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Are You are Programming Yourself for Poverty?

Posted By: Randy GageApril 23, 2010

We’ve been looking at ways we may stay mired in victim-hood.  We’ve used sickness as the example, and I questioned when things like braces, wheelchairs, and medicines help us – and when they might hold us back.  

Then in yesterday’s post I asked you to think about parallels in terms of staying broke, missing a promotion, or losing a healthy relationship.  Did you give it some real thought?

So let’s start with the first one...

If you’re broke right now – and my definition of broke is that you don’t have at least US$10 million laying around somewhere – how much time do you spend owning being broke?

Do you ever repeat the stupid clichés like the rich getting richer, or having to have money to make money?  Do you gossip about how cheap your boss or company is, or how bad the economy is?  If so, you are programming yourself with excuses to justify staying broke.

Have you surrounded yourself with people who wear being poor as a badge of honor?  Do YOU treat being poor as it is something noble or spiritual?  If so, think of the self-sabotage programming that is going to kick in every time you try to become successful.

It’s like in the original Spiderman movie, when Peter’s uncle says, “We may not be rich, but at least we’re honest.”  Have you ever really thought what an expression like that REALLY means and the subliminal programming it creates in you?

And here’s the real big one...

Are most of your thoughts about money worrying about paying bills and where you’ll get the money– or dreaming of ways to preserve and increase your existing wealth?  Because you attract what you think about most.

In my church we sing a song that states, “Our thoughts are prayers.”  So what are you praying for?


39 comments on “Are You are Programming Yourself for Poverty?”

  1. I've been passively listening to the Master Key System the past few months and it's amazing how my programming is changing. For years I had anxiety and a feeling of unease beneath the surface. Little did I know that those feelings were driving my life. "Our thoughts are prayers" I like that! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Well, if anyone is interested in knowing what I'm thinking about, it's the current move of my business. I am preserving wealth by not having to pay rent for an industrial unit in a big city. Bought a rural property, had a proper building built on it, got all the electrics and water system ready, and made sure it was properly insulated. There is no money owed on this building and property and it will always go up in value as time goes on. Paying rent is just like throwing your money away. Fortunately, it's type of buiness that can be run from anywhere - as long as a transport tuck can get to it. It's between the Toronto - Montreal transport route which is busy thus prices for transport are low. This decision was made a long time ago but had to wait out my lease. I feel this decision was a good one and now the focus is on how to sell more bulk cosmetic creams and lotions.

  3. Randy, I have overcome many serious health issues, and I am much healthier than anyone I know. No health issues at this time. I have been reading and studying all I can about the networking industry, and still have issues surrounding it! So many years in this industry than I want to divulge as it might tell my age!! 🙂 I have overcome many fears instilled from everywhere. LOL
    I am again moving forward but kind of stuck as to how to reach the financial goals at this time in my life!! The trainers are not helping as I cannot program myself to follow anyone. What I have accomplished I have had to struggle through and seek the advice I felt I needed from a higher power! I have learned and continue to learn and enjoy the daily challenges. However, I do feel stuck, but I know this will resolve itself also!! I will continue to read and learn and I appreciate what you are doing on a daily basis.
    I have read your book Why You're Dumb Sick and Broke 2 times. Think I will read it again!!

    I will continue to grow, hopefully!!! 🙂


  4. I think that a sense of ones worth, not just in the financial sense, is important.

    How do we measure our own worth?

    Is it by the size of our bank account, our contribution to society or is that we are just lucky enough to be alive and experience the amazing sights, smells, tastes, sounds and textures that we have been blessed with.

  5. Randy,

    I read the entire post thinking I really don't do any of those things and then it struck me. I grew up in a family where we had money but we were always worried where it was coming from. I fairness I have to say we were taught to go do something about it via work.

    I have also realized my parents "cried wolf" a lot of times and that affected me. They came from the depression and really didn't know where there next meal was coming from sometimes.

    I am guilty of thinking we are in a recession and things will be tough. I will have to struggle. I have spent time changing my self talk. "I am being prospered now" is better than where is it coming from.

    Thanks for making me think.

    Jim Story

  6. Randy,

    This is why paying attention to your thinking is extremely important. The thoughts we have about money are exactly why we are where we are with money.

    But the only way to change the habit of thought that goes with money for example, "I don't have the money for that." is to catch yourself in the process of saying it to yourself or someone else and then eliminate it from your vocabulary.

    And you have to be constantly on guard about the thoughts you allow yourself to have and the thoughts you allow from others to sink into you via the movies, TV and the news.

