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Your 5-Part Prosperity Assessment

Posted By: Randy GageMarch 4, 2021

Would you like to know how healthy, happy, and wealthy you will be five years from now?  I can predict it for you with an astonishing level of accuracy.  At least I can if you show your results on my prosperity assessment... 

Last post I shared my take on what a Blueprint for a Prosperous Life looks like.  Let’s continue the discussion with an assignment for you: If you’re up to it, do an honest, gut-check assessment of your life.  More specifically, your situation in regard to the five areas of prosperous living discussed in that last post (and Prosperity Livestream). Here they are...

Inventory Your Relationships

Who are the five or six people or couples you spend the most time with?  Do they inspire you to grow and develop, give you permission to stay the way you are, or drag you down?  Overall, are your relationships positive or negative?  Are there dysfunctional relationships you’re holding onto?

Do an Unbiased Health Analysis

Do you make sure to get enough sleep, fresh air, and sunshine?  Do you exercise every day? Are you powerless over an addiction?  Are you eating and drinking clean, so your body produces the energy you desire – or are you eating all the shit you see on TV commercials and dragging through the day?  Could you do three chin-ups if your very life depended on it?  It just might.  

Prepare an Accurate Financial Statement

If you have a bookkeeper or accountant who can do this for you, great.  But if not, it’s simple enough to do a rough draft for yourself.  Add up all of your outstanding debts: credit card balances, installment payment plans, car payments, mortgage, etc.  Then add up your assets: equity in your home, savings and investment accounts, etc.  Are you positive or negative, and by how much?

Assess If You’ve Found Your Assignment

At some point, enlightened people evolve from chasing success to creating significance. This means you find the work you are meant to do, contributing to something bigger than yourself.  Sometimes this happens through your vocation, other times through your avocation. Either way, it’s an important element of a prosperous life.

Grade Your Mental Harmony

First off, are you sane, rational, and clear-thinking, or do you get sucked down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and craziness so prevalent today?  There is an almost spiritual element of mental harmony.  It is not necessarily religious, although it often is. For the sake of this discussion, it simply means you are at peace with your thoughts, and comfortable in your own skin.  You’re able (and eager) to spend some time alone in meditation, self-introspection, or simply thinking about what you think about. Can you be along with your thoughts, with no devices?  And when was the last time you did that?

What are the areas you need to work on?  If you’re honest with yourself, it gives you a huge head start on turning around your life.  Please join me this coming Saturday for the Prosperity Livestream.  (Details here.)  We’ll be exploring how to create an Action Plan for your prosperity.   


- RG

Previous post: Blueprint for a Prosperous Life

3 comments on “Your 5-Part Prosperity Assessment”

  1. I'm going to speak my ultimate truth into existence: Yes, I'm very prosperous! (I have an innerstanding of the process) Thought provoking post, RG! #grateful

  2. Hi Randy, from the last episode of prosperity ministry(pm), what has really triggered of a thought process, was the bently story, yes i am guilty your honor, if such said thing happened to me, i would have probably thought..yeah, fuck you...which is probably why i have struggled with having money ALL my life!... fortunately i see a brighter horizon now.. applying the lessons of pm and the legends, I am digging deeper to what got me thinking this way, yep you know, childhood... fitting tyres at 13 in dad's garage when all the jags and mercs turned up, whilst they stood with their smoking cigars in their flash suits and gold chains... but they never gave a tip!, but a humble taxi driver would always give a i can see how this all started ... you have certainly got me thinking..LOVE G UK

  3. Hi Randy, as a family we went to mass today, polish priest, , call me old fashioned but i still like a bit of mass, (light a candle, have the host, that is the white round thing, which is symbolic of the last meal) so rather than judge him too much, i relaxed.. knowing the serious programming he has gone through.. but hey, we are spokes of the wheel, what i did love when it came to the our father prayer, both of my daughters opened their hands up to receive spirit ..they would be the first ones to question organised religion.. anyway...getting back to bently.. i just wonder how many lack thoughts are lurking in my carainials.. let us go to the green light, as spirit explained , what better person to give money to, he has vast experience of life's situations, he has the houses, the cars, so money sent to gage will be used for enlightenment.....if the catholics had caught me i would be a bishop right now.. but i ran... but serve i must..LOVE G UK

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  • 3 comments on “Your 5-Part Prosperity Assessment”

    1. I'm going to speak my ultimate truth into existence: Yes, I'm very prosperous! (I have an innerstanding of the process) Thought provoking post, RG! #grateful

    2. Hi Randy, from the last episode of prosperity ministry(pm), what has really triggered of a thought process, was the bently story, yes i am guilty your honor, if such said thing happened to me, i would have probably thought..yeah, fuck you...which is probably why i have struggled with having money ALL my life!... fortunately i see a brighter horizon now.. applying the lessons of pm and the legends, I am digging deeper to what got me thinking this way, yep you know, childhood... fitting tyres at 13 in dad's garage when all the jags and mercs turned up, whilst they stood with their smoking cigars in their flash suits and gold chains... but they never gave a tip!, but a humble taxi driver would always give a i can see how this all started ... you have certainly got me thinking..LOVE G UK

    3. Hi Randy, as a family we went to mass today, polish priest, , call me old fashioned but i still like a bit of mass, (light a candle, have the host, that is the white round thing, which is symbolic of the last meal) so rather than judge him too much, i relaxed.. knowing the serious programming he has gone through.. but hey, we are spokes of the wheel, what i did love when it came to the our father prayer, both of my daughters opened their hands up to receive spirit ..they would be the first ones to question organised religion.. anyway...getting back to bently.. i just wonder how many lack thoughts are lurking in my carainials.. let us go to the green light, as spirit explained , what better person to give money to, he has vast experience of life's situations, he has the houses, the cars, so money sent to gage will be used for enlightenment.....if the catholics had caught me i would be a bishop right now.. but i ran... but serve i must..LOVE G UK

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