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Beliefs that Keep You Broke

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 5, 2009

Two posts ago, I asked how hard you are working to stay broke.  Naturally that shocked and offended some people, but that’s what I really believe.  

Because it is so easy to make money in today’s economy.  Times of recession and even depression offer the greatest opportunities for creating wealth.   In fact, it is so simple to become a millionaire today, the feat is almost meaningless.  There are thousands of millionaires.  And more all the time.

To struggle financially today, you have to hold on to some limiting beliefs.  Here are some of the most prevalent ones:
1)    That you need money to make money;
2)    That you require some special degree or education;
3)    That you must have connections;
4)    That there is some “secret” that rich people aren’t telling you;
5)    That earning money is hard;
6)    That real wealth comes from demanding physical labor instead of ideas; or,
7)    All of the above.

I didn’t write the original post just to piss you off.  But I’m okay if that is what it takes to cause you to do some critical thinking about what you’re doing that is holding you back.  Because you really are meant to be prosperous.

Next post I’ll share some other common ways people work to stay poor that you may not even realize.


42 comments on “Beliefs that Keep You Broke”

  1. That is a great message Randy. I think I will print it out and keep reading it each day. The more we think it is just normal and expected of us to achieve wealth and pass it on, the more likely we are to do it I think.

    By the way I bet there are tons of blog readers like me who find themselves replying to you in their head at odd times throughout the day!

  2. So how does one (me) change the limiting beliefs? Obviously, something inside is saying "no" to wealth.

    I have seen some interesting things about myself in the past week, while the topic is being discussed...example is I walk around with holes in my shoes, while everyone else in the house has new. My cell phone is literally falling apart and everyone else in the house has new. I keep telling myself that I don't "need" that (phone, shoes, whatever - fill in the blank) right now. BTW, it's not a money issue, I can go buy those things right now.

    I do see some learned patterns - and I am not blaming the people before me, just seeing some things - my grandmother had alot of money when she died, but never did anything for herself...she would buy nice things and and do nice things for others, but deny herself. My mother is an older woman now and always says that she "has to" live on this tiny budget because she has no dough (she does) and BTW she always does nice things for others.

    This weeks posts have been a real eye opener for Gordon Gecko says to Bud Fox in the movie Wall St...this is your wake up call pal, go to work. time for me to change some of my beliefs!!!!!

  3. You missed mine:
    My spiritual gifts are God given, therefor I sholdnt charge for them

    It's not fair to be rich when there are so many poor around who can't do it for themselves, cos they don't have god given gifts like me...

    thanks dude.

  4. Hi Randy

    I realise that ideas and ingenuity are whats required, however I dont seem to be getting any ideas!!

    Do ideas just fall into our laps by chance, so to speak, or can we do some specific things to help generate such ideas?

    Best Regards

  5. The one that came up as I evaluated my thoughts while reading those above:

    "I'm not smart enough to come up with the ideas to make millions."

    I'm guessing that is a worthiness issue, and WHERE that idea came from I don't know. Even though, I also recognize I'm smarter than the average bear.

    Ugh. I'm not liking that thought.

    Jhanna Dawson

  6. Ari, it depends on where some of your strengths are? Are you working a network marketing company.. keep it simple, follow what your leaders do, duplicate their system. What do you feel you are looking for?

  7. We may not always need to fall back on our smarts. We just have to believe that we have what it takes and that we DESERVE prosperity and forward thinking of how much do you really want to make a month.

  8. -RG,

    All the reasons on your list are easy to disprove. You and many other are living proof.

    I think there is a #8 that is so deeply implanted in many people, and we can't just "prove" it to them. That belief is:

    "I don't deserve it"

    How do you address that one?


  9. Damm!!!
    I got all six beliefs running my head. Thanks for connecting them to worthigness.
    Since they are spiritual conceptualized, they are hard to see.
    that's right you wrote about prosperity. I will get them.

  10. I have some other limiting beliefs too like:

    I need this job in order to survive.

    I'll loose everything if I strike out on my own

    I don't know how too survive without the J-O-B

    I'm too old to....fill in the blank.

    man i got some work to do!

  11. Natalie-the best thing you can do for the poor is not be one of them.

    Yes God gave you gifts and talents that you need to develop and share that energy with others.

    Money is just energy and it's OK to trade the energy of your gifts and talents for the energy of money.