    Keep up the great work!

    Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

    John Clark

  7. This "prayers are thoughts" idea is really, really powerful. I've always believed that but sometimes we (er, I) forget that.

    EXAMPLE: I have run a successful business for 14 years, but the past year or so I started to worry about the economy. Guess what: my business took a dip.

    Then -- almost as if to test me -- the Universe forced me to make a decision.

    One of my full time clients offered me a very nice job with some great perks and benefits. I decided that if I was going to take a full time job and give up a biz I had worked 14 years to build, I would want more money. So, I asked for $10,000 more in salary than what they offered, plus six month's living expenses (the job would have required a move, and I figured it would take six months for me to sell my house), and $7,000 in moving expenses.

    The company agreed to ALL of my requests, without batting an eye. Odd, since the salary they offered me was at the very top of their range (I have a friend in the company who told me what their budget was for the position). So, I came in at $10,000 over their budget, but they were still willing to pay me that. I felt so lucky, but at the same time when they agreed to my counter offer, a little voice in my head said, "Oh, crap! I was hoping they wouldn't agree because then I would have a logical reason to turn down the job."

    Still, I gave the job very serious consideration, and was almost on the verge of taking it. Then, a very dear friend of mine whapped me up along side the head. She asked why I was even considering taking the job. I told her that I was worried about the economy, and maybe I would be smart to play it safe. "Some estimates are that the economy won't turn around until 2015, " I rationalized, "and maybe not even then. Plus, it would be nice just to do my job and not have to hustle for every gig."

    That's when she lowered the boom and said, "It has nothing to do with the economy. You're just burned out. You haven't had a vacation in eight years, and you're tired. You're using this full time offer as an excuse to be spoon-fed a paycheck every week. Plus, if the economy is so bad, how can that company afford to go over it's budget for the position by $10,000 a year? How can they afford to meet all of your counter-offer requests? It's not the economy, it's YOU!"

    She then pointed out that I apparently believed enough in myself to ask for an extra 10-grand for a full time job, but she wondered why I didn't believe in myself enough to make my business survive through this downturn.

    Even my parents--both products of the Great Depression and who have high security needs and don't believe in taking risks--advised me against taking the job. That shocked me. My dad worked for a company all of his life and made a very good living. He pulled me aside and said, "If I had my life to live over again, I never would have worked for a company. I would have done what you did, and started my own business. I didn't have the courage. You did. Think long and hard about your decision, because what you choose now will change the rest of your life."

    After much thought, I realized my friend and my parents were right. Plus, I couldn't ignore the very strong negative gut reaction that I had when they offered me the job. I had allowed myself to be sucked into this "the-sky-is-falling" mentality.

    I turned down the job, promised myself that I would take a long vacation this September, and that my business would not only survive but thrive during this recession.

    The VERY NEXT DAY I landed two new large contracts that I had been working on for months -- one to create and deliver a nation-wide roll-out of a sales training program for a pharmaceutical company, and the other to do a large-scale sales training for all managers for a convenience store chain. The day after that, I landed another instructional design project.

    It's as if the Universe was just waiting for me to be open to the possibilities. Once I had freed myself from worry and trusted that things would work out, my business got back to normal in a matter of a couple of days!

    Very strange, indeed, how thoughts become prayers that become reality. The Universe had just taught me a valuable lesson.

  8. A friend of mine asked me to help her with a friends flooded basement. We had had a flood like we haven't seen in 100yrs. So I went with her to inspect the house.

    OMG! The guy who owns the house lives in Anguilla now and he's renting it to a couple of Navy frat animals. The owner is a photographer by trade and had the house custom built with a studio for hs work. As we walked around the house, I justed couldn't get myself out of the "office". My friend looked at me and smiled, asking "Whats going on in your head, Sarah?" I smiled back and said "This is my new home."

    I have been requesting a place to doing healing work and workshops/classes for meditation, coaching, you name it! The minute I walked into the studio of this house, I just KNEW it was meant to be my home. All the empty beer cans and bootles, the complete mess of single men living there went away- all I could see was people gathered for classes.

    My friend has pictures of the house since it IS on the market. So now I am asking the Universe to figure out HOW to ake this happen. I carry pictures around of the house, showing select positive people "my new home". I created a Dream Book- a protable version of a Dream Board- with the furniture I want to buy for the house, the new kitchen, etc.

