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The Power of Peaceful Thinking

Posted By: Randy GageJanuary 13, 2011

Building on one sentence from the Book of Proverbs, chapter 23 verse 7, James Allen wrote at least five profound books, expanding and expounding upon those ten words.  

Whatever you constantly think about, not only will you come to understand, but you will become.  You grow into the likeness of your thoughts.  They become integral to your very being, and become your very Self.

Tell me what it is that you most frequently and intensely think about in your silent hours, and I will tell you the path of peace or pain you are traveling.

The keys are consistency and congruency…

If you’re praying for purity, but manifesting chaos, it means that you are praying one way, but living out thoughts and actions another way.  If you watch “The Secret” in the morning, but counterprogram it with five hours of CSI, Law & Order and Survivor in the evening, you’re going to get voted off the island.

You have to think about what you think about.  Decide to be the thinker of the thought.  This isn’t just idle daydreaming, but positive, proactive thoughts of purpose.  Then you build on those thoughts with daily actions.

Control your thoughts and you control your actions.  Control your actions and you create your world.

Ain’t it great!


56 comments on “The Power of Peaceful Thinking”

  1. Over the last few days, there has been continuous coverage of the floods in my area. Information is good- but when there's no new info, the media turns to sob stories. I found these drained my energy so I turned off.

    I also like true crime, but had to stop reading/watching it as it also drained my energy and created chaos in my mind and life. (This was after I realised my life had become a soap opera...)

  2. Hahaha! Yesterday's comment about me finding the cloud in a silver lining- hilarious.

    I never saw any comment from "annie", so I guess you deleted it before I saw it.

    As for "As a Man Thinketh", great stuff. I even took some time to read it aloud on YouTube. Search for "AsABones", and everyone can listen to it. Not my best work- all one take, but I figured it was worth doing.

    As for yesterday, I just want to re-iterate that I'm all for "BOTH", but that most of the time, we "CHOOSE"- we can't live in LA and New York at the same time... just saying.

    Our CHOICES is what makes our destiny, so whereas you may WANT to choose "both" all the time, you cannot!

    You even have to CHOOSE what thoughts to have in your mind!

  3. Randy could do seminars for the teachers and this
    could be a required class in every school, starting in the 1st grade. Goal setting, visualization, and thought pattern recognition.
    Prayer/meditation for personal/global healing.
    He wouldn't have to spend so much time fixing us when we're older 🙂

    I'm making it a requirement for my son to receive financial help from his mother, he has to read this blog daily.

  4. Well put, Randy. As Jack Canfield would say: "in the Law of Attraction, there is the word action"...
    Maybe the most difficult part!

  5. Very very powerful tool.
    Feels like there are many schemes in my life on what to eat to recieve optimal nutrients , to be ecological and how to excercise the effective way.
    Still there are some chaotic thoughts that runs inside me.

    Most of my thoughts are concearning if I am good enough and how I really try to get an concreat answer the question remains.

    It seem that every action and every feeling starts with a though , a word and if I wish to have success with it I need to come up with a empowering word.

    When I am out doing my 20 -30 km runs i absolutely need to have a positive thinking to delay the exhaustion as long as possible.

    In front of my computer screen I have still difficulties to focus on one subject at a time.
    Might due to my little lack of experience with it but still I am certainly practising many hours every day.

    So I have practised of and on to think about what I am thinking about and yeah I really make progress and I do believe that it can be improved a lot and make my brain more effective than it usually works.

    I think.

    Very interesting subject and I am looking fw to follow the comments here.

    1. Hey Alf, I am not really supposed to be commenting, because I am "suspended", so I hope you don't mind a persona non grata answering your post.:)

      I really want to support you in your thinking changes, because above you said "I do believe that it can be improved a lot and make my brain more effective than it usually works.....I think." I know you can, our brains can be made more effective.

      I have struggled with depression since I was, well probably ever since I was a little child. So, I have had to change the way I think a lot. It is possible, change is really possible, I believe that with all my heart.

      Also, running is a very good way to improve your thinking because it boosts seratonin levels in your brain(thats what makes us feel happier).

      We can do it, I know we can! Hard work though. I also take medication for my depression, that helps me a lot, but I still have to keep working.:)


      1. Oh thanx for recognising me =).!
        I just found out that its possible to create postive thought in the same effort it takes to produce negative thoughts .

        .. and stick to it !

        Just getting deep into get some routines for it so it can be scheduled .

        Some times before I fall into sleep I am praying for get different kind of dream subject and suprising how well it works sometimes..


