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Blitzkrieg into the New Year

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 1, 2023

(Monday Mojo 1/02/23)

Thank God it’s Monday!  Let’s get after it…

Each January I choose a word or mantra to summarize what I’m looking to do in the New Year.  It’s not really about tactics or strategy, but the mindset and attitude I’m looking to create. For 2023 my mantra is “Shots on Goal.”  My plan is to ride through 2023 the way Khaleesi rode her dragons.  And if you want to do that, you can’t play safe, or simply play not to lose. You’ve got to rush forward, play to win, and put shots on goal.  The shots won’t all go in, but they don’t have to.

New Year’s isn’t really about one year ending and another beginning.  Calendar dates are simply memes we created so we know when the new episode of ANDOR is uploaded. Each day is another blank page of your life that you get to author any way you want.  Please.  As you move forward in 2023, whenever you’re faced with two possible paths, choose the one that puts you in the arena.

Happy New You!


- RG

P.S. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I produced a video explaining how to conduct a “Burning Bowl” ceremony to release things you desire to let go of. (Something I do every New Year’s and sometimes more.)  Since that time, literally thousands of people have shared how their lives were transformed by that concept, so I decided to produce an updated version.  For those of you that haven’t seen or listened to it yet, here’s where you can find it:





Previous Post: Your Top Ten 2022 Power Prosperity Podcasts

4 comments on “Blitzkrieg into the New Year”

  1. Good morning good evening everyone around the world.
    Yes, I did it at the Burning Bowl Ceremony on 31/12/2022 at midnight and I follow your all instruction. Thank you so much. I listened to all podcasts for you many years ago, and yes read your books.
    Thank you so much and I want to write more my life story.

  2. Hey All. Randy, I'm taking a page out of one of your books.. I'm exploring, and working on deepening my understanding of prosperity. Right now I'm sitting in the airport in one of those private clubs. They cost a little bit in annual fees, but what an elevated experience. Complimentary food, lots of space to spread out, a place to relax, brush your teeth, even a private shower. I can tell you that this is not the usual cattle-herding experience most people put themselves thru when flying. My mind is expanding with possibilities... What are all of the other upgrades experiences that life has to offer that I've been missing.... what about walking thru life in a way where I provide this in some way to the world in my own little personalized way, and in return I get to experience the same.... living in an upgraded, prosperous reality where the guve and take is just elevated... Thank you for making it your life's mission to expose us to these principles and being a guiding light for a better life! I'm excited for what comes next. Peace!

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  • 4 comments on “Blitzkrieg into the New Year”

    1. Good morning good evening everyone around the world.
      Yes, I did it at the Burning Bowl Ceremony on 31/12/2022 at midnight and I follow your all instruction. Thank you so much. I listened to all podcasts for you many years ago, and yes read your books.
      Thank you so much and I want to write more my life story.

    2. Hey All. Randy, I'm taking a page out of one of your books.. I'm exploring, and working on deepening my understanding of prosperity. Right now I'm sitting in the airport in one of those private clubs. They cost a little bit in annual fees, but what an elevated experience. Complimentary food, lots of space to spread out, a place to relax, brush your teeth, even a private shower. I can tell you that this is not the usual cattle-herding experience most people put themselves thru when flying. My mind is expanding with possibilities... What are all of the other upgrades experiences that life has to offer that I've been missing.... what about walking thru life in a way where I provide this in some way to the world in my own little personalized way, and in return I get to experience the same.... living in an upgraded, prosperous reality where the guve and take is just elevated... Thank you for making it your life's mission to expose us to these principles and being a guiding light for a better life! I'm excited for what comes next. Peace!

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