    Active re-programming at its best 😉

  9. "Are most of your thoughts about money worrying about paying bills and where you’ll get the money– or dreaming of ways to preserve and increase your existing wealth? Because you attract what you think about most".
    Wow! Thanks for smacking me upside the head with that one Randy! Even though I make a good income (6 figures) this is one that smacks of reality to me. Thanks for the wake up call!

  10. MAN! That's wonderful and so inspiring to me. I'm starting to notice that opportunities always appear right after you reach your breaking point & are about to give up. Even when I'm driving (and think I might be lost), my desire to turn around is always strongest right before I run into my destination! So I've learned to stay the course even when my thoughts are at their most negative. Success is always right within my grasp.

    Even now, I'm about to leave a dead end career to officially begin a career in real estate sales and investing. This is something I've wanted to do for at least 15 years.... I'm 29 :-). I've planned wisely for the past couple of years to ensure my success and I'm ready!

    Your story made my day and gave me a little extra courage in my endeavors! Thanks!

  11. I'm pretty frustrated with the company that handles the ordering of your products. Content is great- that's why I've ordered more. First order MP3 files were too difficult to get into itunes (even friend working at Apple had trouble)

    Today the Midas Mentality program arrived, late Friday afternoon. I was so exited, I am desperate to start change in my life. I would have ordered the product priority shipping if that option was available. The vision board screen saver doesn't work (trying to load it opens box of jibberish)

    So today I excitedly popped the DVD for Live a Life of Abundance in, and it won't play. Neither one will. And now it's Friday afternoon, customer service has banking hours.... I'm stuck. Can't start the program, at least not the way you want me too.

    I think you need to think about getting a different company to handle your ordering/shipping etc. When I called customer service about the trouble with MP3 they several times promised to call me back but never did.

    To not offer priority shipping is bad. If I had priority shipping I could have had the product replaced already.

    I am upset about having to wait over the weekend to even talk to anybody in customer service. I will probably go ahead and start the program without watching the DVDs. I won't be able to stand sitting around looking at the rest of it and not being able to do it.

  12. Thank you for the story!
    I was also an inspiring one for me.
    I have had similar choices to make in these two years.
    In a smaller scale though)


  13. There are a lots of subliminal programming lines that come from a religion and it is almost invisible.
    Such subliminal messsages as:
    "The physical life on earth is short and is a preparation for the life in the spirit world. Be prepared! "
    "Don't worry about the wealth. It will be given to you once you are in align with God's Will"
    "Care more for what God cares, then God will care about you and your finance"
    "If you love God more than your money, then you are noble and spiritual"
    "All your wealth belongs to God and God's will"
    "Think more about what will you take with you after you die"

    And there are a lots of that stuff.

    Well, I am actually not really sure whether these words are all wrong. Some af those have a sense.

  14. Yes please start it and you'll be fine. As far as the screen saver, that is for PC only and you mention talking to someone from Apple, so you're probably a Mac user. (Like me.) So sorry to hear of your trouble. I will share your comments with the owner of the company and make sure they follow up with you.


  15. I have been trying to live a 'success-consciousness' for just a few days. I read a LOT of self-help literature and have been following bits from everywhere but I think it all boils down to 'thoughts'. I am from India and in Indian spirituality traditions, meditation is all about watching and changing your thoughts. Doing a half-hour meditation daily has helped me train myself in watching inwards any time of teh day and be more consciousness.

    Now, somebody above gave an example- “I don’t have the money for that.” So what exactly you do when you need a Blacberry for business/work and you actually do not have money.

    My take is that when you think like a 'rich and successful' person, you;d say to yourself Hersh I need Blackberry and I might not have the budgets right now so let's get a cheaper alternative for now and work towards getting that Blackberry soon as possible.

    What do you say Randy?

  16. You are telling my life story, the people I meet everyday, the things that I read (oh, the wonderful pearsl Randy shares with us) can be my only mentor, the divine part in them and the universal wisdom above. Could we want for more Genesta?

    Love, Natasa

  17. Hey Randy, I have a question for you? I know that we talk about limiting beliefs coming from religious and mass culture ideals, as well as upbringing, but I'd like your thoughts on limiting beliefs coming from MLM companies themselves.

    Recently I have been hit up by the same mlm company (different reps) all selling thru fear and "you better prepare for the worst." They immediately slam my "deal" without taking the time to look at it (I did not go looking for them- they found my biz card and felt the need to re-direct me into a better

    Being a coach, I find this behavior amusing and sad. Why does a co. need to sell a product thru fear and limiting beliefs- and moreover- why are these reps buying into it? When I tell them I don't have a need for what they sell because I choose to not have those beliefs and therefore put my energy towards positive outcomes, they call me a nutjob! LMAO...which of course I love! Because it means I am making them think outside THEIR box.