  6. I didn't know I was suspended. Did you call my mother? I went willingly. I will be quiet again, but if I am suspended, I would like to know for how long? I don't wish to be disobediant.:)

    I will only say one more thing and then I will go silent again. The thing I think most intensely about in my quiet hours is frightening and sad. But, I am hopeful, so even though, I still have some happiness.

    "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in our soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."-Emily Dickinson

    1. Annie...dont go away. Its good to have naysayers in any discussion. Hope you sort out what ever is tormenting you and creating sadness. Best wishes

  7. I just read that 6 pages ago in As a Man Thinketh...chapter on meditation.

    I think about....categories of productive thought and dwell in each weather in action or stillness.

    I think on how to strengthen my weaknesses and develop/materialize my strengths so that I can support my own wellness and have abundance to give others.

    I ask from my higher intuitive reasoning which is connected to higher source, to bring me clarity so that I may be guided, protected and blessed in a way to develop my potential so I have more to give others thus contributing to harmony and growth of all of us...all doing this in a way that is respectful to what is around me now but walk slowly day by day towards more and more....alignment with divine while also embracing humanity.

    Sometimes I get caught up in fear and anxiety of my own ignorance and sometimes I get caught up in not knowing how to help others sadness and sometimes I get caught up in not wanting to accept that others deliberately cause suffering to others...but recently from keeping in touch with these blogs and reading As a man thinketh...I read about how it's very good to bring your mind into higher realms before searching for the solution to any current problem and that makes so much sense to me. So I plan on bringing my mind there always....and when I realize I've forgotten or get caught up...that is my key bring it back up.

  8. Thanks Randy.

    I also found that if you stay silent in peaceful thinking, you can actually hear God or higher power speaking to you. The source is within one, just that, we often get so distracted in life, we never hear the true calling.

    1. Well, since I am obviously not "quiet" on this post, I have something I would like to say to you Mary-Ellen. I have found in my experience, that our inner truths if they are actually "reality" very rarely, if ever need to be voiced.

      Also, I am very thankful you stuck around. You have some really great thoughts.


      1. Hi Annie,
        I hope I can give you some wisdom. I've gotten it by making a ton of mistakes, so don't look back on any of yours. Just continue to improve yourself one day at a time, just like I do, and you will be fine. Please stay connected to positive people and let the negative go. You will only attract the bad if you spend any time on it. I'm including you in my prayers.

          1. Thanks Mark. I vaccilate a lot regarding this site. I think god puts us where we are needed some times, whether we like it or not. Thank you for the compliment. Glad that all my pain and challenges have given something positive to this blog. God Bless. M-E

  9. I just love the way you get me thinking! The discipline of rendering my thoughts to my god and getting back the thoughts of infinite power and glory in trade for my finite thinking. I have fears just like all of us do, but that isn't what I tend to dwell on, more like playing in the sun, snowmobiling,or sex. I am just now at 38 realizing that its not about what I want, rather what I can become a part of, and who I can help along the way. Long story short, I am finally getting what it means to submit my thoughts and actions to my God, my family, and my team,so that we all get to the promised land and play in the sun together!

  10. RG,

    I love the subject and the content of this blog. You've got the great inspirational thing going for us. This community is good to visit. This is the kinda thing that I really really love reading, exploring, and experiencing in my everyday life.

    "Whatever you constantly think about, not only will you come to understand, but you will become. You grow into the likeness of your thoughts. They become integral to your very being, and become your very Self." <-- I really love this. Amen to that!

    This may be an off example or subject to mention here [as I often tend to get off the subject.. being way off sometimes.. : ) lol] As you may recall I mentioned in some of my comments to your old posts that I'm blessed with vocal talent. I thank God for that. So, I used to enjoy singing part time, when I was going to college. And I'm a big fan of John Lennon (Yoko Ono's husband), ex-member of The Beatles, and was/(have been) singing his songs, particularly concentrating on the three songs. Why three songs coz those particularly symbolize (represent) his inner character as well as his versatility. One is the type that brings out his naiveness and feminine side of him (slow tempo), another is 'Stand by Me' Rock N Roll, and the other something else in between. Because I just love him as one of the best songwriters and singers in the world history, I continued on singing everyday (do I have anything else to do in life lol... well I'm a busy person but I just love music and his songs) as I listened to his voice and then imagining his voice in my mind/heart/head, and in my spirit, as I sang.

