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Blow Up Limiting Beliefs

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 29, 2012

One of the key tenets in my Risky Is the New Safe book is the importance of being a critical thinker.  That means you question things.  Actually, everything. 

And nowhere is this more important than self-limiting beliefs…

There is a lot of conventional wisdom on why great things can’t be done.  There are a lot of people who will gladly tell you why you’re not qualified, prepared, educated, or positioned to do something great.

Please don’t buy into that.

For every person seeking greatness, there are hundreds of others whose primary focus in life is safeguarding mediocrity.  Every time you or anyone else does something amazing, it takes away another one of their excuses to stay mired in victim-hood.  So even while consciously they may think they are your friend and want good things for you, in their subconscious mind, they desperately want you to fail.

So they feed you a steady diet of limiting beliefs…

And that is the last thing you need.  Because if you listen to limiting beliefs long enough, you start to believe them.  Which odds are, you have already done.

You probably at this instant have at least 400 limiting beliefs about yourself.  Too fat, too old, too young, not enough training, wrong side of the tracks, not good at this, not good at that.

Blow them up!

Send them back to the nothingness from where they came.  Limiting beliefs are insidious and contagious and have to be guarded against like you would the Ebola virus.

Next time someone tries to sell you a limiting belief, stop them and tell them you’re not buying it.  And if they keep trying to sell it harder, get away from them.  Quickly.

And the next time your subconscious mind tries to sell you a limiting belief – thank it.  And then tell it, “I know you believe that, but that’s just because you bought into the programming.  Actually I CAN do this – and I’m going to do it right now!”

Now you may wonder if I mean actually talk to your subconscious mind.  Yes.  Out loud.  And don’t worry if most people think you’re crazy.  Because they’re the crazy ones…


37 comments on “Blow Up Limiting Beliefs”

  1. WOOOOOW - Cool article!!!!! Love this: 
    Blow them up!
    Send them back to the nothingness from where they came.  Limiting beliefs are insidious and contagious and have to be guarded against like you would the Ebola virus.
    Thank's Randy for never giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. WOOOOOW - Cool article!!!!! Love this: 
    Blow them up!
    Send them back to the nothingness from where they came.  Limiting beliefs are insidious and contagious and have to be guarded against like you would the Ebola virus.
    Thank's Randy for never giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Can we get a BOOM???? 
    Right on Randy.. As always you are providing great inspiration and reminders that will help all of us live our dream. The more reminders we get the sooner we let go and let God!! 

  4. Can we get a BOOM???? 
    Right on Randy.. As always you are providing great inspiration and reminders that will help all of us live our dream. The more reminders we get the sooner we let go and let God!! 

  5. Actually, I am good at doing this - subconscious talk - you wrote about at the end of your post - with potential lighter illnesses. I never get a cold unless I dress too sparsely in spring but then I know where it´s from. i never get other stuff ´cuz I send it away to others.
    but yes, this "I am too old for this" is one of my recalling phrases. i should send it away to retired people who need & want it.
    That´s a great deep post today, Randy, on getting our (learned by heart) textes we daily recall & speak to ourselves straight and adjusted!
    yes, we sure have to re-write most texts of our daily used scripts. I think writing the script of the perfect day isn´t enough here....the older we get, the more we sure have to re-write and adjust.
    and I guess I really get that you ask us all to question our thoughts more often.
    each sentence.
    each word we start with to make it up to a sentence.
    which words comes first?
    question it: "why are you here, again? what do you want? what now?"
    hm, we should treat it like a little uncontrolled child who tries on us....
    good reminder.
    good homework!

  6. Actually, I am good at doing this - subconscious talk - you wrote about at the end of your post - with potential lighter illnesses. I never get a cold unless I dress too sparsely in spring but then I know where it´s from. i never get other stuff ´cuz I send it away to others.
    but yes, this "I am too old for this" is one of my recalling phrases. i should send it away to retired people who need & want it.
    That´s a great deep post today, Randy, on getting our (learned by heart) textes we daily recall & speak to ourselves straight and adjusted!
    yes, we sure have to re-write most texts of our daily used scripts. I think writing the script of the perfect day isn´t enough here....the older we get, the more we sure have to re-write and adjust.
    and I guess I really get that you ask us all to question our thoughts more often.
    each sentence.
    each word we start with to make it up to a sentence.
    which words comes first?
    question it: "why are you here, again? what do you want? what now?"
    hm, we should treat it like a little uncontrolled child who tries on us....
    good reminder.
    good homework!

  7. Absolutely... Questioning and being Massively Curious is very important and acknowledging our Limiting beliefs is vital being honest with ourselves as to what it holding us back and then taking action to let go and get rid of those limiting beliefs...

  8. Absolutely... Questioning and being Massively Curious is very important and acknowledging our Limiting beliefs is vital being honest with ourselves as to what it holding us back and then taking action to let go and get rid of those limiting beliefs...

  9. my grandmother told me two days ago to live a ''normal'' and noble life. When i told her i don't agree with her and told her my vison and goals, she allmost when in shock. She thinks i'm crazy for real !

  10. my grandmother told me two days ago to live a ''normal'' and noble life. When i told her i don't agree with her and told her my vison and goals, she allmost when in shock. She thinks i'm crazy for real !

  11. I remember driving in the car with my Dad and I was talking about my fascination with coin operated laundromats and a list of ones that were for sale.  After he listened for about a half hour his comment was "what do you want to do become rich?" That was 20 years ago and for the next 18 years those words haunted me every time I ventured into starting a business.  I learned to overcome these memes and today have a thriving business!  Randy thanks for all you do!