    So I offer, while the power of beliefs from our past hold us in patterns, do ideals and wants for the future hold the same power? If you want something so badly (money) and you find social proof for it (going to a rally and seeing the guru who "made it"- not speaking about you), is someone willing to take on new limiting beliefs to get where they want to go?

  18. I felt immensely encouraged by what you wrote! I thought your parents and friends were so amazingly supportive of you, because they must know you well. Best of wishes for a continued successful business. Mine is in the 15th year and also took a dive, so I am happy to hear that you had "your thoughts are your prayers" tested!!

  19. I thought I'd write my gut reaction to this as it may be therapeutic.
    10 million dollars !? That's considered broke? There is no way I could amass that quantity of cash. I'd have to make 20 million in profit because the Taxman will take half ! (In Canada, you pay 50 cents on the dollar after 80 grand.) I'd have to sell a whole whack of cream to have that kind of cash! I'd need all kinds of equipment, then I'd have to deal with having more employees. Then I'd need a bigger space for that kind of volume!! 10 million? Who, even in their lifetime, could make that ? How would I get that many customers and sustain that big of an operation?

  20. Randy, I'm gaining quite a bit of insight from this. Two immediate thoughts:

    I'm in the print/publishing industry, so the "sky has been falling" where I work for more than a decade. We're bombarded by this message internally and, over the past two or three years, externally, as well. Rather than seeing my survival (thusfar) as a sign of my value to the company, I lumber along knowing good and well I'll never see a promotion in my current position. Add to that the "needle in a haystack" mentality in the job market and it's a frustrating situation. I've thought it's comparable to being married to a harridan wife who repeatedly belittles her husband with remarks such as "You wanna leave? Fine! Go! Good luck finding someone else out there! There's nobody else out there!" (if that makes any sense). I also know that the "doom and gloom" card will always be played where I work, so my enthusiasm for my work is, at best, muted.

    The other thought: I have sort of a "reverse" prosperity mindset, in that I derive pleasure from getting a "deal" rather than paying top dollar. As a quick example, yesterday I bought a $55 shirt I'd wanted on sale for $20. To me, that was more gratifying than having it right away at full price. I can see some negative underpinnings to that, but is that an entirely wrong way of thinking?

    Keep up the good work.

  21. What am I hoping for? I'm hoping for a VOBO so I can retire and move on. I have been a teacher/trainer for 20 years. I want to try something NEW. something I have never done before. I want to live, laugh, play drums, and have money.

  22. I am reading "Let love in" by Debra Berndt. She says you need to forgive the past to stop being a victim. She also says not to confuse forgiveness with letting someone off the hook. You don' t benefit from anger. You need to let go of the unhealthy energy. I'm not sure if that means ending the relationship, changing jobs, moving, etc if that is what is needed to stop being a victim.

  23. Getting a deal is prosperous indeed. You keep more of your hard earned cash. Just don't go spending too much time finding these deals. If you happen to come by one, that's great. I built a wicked mountain bike by acquiring all the parts over the wintertime through deals, but it involved casually reviewing all the mail-order websites on a regular basis. In the end I paid 30% less than otherwise. Was the 30% saving worth the amount of time I spent? In my case yes, because I was in my office waiting anyway. Had I been doing this on my OWN time - maybe.

  24. Randy,
    It's funny you mention the line from Spiderman. The line that always got me is a line from the song "Amarillo by Morning" as sung by George Strait (apparently he's not the original).

    "I ain't rich, but Lord I'm free"

    That line always sticks out in my mind as demonstrative (!bigwords!) of lack programing

  25. randy,i love your book,your cds
    they did a great job in my life,my way to helping other
    i'm working network marketing as palinure international ,i want to be a top leader just like you..
    i have an orgazination of 500 member,i want to grow it faster than before
    i wiil be pleased to have your comment

  26. Hi Lynn,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues. I am a Mac specialist with the company that handles the ordering. I'd love to take some time to ensure you are 110% satisfied. My phone number is (316) 942-1111 and my email is
    Talk to you soon,

  27. Great post Randy. Yes I have been there and done that in all of your above comments. That kind of lifestyle has simply worn me out and made my life miserable. However, it is amazing how tough it is to break away from those victim habits.

  28. This line sums up the post SO well - "Because you attract what you think about most."

    As time goes by I realize that the 2 most important factors that determine success are my 1) Dominant Thoughts and 2) Dominant Associations.