    You know what happened. I began to find myself singing like John Lennon himself ...COMPLETELY, with a tone of his voice and the same facial expression, overlapped with my feminie voice. Strange .... I know it sounds crazy, but as you described about the pattern of our thinking, 'whatever we constantly think about, not only will we come to understand, but we will become.' We grow into the likeness of our thoughts. We become integral to our very being, and become our very self. My example sounds way off, perhaps, not in alignment with your post, LOL but I'm not exaggerating. I truly became a woman version of John Lennon himself. : ) Seriously....the point is,
    In conclusion: It's not always easy, but it's true, and I agree on this simple truth/fact, which is, "Control your thoughts and you control your actions. Control your actions and you create your world." I love today's post, RG. Thanks. -Saach

  11. Yes, it is great:

    Since you mentioned James Allen, I went to 'As A Man Thinketh' and read:
    "A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind."

    Just like the seeds of a flower will bring forth flowers, the seeds of thought will bring forth those things which are like unto themselves.

    Like one of my favorite people says, "Thoughts Become Things; so, choose the good ones"

  12. Interesting that you chose the word ‘peaceful’ in regards to us thinking ourselves into the lives we wish to create. I am so grateful that today that I can honestly say I understand what you mean by that.

    Up to the point where we actually begin to experience tangible changes occurring on the outside as a result of intentional conscious thinking on the inside, the whole process of controlling thoughts can appear sort of like an unending engagement in a difficult, relentless battle with one’s mind. Framed that way, it really isn’t a very inviting process. We tend to criticize ourselves for every negative thought. We wonder if we have the endurance to be successful. We make it such a chore. I see members here post frequently about ‘trying hard’ to keep a positive rein on their thoughts ... I know what this feels like and I want to say, it will not always be such unenjoyable work. 🙂

    In the beginning, I will agree that it certainly does take a bit of reprogramming to point our minds in the direction of prosperity - for some, maybe more than others - depending on what poverty baggage we each bring to the table. But the good news is (at least it has been for me!) that there does come a point, you find you reach a sort of mental ground zero, where the slate is fairly clean and clear of old garbage and at least level and fertile enough to start building the really GOOD stuff on. It’s like a break-even point. And once you get there, everything that comes after begins to produce some sort of really meaningful, rewarding, (and, dare I say) even occasionally breathtaking result! It’s like entering ‘the creation zone’ where your mind and your heart join forces and lead you in the direction of your dreams. Your spiritual GPS system kicks in and your thoughts, decisions and actions all come into alignment! (And yes, you even get butterflies in your stomach!) 😉

    You fall madly in love with your purpose. You experience a level of gratitude unmatched by any you’ve felt before. And, you become … ‘peaceful’.

    Not a peaceful that is quiet and passive. A peaceful that is deeply trusting, expectantly faithful and confidently knowing …

    Trusting - that you will never, ever be left without the means to have your every need met generously.

    Faithful - to the purpose you were meant to fulfill - which in turn, creates your very bliss.

    Knowing - that you make a difference in the life of every person you meet.

    And those, I believe, are true components of real prosperity.


    1. KimbraLee! Thank you so much for so eloquently stating my own journey! I absolutely agree that the process does begin in a more difficult and challenging place as we begin working to reprogram negative/lack thoughts and thinking...patterns that have been part of our emotional landscape for a LONG time! But as we replace those thoughts with ones that better serve us and keep a vigilant eye on the process it does begin to get easier and easier. And eventually you do create a new baseline or fundamental place that you operate from. I've found it to be a bit of snowball effect (which unfortunately is also all too happy to work in reverse as well! Lol), in that as you build these new habits of thought, feeling and action, the pleasure and peace you get from being in this place draws/attracts you to more beautiful/positive experiences, books, people, relationships, communities, and most importnantly, state of mind....your emotional gps guides you towards like situations, and moves you away from unlike situations. You still have to do the work and keep your mental eyes peeled, but at some point in the process it becomes less a struggle and more a celebration. That don't mean it's easy, but it sure is beautiful.

      I don't think I did justice to what I felt when I read your post, but I felt compelled to attempt to echo/add to what you said. Thanks again Kimbra for the great message.


      1. "You still have to do the work and keep your mental eyes peeled, but at some point in the process it becomes less a struggle and more a celebration. That don’t mean it’s easy, but it sure is beautiful."

        Simply, PERFECTLY put! 🙂

        We are walking down the same path, Sean!!!