  12. Randy you sure are an incredible catalyst. I have been doing so well these past couple of weeks and your posts have been confirmation/inspiration/wake up call.

    Today was sh*t. The bank now want a meeting to discuss the state of my account, just when I was startiing to feel so confident and positive again. I guess this is a test to really change things now.

    I too work in the field where some people feel my skills are "God given" and therefore I shouldn't charge for them, but one of my spiritual teachers said that even in the bible it says "the labourer is worthy of his hire".

    Randy I can't wait for the next instalment of this, boy I never realised how much relevance this would have. Thank you so much.

    Abundant Blessings

  13. Bingo on that one, Douglas. It is mine - All Mine! - LOL - and I have been aware of it and trying to overcome it for a long time. (Easy to say: Don't try; either do or don't do.) Finally starting to see some progress - in the right direction for a change! Perseverance is the path for me . . .

  14. Wow, this is awesome. I find it interesting that so many people including myself have worthiness issues. I grew up hearing from my mother that we children were shiftless, worthless, and good for nothing.

    Whew! Hearing that in my head and trying to confront it is really different when I actually say it (type it). There was definitely a shift.

    It seems like a lot of us have the same question RG, "How or what's the best way to change, challenge that old belief. It is really getting old. The beliefs of victim, unworthy is tiring. Help!

  15. Great post...and I totally agree. I would just like to echo Klaus' comment and add that lack of ACTION also tends to keep a lot of folks broke. You can have the best attitude in the world, and all the right beliefs, but if you don't get off your hinny and hustle, you'll still stay broke.

  16. Jhanna
    I'm sure you are way over the top smart enough and have loads of things you can do ... although thinking and believing is great... most people don't take real action on their ideas and that's what keeps them average.(In my opinion!)

  17. ... great blog. Just this morning amazing opportunities unfolded... Right now is the most amazing time to give people/business alliances the opportunity to rise up to the occasion to coorporatively create unconventional solutions that have never been considered before... Wow sit back and watch the magic unfold and be open to receive the gifts. For flow of opportunity/abundance often we give and give; however, to complete the flow we have to be open to receive as well.

  18. I think we all have some of these at some level, otherwise everyone would zillionaires, right? Well, I think I'd like to add one:

    8) You have to take advantage of others to gain wealth

    I need to work on this one myself, BIG TIME.

    I constantly see examples- or what I perceive to be examples- of this, and am on guard for it. When I do create income for myself in the various ways I do, I have to be absolutely sure that people are benefiting from the trade.

    I have no issue selling my book ('cuz it's hilarious), or selling my talent as a performer (because I'm brilliant), but some other things just have me asking if it's the right thing for the customer.

    Since a lot of us here are in the mlm industry, there are times when I am extremely gun shy about showing someone the business b/c I know that 95% of the time they're gonna fail. I know intellectually it's not my fault, but not emotionally.

    At least, that's how I see it today. And i reserve the right to change my mind anytime I want.

  19. Randy is so right and I don't know how many times did I read this kind of articles. To tell the trueth is that the first time I heard this was by the one and only Robert Kiyosaki.

    We don't realise that until is too late. Since I learned from this articles I have changed a lot and I am right now after being broke the last five years I am now picking well and I am enjoying the right and lot of people ask me how I am doing this and the only thing I can say is that if you don't have passion and desire to change your life you will never go anywhere in life.

    And until you realise I can't tell you how happy I am now and what is happening to me.


  20. If it was about special education or training then why is it that 75% of all millionaires don't even have a college degree? I think it comes down to the art of vision and self motivation to create wealth. Trying to live from the outcome vs. living from where you are at today. Living backwards, and that can be scary for most. Most successful people have been bankrupt more than once. So if your scared of going bankrupt or bust, go get a job and play it safe like most people. Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before Disneyland was ever created. George Lucas put it all on the line before and was in debt hugely and had no money for posters for the premier of Star Wars. Those are just a few of many examples of what it takes to become wealthy.

  21. I grew up in an environment which gave people the belief that if you are rich at a young age, you're probably a thief, a scammer, a corrupt politician or into blood money (Which I wont discuss here) and that such prosperity can only be got by "Hustling". People wore the "Hustling" badge with pride.
    When I finally got out and began looking inwards, I found these negative beliefs I had...I wrote them on a piece of paper and burnt them...
    Sometimes though I get scared some of them still linger..
    Especially if your pride as a guy is tied to how much you had to "struggle" to become wealthy.
    Now I wonder how many obstacles I manifested subconsciously.
    How's this as a self limiting belief "Nothing good comes easy!"
    And I heard this all my life! Geez!
    Gosh, I need help!!