    When I surround myself with great people, and fill my mind with positive thoughts, good things always happen.

    Best to you,

  29. Randy,
    I was loading my shit today from storage to the moving van to get moved in to the new house, and the guys working the office had country music blaring all over the storage complex. I hate country for the most part, but this song really reminded me of this post.
    It's apparently a guy named Jake Own.
    The Lyrics are like classical negative programming.
    Check out the lyrics:

  30. "Are most of your thoughts about money worrying about paying bills and where you’ll get the money– or dreaming of ways to preserve and increase your existing wealth? Because you attract what you think about most."

    I thought I was in the clear until I got to this part! The light is now on......:")

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  • 39 comments on “Are You are Programming Yourself for Poverty?”

    1. I've been passively listening to the Master Key System the past few months and it's amazing how my programming is changing. For years I had anxiety and a feeling of unease beneath the surface. Little did I know that those feelings were driving my life. "Our thoughts are prayers" I like that! Thanks for sharing!

    2. Well, if anyone is interested in knowing what I'm thinking about, it's the current move of my business. I am preserving wealth by not having to pay rent for an industrial unit in a big city. Bought a rural property, had a proper building built on it, got all the electrics and water system ready, and made sure it was properly insulated. There is no money owed on this building and property and it will always go up in value as time goes on. Paying rent is just like throwing your money away. Fortunately, it's type of buiness that can be run from anywhere - as long as a transport tuck can get to it. It's between the Toronto - Montreal transport route which is busy thus prices for transport are low. This decision was made a long time ago but had to wait out my lease. I feel this decision was a good one and now the focus is on how to sell more bulk cosmetic creams and lotions.

    3. Randy, I have overcome many serious health issues, and I am much healthier than anyone I know. No health issues at this time. I have been reading and studying all I can about the networking industry, and still have issues surrounding it! So many years in this industry than I want to divulge as it might tell my age!! 🙂 I have overcome many fears instilled from everywhere. LOL
      I am again moving forward but kind of stuck as to how to reach the financial goals at this time in my life!! The trainers are not helping as I cannot program myself to follow anyone. What I have accomplished I have had to struggle through and seek the advice I felt I needed from a higher power! I have learned and continue to learn and enjoy the daily challenges. However, I do feel stuck, but I know this will resolve itself also!! I will continue to read and learn and I appreciate what you are doing on a daily basis.
      I have read your book Why You're Dumb Sick and Broke 2 times. Think I will read it again!!

      I will continue to grow, hopefully!!! 🙂


    4. I think that a sense of ones worth, not just in the financial sense, is important.

      How do we measure our own worth?

      Is it by the size of our bank account, our contribution to society or is that we are just lucky enough to be alive and experience the amazing sights, smells, tastes, sounds and textures that we have been blessed with.

    5. Randy,

      I read the entire post thinking I really don't do any of those things and then it struck me. I grew up in a family where we had money but we were always worried where it was coming from. I fairness I have to say we were taught to go do something about it via work.

      I have also realized my parents "cried wolf" a lot of times and that affected me. They came from the depression and really didn't know where there next meal was coming from sometimes.

      I am guilty of thinking we are in a recession and things will be tough. I will have to struggle. I have spent time changing my self talk. "I am being prospered now" is better than where is it coming from.

      Thanks for making me think.

      Jim Story

    6. Randy,

      This is why paying attention to your thinking is extremely important. The thoughts we have about money are exactly why we are where we are with money.

      But the only way to change the habit of thought that goes with money for example, "I don't have the money for that." is to catch yourself in the process of saying it to yourself or someone else and then eliminate it from your vocabulary.

      And you have to be constantly on guard about the thoughts you allow yourself to have and the thoughts you allow from others to sink into you via the movies, TV and the news.

      Keep up the great work!

      Here's to Your LifetoSuccess,

      John Clark

    7. This "prayers are thoughts" idea is really, really powerful. I've always believed that but sometimes we (er, I) forget that.

      EXAMPLE: I have run a successful business for 14 years, but the past year or so I started to worry about the economy. Guess what: my business took a dip.

      Then -- almost as if to test me -- the Universe forced me to make a decision.

      One of my full time clients offered me a very nice job with some great perks and benefits. I decided that if I was going to take a full time job and give up a biz I had worked 14 years to build, I would want more money. So, I asked for $10,000 more in salary than what they offered, plus six month's living expenses (the job would have required a move, and I figured it would take six months for me to sell my house), and $7,000 in moving expenses.