  12. I remember driving in the car with my Dad and I was talking about my fascination with coin operated laundromats and a list of ones that were for sale.  After he listened for about a half hour his comment was "what do you want to do become rich?" That was 20 years ago and for the next 18 years those words haunted me every time I ventured into starting a business.  I learned to overcome these memes and today have a thriving business!  Randy thanks for all you do!

  13. Thanks for this one, Randy! It is so easy to look back and realize that "you bought into the programming". I especially enjoyed your points about directly engaging your subconscious mind... As a matter of fact, I need to go talk to myself now.
    Thanks again for this wonderful reminder!

  14. Thanks for this one, Randy! It is so easy to look back and realize that "you bought into the programming". I especially enjoyed your points about directly engaging your subconscious mind... As a matter of fact, I need to go talk to myself now.
    Thanks again for this wonderful reminder!

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  • 37 comments on “Blow Up Limiting Beliefs”

    1. WOOOOOW - Cool article!!!!! Love this: 
      Blow them up!
      Send them back to the nothingness from where they came.  Limiting beliefs are insidious and contagious and have to be guarded against like you would the Ebola virus.
      Thank's Randy for never giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. WOOOOOW - Cool article!!!!! Love this: 
      Blow them up!
      Send them back to the nothingness from where they came.  Limiting beliefs are insidious and contagious and have to be guarded against like you would the Ebola virus.
      Thank's Randy for never giving up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Can we get a BOOM???? 
      Right on Randy.. As always you are providing great inspiration and reminders that will help all of us live our dream. The more reminders we get the sooner we let go and let God!! 

    4. Can we get a BOOM???? 
      Right on Randy.. As always you are providing great inspiration and reminders that will help all of us live our dream. The more reminders we get the sooner we let go and let God!! 

    5. Actually, I am good at doing this - subconscious talk - you wrote about at the end of your post - with potential lighter illnesses. I never get a cold unless I dress too sparsely in spring but then I know where it´s from. i never get other stuff ´cuz I send it away to others.
      but yes, this "I am too old for this" is one of my recalling phrases. i should send it away to retired people who need & want it.
      That´s a great deep post today, Randy, on getting our (learned by heart) textes we daily recall & speak to ourselves straight and adjusted!
      yes, we sure have to re-write most texts of our daily used scripts. I think writing the script of the perfect day isn´t enough here....the older we get, the more we sure have to re-write and adjust.
      and I guess I really get that you ask us all to question our thoughts more often.
      each sentence.
      each word we start with to make it up to a sentence.
      which words comes first?
      question it: "why are you here, again? what do you want? what now?"
      hm, we should treat it like a little uncontrolled child who tries on us....
      good reminder.
      good homework!

    6. Actually, I am good at doing this - subconscious talk - you wrote about at the end of your post - with potential lighter illnesses. I never get a cold unless I dress too sparsely in spring but then I know where it´s from. i never get other stuff ´cuz I send it away to others.
      but yes, this "I am too old for this" is one of my recalling phrases. i should send it away to retired people who need & want it.
      That´s a great deep post today, Randy, on getting our (learned by heart) textes we daily recall & speak to ourselves straight and adjusted!
      yes, we sure have to re-write most texts of our daily used scripts. I think writing the script of the perfect day isn´t enough here....the older we get, the more we sure have to re-write and adjust.
      and I guess I really get that you ask us all to question our thoughts more often.
      each sentence.
      each word we start with to make it up to a sentence.
      which words comes first?
      question it: "why are you here, again? what do you want? what now?"
      hm, we should treat it like a little uncontrolled child who tries on us....
      good reminder.
      good homework!

    7. Absolutely... Questioning and being Massively Curious is very important and acknowledging our Limiting beliefs is vital being honest with ourselves as to what it holding us back and then taking action to let go and get rid of those limiting beliefs...

    8. Absolutely... Questioning and being Massively Curious is very important and acknowledging our Limiting beliefs is vital being honest with ourselves as to what it holding us back and then taking action to let go and get rid of those limiting beliefs...

    9. my grandmother told me two days ago to live a ''normal'' and noble life. When i told her i don't agree with her and told her my vison and goals, she allmost when in shock. She thinks i'm crazy for real !

    10. my grandmother told me two days ago to live a ''normal'' and noble life. When i told her i don't agree with her and told her my vison and goals, she allmost when in shock. She thinks i'm crazy for real !

    11. I remember driving in the car with my Dad and I was talking about my fascination with coin operated laundromats and a list of ones that were for sale.  After he listened for about a half hour his comment was "what do you want to do become rich?" That was 20 years ago and for the next 18 years those words haunted me every time I ventured into starting a business.  I learned to overcome these memes and today have a thriving business!  Randy thanks for all you do!

    12. I remember driving in the car with my Dad and I was talking about my fascination with coin operated laundromats and a list of ones that were for sale.  After he listened for about a half hour his comment was "what do you want to do become rich?" That was 20 years ago and for the next 18 years those words haunted me every time I ventured into starting a business.  I learned to overcome these memes and today have a thriving business!  Randy thanks for all you do!

    13. Thanks for this one, Randy! It is so easy to look back and realize that "you bought into the programming". I especially enjoyed your points about directly engaging your subconscious mind... As a matter of fact, I need to go talk to myself now.
      Thanks again for this wonderful reminder!

    14. Thanks for this one, Randy! It is so easy to look back and realize that "you bought into the programming". I especially enjoyed your points about directly engaging your subconscious mind... As a matter of fact, I need to go talk to myself now.
      Thanks again for this wonderful reminder!

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