      2. Oh Sean, I just adore you, I wondered when you would write again. You were so sweet and kind on this post. I think despite what you wrote to me, you are a true gentleman. Sorry, I mistook you for Randy. I think if he were you, somehow he would have said the same thing (not just that GPS comment) he too is a man of great depth and perplexities. I think you are both really wonderful and inspiring, thanks for keeping us on track.


        1. Annie,

          It's sweet to see you say this!

          I've known Sean since I was 14.

          I love this man... It's true- he has one of the sweetest most generous hearts.



          It's so gorgeous to read your words here! I just got a bag of old letters from my mom's house and there are letters from you! And while the words are different, the heart is the same. Precious LOVE! xox

          You rock dude! So gorgeous to still have you in my life for so long, and see the transformation in you! Brilliant you are! xox

    2. I love what you wrote babe!

      And it is true, what you shared at the end of your post have been my constant experience no matter how crazy my world gets outside.

      The feeling of gratitude & joy is from a never-ending source - and that just brings me more of the same. Thanks for putting it so beautifully, i can so feel you. xoxo

  13. control means resistance... how about listen to your thoughts, find from where they are birth.. follow them and you'll find you beyond their "place" of birth

    1. No I definitely mean "control." I don't think resistance has to be inherent in that. Kind of like Caesar Millan, the dog whisperer takes crazy dogs and shows control and the happily adapt to the discipline.


  14. Randy-
    Good stuff, as you well know.
    We are all messengers carrying messages.
    Far from it being our "duty" to manifest "original ideas and new thoughts" it is more than sufficient for us to pass on the eternal verities that have been secured for us by wise men of the past - "As A Man Thinketh" says it all. But there is always room for other messengers to carry the truth forward into the future, and to tell the old true story in their own words.
    Thank you very much.

  15. "All I know is the decisions we make dictate the life we live 'to thine own self be true'." Bill Rago-Renasaissance Man

  16. Randy,

    I'm so happy to see how well your post was received today it is indeed imperative that we attain congruency with the inner and outer parts of who we are.

    This is exactly what many need to learn and focus on consciously controlling the thoughts that lead to unwanted actions and behaviors.

    We do become what we think about, if your thoughts are consumed in worry, and anxiety all you have to do is take a look at your present reality which mirrors back your inner world.

    Again, you can't fool the universe!

    With Gratitude

  17. Hey RG, You can control your thoughts, but I seriously doubt you will ever be able to control me.:)

    Your suspended student,

    1. Not, that I thought you ever really wanted to.(control me that is) After this post, I will be quiet again, for awhile. I will work on controlling my thoughts and actions. We will see how well I do. Thanks for all your good posts. You know, I actually did get more accomplished not writing on this blog so much.

      PS Did you miss me? hee hee. I am actually crazy about you big guy. And somehow, I think if I ever really went away for good you might just miss me too.

  18. Hi Randy,

    Thank you so much for such a "peaceful" post... which perfectly aligns with the book I am reading right now: "Real Magic," by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

    You also mentioned a very critical point:

    "If you watch 'The Secret' in the morning, but counterprogram it with five hours of 'CSI,' 'Law & Order' and 'Survivor' in the evening, you’re going to get voted off the island."

    Not only do I perfectly agree with you -- yes, again! -- and that is the reason why I make sure I choose wisely when it comes to put the TV on.

    In happiness and joy,

  19. Love to hear how Randy runs his brain - what kind of thoughts he is thinking. "Success leaves clues." Once asked Bob P who created the product The Art of Thinking what his 2 main affirmations were and it was very helpful. He certainly is living proof they work. Discovering Tony Robbins primary question was eye opening too. Can share in a later post if this helps ( with Randy's permission). Dont want to create any distractions from your blog tho learning from the masters who have worked so hard to get to where they are is always enlightening.

  20. Yes! thats way I am thinking in a better future, keeping my dream up. I am reading from other people as well that, I will be what my thoughts are now. This is amazing!!! Thans Randy for sheraing this wit us! Regarsd.

  21. You cannot do this process without actions. Sometimes you have to act first and than to understand where you have a mistake in thinking. And it is good if you have a person who will help you make that analysis.

    Thank you.

  22. Randy,

    You said it so well. When I finally woke up to the fact that my thoughts attract people and events into my life, everything changed.

    Even though I am aware of my thoughts, it seems like an irony that "no thought" is your connection to Infinite Intelligence. I often practice "no thought" and that's where my peace comes from.



  23. I read think and grow rich a year ago and it changed how I thought. At times I got lulled into going back to my old ways. Ran across Randy's blog and my positive thinking has reemerged. Thanks my man!!!

