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What’s Your Accomplishment?

Posted By: Randy GageNovember 24, 2009

So what do you believe is the biggest part of accomplishment?

Certainly there is the joy and pride of getting it done.  Personally I think the most important part is the beginning.  Having the idea for doing something, making the commitment, and then actually getting it started.  Once you get something started, a lot of the time the excitement will sustain you till the end.

A lot of people never start important things though.  They dream about them and talk about them, but they never take that first step.  Because they know on a subconscious level that were they to do so, they would feel obligated to finish the project.  So they never start.

Instead they are always talking about the book or screenplay they’re going to write, the home they’re going to build, or the diet they’re going to start.

So what accomplishment should you begin today?


15 comments on “What’s Your Accomplishment?”

  1. -RG,

    Sometimes those "accomplishment" are not pleasant or fun stuff, yet they need done. The reward is at the end of those accomplishments.

    Today I need to pack to move, and I'd rather take a good beating then move. Looking forward to it being done.


  2. You know what, I find that one of my biggest issues and also what I see common from people here in Miami is that they never FINISH the project. It drives me nuts that I haven't finished some of my projects in the past and it makes me even more crazy that people here seem to love to start projects with me but most never care to see them through. They move on after a few weeks or months when it gets difficult.

    So that's what I'm actively working on at the moment. Seeing things through. I've dropped many opportunities with others so I can just focus on finishing what I'm currently working on first. Also, working with people whom I believe have the focus and dedication to see things through to the end. So far, I feel pretty good about it. I guess time will tell how well it works out. 😀

  3. Randy,

    This is incredibly timely for my situation. I realized that I have done many things throughout my Life, but have yet to uncover the Destiny or Purpose that brings Abundance and is something I love. So I am going through the process of deciding what it is I love to do with the intention of beginning something new, exciting and of course, something I love.

    "Do what you love and the money will follow"

    I would love to have a Master Mind group because I envision a project of major proportions that makes a difference. And yes, the fear of finally uncovering my Purpose makes it a uphill climb, but I am committed to it.

    "If you build it, they will come"

  4. I have always been a great starter, however my finishing skills have been less than good. I have thousands of great ideas, however I think in the past, I have had a fear of success and have let those projects drop by the way side when I hit a challenge. I am working hard to complete everything that I start. I currently have 7 books in outline format and am excited about getting those started, however I am completing the two that I am working on first before I move to the others. I have a new belief that to eliminate stress in my life, I need to clean my desk ever few days and complete the current projects.

    Harry Hawkins

  5. I have always been a great starter. However, with my thousands of ideas, I think in the past I have had a fear of Success that Randy has talked about. Now I live by a belief that everything I start, if it has merit, I complete. I spend my days completing two important projects before moving on to the next project. I currently have 7 books in outline form, however, I am finishing the 2 that I am working on first. Then I will begin a couple of more. I have removed alot of stress by living by a process and have accomplished alot more.

  6. Starting has always come fairly easy to me, but I REALLY had to work hard on the follow-through. It always helps me immensely to visualize how good I'll feel when the project is complete - that seems to get me through the procrastination, frustration, etc.

  7. Today I started to get reconnected...I listened to a team training call & watched a leadership update. Over the holiday I will be reconnecting with people I haven't seen in a while. I am also meeting new people by taking some classes at the gym.

  8. "So what accomplishment should you begin today?"

    Living a Life on Purpose with my unique gifts.
    Being thankful everyday.

  9. Randy-
    Have been enjoying your blog for some time now & today I'm finally commenting. This one so hits home for me. I write screenplays. It took me about 7 years to finally finish one! I had so many negative false beliefs & I just didn't think it was something I could or should do. When I finally LET myself write, that is gave myself the time to write, I connected with Spirit in a way that I never have before & through that most incredible exp. I learned that EVERYONE is amazing w/ unltd. potential - incl. me. It occurred to me had I'd given up on my writing I probably would never have connected w/ Spirit/God the way I did. How tragic that would have been. Now not only do I want to make movies (I have alot of good ideas), but I'm on a mission to inspire people to pursue their ultimate dreams. When they do they will connect w/ Spirit too & their life will never be the same! My website in is the works. I plan on blogging, selling t-shirts, the whole nine yards - I'm on fire. Care to get into the movie business? Loved to work w/ you. Thanks for the work you do Randy - such a blessing!
    Peace, Love, Joy,
    Linda Roach

  10. Randy,
    "...they would feel obligated to finish the project" -- Absolutely! Enjoying theme of this post! 🙂

    Because I fond of my accomplishment and will do everything to realize it! I am already done my first steps and it was not so easy. The first idea have appeared 1,5 years ago and now we have a team of four great people, who know what they worth for. Last 1,5 months we worked so intensive and so efficiently, as never before. And have really great results! We believe our project should enter the world in two years, and then we will heave twenty wonderful people in our team. One year later, we know, our project will give us incredible success, and then... =) we have possibility to outgive the tithe to the source of our spiritual powers 😉

    Thanks, and have a great day!
    Klym Nikiforov

  11. Randy:

    I have been cutting everything. I have been working on healing the negative connections I created to protect myself and thus sabotage myself.
    The more I heal those negative belief, the easier things get done.
    I am down to two goals:One lose weight and the other build a NM business.