  22. Very interesting!
    I have started making incantations (affirmations made with FEELING) everyday which empower me to go where I want to go. So twice a day (at least) for ten minutes a day at a time I yell out my incantations (often in the car - why not use the time usefully!).
    A simple one I am using is "Everday and in everyway I'm getting richer and richer". Remember your subconscious mind will do EXACTLY as you instruct it to do! It's doesn't say "Oh no - you're too old/young/havent got the money/dont have the education to do XXX!). But you MUST practice your incantations EVERY day for at least a month for them to start working. Your subconscious mind will work out HOW so don't worry about that.
    As a keen observer of human behaviour I am constantly amazed and disappointed when I hear people making negative and disempowering incantations.
    Oh another one I like is "My incantations work for me whether I believe they do or not!"
    Be careful about the wording - "I will lose weight" won't work because that's always in the future. Better would be "Everyday and in everyway I am becoming healthier and healthier" , so even if you weigh 300 lbs this can be a statement of truth!
    I still make disempowering statements myself at times (hey thats an incantation!) but have the awareness to stop myself and say "Hey, that's not going to help me - what do I need to say to empower me to go in the right direction?"
    Thanks Randy, as ever right on target - we're all learning!

  23. Randy-

    While tough to swallow and often leaving a bad taste in the speaker's mouth, it is necessary to speak the truth. If people are offended it's for a reason. Usually that the statements hit too close to home.

  24. Great stuff Randy. You'd appreciate the article that I linked up to, right on topic.

    Wealth is an idea in the mind. If you're not wealthy you have some deep seated beliefs that aren't very wealthy; ie - blocking wealth from coming to you.

    It can be painful to confront these beliefs. It sucks, actually, because as you go about the course of your day you can be doing everything "right" but of your mental programming is flawed you'll continue to get the same results.

    Like reaching into your wallet as the subconscious screams out "Do I have enough, do I have enough??" a hundred times. Or when a $35 energy bill arrives which you can more than cover with thousands in the bank yet you still worry about it because you've been programmed to "worry about the bills."

    Ask questions and wait for HONEST answers. Not what you want to hear but the TRUTH. This is a tough but necessary lesson in wealth-building that so few take.

  25. Agree with the point that the bottom line is fear. For for recieving money.
    The country where I growed up and live in is impacked by the socialdemocratic society that its not serious to be rich on work. Neither on real estate business , being a star in either sports or showbiz. Its ok to be rich on the lottery or horse gambling cause its "the only system that is equal for everyone".
    In addition to that we have the highest and the longest taxpressure in the whole world "in order to equal incomes". At least we pay 30 % , middle income earners are 50 % and if you have millionaire incomes you pay 70 -80 % in tax.
    And another addition to that , our vat is 25 % . Go go go.

  26. The Scandivanians countries have billionaries regardless of high taxation.
    I believe a Swedish is in the top 20 billionaries in the world

  27. yes i m still holding on to some of these limiting beliefs like that of 3,4,5,6 especially...I am going to remove them and replace with new ones..Thanks Randy.


  28. I heard a couple of stories last weekend that I am sharing...I didn't write them down so this will be a condensed version and may not be completely accurate. I am just a messenger but I am not using 3rd party tools this time:)

    In the first story, each time a guy went to a gas station he would hear a hound dog howling in pain. Each time he would ask about the dog and was told not to mind the dog. That is just the way the dog is. Finally one day the guy was very concerned and asked again if there was something wrong with the dog. The owner said the dog was sitting on a nail but the pain wasn't bad enough yet for the dog to move.
    Lesson: Don't wait for the pain to be bad enough to make the change to get out of pain.

    In the second story the speaker asked for a volunteer from the audience. A lady volunteered & he asked her if she had children. She said she had 3 children. Then he described a beam that was very high up & it was a windy day. She was on one end and he was across at the other end. He asked her if she would cross it for $1000, $100,000 & $1,000,000. Each time she said no because the risk was too great. Then he said her child was dangling on the other side and asked her if she would cross the beam. Yes she would cross the beam. "If the reason is big enough, anything is possible!"