  24. Yes, it´s really great!

    That is great:

    Control your thoughts and you control your actions. Control your actions and you create your world.

    And the new design is great, WOW - awesome.

  25. The power to do what you shared above has to be the greatest gift ever to humankind.

    All great truths are profoundly simple. All universal laws are consistently congruent. That's the most beautiful thing about them - the knowing, that it will be as we imagined.

    I am so grateful to be here, empowered and clear. Love all the sharing above - thank you. Namaste y'all. xoxo

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  • 56 comments on “The Power of Peaceful Thinking”

    1. Over the last few days, there has been continuous coverage of the floods in my area. Information is good- but when there's no new info, the media turns to sob stories. I found these drained my energy so I turned off.

      I also like true crime, but had to stop reading/watching it as it also drained my energy and created chaos in my mind and life. (This was after I realised my life had become a soap opera...)

    2. Hahaha! Yesterday's comment about me finding the cloud in a silver lining- hilarious.

      I never saw any comment from "annie", so I guess you deleted it before I saw it.

      As for "As a Man Thinketh", great stuff. I even took some time to read it aloud on YouTube. Search for "AsABones", and everyone can listen to it. Not my best work- all one take, but I figured it was worth doing.

      As for yesterday, I just want to re-iterate that I'm all for "BOTH", but that most of the time, we "CHOOSE"- we can't live in LA and New York at the same time... just saying.

      Our CHOICES is what makes our destiny, so whereas you may WANT to choose "both" all the time, you cannot!

      You even have to CHOOSE what thoughts to have in your mind!

    3. Randy could do seminars for the teachers and this
      could be a required class in every school, starting in the 1st grade. Goal setting, visualization, and thought pattern recognition.
      Prayer/meditation for personal/global healing.
      He wouldn't have to spend so much time fixing us when we're older 🙂

      I'm making it a requirement for my son to receive financial help from his mother, he has to read this blog daily.

    4. Well put, Randy. As Jack Canfield would say: "in the Law of Attraction, there is the word action"...
      Maybe the most difficult part!

    5. Very very powerful tool.
      Feels like there are many schemes in my life on what to eat to recieve optimal nutrients , to be ecological and how to excercise the effective way.
      Still there are some chaotic thoughts that runs inside me.

      Most of my thoughts are concearning if I am good enough and how I really try to get an concreat answer the question remains.

      It seem that every action and every feeling starts with a though , a word and if I wish to have success with it I need to come up with a empowering word.

      When I am out doing my 20 -30 km runs i absolutely need to have a positive thinking to delay the exhaustion as long as possible.

      In front of my computer screen I have still difficulties to focus on one subject at a time.
      Might due to my little lack of experience with it but still I am certainly practising many hours every day.

      So I have practised of and on to think about what I am thinking about and yeah I really make progress and I do believe that it can be improved a lot and make my brain more effective than it usually works.

      I think.

      Very interesting subject and I am looking fw to follow the comments here.

      1. Hey Alf, I am not really supposed to be commenting, because I am "suspended", so I hope you don't mind a persona non grata answering your post.:)

        I really want to support you in your thinking changes, because above you said "I do believe that it can be improved a lot and make my brain more effective than it usually works.....I think." I know you can, our brains can be made more effective.

        I have struggled with depression since I was, well probably ever since I was a little child. So, I have had to change the way I think a lot. It is possible, change is really possible, I believe that with all my heart.

        Also, running is a very good way to improve your thinking because it boosts seratonin levels in your brain(thats what makes us feel happier).

        We can do it, I know we can! Hard work though. I also take medication for my depression, that helps me a lot, but I still have to keep working.:)


        1. Oh thanx for recognising me =).!
          I just found out that its possible to create postive thought in the same effort it takes to produce negative thoughts .

          .. and stick to it !

          Just getting deep into get some routines for it so it can be scheduled .

          Some times before I fall into sleep I am praying for get different kind of dream subject and suprising how well it works sometimes..


    6. I didn't know I was suspended. Did you call my mother? I went willingly. I will be quiet again, but if I am suspended, I would like to know for how long? I don't wish to be disobediant.:)

      I will only say one more thing and then I will go silent again. The thing I think most intensely about in my quiet hours is frightening and sad. But, I am hopeful, so even though, I still have some happiness.

