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Blueprint for Living a Prosperous Life

Posted By: Randy GageFebruary 27, 2021

I just finished my Prosperity Livestream on How to Live Better than a Narcotrafficker.  (If you missed it, the replays are now up. You can listen or watch.) Obviously, I had some fun with the title to make a point.  I was hoping to shock some sensibilities and allow you to focus on living a loud, outrageous life, in color, full speed – without worrying about financial or other limitations. 

It’s important to blow up your timidity about prosperity.  And also blow up the negative programming that money is evil, rich people are bad, or it’s somehow wrong to aspire to become wealthy and prosperous. 

What does the blueprint for a prosperous life look like?  I believe it manifests in five overall ways.  Let’s explore them:

Money & Material Things

We’ll start here because there is so many incorrect beliefs about prosperity.  Prosperity is holistic, certainly not only about money.  But money and material things are included in the picture.  My wish for you is that you reach a point where you never have to make a decision based solely on the money considerations. 

Whether you’re choosing lunch at Red Lobster, a university for your child to attend, or the home you buy – money can be a consideration. But it should never be the only one. 

Money and material things don’t buy happiness.  But they can allow you self-expression that will make you happier.  Get the money thing out of the way as quickly as you can.

Health & Wellness

It’s almost impossible to overemphasize the role of energy and health in living a prosperous life.  A wise person would trade all their money for health.  Only a fool trades their health for money.  Fortunately, the two things are not mutually exclusive.  You can become wealthy and maintain good health.  One can even argue that having money and other resources can help facilitate optimal health. 

Spiritual Harmony

The element of spiritual harmony is not necessarily religious, although it often is.  I simply mean you are at peace with your thoughts, and comfortable in your own skin.  You’re able (and eager) to spend some time alone in meditation, self-introspection, or simply thinking about what you think about. 

Nurturing Relationships

Far too many relationships today are strictly transactional, abusive, or co-dependent.  Even shy, introverted people need some form of human connection.  And for all of us, a prosperous life entails having relationships with people who inspire and challenge us to become higher versions of ourselves.  And also reducing or eliminating relationships that pull us down toward lesser versions of ourselves.   

Significance Over Success

Our society has conditioned us to seek superficial status and success markers.  At some point in your development, you evolve from desiring success into pursuing significance.  You want to know that what you do matters, that you make a difference, and the trajectory of the universe was altered, even if only a millimeter, because you were here. 

This happens when you discover your assignment, or maybe more accurately, your assignment discovers you.  You find the work you are meant to do, contributing to something bigger than yourself.  Sometimes this happens through your vocation, other times through your avocation.

When you are living abundantly in all these five areas, you’re living a prosperous life.  You are both circulating prosperity and accepting it.  You are both expressing love and accepting it. 

You are celebrating the moments with the people who mean the most to you.  You appreciate the magical moments whether they are holding hands, watching a sunrise, playing with a child, mentoring another, appreciating a flower, rescuing an animal, planting a tree, comforting a friend, or any of the thousands of other miracles you’re exposed to every day.  Your life is dedicated to learning and growing, seeking enlightenment, and becoming the highest possible version of yourself.  That is the blueprint for a prosperous life.


- RG

Previous post: Making Your Life Matter…

2 comments on “Blueprint for Living a Prosperous Life”

  1. Hi Randy, , it could be called the dollar club, ie the children give $ 1,00, , let me back up, .. it took you to get shot. it , took me to experience a lot of pain. only to learn to give and receive LOVE G

  2. Thank you Randy to share in simple and understandable words such deep and wise truths. I enjoy so much reading your thoughts, what you learned in life. Success is very important; inside and outside success. Thank you for contributing to my success and my well being!

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  • 2 comments on “Blueprint for Living a Prosperous Life”

    1. Hi Randy, , it could be called the dollar club, ie the children give $ 1,00, , let me back up, .. it took you to get shot. it , took me to experience a lot of pain. only to learn to give and receive LOVE G

    2. Thank you Randy to share in simple and understandable words such deep and wise truths. I enjoy so much reading your thoughts, what you learned in life. Success is very important; inside and outside success. Thank you for contributing to my success and my well being!

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