      The company agreed to ALL of my requests, without batting an eye. Odd, since the salary they offered me was at the very top of their range (I have a friend in the company who told me what their budget was for the position). So, I came in at $10,000 over their budget, but they were still willing to pay me that. I felt so lucky, but at the same time when they agreed to my counter offer, a little voice in my head said, "Oh, crap! I was hoping they wouldn't agree because then I would have a logical reason to turn down the job."

      Still, I gave the job very serious consideration, and was almost on the verge of taking it. Then, a very dear friend of mine whapped me up along side the head. She asked why I was even considering taking the job. I told her that I was worried about the economy, and maybe I would be smart to play it safe. "Some estimates are that the economy won't turn around until 2015, " I rationalized, "and maybe not even then. Plus, it would be nice just to do my job and not have to hustle for every gig."

      That's when she lowered the boom and said, "It has nothing to do with the economy. You're just burned out. You haven't had a vacation in eight years, and you're tired. You're using this full time offer as an excuse to be spoon-fed a paycheck every week. Plus, if the economy is so bad, how can that company afford to go over it's budget for the position by $10,000 a year? How can they afford to meet all of your counter-offer requests? It's not the economy, it's YOU!"

      She then pointed out that I apparently believed enough in myself to ask for an extra 10-grand for a full time job, but she wondered why I didn't believe in myself enough to make my business survive through this downturn.

      Even my parents--both products of the Great Depression and who have high security needs and don't believe in taking risks--advised me against taking the job. That shocked me. My dad worked for a company all of his life and made a very good living. He pulled me aside and said, "If I had my life to live over again, I never would have worked for a company. I would have done what you did, and started my own business. I didn't have the courage. You did. Think long and hard about your decision, because what you choose now will change the rest of your life."

      After much thought, I realized my friend and my parents were right. Plus, I couldn't ignore the very strong negative gut reaction that I had when they offered me the job. I had allowed myself to be sucked into this "the-sky-is-falling" mentality.

      I turned down the job, promised myself that I would take a long vacation this September, and that my business would not only survive but thrive during this recession.

      The VERY NEXT DAY I landed two new large contracts that I had been working on for months -- one to create and deliver a nation-wide roll-out of a sales training program for a pharmaceutical company, and the other to do a large-scale sales training for all managers for a convenience store chain. The day after that, I landed another instructional design project.

      It's as if the Universe was just waiting for me to be open to the possibilities. Once I had freed myself from worry and trusted that things would work out, my business got back to normal in a matter of a couple of days!

      Very strange, indeed, how thoughts become prayers that become reality. The Universe had just taught me a valuable lesson.

    8. A friend of mine asked me to help her with a friends flooded basement. We had had a flood like we haven't seen in 100yrs. So I went with her to inspect the house.

      OMG! The guy who owns the house lives in Anguilla now and he's renting it to a couple of Navy frat animals. The owner is a photographer by trade and had the house custom built with a studio for hs work. As we walked around the house, I justed couldn't get myself out of the "office". My friend looked at me and smiled, asking "Whats going on in your head, Sarah?" I smiled back and said "This is my new home."

      I have been requesting a place to doing healing work and workshops/classes for meditation, coaching, you name it! The minute I walked into the studio of this house, I just KNEW it was meant to be my home. All the empty beer cans and bootles, the complete mess of single men living there went away- all I could see was people gathered for classes.

      My friend has pictures of the house since it IS on the market. So now I am asking the Universe to figure out HOW to ake this happen. I carry pictures around of the house, showing select positive people "my new home". I created a Dream Book- a protable version of a Dream Board- with the furniture I want to buy for the house, the new kitchen, etc.

      Active re-programming at its best 😉

    9. "Are most of your thoughts about money worrying about paying bills and where you’ll get the money– or dreaming of ways to preserve and increase your existing wealth? Because you attract what you think about most".
      Wow! Thanks for smacking me upside the head with that one Randy! Even though I make a good income (6 figures) this is one that smacks of reality to me. Thanks for the wake up call!

    10. MAN! That's wonderful and so inspiring to me. I'm starting to notice that opportunities always appear right after you reach your breaking point & are about to give up. Even when I'm driving (and think I might be lost), my desire to turn around is always strongest right before I run into my destination! So I've learned to stay the course even when my thoughts are at their most negative. Success is always right within my grasp.

      Even now, I'm about to leave a dead end career to officially begin a career in real estate sales and investing. This is something I've wanted to do for at least 15 years.... I'm 29 :-). I've planned wisely for the past couple of years to ensure my success and I'm ready!