      "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in our soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all."-Emily Dickinson

      1. Annie...dont go away. Its good to have naysayers in any discussion. Hope you sort out what ever is tormenting you and creating sadness. Best wishes

    7. I just read that 6 pages ago in As a Man Thinketh...chapter on meditation.

      I think about....categories of productive thought and dwell in each weather in action or stillness.

      I think on how to strengthen my weaknesses and develop/materialize my strengths so that I can support my own wellness and have abundance to give others.

      I ask from my higher intuitive reasoning which is connected to higher source, to bring me clarity so that I may be guided, protected and blessed in a way to develop my potential so I have more to give others thus contributing to harmony and growth of all of us...all doing this in a way that is respectful to what is around me now but walk slowly day by day towards more and more....alignment with divine while also embracing humanity.

      Sometimes I get caught up in fear and anxiety of my own ignorance and sometimes I get caught up in not knowing how to help others sadness and sometimes I get caught up in not wanting to accept that others deliberately cause suffering to others...but recently from keeping in touch with these blogs and reading As a man thinketh...I read about how it's very good to bring your mind into higher realms before searching for the solution to any current problem and that makes so much sense to me. So I plan on bringing my mind there always....and when I realize I've forgotten or get caught up...that is my key bring it back up.

    8. Thanks Randy.

      I also found that if you stay silent in peaceful thinking, you can actually hear God or higher power speaking to you. The source is within one, just that, we often get so distracted in life, we never hear the true calling.

      1. Well, since I am obviously not "quiet" on this post, I have something I would like to say to you Mary-Ellen. I have found in my experience, that our inner truths if they are actually "reality" very rarely, if ever need to be voiced.

        Also, I am very thankful you stuck around. You have some really great thoughts.


        1. Hi Annie,
          I hope I can give you some wisdom. I've gotten it by making a ton of mistakes, so don't look back on any of yours. Just continue to improve yourself one day at a time, just like I do, and you will be fine. Please stay connected to positive people and let the negative go. You will only attract the bad if you spend any time on it. I'm including you in my prayers.

            1. Thanks Mark. I vaccilate a lot regarding this site. I think god puts us where we are needed some times, whether we like it or not. Thank you for the compliment. Glad that all my pain and challenges have given something positive to this blog. God Bless. M-E

    9. I just love the way you get me thinking! The discipline of rendering my thoughts to my god and getting back the thoughts of infinite power and glory in trade for my finite thinking. I have fears just like all of us do, but that isn't what I tend to dwell on, more like playing in the sun, snowmobiling,or sex. I am just now at 38 realizing that its not about what I want, rather what I can become a part of, and who I can help along the way. Long story short, I am finally getting what it means to submit my thoughts and actions to my God, my family, and my team,so that we all get to the promised land and play in the sun together!

    10. RG,

      I love the subject and the content of this blog. You've got the great inspirational thing going for us. This community is good to visit. This is the kinda thing that I really really love reading, exploring, and experiencing in my everyday life.

      "Whatever you constantly think about, not only will you come to understand, but you will become. You grow into the likeness of your thoughts. They become integral to your very being, and become your very Self." <-- I really love this. Amen to that!

      This may be an off example or subject to mention here [as I often tend to get off the subject.. being way off sometimes.. : ) lol] As you may recall I mentioned in some of my comments to your old posts that I'm blessed with vocal talent. I thank God for that. So, I used to enjoy singing part time, when I was going to college. And I'm a big fan of John Lennon (Yoko Ono's husband), ex-member of The Beatles, and was/(have been) singing his songs, particularly concentrating on the three songs. Why three songs coz those particularly symbolize (represent) his inner character as well as his versatility. One is the type that brings out his naiveness and feminine side of him (slow tempo), another is 'Stand by Me' Rock N Roll, and the other something else in between. Because I just love him as one of the best songwriters and singers in the world history, I continued on singing everyday (do I have anything else to do in life lol... well I'm a busy person but I just love music and his songs) as I listened to his voice and then imagining his voice in my mind/heart/head, and in my spirit, as I sang.

      You know what happened. I began to find myself singing like John Lennon himself ...COMPLETELY, with a tone of his voice and the same facial expression, overlapped with my feminie voice. Strange .... I know it sounds crazy, but as you described about the pattern of our thinking, 'whatever we constantly think about, not only will we come to understand, but we will become.' We grow into the likeness of our thoughts. We become integral to our very being, and become our very self. My example sounds way off, perhaps, not in alignment with your post, LOL but I'm not exaggerating. I truly became a woman version of John Lennon himself. : ) Seriously....the point is,
      In conclusion: It's not always easy, but it's true, and I agree on this simple truth/fact, which is, "Control your thoughts and you control your actions. Control your actions and you create your world." I love today's post, RG. Thanks. -Saach

    11. Yes, it is great:

      Since you mentioned James Allen, I went to 'As A Man Thinketh' and read:
      "A man's mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind."

