use of a noun to describe God between 2 major religions. One party was vocally disallowing the other to call *their* God by that word/ name. To cut a long story short, places of worship were attacked with molotov cocktails flying at all hours & destroyed over a period of about 2 weeks. Fears were rising in the city, and the harmony of my multi-racial/ religious country was threatened once again. All over the use of one word.

      The whole fiasco was dumb & juvenile, & extremely dangerous BECAUSE it was dumb & juvenile. The arsonists comprised of small pocket groups of uneducated punks who actually think that they will earn religious brownie points for defending the noun for God in one language by destroying others. I give thanks that people here from both religions were mature & tolerant enough to not let the hatred/ violence escalate - and allow it to blow over without any bloodshed after these punks were caught.

      anyway, thanks for your post because it brought up a flag for me on the meanings/ emotions i attach to certain words too - how i react when it is used in a context i find disturbing to me, and most importantly, to explore why it disturbs me at all...for example, i react negatively to the word "religion" - i fear my unexamined auto-reactions more than I would ever fear God...cheers.

    29. This grabbed me, because when I first came across this blog my initial thought was "This guy thinks he's something important" (apparently I was right 🙂 )

      Surely the message is more important than the messenger - or how he presents himself. From reading some of the comments here regularly, I suggest that many people believe that Randy Gage has helped them in many ways. I can't say he's "saved" me but I can say for sure that his writings on this blog have certainly struck a chord and helped me to see that I was on a very negative self-destructive(ish) road, and how just a little tweak has pulled me back in the right direction.

      Mark, if you can get past the title, this man has a lot of good things to say. Try it for a while.

    30. Randy -

      I reckon you are a SAVIOUR - is that you SAVE people from themselves - from taking them out of their own destructivity and sabotage.

      You definately and frequently save me when I'm lost and confused and you shine a light into clarity and direction...

      And you are right- it's liberating!

      Thank you!

    31. Mark - Having been trained in Psychology I have this continous stream in my head looking for the patterns, and pathology in others...

      And the two things I wonder that may help your reflection - if you care to venture...

      1. Do other words trigger you and thus stop you from getting your Greatness? If someone says something and you get disturbed, are you unable to connect after that? For me, a sign of an enlightened, loving, spiritual being - is that even when they are triggered they can still love through the experience and connect with the God int he other person. They can learn from them, without making on insignificant detail derail them from being present, and living gloriously!

      2. What mirror lies here for you? Is it that you hate that Randy calls himself a Messiah - or could it be that you'd LOVE to be One and make a grandeous difference in the word but haven't yet given yourself that opportunity?

      Something to feel about...
      Love to you

    32. I looked this up:

      Mark 12:28-31 (New International Version)

      The Greatest Commandment
      One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, "Of all the commandments, which is the most important?"

      "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.

      [a] Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

      [b] The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

      [c]There is no commandment greater than these."

    33. just thinking about it...

      Love the Lord, love yourself & love your neighbor are all part of one commandment. The greatest commandment.

      So if we fear the Lord, do we end up fearing ourselves & our neighbors?

      If we think the Lord judges us, do we end up judging ourselves and our neighbors?

      If we fear & judge ourselves can we reach our full potential?
      Do we limit ourselves?
      Do we think we are unworthy?
      Do we think we lack? that we are not good enough?

    34. No I'm happy to have a spirited discourse going here, and I don;t think anything from anyone here needs to be deleted.

      And I will confirm that Wes cannot be considered a follower of anyone!


    35. Hello..I want to share something for us. I am not a follower of Randy,,I am student of prosperity and get back again to the blogs and teaching of Randy, which I discovered that his principles and teachings are almost truth.. and in a mysterious way, I applied one of the laws of prosperity, and it all begins there my healing and abundance..Well..let me share you my own short story, I came from brocken family, there were no meals and no loving family,,I had many business failure and relationship failure (because my ex gf is in organized religion which do not accept relationship from different religion). I was thinking that God would save me one day form poverty..Many people said to me be in courage. But I have not found it,. In short, I was very poor and ill,before I saw blogs and prosperity teaching of Randy. I released what I was holding and freed myself from hatred, revenge etc. Now, I am employed in a work, I have a money, I finished my college and having a vision of more success in the future.
      Truly, Randy is a millionaire messiah.

    36. Hey Randy
      Get in line, we already have all the prosperity preachering we need.
      When will we stop seeking his hand and seek his face? We humans are focused on self, we don't know enough about God to know what "fearing him" even means in this place of selfishness.
      If you have no prayer life, you don't know him. If praying is awkward...ask yourself why?

      Your body is a puppet for the spirit and soul. Intrigued?? Read spiritual man, by Watchman Nee

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