    Have a "Why" that makes you cry. Love yourself & your family.

  29. Well said Vicki. No matter where, no matter when, no matter what, one must always get up and dance. As you say, keep 'hustling', always!

    Thanks for that.


  30. Randy:

    I found another limiting belief. I need to pay all my debts first and then pay cash to start my business.
    Thanks to everyone for sharing.

  31. I read the book for two dayes ago, and I have to say that the book is amazing, I feel my self much metter now, I recomend to everybody read this book, and all the book which Randy wrote. Have a nice reading people

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  • 42 comments on “Beliefs that Keep You Broke”

    1. That is a great message Randy. I think I will print it out and keep reading it each day. The more we think it is just normal and expected of us to achieve wealth and pass it on, the more likely we are to do it I think.

      By the way I bet there are tons of blog readers like me who find themselves replying to you in their head at odd times throughout the day!

    2. So how does one (me) change the limiting beliefs? Obviously, something inside is saying "no" to wealth.

      I have seen some interesting things about myself in the past week, while the topic is being discussed...example is I walk around with holes in my shoes, while everyone else in the house has new. My cell phone is literally falling apart and everyone else in the house has new. I keep telling myself that I don't "need" that (phone, shoes, whatever - fill in the blank) right now. BTW, it's not a money issue, I can go buy those things right now.

      I do see some learned patterns - and I am not blaming the people before me, just seeing some things - my grandmother had alot of money when she died, but never did anything for herself...she would buy nice things and and do nice things for others, but deny herself. My mother is an older woman now and always says that she "has to" live on this tiny budget because she has no dough (she does) and BTW she always does nice things for others.

      This weeks posts have been a real eye opener for Gordon Gecko says to Bud Fox in the movie Wall St...this is your wake up call pal, go to work. time for me to change some of my beliefs!!!!!

    3. You missed mine:
      My spiritual gifts are God given, therefor I sholdnt charge for them

      It's not fair to be rich when there are so many poor around who can't do it for themselves, cos they don't have god given gifts like me...

      thanks dude.

    4. Hi Randy

      I realise that ideas and ingenuity are whats required, however I dont seem to be getting any ideas!!

      Do ideas just fall into our laps by chance, so to speak, or can we do some specific things to help generate such ideas?

      Best Regards

    5. The one that came up as I evaluated my thoughts while reading those above:

      "I'm not smart enough to come up with the ideas to make millions."

      I'm guessing that is a worthiness issue, and WHERE that idea came from I don't know. Even though, I also recognize I'm smarter than the average bear.

      Ugh. I'm not liking that thought.

      Jhanna Dawson

    6. Ari, it depends on where some of your strengths are? Are you working a network marketing company.. keep it simple, follow what your leaders do, duplicate their system. What do you feel you are looking for?

    7. We may not always need to fall back on our smarts. We just have to believe that we have what it takes and that we DESERVE prosperity and forward thinking of how much do you really want to make a month.

    8. -RG,

      All the reasons on your list are easy to disprove. You and many other are living proof.

      I think there is a #8 that is so deeply implanted in many people, and we can't just "prove" it to them. That belief is:

      "I don't deserve it"

      How do you address that one?


    9. Damm!!!
      I got all six beliefs running my head. Thanks for connecting them to worthigness.
      Since they are spiritual conceptualized, they are hard to see.
      that's right you wrote about prosperity. I will get them.

    10. I have some other limiting beliefs too like:

      I need this job in order to survive.

      I'll loose everything if I strike out on my own

      I don't know how too survive without the J-O-B

      I'm too old to....fill in the blank.

      man i got some work to do!

    11. Natalie-the best thing you can do for the poor is not be one of them.

      Yes God gave you gifts and talents that you need to develop and share that energy with others.

      Money is just energy and it's OK to trade the energy of your gifts and talents for the energy of money.


    12. Randy you sure are an incredible catalyst. I have been doing so well these past couple of weeks and your posts have been confirmation/inspiration/wake up call.

      Today was sh*t. The bank now want a meeting to discuss the state of my account, just when I was startiing to feel so confident and positive again. I guess this is a test to really change things now.

      I too work in the field where some people feel my skills are "God given" and therefore I shouldn't charge for them, but one of my spiritual teachers said that even in the bible it says "the labourer is worthy of his hire".

      Randy I can't wait for the next instalment of this, boy I never realised how much relevance this would have. Thank you so much.