      Just like the seeds of a flower will bring forth flowers, the seeds of thought will bring forth those things which are like unto themselves.

      Like one of my favorite people says, "Thoughts Become Things; so, choose the good ones"

    12. Interesting that you chose the word ‘peaceful’ in regards to us thinking ourselves into the lives we wish to create. I am so grateful that today that I can honestly say I understand what you mean by that.

      Up to the point where we actually begin to experience tangible changes occurring on the outside as a result of intentional conscious thinking on the inside, the whole process of controlling thoughts can appear sort of like an unending engagement in a difficult, relentless battle with one’s mind. Framed that way, it really isn’t a very inviting process. We tend to criticize ourselves for every negative thought. We wonder if we have the endurance to be successful. We make it such a chore. I see members here post frequently about ‘trying hard’ to keep a positive rein on their thoughts ... I know what this feels like and I want to say, it will not always be such unenjoyable work. 🙂

      In the beginning, I will agree that it certainly does take a bit of reprogramming to point our minds in the direction of prosperity - for some, maybe more than others - depending on what poverty baggage we each bring to the table. But the good news is (at least it has been for me!) that there does come a point, you find you reach a sort of mental ground zero, where the slate is fairly clean and clear of old garbage and at least level and fertile enough to start building the really GOOD stuff on. It’s like a break-even point. And once you get there, everything that comes after begins to produce some sort of really meaningful, rewarding, (and, dare I say) even occasionally breathtaking result! It’s like entering ‘the creation zone’ where your mind and your heart join forces and lead you in the direction of your dreams. Your spiritual GPS system kicks in and your thoughts, decisions and actions all come into alignment! (And yes, you even get butterflies in your stomach!) 😉

      You fall madly in love with your purpose. You experience a level of gratitude unmatched by any you’ve felt before. And, you become … ‘peaceful’.

      Not a peaceful that is quiet and passive. A peaceful that is deeply trusting, expectantly faithful and confidently knowing …

      Trusting - that you will never, ever be left without the means to have your every need met generously.

      Faithful - to the purpose you were meant to fulfill - which in turn, creates your very bliss.

      Knowing - that you make a difference in the life of every person you meet.

      And those, I believe, are true components of real prosperity.


      1. KimbraLee! Thank you so much for so eloquently stating my own journey! I absolutely agree that the process does begin in a more difficult and challenging place as we begin working to reprogram negative/lack thoughts and thinking...patterns that have been part of our emotional landscape for a LONG time! But as we replace those thoughts with ones that better serve us and keep a vigilant eye on the process it does begin to get easier and easier. And eventually you do create a new baseline or fundamental place that you operate from. I've found it to be a bit of snowball effect (which unfortunately is also all too happy to work in reverse as well! Lol), in that as you build these new habits of thought, feeling and action, the pleasure and peace you get from being in this place draws/attracts you to more beautiful/positive experiences, books, people, relationships, communities, and most importnantly, state of mind....your emotional gps guides you towards like situations, and moves you away from unlike situations. You still have to do the work and keep your mental eyes peeled, but at some point in the process it becomes less a struggle and more a celebration. That don't mean it's easy, but it sure is beautiful.

        I don't think I did justice to what I felt when I read your post, but I felt compelled to attempt to echo/add to what you said. Thanks again Kimbra for the great message.


        1. "You still have to do the work and keep your mental eyes peeled, but at some point in the process it becomes less a struggle and more a celebration. That don’t mean it’s easy, but it sure is beautiful."

          Simply, PERFECTLY put! 🙂

          We are walking down the same path, Sean!!!


        2. Oh Sean, I just adore you, I wondered when you would write again. You were so sweet and kind on this post. I think despite what you wrote to me, you are a true gentleman. Sorry, I mistook you for Randy. I think if he were you, somehow he would have said the same thing (not just that GPS comment) he too is a man of great depth and perplexities. I think you are both really wonderful and inspiring, thanks for keeping us on track.


          1. Annie,

            It's sweet to see you say this!

            I've known Sean since I was 14.

            I love this man... It's true- he has one of the sweetest most generous hearts.



