Thank you. I needed this today.
If you’re anything like me, you’re harder on yourself than anyone else. And sometimes we fall prey to a terrible habit of judging ourselves too harshly, beating ourselves up, and believing we’re in a far worse position than we actually are. Personal beliefs are created by your perception of the experiences you go through. And when you’re too hard on yourself, your confirmation bias causes you to seek out “evidence” to support negative ideas.
You gotta’ stop that shit right now!
And the best way to do that is recognizing the hidden gifts and upsides of things you’re currently perceiving as negative. Here are three huge ones…
1) You’re Coming Off a Big Failure.
Entrepreneurs who don’t make mistakes don’t make anything. And the spirit of this principle holds up in athletics, love, and all the other meaningful things in life. You don’t hit grand slams by squaring to bunt.
Pick your favorite elite level achiever: Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Walk Disney, President Lincoln, J.K. Rowling, or whoever. No one ever accomplished any world class achievement without some failures along the way. And you won’t be the first…
Please. Give yourself the credit you deserve for having the guts to take a shot on goal. Most never do.
2) You Sometimes Experience Social Anxiety or Imposter Syndrome.
Great. This usually means two things: First, you’re smart. And secondly, it’s a sign that you have enough self-awareness to recognize what people are assuming and judging about you.
You simply need to remind yourself that the majority of those judging you are sick, broke, and miserable – and their judgment is likely driven by petty jealousies and insecurities. They don’t boo nobodies.
Oh, and if you don't ever experience imposter syndrome, you’re playing way too timid.
3) You’re Frustrated with Your Progress and Desire More.
Welcome to the launching point for good to great; what I like to call “Divine Discontent.”
This state of mind can become a spiritual breakthrough for you. One in which you can live in gratitude for what you have, yet still have an innate hunger and desire to do, have, and become more.
This yearning for more causes you to develop bigger dreams. Those bigger dreams require you grow more to achieve them. Once again, you find your thinking to that point won’t get you to where you want to go. So, you develop new thought processes, and create a perpetual cycle of growth...
Please. Know this: The 13,456,227 things that seemingly went wrong in the past, were actually part of a secret conspiracy to bring you exactly to the ideal place: Where you are right now.
Stronger, wiser, more resilient than you ever imagined – ready to continue the progression to the highest possible version of yourself.
When the stoics tell you that the obstacle is the way, it’s because that is how we evolve, develop, and grow as humans. Any idiot can be happy when they just got retweeted by Elon, hit the pix six on the lotto, and Spielberg wants to option your movie. The people who live abundant, prosperous, and joyous lives – are the ones who use their challenges as stepping-stones, and their deepest failures to discover deeper meaning.
- RG
Previous Post: Don’t Out-Source Your Happiness
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Thank you. I needed this today.
Thank you, thank you
Thanks so much RG for the timely and uplifting article.
It’s great to see your posts again in my mail! Thank you!
Thank you for this opened my eyes. I am a year into running my "dream" business and I hit a hard wall where I am unable to pay my rent. After reading this post, I understand that 1. This is a part of the process to success not a testament to my abilities or value. As you said, "a stepping stone". 2. I am developing skills from this to go from "good to great" I realize that there are some opportunities that I failed to go after that would have avoided this crises. It is apart of my learning and growing into a better entrepreneur. Thank you...thank you...thank you.
I love to read every article you write.. Each one is filled with wisdom and is also easy to understand. You have the gift of wisdom and the ability to express and deliver with so much clarity.
All those points and the intro are perfectly relatable, and things that can be forgotten in the everyday rat race. Thank you for the timely reminder, I do miss your live events….. Cheers.
"You don't hit grand slams by squaring up to bunt" is right up there with "The only free cheese is in the mousetrap."
Adding this one to my Randyisms.
Maybe one day there will be a book of "randyisms" as you call them!
So,we are sometimes frustrated and feels like one step forward, two steps back,but we all need to remember to be kind to ourselves though, it's okay to NOT be perfect. Mistakes happen, it's true. But they totally shape us into better versions of ourselves. Learning from those "wrong moments" is key. Embrace the journey, even the bumpy parts!