      Abundant Blessings

    13. Bingo on that one, Douglas. It is mine - All Mine! - LOL - and I have been aware of it and trying to overcome it for a long time. (Easy to say: Don't try; either do or don't do.) Finally starting to see some progress - in the right direction for a change! Perseverance is the path for me . . .

    14. Wow, this is awesome. I find it interesting that so many people including myself have worthiness issues. I grew up hearing from my mother that we children were shiftless, worthless, and good for nothing.

      Whew! Hearing that in my head and trying to confront it is really different when I actually say it (type it). There was definitely a shift.

      It seems like a lot of us have the same question RG, "How or what's the best way to change, challenge that old belief. It is really getting old. The beliefs of victim, unworthy is tiring. Help!

    15. Great post...and I totally agree. I would just like to echo Klaus' comment and add that lack of ACTION also tends to keep a lot of folks broke. You can have the best attitude in the world, and all the right beliefs, but if you don't get off your hinny and hustle, you'll still stay broke.

    16. Jhanna
      I'm sure you are way over the top smart enough and have loads of things you can do ... although thinking and believing is great... most people don't take real action on their ideas and that's what keeps them average.(In my opinion!)

    17. ... great blog. Just this morning amazing opportunities unfolded... Right now is the most amazing time to give people/business alliances the opportunity to rise up to the occasion to coorporatively create unconventional solutions that have never been considered before... Wow sit back and watch the magic unfold and be open to receive the gifts. For flow of opportunity/abundance often we give and give; however, to complete the flow we have to be open to receive as well.

    18. I think we all have some of these at some level, otherwise everyone would zillionaires, right? Well, I think I'd like to add one:

      8) You have to take advantage of others to gain wealth

      I need to work on this one myself, BIG TIME.

      I constantly see examples- or what I perceive to be examples- of this, and am on guard for it. When I do create income for myself in the various ways I do, I have to be absolutely sure that people are benefiting from the trade.

      I have no issue selling my book ('cuz it's hilarious), or selling my talent as a performer (because I'm brilliant), but some other things just have me asking if it's the right thing for the customer.

      Since a lot of us here are in the mlm industry, there are times when I am extremely gun shy about showing someone the business b/c I know that 95% of the time they're gonna fail. I know intellectually it's not my fault, but not emotionally.

      At least, that's how I see it today. And i reserve the right to change my mind anytime I want.

    19. Randy is so right and I don't know how many times did I read this kind of articles. To tell the trueth is that the first time I heard this was by the one and only Robert Kiyosaki.

      We don't realise that until is too late. Since I learned from this articles I have changed a lot and I am right now after being broke the last five years I am now picking well and I am enjoying the right and lot of people ask me how I am doing this and the only thing I can say is that if you don't have passion and desire to change your life you will never go anywhere in life.

      And until you realise I can't tell you how happy I am now and what is happening to me.


    20. If it was about special education or training then why is it that 75% of all millionaires don't even have a college degree? I think it comes down to the art of vision and self motivation to create wealth. Trying to live from the outcome vs. living from where you are at today. Living backwards, and that can be scary for most. Most successful people have been bankrupt more than once. So if your scared of going bankrupt or bust, go get a job and play it safe like most people. Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before Disneyland was ever created. George Lucas put it all on the line before and was in debt hugely and had no money for posters for the premier of Star Wars. Those are just a few of many examples of what it takes to become wealthy.

    21. I grew up in an environment which gave people the belief that if you are rich at a young age, you're probably a thief, a scammer, a corrupt politician or into blood money (Which I wont discuss here) and that such prosperity can only be got by "Hustling". People wore the "Hustling" badge with pride.
      When I finally got out and began looking inwards, I found these negative beliefs I had...I wrote them on a piece of paper and burnt them...
      Sometimes though I get scared some of them still linger..
      Especially if your pride as a guy is tied to how much you had to "struggle" to become wealthy.
      Now I wonder how many obstacles I manifested subconsciously.
      How's this as a self limiting belief "Nothing good comes easy!"
      And I heard this all my life! Geez!
      Gosh, I need help!!

