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What Is Your Relationship with Money?

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 14, 2021

In this post, I shared how at its ultimate level, money is an energy vibration – and energy can be attracted or repelled.  Everyone, including you, has a relationship with money.  (And the other elements of prosperity as well.  But in this essay, I want to concentrate on the money element.)  As a result of that, here’s an exercise for you.  If we were to assign a famous movie title to best describe your relationship with money, which one below would be the most appropriate?

  • Love Story
  • Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Predator vs. Alien
  • Gone with the Wind
  • Dirty Dancing
  • It’s Complicated
  • Die Hard
  • Eat Love Pray
  • Fight Club
  • Life Is Beautiful

I don’t think an answer key is required for this exercise.  Depending on the title you picked, you probably know whether your relationship with money is a suspense thriller, horror flick, or everyone lived happily ever after.  (And if you’re brave, please share your title in the comments below.) 

There really are physics at work here, and your relationship with money determines how much of it you attract and keep.  If that relationship isn’t a healthy loving one, you need to work on that. 

There is nothing inherently good or evil about money, only the connotations you ascribe to it.  Money does not have a natural propensity for doing beneficial works or wicked ones.  These results are determined by your consciousness as you spend it.  It doesn’t matter which movie title describes your money relationship up until now.  Only the title that best describes your relationship moving forward.  Choose it mindfully.

Along those lines, be sure to join me for this week’s prosperity livestream.  The topic is Bad Beliefs About Money.  You can find the details here.


- RG

Previous post: Is It Time to Start Over?

8 comments on “What Is Your Relationship with Money?”

  1. I would have to go with Eat, Pray, Love and I am in between Pray and Love, more at the Love level but not there yet. Working on it everyday.

  2. I don't remember ... at least I'm not sure I've seen all the movies mentioned on the list. However, I think I would choose "Life is beautiful"

    You are right: money by nature is neither good nor bad. It all depends on the approach each one of us gives it, the way we use money

  3. Think I am between Eat pray Love and Love Story.. I enjoy money, love what I can do with it . It’s always appearing.
    Looking forward to Saturday ❤️

  4. Not a film buff, so not seen most of these, but "Life is beautiful seems appealing.

    Another option - which I haven't seen (therefore don't know the story) but the title is just attractive...

    "All the money in the world"

  5. I'm going to choose "life is beautiful" for my money relationship going forward, based on your recommendation to choose wisely. ie: Only the title that best describes your relationship moving forward. Choose it mindfully.

    ~ If the events that unfolded in the last two years, HADN'T UNFOLDED with regards to money in my world, I wouldn't have the consciousness I have to make the assertion above OR the discernment to set that intention.

  6. Hi Randy, glad you still make a post where I can leave a message, don't believe un-church is the correct name, this has to be branded, ask for ideas on this...
    Beautiful thing you are doing.. as a prayer I always say the "our father" there is one line "thy kingdom come".. but i secretly think to myself it took 2000 years to get this far, how the fuck is this going to happen, which is why I believe in what you are doing... I never realised there were so many gems in ..happiness in a nutshell, as you shared many years ago , this has really helped me.. "why would you want the next five years to be like the last five years", LOVE G

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  • 8 comments on “What Is Your Relationship with Money?”

    1. I would have to go with Eat, Pray, Love and I am in between Pray and Love, more at the Love level but not there yet. Working on it everyday.

    2. I don't remember ... at least I'm not sure I've seen all the movies mentioned on the list. However, I think I would choose "Life is beautiful"

      You are right: money by nature is neither good nor bad. It all depends on the approach each one of us gives it, the way we use money

    3. Think I am between Eat pray Love and Love Story.. I enjoy money, love what I can do with it . It’s always appearing.
      Looking forward to Saturday ❤️

    4. Not a film buff, so not seen most of these, but "Life is beautiful seems appealing.

      Another option - which I haven't seen (therefore don't know the story) but the title is just attractive...

      "All the money in the world"

    5. I'm going to choose "life is beautiful" for my money relationship going forward, based on your recommendation to choose wisely. ie: Only the title that best describes your relationship moving forward. Choose it mindfully.

      ~ If the events that unfolded in the last two years, HADN'T UNFOLDED with regards to money in my world, I wouldn't have the consciousness I have to make the assertion above OR the discernment to set that intention.

    6. Hi Randy, glad you still make a post where I can leave a message, don't believe un-church is the correct name, this has to be branded, ask for ideas on this...
      Beautiful thing you are doing.. as a prayer I always say the "our father" there is one line "thy kingdom come".. but i secretly think to myself it took 2000 years to get this far, how the fuck is this going to happen, which is why I believe in what you are doing... I never realised there were so many gems in ..happiness in a nutshell, as you shared many years ago , this has really helped me.. "why would you want the next five years to be like the last five years", LOVE G

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