  12. I agree that the fun part is the beginning! I have found that the best way to not put something off is to start immediately. The idea generation is so exciting that there is always something you can do that very day to put it into motion! This eliminates procrastination. Don't even get into all the, "I need this and I have to have that", before you start. There is something you can do, even if its just picking up the phone and calling on your network for feedback! When you spawn the idea, put some hustle behind the muscle!!


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  • 15 comments on “What’s Your Accomplishment?”

    1. -RG,

      Sometimes those "accomplishment" are not pleasant or fun stuff, yet they need done. The reward is at the end of those accomplishments.

      Today I need to pack to move, and I'd rather take a good beating then move. Looking forward to it being done.


    2. You know what, I find that one of my biggest issues and also what I see common from people here in Miami is that they never FINISH the project. It drives me nuts that I haven't finished some of my projects in the past and it makes me even more crazy that people here seem to love to start projects with me but most never care to see them through. They move on after a few weeks or months when it gets difficult.

      So that's what I'm actively working on at the moment. Seeing things through. I've dropped many opportunities with others so I can just focus on finishing what I'm currently working on first. Also, working with people whom I believe have the focus and dedication to see things through to the end. So far, I feel pretty good about it. I guess time will tell how well it works out. 😀

    3. Randy,

      This is incredibly timely for my situation. I realized that I have done many things throughout my Life, but have yet to uncover the Destiny or Purpose that brings Abundance and is something I love. So I am going through the process of deciding what it is I love to do with the intention of beginning something new, exciting and of course, something I love.

      "Do what you love and the money will follow"

      I would love to have a Master Mind group because I envision a project of major proportions that makes a difference. And yes, the fear of finally uncovering my Purpose makes it a uphill climb, but I am committed to it.

      "If you build it, they will come"

    4. I have always been a great starter, however my finishing skills have been less than good. I have thousands of great ideas, however I think in the past, I have had a fear of success and have let those projects drop by the way side when I hit a challenge. I am working hard to complete everything that I start. I currently have 7 books in outline format and am excited about getting those started, however I am completing the two that I am working on first before I move to the others. I have a new belief that to eliminate stress in my life, I need to clean my desk ever few days and complete the current projects.

      Harry Hawkins

    5. I have always been a great starter. However, with my thousands of ideas, I think in the past I have had a fear of Success that Randy has talked about. Now I live by a belief that everything I start, if it has merit, I complete. I spend my days completing two important projects before moving on to the next project. I currently have 7 books in outline form, however, I am finishing the 2 that I am working on first. Then I will begin a couple of more. I have removed alot of stress by living by a process and have accomplished alot more.

    6. Starting has always come fairly easy to me, but I REALLY had to work hard on the follow-through. It always helps me immensely to visualize how good I'll feel when the project is complete - that seems to get me through the procrastination, frustration, etc.

    7. Today I started to get reconnected...I listened to a team training call & watched a leadership update. Over the holiday I will be reconnecting with people I haven't seen in a while. I am also meeting new people by taking some classes at the gym.

    8. "So what accomplishment should you begin today?"

      Living a Life on Purpose with my unique gifts.
      Being thankful everyday.

    9. Randy-
      Have been enjoying your blog for some time now & today I'm finally commenting. This one so hits home for me. I write screenplays. It took me about 7 years to finally finish one! I had so many negative false beliefs & I just didn't think it was something I could or should do. When I finally LET myself write, that is gave myself the time to write, I connected with Spirit in a way that I never have before & through that most incredible exp. I learned that EVERYONE is amazing w/ unltd. potential - incl. me. It occurred to me had I'd given up on my writing I probably would never have connected w/ Spirit/God the way I did. How tragic that would have been. Now not only do I want to make movies (I have alot of good ideas), but I'm on a mission to inspire people to pursue their ultimate dreams. When they do they will connect w/ Spirit too & their life will never be the same! My website in is the works. I plan on blogging, selling t-shirts, the whole nine yards - I'm on fire. Care to get into the movie business? Loved to work w/ you. Thanks for the work you do Randy - such a blessing!
      Peace, Love, Joy,
      Linda Roach

    10. Randy,
      "...they would feel obligated to finish the project" -- Absolutely! Enjoying theme of this post! 🙂

      Because I fond of my accomplishment and will do everything to realize it! I am already done my first steps and it was not so easy. The first idea have appeared 1,5 years ago and now we have a team of four great people, who know what they worth for. Last 1,5 months we worked so intensive and so efficiently, as never before. And have really great results! We believe our project should enter the world in two years, and then we will heave twenty wonderful people in our team. One year later, we know, our project will give us incredible success, and then... =) we have possibility to outgive the tithe to the source of our spiritual powers 😉

      Thanks, and have a great day!
      Klym Nikiforov

    11. Randy:

      I have been cutting everything. I have been working on healing the negative connections I created to protect myself and thus sabotage myself.
      The more I heal those negative belief, the easier things get done.
      I am down to two goals:One lose weight and the other build a NM business.

    12. I agree that the fun part is the beginning! I have found that the best way to not put something off is to start immediately. The idea generation is so exciting that there is always something you can do that very day to put it into motion! This eliminates procrastination. Don't even get into all the, "I need this and I have to have that", before you start. There is something you can do, even if its just picking up the phone and calling on your network for feedback! When you spawn the idea, put some hustle behind the muscle!!


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