    22. Very interesting!
      I have started making incantations (affirmations made with FEELING) everyday which empower me to go where I want to go. So twice a day (at least) for ten minutes a day at a time I yell out my incantations (often in the car - why not use the time usefully!).
      A simple one I am using is "Everday and in everyway I'm getting richer and richer". Remember your subconscious mind will do EXACTLY as you instruct it to do! It's doesn't say "Oh no - you're too old/young/havent got the money/dont have the education to do XXX!). But you MUST practice your incantations EVERY day for at least a month for them to start working. Your subconscious mind will work out HOW so don't worry about that.
      As a keen observer of human behaviour I am constantly amazed and disappointed when I hear people making negative and disempowering incantations.
      Oh another one I like is "My incantations work for me whether I believe they do or not!"
      Be careful about the wording - "I will lose weight" won't work because that's always in the future. Better would be "Everyday and in everyway I am becoming healthier and healthier" , so even if you weigh 300 lbs this can be a statement of truth!
      I still make disempowering statements myself at times (hey thats an incantation!) but have the awareness to stop myself and say "Hey, that's not going to help me - what do I need to say to empower me to go in the right direction?"
      Thanks Randy, as ever right on target - we're all learning!

    23. Randy-

      While tough to swallow and often leaving a bad taste in the speaker's mouth, it is necessary to speak the truth. If people are offended it's for a reason. Usually that the statements hit too close to home.

    24. Great stuff Randy. You'd appreciate the article that I linked up to, right on topic.

      Wealth is an idea in the mind. If you're not wealthy you have some deep seated beliefs that aren't very wealthy; ie - blocking wealth from coming to you.

      It can be painful to confront these beliefs. It sucks, actually, because as you go about the course of your day you can be doing everything "right" but of your mental programming is flawed you'll continue to get the same results.

      Like reaching into your wallet as the subconscious screams out "Do I have enough, do I have enough??" a hundred times. Or when a $35 energy bill arrives which you can more than cover with thousands in the bank yet you still worry about it because you've been programmed to "worry about the bills."

      Ask questions and wait for HONEST answers. Not what you want to hear but the TRUTH. This is a tough but necessary lesson in wealth-building that so few take.

    25. Agree with the point that the bottom line is fear. For for recieving money.
      The country where I growed up and live in is impacked by the socialdemocratic society that its not serious to be rich on work. Neither on real estate business , being a star in either sports or showbiz. Its ok to be rich on the lottery or horse gambling cause its "the only system that is equal for everyone".
      In addition to that we have the highest and the longest taxpressure in the whole world "in order to equal incomes". At least we pay 30 % , middle income earners are 50 % and if you have millionaire incomes you pay 70 -80 % in tax.
      And another addition to that , our vat is 25 % . Go go go.

    26. The Scandivanians countries have billionaries regardless of high taxation.
      I believe a Swedish is in the top 20 billionaries in the world

    27. yes i m still holding on to some of these limiting beliefs like that of 3,4,5,6 especially...I am going to remove them and replace with new ones..Thanks Randy.


    28. I heard a couple of stories last weekend that I am sharing...I didn't write them down so this will be a condensed version and may not be completely accurate. I am just a messenger but I am not using 3rd party tools this time:)

      In the first story, each time a guy went to a gas station he would hear a hound dog howling in pain. Each time he would ask about the dog and was told not to mind the dog. That is just the way the dog is. Finally one day the guy was very concerned and asked again if there was something wrong with the dog. The owner said the dog was sitting on a nail but the pain wasn't bad enough yet for the dog to move.
      Lesson: Don't wait for the pain to be bad enough to make the change to get out of pain.

      In the second story the speaker asked for a volunteer from the audience. A lady volunteered & he asked her if she had children. She said she had 3 children. Then he described a beam that was very high up & it was a windy day. She was on one end and he was across at the other end. He asked her if she would cross it for $1000, $100,000 & $1,000,000. Each time she said no because the risk was too great. Then he said her child was dangling on the other side and asked her if she would cross the beam. Yes she would cross the beam. "If the reason is big enough, anything is possible!"

      Have a "Why" that makes you cry. Love yourself & your family.

    29. Well said Vicki. No matter where, no matter when, no matter what, one must always get up and dance. As you say, keep 'hustling', always!

      Thanks for that.


    30. Randy:

      I found another limiting belief. I need to pay all my debts first and then pay cash to start my business.
      Thanks to everyone for sharing.

    31. I read the book for two dayes ago, and I have to say that the book is amazing, I feel my self much metter now, I recomend to everybody read this book, and all the book which Randy wrote. Have a nice reading people

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