            It's so gorgeous to read your words here! I just got a bag of old letters from my mom's house and there are letters from you! And while the words are different, the heart is the same. Precious LOVE! xox

            You rock dude! So gorgeous to still have you in my life for so long, and see the transformation in you! Brilliant you are! xox

      2. I love what you wrote babe!

        And it is true, what you shared at the end of your post have been my constant experience no matter how crazy my world gets outside.

        The feeling of gratitude & joy is from a never-ending source - and that just brings me more of the same. Thanks for putting it so beautifully, i can so feel you. xoxo

    13. control means resistance... how about listen to your thoughts, find from where they are birth.. follow them and you'll find you beyond their "place" of birth

      1. No I definitely mean "control." I don't think resistance has to be inherent in that. Kind of like Caesar Millan, the dog whisperer takes crazy dogs and shows control and the happily adapt to the discipline.


    14. Randy-
      Good stuff, as you well know.
      We are all messengers carrying messages.
      Far from it being our "duty" to manifest "original ideas and new thoughts" it is more than sufficient for us to pass on the eternal verities that have been secured for us by wise men of the past - "As A Man Thinketh" says it all. But there is always room for other messengers to carry the truth forward into the future, and to tell the old true story in their own words.
      Thank you very much.

    15. "All I know is the decisions we make dictate the life we live 'to thine own self be true'." Bill Rago-Renasaissance Man

    16. Randy,

      I'm so happy to see how well your post was received today it is indeed imperative that we attain congruency with the inner and outer parts of who we are.

      This is exactly what many need to learn and focus on consciously controlling the thoughts that lead to unwanted actions and behaviors.

      We do become what we think about, if your thoughts are consumed in worry, and anxiety all you have to do is take a look at your present reality which mirrors back your inner world.

      Again, you can't fool the universe!

      With Gratitude

    17. Hey RG, You can control your thoughts, but I seriously doubt you will ever be able to control me.:)

      Your suspended student,

      1. Not, that I thought you ever really wanted to.(control me that is) After this post, I will be quiet again, for awhile. I will work on controlling my thoughts and actions. We will see how well I do. Thanks for all your good posts. You know, I actually did get more accomplished not writing on this blog so much.

        PS Did you miss me? hee hee. I am actually crazy about you big guy. And somehow, I think if I ever really went away for good you might just miss me too.

    18. Hi Randy,

      Thank you so much for such a "peaceful" post... which perfectly aligns with the book I am reading right now: "Real Magic," by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

      You also mentioned a very critical point:

      "If you watch 'The Secret' in the morning, but counterprogram it with five hours of 'CSI,' 'Law & Order' and 'Survivor' in the evening, you’re going to get voted off the island."

      Not only do I perfectly agree with you -- yes, again! -- and that is the reason why I make sure I choose wisely when it comes to put the TV on.

      In happiness and joy,

    19. Love to hear how Randy runs his brain - what kind of thoughts he is thinking. "Success leaves clues." Once asked Bob P who created the product The Art of Thinking what his 2 main affirmations were and it was very helpful. He certainly is living proof they work. Discovering Tony Robbins primary question was eye opening too. Can share in a later post if this helps ( with Randy's permission). Dont want to create any distractions from your blog tho learning from the masters who have worked so hard to get to where they are is always enlightening.

    20. Yes! thats way I am thinking in a better future, keeping my dream up. I am reading from other people as well that, I will be what my thoughts are now. This is amazing!!! Thans Randy for sheraing this wit us! Regarsd.

    21. You cannot do this process without actions. Sometimes you have to act first and than to understand where you have a mistake in thinking. And it is good if you have a person who will help you make that analysis.

      Thank you.

    22. Randy,

      You said it so well. When I finally woke up to the fact that my thoughts attract people and events into my life, everything changed.

      Even though I am aware of my thoughts, it seems like an irony that "no thought" is your connection to Infinite Intelligence. I often practice "no thought" and that's where my peace comes from.



    23. I read think and grow rich a year ago and it changed how I thought. At times I got lulled into going back to my old ways. Ran across Randy's blog and my positive thinking has reemerged. Thanks my man!!!

    24. Yes, it´s really great!

      That is great:

      Control your thoughts and you control your actions. Control your actions and you create your world.

      And the new design is great, WOW - awesome.

    25. The power to do what you shared above has to be the greatest gift ever to humankind.

      All great truths are profoundly simple. All universal laws are consistently congruent. That's the most beautiful thing about them - the knowing, that it will be as we imagined.

      I am so grateful to be here, empowered and clear. Love all the sharing above - thank you. Namaste y'all. xoxo

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