This post conveys a supportive message, written in a friendly tone. Thank you for it. Want to share some thoughts about content consumption.
Readers choose to follow a particular writer or influencer because the meanings they share resonate with them.
A lot of free and useful information is available online, but it is often brief, unsystematized, and sometimes contradictory. You end up drowning in it.
In some ways, it also serves as a form of entertainment—a cheap dose of dopamine that isn't easy to stop mindlessly overconsuming.
When you're just killing some boredom online, certain catchy topics might grab your attention, bringing you back to forgotten tracks.
A couple of years ago, while searching for inspiring quotes, I somehow stumbled upon RG’s Facebook page. There, I came across a photo with the caption: "Girls dig on me." Curious about girls' behavior in that context, I paused for a moment to draw some parallels.
Later, following some recommendations, I was watching an author on YouTube promoting his novel. Midway, he shifted to metaphysics and dream fulfillment—the kind of content I had long grown tired of. So I returned to where I had first encountered similar ideas, books by Mr. RG.
Since last summer, I’ve been quite active in writing comments, which is not typical for me. It seems like a waste of time—time that would have been better spent improving hard skills to deal with that sense of Imposter Syndrome. The latter, in turn, might have led to seeking external resources rather than relying on inner ones. Or maybe this pause was necessary.
Long comment - hope that's ok.
Thank you. I needed this today.
Thank you, thank you
Thanks so much RG for the timely and uplifting article.
It’s great to see your posts again in my mail! Thank you!
Thank you for this opened my eyes. I am a year into running my "dream" business and I hit a hard wall where I am unable to pay my rent. After reading this post, I understand that 1. This is a part of the process to success not a testament to my abilities or value. As you said, "a stepping stone". 2. I am developing skills from this to go from "good to great" I realize that there are some opportunities that I failed to go after that would have avoided this crises. It is apart of my learning and growing into a better entrepreneur. Thank you...thank you...thank you.
I love to read every article you write.. Each one is filled with wisdom and is also easy to understand. You have the gift of wisdom and the ability to express and deliver with so much clarity.
All those points and the intro are perfectly relatable, and things that can be forgotten in the everyday rat race. Thank you for the timely reminder, I do miss your live events….. Cheers.
"You don't hit grand slams by squaring up to bunt" is right up there with "The only free cheese is in the mousetrap."
Adding this one to my Randyisms.
Maybe one day there will be a book of "randyisms" as you call them!
So,we are sometimes frustrated and feels like one step forward, two steps back,but we all need to remember to be kind to ourselves though, it's okay to NOT be perfect. Mistakes happen, it's true. But they totally shape us into better versions of ourselves. Learning from those "wrong moments" is key. Embrace the journey, even the bumpy parts!
This post conveys a supportive message, written in a friendly tone. Thank you for it. Want to share some thoughts about content consumption.
Readers choose to follow a particular writer or influencer because the meanings they share resonate with them.
A lot of free and useful information is available online, but it is often brief, unsystematized, and sometimes contradictory. You end up drowning in it.
In some ways, it also serves as a form of entertainment—a cheap dose of dopamine that isn't easy to stop mindlessly overconsuming.
When you're just killing some boredom online, certain catchy topics might grab your attention, bringing you back to forgotten tracks.
A couple of years ago, while searching for inspiring quotes, I somehow stumbled upon RG’s Facebook page. There, I came across a photo with the caption: "Girls dig on me." Curious about girls' behavior in that context, I paused for a moment to draw some parallels.
Later, following some recommendations, I was watching an author on YouTube promoting his novel. Midway, he shifted to metaphysics and dream fulfillment—the kind of content I had long grown tired of. So I returned to where I had first encountered similar ideas, books by Mr. RG.
Since last summer, I’ve been quite active in writing comments, which is not typical for me. It seems like a waste of time—time that would have been better spent improving hard skills to deal with that sense of Imposter Syndrome. The latter, in turn, might have led to seeking external resources rather than relying on inner ones. Or maybe this pause was necessary.
Long comment - hope that's ok.