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Changing Your Lifestyle

Posted By: Randy GageJuly 20, 2009

Sometimes the most important thing we can do for ourselves is a change in our lifestyle.  Because changing our lifestyle makes for permanent and profound change in many areas.

Some examples of changing your lifestyle would be:

Eating healthy;
Finding time for regular exercise;
Quitting smoking, alcohol or other drugs;
Scheduling regular self-development time;

Once we change our daily routine with something like this, the long-term effects are simply amazing.  So how are you doing on this?  Any lifestyle changes you want to make today?  Be powerful, be courageous, and be bold!


17 comments on “Changing Your Lifestyle”

  1. Wow! This is what life evolution is about: make the changes necessary for an outcome that most people think it only happens in the movies...

    If you just "play" to start that activities, even if you are not 100% sure (in that case avoid trying to meditate without feeling you want to, otherwise it's going to be a wast of time), you will experience what you had already locked in a box where you wrote: "This is for other people, because I can't achieve it". I mean: the most amazing lifestyle you can imagine... that attracts more of the same (health, wealth, success, relationships...)

    Thanks Randy for put in a simple way what most people usually mess it up. You definitely act as role model about KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!

  2. Oh, yes, regular and decisive changes of lifestyle make all the difference on the long run.

    I've set few simple things as push ups, reading, that contact ;), etc, as Google Calendar daily events.

    Google Calendar provides free sms notifications (worldwide) so I'm reminded and don't missed them.

    With time though it becomes an habit and the whole purpose of setting them on the first place is achieved... Higher Quality of Life.

    Thanks Randy.


  3. Good stuff Randy: I agree, you can read all the books, watch all the videos, etc., but if you don't implement any of the strategies you are still stuck in the grave with no ends.
    True story ...... When in college I bought a book on combating procrastination; problem was, I kept putting off reading it. How many people do you know that follow the same philosophy.
    "If you want to walk on water, you need to get out of the boat" ...

    Thanks again Randy,

  4. Getting enough sleep is definitely where my lifestyle is lacking right now.

    I have an 8 month old baby and she's not making it easy, whilst also setting my own business up, and working a full-time job... BUT I know that my health should come first.

    So, I will resolve to sleep enough every day.

    Thanks for the kick up the a...!

  5. In order to make the difference, we need to cultivate this list as habits that automatically govern our thinking at a deep level. this Will affect the quality of the decisions we are able to make and act upon - The impact on our life will be amazing.

    Thank you for this reminder, Randy

  6. Just today my health has reminded me of the need for consistency and discipline. Regular chi gong and meditation are back !
    Thanks for your help.
    And great first part of interview by Eric Worre on NetworkMarketingPro !

  7. GREAT advice Randy!!!

    I actually found a great "tool" for that today:

    Are you ready to clean up your life?

    It seems like the "Coach Guy" who owns the site is busy "cleaning up his own life" or something (as the site don't seem to have been alive for long) - but its a FANTASTIC exercise - TRY IT !

    A wise person once said:
    "Be the change you want to see in the world"
    - and that's true, but first you have to:
    "BE the change you want to see in yourself"!

    Good luck!

    Warm Summer Regards from Denmark
    (especially after my poor score the above mentioned test :-0)

  8. I always stay up late then find no time for my meditation and belly dance in the morning. I know I must change my lifestyle. Your post is really a wake-up call.

    Thank you very much Randy. Hope to see you this September in the US.


  9. Thanks Randy!

    Well I do have a few, last, little Kinks to work out, but for now I have been waking up at 5am, the last few months and today is day 7 for Waking up at 4am. Everyone thinks I am crazy, but Like you say it has made a Profound Change in my Life, in just a short Time!

    Let's make Change Happen Together!

    Welcome it, Embrace It, Just Do It!!!

  10. That right true change everything we must changed first.Perhaps changed to the better..

  11. whats your idea randy?
    living with love our logic
    i married 6 years ago & just logic made me living with her because she is my girls uncle.
    in other hand i love my girl friend for 10 years.
    this problem effect to my work. i am a networker with 500 person and 5000$ income per month.

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  • 17 comments on “Changing Your Lifestyle”

    1. Wow! This is what life evolution is about: make the changes necessary for an outcome that most people think it only happens in the movies...

      If you just "play" to start that activities, even if you are not 100% sure (in that case avoid trying to meditate without feeling you want to, otherwise it's going to be a wast of time), you will experience what you had already locked in a box where you wrote: "This is for other people, because I can't achieve it". I mean: the most amazing lifestyle you can imagine... that attracts more of the same (health, wealth, success, relationships...)

      Thanks Randy for put in a simple way what most people usually mess it up. You definitely act as role model about KEEP IT SIMPLE!!!

    2. Oh, yes, regular and decisive changes of lifestyle make all the difference on the long run.

      I've set few simple things as push ups, reading, that contact ;), etc, as Google Calendar daily events.

      Google Calendar provides free sms notifications (worldwide) so I'm reminded and don't missed them.

      With time though it becomes an habit and the whole purpose of setting them on the first place is achieved... Higher Quality of Life.

      Thanks Randy.


    3. Good stuff Randy: I agree, you can read all the books, watch all the videos, etc., but if you don't implement any of the strategies you are still stuck in the grave with no ends.
      True story ...... When in college I bought a book on combating procrastination; problem was, I kept putting off reading it. How many people do you know that follow the same philosophy.
      "If you want to walk on water, you need to get out of the boat" ...

      Thanks again Randy,

    4. Getting enough sleep is definitely where my lifestyle is lacking right now.

      I have an 8 month old baby and she's not making it easy, whilst also setting my own business up, and working a full-time job... BUT I know that my health should come first.

      So, I will resolve to sleep enough every day.

      Thanks for the kick up the a...!

    5. In order to make the difference, we need to cultivate this list as habits that automatically govern our thinking at a deep level. this Will affect the quality of the decisions we are able to make and act upon - The impact on our life will be amazing.

      Thank you for this reminder, Randy

    6. Just today my health has reminded me of the need for consistency and discipline. Regular chi gong and meditation are back !
      Thanks for your help.
      And great first part of interview by Eric Worre on NetworkMarketingPro !

    7. GREAT advice Randy!!!

      I actually found a great "tool" for that today:

      Are you ready to clean up your life?

      It seems like the "Coach Guy" who owns the site is busy "cleaning up his own life" or something (as the site don't seem to have been alive for long) - but its a FANTASTIC exercise - TRY IT !

      A wise person once said:
      "Be the change you want to see in the world"
      - and that's true, but first you have to:
      "BE the change you want to see in yourself"!

      Good luck!

      Warm Summer Regards from Denmark
      (especially after my poor score the above mentioned test :-0)

    8. I always stay up late then find no time for my meditation and belly dance in the morning. I know I must change my lifestyle. Your post is really a wake-up call.

      Thank you very much Randy. Hope to see you this September in the US.


    9. Thanks Randy!

      Well I do have a few, last, little Kinks to work out, but for now I have been waking up at 5am, the last few months and today is day 7 for Waking up at 4am. Everyone thinks I am crazy, but Like you say it has made a Profound Change in my Life, in just a short Time!

      Let's make Change Happen Together!

      Welcome it, Embrace It, Just Do It!!!

    10. That right true change everything we must changed first.Perhaps changed to the better..

    11. whats your idea randy?
      living with love our logic
      i married 6 years ago & just logic made me living with her because she is my girls uncle.
      in other hand i love my girl friend for 10 years.
      this problem effect to my work. i am a networker with 500 person and 5000$ income per month.

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