      Your story made my day and gave me a little extra courage in my endeavors! Thanks!

    11. I'm pretty frustrated with the company that handles the ordering of your products. Content is great- that's why I've ordered more. First order MP3 files were too difficult to get into itunes (even friend working at Apple had trouble)

      Today the Midas Mentality program arrived, late Friday afternoon. I was so exited, I am desperate to start change in my life. I would have ordered the product priority shipping if that option was available. The vision board screen saver doesn't work (trying to load it opens box of jibberish)

      So today I excitedly popped the DVD for Live a Life of Abundance in, and it won't play. Neither one will. And now it's Friday afternoon, customer service has banking hours.... I'm stuck. Can't start the program, at least not the way you want me too.

      I think you need to think about getting a different company to handle your ordering/shipping etc. When I called customer service about the trouble with MP3 they several times promised to call me back but never did.

      To not offer priority shipping is bad. If I had priority shipping I could have had the product replaced already.

      I am upset about having to wait over the weekend to even talk to anybody in customer service. I will probably go ahead and start the program without watching the DVDs. I won't be able to stand sitting around looking at the rest of it and not being able to do it.

    12. Thank you for the story!
      I was also an inspiring one for me.
      I have had similar choices to make in these two years.
      In a smaller scale though)


    13. There are a lots of subliminal programming lines that come from a religion and it is almost invisible.
      Such subliminal messsages as:
      "The physical life on earth is short and is a preparation for the life in the spirit world. Be prepared! "
      "Don't worry about the wealth. It will be given to you once you are in align with God's Will"
      "Care more for what God cares, then God will care about you and your finance"
      "If you love God more than your money, then you are noble and spiritual"
      "All your wealth belongs to God and God's will"
      "Think more about what will you take with you after you die"

      And there are a lots of that stuff.

      Well, I am actually not really sure whether these words are all wrong. Some af those have a sense.

    14. Yes please start it and you'll be fine. As far as the screen saver, that is for PC only and you mention talking to someone from Apple, so you're probably a Mac user. (Like me.) So sorry to hear of your trouble. I will share your comments with the owner of the company and make sure they follow up with you.


    15. I have been trying to live a 'success-consciousness' for just a few days. I read a LOT of self-help literature and have been following bits from everywhere but I think it all boils down to 'thoughts'. I am from India and in Indian spirituality traditions, meditation is all about watching and changing your thoughts. Doing a half-hour meditation daily has helped me train myself in watching inwards any time of teh day and be more consciousness.

      Now, somebody above gave an example- “I don’t have the money for that.” So what exactly you do when you need a Blacberry for business/work and you actually do not have money.

      My take is that when you think like a 'rich and successful' person, you;d say to yourself Hersh I need Blackberry and I might not have the budgets right now so let's get a cheaper alternative for now and work towards getting that Blackberry soon as possible.

      What do you say Randy?

    16. You are telling my life story, the people I meet everyday, the things that I read (oh, the wonderful pearsl Randy shares with us) can be my only mentor, the divine part in them and the universal wisdom above. Could we want for more Genesta?

      Love, Natasa

    17. Hey Randy, I have a question for you? I know that we talk about limiting beliefs coming from religious and mass culture ideals, as well as upbringing, but I'd like your thoughts on limiting beliefs coming from MLM companies themselves.

      Recently I have been hit up by the same mlm company (different reps) all selling thru fear and "you better prepare for the worst." They immediately slam my "deal" without taking the time to look at it (I did not go looking for them- they found my biz card and felt the need to re-direct me into a better

      Being a coach, I find this behavior amusing and sad. Why does a co. need to sell a product thru fear and limiting beliefs- and moreover- why are these reps buying into it? When I tell them I don't have a need for what they sell because I choose to not have those beliefs and therefore put my energy towards positive outcomes, they call me a nutjob! LMAO...which of course I love! Because it means I am making them think outside THEIR box.

      So I offer, while the power of beliefs from our past hold us in patterns, do ideals and wants for the future hold the same power? If you want something so badly (money) and you find social proof for it (going to a rally and seeing the guru who "made it"- not speaking about you), is someone willing to take on new limiting beliefs to get where they want to go?

    18. I felt immensely encouraged by what you wrote! I thought your parents and friends were so amazingly supportive of you, because they must know you well. Best of wishes for a continued successful business. Mine is in the 15th year and also took a dive, so I am happy to hear that you had "your thoughts are your prayers" tested!!

    19. I thought I'd write my gut reaction to this as it may be therapeutic.
      10 million dollars !? That's considered broke? There is no way I could amass that quantity of cash. I'd have to make 20 million in profit because the Taxman will take half ! (In Canada, you pay 50 cents on the dollar after 80 grand.) I'd have to sell a whole whack of cream to have that kind of cash! I'd need all kinds of equipment, then I'd have to deal with having more employees. Then I'd need a bigger space for that kind of volume!! 10 million? Who, even in their lifetime, could make that ? How would I get that many customers and sustain that big of an operation?

    20. Randy, I'm gaining quite a bit of insight from this. Two immediate thoughts:

      I'm in the print/publishing industry, so the "sky has been falling" where I work for more than a decade. We're bombarded by this message internally and, over the past two or three years, externally, as well. Rather than seeing my survival (thusfar) as a sign of my value to the company, I lumber along knowing good and well I'll never see a promotion in my current position. Add to that the "needle in a haystack" mentality in the job market and it's a frustrating situation. I've thought it's comparable to being married to a harridan wife who repeatedly belittles her husband with remarks such as "You wanna leave? Fine! Go! Good luck finding someone else out there! There's nobody else out there!" (if that makes any sense). I also know that the "doom and gloom" card will always be played where I work, so my enthusiasm for my work is, at best, muted.

      The other thought: I have sort of a "reverse" prosperity mindset, in that I derive pleasure from getting a "deal" rather than paying top dollar. As a quick example, yesterday I bought a $55 shirt I'd wanted on sale for $20. To me, that was more gratifying than having it right away at full price. I can see some negative underpinnings to that, but is that an entirely wrong way of thinking?

      Keep up the good work.

    21. What am I hoping for? I'm hoping for a VOBO so I can retire and move on. I have been a teacher/trainer for 20 years. I want to try something NEW. something I have never done before. I want to live, laugh, play drums, and have money.

    22. I am reading "Let love in" by Debra Berndt. She says you need to forgive the past to stop being a victim. She also says not to confuse forgiveness with letting someone off the hook. You don' t benefit from anger. You need to let go of the unhealthy energy. I'm not sure if that means ending the relationship, changing jobs, moving, etc if that is what is needed to stop being a victim.

    23. Getting a deal is prosperous indeed. You keep more of your hard earned cash. Just don't go spending too much time finding these deals. If you happen to come by one, that's great. I built a wicked mountain bike by acquiring all the parts over the wintertime through deals, but it involved casually reviewing all the mail-order websites on a regular basis. In the end I paid 30% less than otherwise. Was the 30% saving worth the amount of time I spent? In my case yes, because I was in my office waiting anyway. Had I been doing this on my OWN time - maybe.

    24. Randy,
      It's funny you mention the line from Spiderman. The line that always got me is a line from the song "Amarillo by Morning" as sung by George Strait (apparently he's not the original).

      "I ain't rich, but Lord I'm free"

      That line always sticks out in my mind as demonstrative (!bigwords!) of lack programing

    25. randy,i love your book,your cds
      they did a great job in my life,my way to helping other
      i'm working network marketing as palinure international ,i want to be a top leader just like you..
      i have an orgazination of 500 member,i want to grow it faster than before
      i wiil be pleased to have your comment

    26. Hi Lynn,
      I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues. I am a Mac specialist with the company that handles the ordering. I'd love to take some time to ensure you are 110% satisfied. My phone number is (316) 942-1111 and my email is
      Talk to you soon,

    27. Great post Randy. Yes I have been there and done that in all of your above comments. That kind of lifestyle has simply worn me out and made my life miserable. However, it is amazing how tough it is to break away from those victim habits.

    28. This line sums up the post SO well - "Because you attract what you think about most."

      As time goes by I realize that the 2 most important factors that determine success are my 1) Dominant Thoughts and 2) Dominant Associations.

      When I surround myself with great people, and fill my mind with positive thoughts, good things always happen.

      Best to you,

    29. Randy,
      I was loading my shit today from storage to the moving van to get moved in to the new house, and the guys working the office had country music blaring all over the storage complex. I hate country for the most part, but this song really reminded me of this post.
      It's apparently a guy named Jake Own.
      The Lyrics are like classical negative programming.
      Check out the lyrics:

    30. "Are most of your thoughts about money worrying about paying bills and where you’ll get the money– or dreaming of ways to preserve and increase your existing wealth? Because you attract what you think about most."

      I thought I was in the clear until I got to this part! The light is now on......:")

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